Guest Report post Posted April 20, 2002 Island Boys defeated Kaientai Island boys using their power and size to their advantage literally Squashing Taka and Funaki. Kaientai did make a comeback using various flying moves and even pulled off the camel clutch Baseball slide dropkick combo. But in the end, Kimo came off the top nailing Funaki with a 350 plus pound Moonsault for the win. Doug Furnas & Phil LaFon defeats the FBI Furnas and LaFon proved to be the better all round team in the match, with both power, speed and technical moves. Tommy Rich tried to make himself a factor, but took a dropkick off the apron by LaFon for his trouble, the end came when Doug perched Guido on the top turnbuckle and came off with a Perfect super Rana! and got the cover while LaFon clotheslined Tracy off the apron. Tazz/Spike defeated Swinger and Diamond Swinger and Diamond did a good job in isolating Spike Dudley from Tazz from the early goings of the match, But In making a Error Spike was able to slip away and tag in Taz Then It was Taz plexes all over the place, Reverse Tiger Taz Plex. German Taz Plex, Kajahijime plexes And finally locking in the Tazmission on Diamond while Spike Nailed Swinger with the Acid Drop for good measure Tiger Mask (IV) Great Sasuke defeats the Impact players Misawa was unable to make it so Michinoku Pro's Tiger Mask IV teamed up with Sasuke. The Impact Players did their best in trying to keep the flying technical team grounded. Storm isolating Tiger Mask then went to work on the legs, even locked in a Deathlock. but Tiger mask made it to the ropes, and made a comeback, hitting a Jumping Tombstone and a Moonsault for a near fall.. Tiger mask and Storm made it to their corners and did the tags Great Sasuke and Justin Credible rushed in and collided reliving their 98 feud. Credible tries to keep control of the match, Powerbombing Sasuke in a hurricanrana attempt. Credible then attempts to go to the top rope, presumably for a flying clothesline, but when he came off, Sasuke leaps and Nails Credible in mid air with a dropkick to the gut. Credible falls to the mat. Sasuke attempts a Thunder Fire on Credible but Storm breaks it up before the 3 count. Sasuke tags back out and Tiger mask comes in, he grabs up Credible from behind lifts and Hits his Tiger Suplex! Sasuke nails a Incoming Storm with a Assisted Springboard Single leg side kick knocking Storm out. Tiger Mask gets the 3 count and the win for their team Pitbulls defeated the Headshrinkers Pitbulls basically didn't give the Headshrinkers a chance to even go into their VAST Samoan array of wrestling moves, i e headbutts, kicks, splashes belly to bellys etc. Afa chanced Francine around distracting the ref as Fatu Nailed Pitbull 2 with a Bamboo cane. he tries to get the cover but Pitbull 2 makes it out before the 3. Samu comes in and resumes where Fatu leaves off. He drags up Pitbull 2 and attempts a Samoan Drop, but Pitbull 2 slides out Turns Samu around and DDT's him. Pitbull 2 then tags in Pitbull 1 Pitbull 1 rushes in and Spears a rising Samu back down. Pitbull 1 then whirls around and forearms Fatu right off the apron! Fatu rushes back in the ring and all four men are brawling it out. Pitbulls grabs the canes and Beats down The Headshrinkers as Francine bends in front of the ref. Then Pitbull 2 climbs up and sits on the top turnbuckle, Pitbull 1 hoists up Samu on his Shoulders and Pitbull 2 Superbombs him! Pitbull 1 covers as Francine walks away. The Pitbulls get the3 count and the win The Gangstaz defeated Bill Wiles and CW Anderson Gangtaz made in a street fight bringing down their weapons of choice, bats stop signs 2x4's CW and Bill fought the best they could, but the Gangtaz just wouldn't be denied. New Jack Brained CW with a Shovel on the floor. then climbs up to the apron and the top turnbuckle, and LEAPS off hitting CW all the way to the floor with the 187 and the win! Eliminators defeated Doring and Roadkill. Eliminators took apart the opposition first isolating Doring and beating him down with various power and flying moves, then when Road Kill came in to clean house, The Eliminators double teamed the Amish Warrior, and with Doring too wasted to help, the Eliminators nailed the Total Elimination Saturn covered Roadkill and got the win! Dreamer and Raven defeated the Dudleys again turning into a street fight, Dreamer and Dvon seem to just brawl all over the arena, as Raven concentrated on Buhbuh inside the ring. Buh Buh gets the upperhand on raven and started using Power moves, Slams, Samoan Drops, Even went up and actually hit his Senton Bomb from the top rope, But at each cover Raven just kept kicking out. Dvon and Dreamer return to ringside both busted open. Dvon rolls into the ring as Dreamer grabs a chair and throws it inside the ring. Raven catches the chair, and Jams it up Buh Buh's gut. Then Brains him with it Knocking down the Dudley boy to the mat. Raven then sets up the chair in the ring. Dvon turns him around and starts slugging Raven back against the far ropes, Dvon goes to Whip him, but Raven reverses it and launches Dvon... Dvon rebounds and Raven Drop toe Holds Dvon Face first to the chair! Dreamer rolls in and He and Raven grabs a Dudley boy and Hits Stereo DDT's! They both cover for the win.... After the Match, Raven DDT's Dreamer his own partner, and then runs out into the crowd! the brackets are now Island Boys vs Furnas & LaFon Spike Dudley & Taz vs Tiger Mask IV & Great Sasuke Pitbulls vs Gangstaz Eliminators vs Dreamer & Raven Pick the winners, the results will be up by tomorrow Furnas & LaFon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest dreamer420 Report post Posted April 20, 2002 Island Boys vs Furnas & LaFon winner: island boys Spike Dudley & Taz vs Tiger Mask IV & Great Sasuke winner: spike/taz Pitbulls vs Gangstaz winner: pitbulls Eliminators vs Dreamer & Raven winner:dreamer/raven Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 20, 2002 Island Boys vs Furnas & LaFon-pick Spike Dudley & Taz vs Tiger Mask IV & Great Sasuke-pick Pitbulls-pick vs Gangstaz Eliminators vs Dreamer & Raven-pick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites