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Nwa wildside

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I recently started watching Wildside about two weeks ago and had a couple questions


From the pwtorch.com recap


Wilson commented on J's nasty attitude, saying he had bright future in wrestling if he could stay out of prison. I guess he's living the gimmick with his recent arrest.


By J he was talking about this Eminem looknig guy named Slim J. Anyway is this recent arrest an angle or was he actually arrested for something?


Also on the show where Adam Jacobs went to a DQ with Dustin Timberlake they called Justin Laz a few times. What did this mean?


Feel free to talk about the recent shows here too. I have enjoyed so far and look forawrd to it every week. Some of the guys suck (Justice) but there is some good wrestling going on there. Jeff G Bailey cuts the WORST promos however. This week he was talking about how some fatass guy would literally kill Tank at Hardcore Hell. He took out a knife too. It was pathetic.

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Guest razazteca

Lazz was Dustin Timberlakes old gimmick of looking like a girl with pony tails and face paint....Brittney Spears gimmick.


Was that fat guy Iceburg?

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Was Lazz supposed to be gay? Iceberg was the name of the fat-ass. He was sticking tacks into his forehead during the promo. How retarded.

Do you know anything about Slim J being arrested man?

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Guest yoshihiromwt

The deal with Slim J was that he thought it would be funny to wear a lucha mask inside an Atlanta record store. Problem was, the cops thought that he was wearing the mask because he was going to rob the store. So, they arrested him on the spot.

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Guest J*ingus

Slim really was arrested, missed a show or two over it, but I don't think any charges were filed against him.  The whole "probation officer" deal, with him coming to the ring in handcuffs, is a gimmick.  


Lazz was the former gimmick of Dustin Timberlake, he was basically a wrestler who thought he was Britney Spears, he wore his hair in pigtails and gave lapdances to guys.  Brave fellow.  


Iceberg is fat, yeah, but he can move (I've seen him splash a guy on the floor from off the apron), and apparently feels no pain whatsoever.  The hardcore matches he's had with Tank have been pretty sick.

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