Guest Shaved Bear Report post Posted April 20, 2002 Billy Gunn He sucks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 20, 2002 The Rock: Sell out! He's the next Hulk Hogan, because he will only last until he makes a big movie. The People's Elbow is just as bas as the Big Boot/Leg Drop. Man of no wrestling skills. All talk and no wrestling skills. Prince of cheap pops, with Hogan being King. Would rather sign autographs than appear on WWF TV. He is just a Hulk Hogan clone! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AlwaysPissedOff Report post Posted April 20, 2002 Rikishi- That fat fuck never should have came back after that horrible heel turn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest y2jailbait Report post Posted April 20, 2002 Brock Lesnar Angle + Goldberg= a suck ass wrestler who hasnt even wrestled a match; pretty fugly too! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 20, 2002 The Hardy Boyzzzz and their whore. -WTF is with those retarded glow in the dark jackets. Completely unnecessary. I want to get to the freaking match, not watch Team Xtreme prance around in stuff a 4-year old is amazed by. -What's with Jeff's hair. -Lita and her WhoreACanrana. Ruins every match the Hardyzzzz are in. -Apparently putting a Z at the end of your name makes you cool. -Tired and stale offense. At least Rock, who is on smarks' most wanted list for his moveset, changes stuff up once in a while. Matt's Side Effect is the only change I can recall within the last year. Because of being booked in way too many ladder matches and TLCs, nothing is new. -Lita is overrated. Not necessarily in looks, but she is a bit of a two-face. But in ring skills. Get your own damn finisher aside from the Twist of Fate, and throw a decent looking punch every once in a while. -Acting and mic skills are some of the worst I've seen this side of Linda McMahon. -Lita's dancing. Looks like she's having a seizure. Same actually goes for Jeff as well. -Lita's tattoo is damn ugly. Looks like a "drunken binge in Mexico" type of tattoo. -JR and Cole's hyping of their EXTREME style is massively overrated as well. Matt does a freaking second-turnbuckle legdrop and JR or Cole cream their pants over it. Brock Lesnar Angle + Goldberg= a suck ass wrestler who hasnt even wrestled a match; pretty fugly too! And thou shall not besmirch Brock. Sure, count the similarities in Goldberg, but Lesnar still has more talent in one single finger than Goldberg has ever had. And because he hasn't been in a match is the fault of the bookers, not Lesnar's. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sandman9000 Report post Posted April 21, 2002 Perry Saturn, that fucking retarted cross-eyed piece of shit. Biggest push came when he stiffed some worthless jobber and got the retarted mopfucking gimmick. Ruined Jakked for four months fighting Funaki every fucking week. Fuck off Saturn, go find Kronus at a buffet and get the fuck off my tv. And stop living under my deck while your at it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AM The Kid Report post Posted April 21, 2002 The Rock, same damn "paint-by-numbers" promos night after night leading the little mark sheep along. Pissing on the best move in the world; The Sharpshooter...he doesn't do it right at all, he looks goofy with it applied and it shouldn't be called the Sharpshooter...the Saladshooter maybe. He's a lazy-ass wrestler, I enjoy watching Nash more than this chump. I've never liked him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BaldGhoti Report post Posted April 21, 2002 Hogan. His moveset is duller than dishwater, and he makes me embarassed to be a wrestling fan. He's all style and no substance. Big boot and a legdrop as a finisher? Give me a break. At least the Rock stopped using the People's Elbow as a finisher and made it into a mid-match spot. He knows--Rock Bottom is a far more credible finisher. But a LEG DROP? Jesus H Motherfucking Christ Wearing A Sundress, what the hell is that? A big boot? At least get some snap on it like Test or Albert or any of the other Hosses I hate. At least they TRY. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 21, 2002 ALBERT! The Big Hoss has gotten 98609548609 fuckin pushes and still has no heat. and now he wear little fuckin stupid tights that are gross and make me change the station every time he is on. He's from my hometown of Boston too. *Shakes head in Disgust of living in the same place as Albert* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FakeRazor Report post Posted April 21, 2002 Sid. Need I say more? Well..... Go play softball you fucking safety scissors using, squeegee carrying, shit in your pants in a match with the Undertaker, crappy wrestler. Jeez, he's NEVER been good, I can't remember one good match Sid was in! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest caboose Report post Posted April 21, 2002 X-Pac: Only originally got over because of Kliq buddy Razor aka Hall. Tried to become THE Euro champ, but D-Lo still reigns supreme. 'Bronco Buster', more like 'I'm gonna throw my Cock in your Face!' Only on TV because of Triple H and nWo. Claims he can draw and people lower than him in the card can't, is he trying to persuade us or himself? He was the leader of X-Factor:The most HomoSexually orientated stable EVER. X-factor are Billy and Chuck's heroes. Thinks he's good with his lttle nunchucks, wait till Blackman gets back. Just a little piece of shit. Um one more..... .....Oh yeah, YOU SUCK! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Austin3164life Report post Posted April 21, 2002 The Rock Simply because he claims he wants to be the best ever, in which I think he can never be..... Triple H The man used to rule in 2000, but ever since January 7th I've hated him more and more every day. He also buried like 3 of the best wrestlers out there (Angle, Austin, Jericho)...... Bradshaw Can't cut a promo worth shit, can't wrestle a good match worth shit, can't execute a clothesline correctly, and only has that stupid fall away slam which is gay...... Hollywood Hogan Whatever respect I have for him aside, he's too old to be actively wrestling and if he gets the Unified Championship.....I'll never watch again..... Vince McMahon Doesn't really care what the smart marks think at all..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FakeRazor Report post Posted April 21, 2002 Chyna Fucking hypocrit WWF tries to brainwash us into thinking she's hot Arrogent Puts down EVERYONE that helped her get to the top Thinks she's some sort of movie star Disgustingly ugly Annoying Voice Suspected of having a penis Only got to the WWF through relationship with HHH Was I-C Champ Is supposed to be a role model for girls Claimed she worked for her body, when its all fake. Claimed she worked her way to the top, when she got there by letting HHH anally violate her. For all these reason, Chyna, you fucking suck! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Austin3164life Report post Posted April 21, 2002 To elaborate on my content for the Rock, I can't stand him because he is also a worker who uses cheap pops. Without Hollywood, he wouldn't be a mega star at all. I hate him for the fact that he uses his media appeal to disdain wrestling and denounce any credibility it has by speaking openly about characters and matches. Sure, people know it's planned, but Rocky puts the icing on the cake by eliminating any mystique his storylines had (or might have had)........I officially hate The Rock. Jobbing to midcarders doesn't make him an icon.....He sucks....He'll never be the best ever.....go to Hollywood and stay there..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest saturnmark4life Report post Posted April 21, 2002 Perry Saturn, that fucking retarted cross-eyed piece of shit. Biggest push came when he stiffed some worthless jobber and got the retarted mopfucking gimmick. Ruined Jakked for four months fighting Funaki every fucking week. Fuck off Saturn, go find Kronus at a buffet and get the fuck off my tv. And stop living under my deck while your at it. Sigh. Some people eh? whatever, i can't change anyone's opinion on PERRY MOTHERFUCKING SATURN i guess. BRADSHAW MUST DIE! WHY DON'T YOU JUST JOB? YOU ARE SUCH A DICK! YOU KICK OUT AFTER YOU GET PINNED ALL THE TIME ASSHOLE JUST SO YOU FEEL BETTER! YOU ARE NOT WORTH SHIT OUTSIDE OF A DRUNKEN PROMO ENVIRONMENT! I FUCKING HATE YOU! Ahhh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mystery Eskimo Report post Posted April 23, 2002 BOSSMAN! WHY ARE YOU STILL ALIVE??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 23, 2002 Barry Horrowitz: You sir are quite the rapscallion. If you were just another mediocre wrestler, I could forgive that. However, you held down countless talents in your quest to the top. And, oh, Barry Horrowitz, you made it to the top, but at what price? One of these days, your heat will diminish, and those stadiums you sell out will soon become middle school gyms, then bingo halls, and then Timmy O'Toole's birthday party, and don't think I won't be laughing every step of the way. Even Rome collapsed, Barry, and I see the same thing happening to you. I mean, you were the STAR of WCW Saturday Night, THE MOTHERSHIP. But, sadly, that show is gone. Maybe your star is falling, Mr. Whore-without-Witz(That's what Russo would call you, and I think that he would have good reason). Perhaps your empire is crumbling. WCW went belly-up, and it doesn't look like WWF is going to be calling you, since they're taking a chance on fresh talent like The Rock, Austin, and HHH. So farewell, Barry Horrowitz. Oh, and just for the record, I think you're the kind of guy whose knee Bruiser Brody would love to drive a folding chair into instead of jobbing to you. And I can't say I would disagree with him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Singular Report post Posted April 23, 2002 Doink and Dink the clowns. BASTARDS!!!! I can never look at a clown again without fearing they are going to give me the whoopie cushion. Chyna. I really want to kick her in the balls.... You heard me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Hogan Made Wrestling Report post Posted April 23, 2002 RVD: -horrible mic skills -lame stoner character -stupid poses -dumb finger point taunt -stupid moves -no transitions -tons of stalling -annoying to look at Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest alfdogg Report post Posted April 23, 2002 RVD: -horrible mic skills -lame stoner character -stupid poses -dumb finger point taunt -stupid moves -no transitions -tons of stalling -annoying to look at But like him or not, he's still better than Hogan. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest alfdogg Report post Posted April 23, 2002 -stupid poses -stupid moves -tons of stalling If THAT'S not the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Hogan Made Wrestling Report post Posted April 23, 2002 Do you sniff out my posts so you can defend your hero RVD or something? But then again, I guess that's what a dog does... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big McLargeHuge Report post Posted April 23, 2002 Fuck you Hulk Hogan! Hogan Made Wrestling said it best: -horrible mic skills -stupid poses -dumb finger point taunt -stupid moves -no transitions -tons of stalling -annoying to look at add to that: -no moveset -same character...for the past 20 fucking years. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest alfdogg Report post Posted April 23, 2002 Do you sniff out my posts so you can defend your hero RVD or something? But then again, I guess that's what a dog does... I'm a dog because I don't like the same people as you? Nice to know. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest dreamer420 Report post Posted April 24, 2002 -lame stoner character it's not a character! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 24, 2002 Bradshaw: Bradshaw is a hoss. Which means he automaticly sucks the meat missle. He is a talentless, worthless, disgusting, apalling, boring, black-hole-of-charisma, piece of texas trailer park trash, who has the brain of a bag of rocks and the talent of a glob of pig intestine. His apparent "push" is keeping other wrestlers who are worth of TV time, well, off TV. He is a GOD-AWFUL wrestler, with GOD-AWFUL mike-skillz, and a GOD-AWFUL gimmick. When he is outside of Texas and can't say stuff like "Durrrr.......Texas is KEWL dood!", he is utterly heatless. But, alas, he is a HOSS, and that's all that really matters. Ring skillz? Hah! Mike-Skills? Pffft! No need for that stuff! All you need is a HOSS. -Edit: By the way, don't ask why I have a picture of Bradshaw in my makes me laugh for some reason. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tha Cunnysmythe Report post Posted April 25, 2002 But a LEG DROP? Jesus H Motherfucking Christ Wearing A Sundress, what the hell is that? Roffle. Baldghoti! I haven't seen you since long before the old board folded. Oh, and I'd like to echo TSS' sentiments about Bradshaw. That is all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 25, 2002 God damn MAven. He comes up to the WWF with like a month of training and acts like he's a bigshot. He has gross eyebrows, an anoying voice, and has no moves and couldn't even do a hardcore match right. Good job WWF, you sure picked the cream of the crap for TE1. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 25, 2002 Barry Horrowitz: You sir are quite the rapscallion. If you were just another mediocre wrestler, I could forgive that. However, you held down countless talents in your quest to the top. And, oh, Barry Horrowitz, you made it to the top, but at what price? One of these days, your heat will diminish, and those stadiums you sell out will soon become middle school gyms, then bingo halls, and then Timmy O'Toole's birthday party, and don't think I won't be laughing every step of the way. Even Rome collapsed, Barry, and I see the same thing happening to you. I mean, you were the STAR of WCW Saturday Night, THE MOTHERSHIP. But, sadly, that show is gone. Maybe your star is falling, Mr. Whore-without-Witz(That's what Russo would call you, and I think that he would have good reason). Perhaps your empire is crumbling. WCW went belly-up, and it doesn't look like WWF is going to be calling you, since they're taking a chance on fresh talent like The Rock, Austin, and HHH. So farewell, Barry Horrowitz. Oh, and just for the record, I think you're the kind of guy whose knee Bruiser Brody would love to drive a folding chair into instead of jobbing to you. And I can't say I would disagree with him. UP YOURS, PAL! My appreciation of Barry Horrowitz is one of the few things I have left, and i'll be dipped in shit before you take that away from me. I'll always remember how I marked out for him when he beat The Gambler on WCWSN. He practically carried that show in the end. Flame someone who deserves it, you cheap-ass motherfucker! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mystery Eskimo Report post Posted April 25, 2002 Rick Steiner. Old, useless, slow and boring. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites