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Ringside Tickets Match Review

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Hi everybody, and welcome to this first installment of "Ringside Tickets". Probably the lamest name you'll ever find for a column, but a friend of mine suggested it when he saw my match reviews. He said I should try to get it seen by more people. When I asked for a column name, he came up with this, saying that my reviews made the reader feel like he was watching the match from up-close. I guess that's a compliment, but I still find the name a bit weird. You tell me if I should kick that guy in the nads or not.


I'll try to write these match reviews about once a week. I know that other people do that around here, but some posters at other forums told me mines were different. They said they were "special". Since the Eugene character is also supposed to be "special", I'll try to guess if that is a good thing or not. Anyway, that'll change me from the usual columns I write for TPWW.net. That site is barely updated anymore. Kinda cuts the inspiration a bit. Let's go to our match for today...


Wrestlemania 3

Intercontinental Championship match : Macho Man Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat


We start with Macho Man walking around the ring and a shot of Miss Elizabeth's ass while she is stepping between the ropes. I used to mark out for her. 8-) Macho is wearing his classic pink speedo tonight, quite sexy, and Steamboat has white pants. And we start. The ref takes the belt and Macho takes off the bandana. His big-ass glasses were just cool, and they are now fashionable again these days. At least I think I saw glasses like that in a rap video. Steamboat makes some weird signs playing to the crowd, which gets a pop. He was hot, that's for sure. Why they would make him a fire-breathing character is beyond me. And the ref rings the bell. THE MATCH IS UNDERWAY.


Macho is stretching and Elizabeth finally gets out of the ring. Macho fakes an attack and Steamboat backs off, and Savage laughs in an evil manner. They grapple and Randy goes in a behind Ricky with a waistlock. Steamboat armdrags him and they hit what JHawk calls "The Indy Applause Stance" to a pop. Ricky looks like Karate Kid's Daniel san with that martial art pose. The ref checks both of them and Macho Man runs past Steamboat right to the outside. He escorts Elizabeth to...the other side of the ring. Steamboat thinks it's a waste of time and can't wait to jump Savage.


Back inside, they grapple again. Oh yeah, I forgot, George The Animal Steele is at ringside in Ricky's corner. He was hairier than A-Train and didn't get any "Shave your back" chants. Fans are cruel today. :( Macho punches Steamboat in the stomach and irish whips him by the hair. What a cheater! Steamboat, back from the ropes, armdrags Savage from a attempted shoulder block as I notice from the first time that yellow doesn't match well with pink. Macho sure had strange tastes. That and the pink dress of Elizabeth, that made for a strange couple....Anyway, Savage gets up, goes after Ricky who slides behind his legs and hits a third armdrag since the start of this match. Steamboat lifts Savage by the throat for a good five seconds and chokes him. He's playing DIRTAY! Savage gets out from the ring and cries to Elizabeth. Steamboat chases him and Savage enters the ring, followed by Ricky. Macho drops the fists on Steamboat who springs back up, but looks blinded.


Savage grabs the pained Steamboat and kicks him in the stomach. Hey look, Randy had hair all over his head back in the days. He grabs Steamboat and choke him on the third rope, then pull the ropes back like a slingshot. HEELNESS!! He goes for a quick pin, but only gets one. A bionic elbow sends the Dragon in the corner. Savage rakes the eyes until the ref gets him away. He walks right around the ring, runs into Steamboat who sidesteps and then hit ringposts. Steamboat with an armbar, lift Savage and slams him down, still holding the armbar. He goes on the apron, armbreaker on the third rope! These simple moves are not used by anybody now. Simple, yet effective. Steamboat works the arm some more with punches and does another armwrench. Punches on the elbow a couple of times, but Macho whips Ricky in the ropes and makes him eat elbow. Savage is selling the arm pretty well. And I still can't believe Savage put pink tights with yellow pads. I used to find that soooooooo cool.


Savage sends Ricky over the top, laying on the floor. Steele is watching the scene and wants to interfere. Steamboats wants to get back in, but Savage kicks him. He was such a good heel, that was wonderful. Savage pulls Steamboat by the hair, up on the apron and gives him an elbow shot right in the throat. I froze the video to write this and Steamboat looks like he is taking a crap on the second rope. This has nothing to do with this recap, I know. But he really looks like it. Savage is still selling the arm. He kicks Ricky some more, sending him back down on the floor. Ricky lays motionless, and Liz looks on. Savage pulls him by the hair and snapmares him over the ropes. A quick pin gets 2. Savage kneedrops Ricky for another two. Macho tries to smash the Dragon in the turnbuckle, but he blocks and gets smashed instead. A couple of punches by Steamboat...A chop sends Savage into the ropes, and he gets his arms caught in the classic crucifying position. Steamboat takes the opportunity and punches him.


Savage kicks Ricky and free himself. Savage whips Steamboat and Steamboat actually botches the cross body block for two. Another armdrag, right into a whip, into a Steamboat shoulder block for two. Another shoulder block for two. Savage gets up, whips Ricky backward and plants a knee in his back. Both men are agonizing, and Savage sends Dragon over the top. He hangs on, comes back in, but Macho sees it and clothesline him back out. Sweet, sweet heel tricks by Macho Man. Steamboat is out again, and Steele helps him to his feet. Savage goes after them and knee lifts Steamboat into the crowd. He gets back in and waits for the count-out. Steele helps Steamboat into the ring. Macho grabs him and just toss him back out. Savage climbs to the top, and it's a high-flying double axe handle to the outside!! Steamboat rolls around in pain as Savage just gets inside. Holy shit, there are actually stars on Savage's speedo too. I used to think THAT is cool? Oh well, it is in a 80's kind of way. Just like Mr.T. and the mullet. The Dragon is back inside, and Savage does another top-rope axe handle. Savage runs into the ropes and elbows Steamboat for two.


Savage lifts Steamboat, runs over the top and guillotine him on the ropes, then get back in for a quick two count. Savage is pissed, and here's the atomic drop for another kick-out. A suplex gets ANOTHER two count, and now he's desperate. Ricky retaliates with chops and punches, but Macho, like a good heel, stops the attack with an eyerake. A gutwrench suplex gets a two count, and Steamboat is fighting back again...forget it, thumb in the eye by Savage. 8-) The Dragon flips over a back suplex, then chops away at Macho!! Irish whip, but he telegraph the back body drop and Savage kicks him. Savage runs at Steamboat, BACK BODY DROP TO THE OUTSIDE!! Steamboat gets to the outside and brings Savage inside. On the top...TOMAHAWK CHOP!! Or Ready to Rumble fans can call that "The Crowning". If there are any. Steamboat pins Randy, who puts his feet on the rope at the last second! This match is picking up in pace, and I like it!


A zoom on the pink ass of Savage as he is whiped into the ropes. A running chop, cover, one, two, no! Savage kicks out again. A couple of chops to the head, Savage rolls outside. Steamboat chases him back inside, shoulder blocks him between the ropes for a sunset flip off the apron! Savage holds on to the ropes, but falls back for a kick out at two. Savage tries a clothesline, ducked by Ricky for a school boy and another two count. The crowd is crazy for every pin attempt. Steamboat trips Macho and flips over him for ANOTHER two count! BAH GAWD SAVAGE IS THE DEVIL HIMSELF!! HE CANNOT BE PINNED FOLKS! Small package for Steamboat gets another two. Bodyslam, Steamboat grabs the legs and catapult Savage in the turnbuckle. That catapult was weak, I have to admit, but the crowd was totally pumped anyway, so who cares?


Savage walks into a roll-up for another two count. He tries another clothesline, but Ricky runs him into the ropes and flips him back into a two-count, reversed by Savage's own roll-up for two. Punches by Ricky, but Macho grabs him by the tights and rams him into the ring post, shoulder first. Steamboat doesn't move, and Macho brings him back in. Steamboat reverses an irish whip, reversed again by Macho, RIGHT INTO THE REF!! Boy, I make things look exciting! I bet I could make the Brooklyn Brawler look good on paper.


The ref is now out, and Savage clothelines Steamboat. He heads for the top, signals for his big move AND HIT THE FLYING ELBOW SMASH RIGHT ON THE SPOT!! FLYING ELBOW! FLYING ELBOW! Of course, the ref is not there to count the pinfall. Savage heads outside and grabs the ringbell from the timekeeper, and Steele looks angry. He grabs the bell as Savage was going on top and runs away. Savage just kicks him in the back of the head and heads for the top again with the bell. Steele gets up and pushes Savage to the canvas! Nice flip by the way. Savage still manages to get up before Steamboat, who was still selling the elbow smash. Savage lifts Steamboat in a bodyslam, Ricky counters with a roll-up. 1,2,3!! RICKY STEAMBOAT WINS THE INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE!! The crowd is crazy, and Savage is pissed. Elizabeth is smiling? What? That is strange. Steele gets in the ring to celebrate, takes Steamboat on his shoulders and put him in that cool ring-like vehicule they had at the time.


Rating the match


Let's see. The storyline leading to this match was incredible, consisting of Savage injuring the throat of Steamboat. This lead to a great battle over the Intercontinental Title. The storyline is simple yet effective. I would just love simple storylines like that in today's wrestling. Sure, you see that sometimes, but it's pretty occasional.


The psychology was just great. Savage kept selling the arm for the duration of the match, which adds to the realism. He also played his heel role like a pro, which he is. Steamboat looked like he was in pain, and he made people cheer each time he tried a comeback. You can't argue with the popularity of that guy at the time. This made for a really great match.


The match itself was solid. Some basic wrestling moves, both wrestlers gradually pulling out bigger spots, and the ending came out of nowhere, adding to the surprise. Fans at the time just wanted to see Savage lose for what he did, and for a moment, it looked like he would not. That just made the reaction even better.


What can I say? The atmosphere, the talent involved...Everything was just great. This match is a REAL classic, a match that should be a required viewing for every wrestling fan. On the snowflake scale, I give it a *****. On the entertainment scale, I'll just say "See it now if you never watched it. Watch it again RIGHT NOW if you already did".


I hope you liked the review. I'll probably review my favorite match EVER for the next one. Bret vs Owen from Wrestlemania X.


Thank you for reading!

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Guest Real F'n Show

Nice idea, and great review there, of one of my favorite WWF matches of all time. I'm looking forward to Bret vs. Owen definately.


Oh yeah, by the way, I've seen worse names, but kick your friend in the nads anyway.

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