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Guest Flyboy

My backlash thoughts

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Guest Flyboy

These are all my opinions so keep that in mind when replying..


I thought the PPV was medicore at best.  


I think Kidman/Tajiri and Edge/Angle deserve both ****.  Those were the show stealers, without a doubt.  Both had me on the edge my seat (well I was sitting on the floor, but still...)


RVD-Eddie... was... :angry: That's how I felt/feel.  I mean after some trademark RVD moves it was a basic squash of RVD with Eddie winning.  What the fuck?  I said outloud, "WHAT?!" after the 3-count.  There's goes RVD's push.  If RVD doesn't win the title back tomorrow night on Raw, go into a fued with Lesnar, or go into a fued for the WWF Title (ain't happening) I'm going to be extremely pissed.  


Most of the matches were just there.  


HHH-Hogan was... eh.  It served it's purpose.  I must admit I marked-out when Hogan won and I kept smiling.  But, we all know in the long run isn't going to be good for the WWF.  Hogan with power will just be like HHH with power.  The WWF is doing this because they know Hogan is their top face, but how long will Hogan's overness last?  Probably not long.


And what does this say about the WWF Titles?  They are shit.  IC Title... after a month it changes hands to a RETURNING Eddie!  Undisputed WWF Title... after a month of hyping HHH's coming back, and winning the damn belt he loses it the very next PPV.  The Crusierweight Title... after two weeks Kidman drops it back to Tajiri.  These is sending the message that the titles are useless and don't mean anything.  I at least thought that RVD would give the IC Title some of it's credibility back, but I thought wrong.


I'm done with my rant, but remember...


(I'm paraphrasing because I don't remember the exact words):


"Triple H has been the most INTENSE~! WWF Champion!" -- JR

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Guest Brian

My thoughts:


Tajiri and Kidman pulled out a better match than I expected because neither really has whole lot of command in the ring. Match was between ***1/4-***3/4 and MOTN. Awesome storytelling with a so-so finish to extend the feud.


Eddie and RVD had some piss-poor pacing to start than really shaped up, and would have been better had they not blown RVD's offensive load at the beginning. Still a good match in the **1/2-*** range.


Edge and Angle had some horrid pacing to start and only really came together in the last five minutes. I don't get what everything sees in this match as there was nothing of a story either.


Both Hogan/HHH and Austin/Undertaker were slow but had a good idea. I liken Undertaker/Austin to Undertaker/Flair. Both were decent.


I think they screwed up with Hogan and the title. His heat is dwindling and it won't get any better really. He's treading right now, and he's not going to be as over by the end of his reign.

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fuck rvd, he is not even in eddy's league, not even the same continent. Eddy carried him to a descent match, rvd got his flips and stuff in so he will be fine.  Also by the way, thats how fueds are started did you not see eddy "cheat to win" with the belt.  come on.next angle/edge was shitty, wow a few false finishes does not make a match good.  Edge is very very boring, not even angle can help him in the ring.  I also though hogan/hhh was a descent "old school" match.  Most of you smarks can't appreaciate that and will bitch that hogan politic'd his way to the belt, fuck that, his wcw reign was terrible except for 96-97 but the wwf is using him right now and he was still getting more heat than hhh.  Shit hhh had to play the heel, thats how pumped the crowd was for hogan.  Ok now rvd loses hogan wins and the internet is in a fuss, get this through your heads RVD is oVerRateD.  Hogan winning was the best thing they could have done because hhh is boring as a face and hogan has the nostalgia thing running.  Get used to it because he will probably main event till summerslam after facing all the top guys in main events until he passes the torch to austin and starts jobbing out.  I would like to end this by saying that I hate every wrestling fan on the net that hops on the next overrated persons dick.  And I would also like to add that anyone who compains about hogan getting the title is not a wrestling fan because where I watched the event, I was with 8 other people who are not smart, and all cheering for hogan to win.  Thats buzz guys, not some 13 year olds crying cause rob van dam isn;t in the main event.  Boo fuckin hoo.



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Guest Flyboy
fuck rvd, he is not even in eddy's league, not even the same continent. Eddy carried him to a descent match, rvd got his flips and stuff in so he will be fine.  Also by the way, thats how fueds are started did you not see eddy "cheat to win" with the belt.  come on.next angle/edge was shitty, wow a few false finishes does not make a match good.  Edge is very very boring, not even angle can help him in the ring.  I also though hogan/hhh was a descent "old school" match.  Most of you smarks can't appreaciate that and will bitch that hogan politic'd his way to the belt, fuck that, his wcw reign was terrible except for 96-97 but the wwf is using him right now and he was still getting more heat than hhh.  Shit hhh had to play the heel, thats how pumped the crowd was for hogan.  Ok now rvd loses hogan wins and the internet is in a fuss, get this through your heads RVD is oVerRateD.  Hogan winning was the best thing they could have done because hhh is boring as a face and hogan has the nostalgia thing running.  Get used to it because he will probably main event till summerslam after facing all the top guys in main events until he passes the torch to austin and starts jobbing out.  I would like to end this by saying that I hate every wrestling fan on the net that hops on the next overrated persons dick.  And I would also like to add that anyone who compains about hogan getting the title is not a wrestling fan because where I watched the event, I was with 8 other people who are not smart, and all cheering for hogan to win.  Thats buzz guys, not some 13 year olds crying cause rob van dam isn;t in the main event.  Boo fuckin hoo.



I'm mature, so I'm not going to flame you or try to convert you to something that you don't like-- you have your opinions, I have mine.


Just remember... *points down to my sig*  He's the future...

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Guest Brian

While I won't quite use as strong language as Rob, he basically got the essence of it. The fact is RVD came out throwing everything but the kitchen sink at Eddie and that killed the match in the long run because where the heel was supposed to take control, there was nothing left for RVD to transition (or hit hope spots) on.


As for Angle/Edge, the match was just a collection of spots leading to a hot finish. Angle was blown up and was stalling overly (he basically mouthed off or argued with the ref over everything when it was unnecessary at times) and lacked a story.


I think that Undertaker/Austin was also a decent match like Hogan/HHH. The main problem with Hogan and HHH was Hogan didn't have nearly as much heat to ride as last month and the match seemed to suffer even though it was better than Rock/Hogan as a wrestling match, because Hogan (gasp) had to get on the offensive and use, well, moves.

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was it me or did hogan use a diamond cutter, who says you can;t teach an old dog new tricks?  right on brian, only reason I use strong language is because of how powerful news spreads of this overrated immmature wrestler rvd.  Its too bad he wrestles the same mach now as he did back in 96 when people thought all he needed was a little more and learn to work a match.  He has not learned much since



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Guest Nevermortal

Hogan/HHH put me to sleep. The ending was the only good thing.


Austin/Taker was boring as hell also. And what the fuck was the point of the nWo coming out?


Eddie/RVD was...ehhhh...


Angle/Edge was pretty damned good. The pseudo-backdrop driver was cool.


Tajiri/Kidman was slow at parts but overall, it was good.


Bradshaw/Hall was a snorefest.


Brock's debut was dumb fucking ass. They should've had Jeff getting his ass kicked bell to bell....he got way too much offense in.


Trish/Jazz & The Tag Title Match was just meaningless filler.


Thumbs down on this PPV.

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Guest RedJed

Well this was a surprising ppv, for sure. The undercard was head and shoulders better than a WWF undercard in a long time. The worst match to me though was Taker-Austin, which really surprised me. I didn't expect 5 stars from them, but not how bad it was either.


They started off the show right with the CW match. Perfect way to start the SD shows every week, in fact if you ask me. This is a good way to get the division going because the fans will be satisfied to start (assuming the match is good which they usually are) and it's always good to start a show on a good note. Crowd was into the match hard, and both guys busted it. Great reversals and nearfalls, all done in a 10 minute match. Finish was unexpected too with the mist. I think there's hope for the CW division after this....Vince had to notice the action was good and more importantly, the fans ate it all up. *** 1/2


Bradshaw and Hall was ok, but I think this was Bradshaw's match to run with it and take it to a whole new level and whether it was booking or his own performance hindering it, his chance fell flat. It was a nice touch to see Farrooq back with him, and it makes me think it would be smart (especially after seeing this whole Bradshaw singles push fall on its ass) to trade Farrooq over to Raw so they can rejoin up and feud with the NWO. Positive to this match was it was fast at least ** 1/2


The womens matches continue to get better as Trish-Jazz was pretty darn quality in this sense. Some good bigtime moves from both. Trish is really surprising me how she is working lately. I didn't see the finish coming though, but thats not a bad thing really considering what it was (a credible submission). I think they will have one more match or three way at the next ppv with Molly., and Trish will finally get the belt after this extended chase. *** (In a women's match scale, keep in mind)


Brock and Jeff was also good for what it was. Perfectly acceptable story with Jeff trying to fight off the power moves of Lesnar. I liked the finish with a TKO type of deal going on, it gets over the character as a guy who just wants to hurt people more than anything. Only real negative is that Jeff should have sold the shit more and done a stretcher job if he's going to lose by "ref's decision." Instead we saw him walking up the rampway about 30 seconds later. ** 3/4


Angle and Edge was VERY good stuff. I was pretty much into the match from start to finish, even if the buildup was weak leading up to this one. This was easily Edge's best singles match of his career, IMO. Just the kind of match that will help him even though he lost......kind of put over that he was just "that" close to beating Angle. Angle took the nastiest bump of the year in US wrestling off a german, landing almost flat on his head. I'm really looking forward to this feud continuing, and I think Edge really has a strong chance of being main event material after this feud is over with. ****


Jericho promo just pretty much made sure we all expected him to show up in the ME one way or another. Thank goodness it was made relatively short. Why can't they do this on the TV shows dammit?


RVD and Guererro wasn't as good as I thought it should be or could be, but it still was above average. Two problems...and I think the WWF does this alot (for some stupid reason) but I think they give them restrictions on what to do in matches, perhaps in thinking future rematches will look better(?). I was expecting more high risk moves here, and there was hardly any. Van Dam seemed really not himself from a workrate perspective either, moving REALLY slow at times. I don't know if he was pissed he was going to job or what. This was a match that probably should have been planned out better overall.......saw a lot of jabbering back and forth between them, so I'm assuming they were planning out the bout as they went. Anyway I'm sure future matches will be better, and I'm sure they won't end this feud yet. Decent way to start out this dream feud though, don't get me wrong, the match didn't suck at all really, it just gave a taste of what these two could do I think......if they added D-Lo to the mix down the road in this feud, I would definately mark ***


Now here came clearly the low point of the show......watching a slow plodding, sloppy, and relitively heat-less match from Taker and Austin. Flair's presence here didn't hurt nor help the match really, plus add he was looking right when Austin was putting his foot on the ropes for the finish (then replayed it over and over without the announcers even commenting on this) and the execution of this one overall was f'n about as bad as you can get. There was no psychology here really either, just alot of punch-kick-occasional trademark move into a resthold. Did this over and over. And WTF was the NWO doing there? That made NO SENSE at all. Completely riduculous to give these guys 30 minutes too. I hope both guys get their asses chewed by Vince for phoning in their work in this one, Austin especially, who looked like complete crap in the ring. Nothing went right here, but at least neither blew up in the ring too bad so they deserve something I guess. *


Tag title match was too short.....if it wasn't for the previous sh*t, more could have been added to this one and overall it would have been better for sure. It had the outline of a quality bout, but they had to rush everything since they were short on time. Maven was just fine working in the ring, and I was hoping to see a title change (got the impression the fans really wanted it too). Let this feud continue and next time give them some freaking time! Decent little match though, pretty much a match that would keep your interest even on SD or Raw. ** 3/4


And then the ME......well it kept my interest going, even though it was a rather slow affair thanks to Hogan. HHH worked well in a playing his role to the match sense, since he brought back his "cerebral assasin" moniker kind of back by really concentrating on Hogan's knee. I didn't expect any decent psychology in the match, so this was nice. The trademark tests of strength were nice too in a nostalgia sense, you don't see that often anymore in matches. Match did start to really lose heat though until the run-ins happened, which brought it back up. I was shocked as hell that they gave Hogan the belt..........damn! I also hate to admit this, but I marked like I was a 10 year old Hulkamaniac again (shoot me know please lol). Hell, it's just for a transitional deal and the story that it was his one last chance to make a mark in his career, so the story sold me. More I think about it, it's probably smarter to do this now than later so they can draw a little bit of fan appeal and such from Hogan, since if they do it down the road there's no guarantee it would draw a dime. I fully expect the belt off him by next ppv though, and I would imagine by years end the nostalgia value will be worn off completely. Even saw somewhat of a less than crazy response for Hogan tonight, so that may be an indication that it is going to slowly ware off here. Match itself for workrate sucked, but again, much like Rock-Hogn, the whole oldschool nostalgia of the Hogan factor in a WWF big match made it at least memorable. *** 1/4


I thought it would have been great for HHH to heel turn though at the end there though, he looked badass with the crimson mask there.


Next ppv I would assume will be somewhat loaded with probably a fatal four way with Jericho, Taker, HHH, and Hogan. If they go with Hogan-Taker, they are nuts. It's not going to draw much really I think. Plus when you consider how the run-ins were booked in the main event, unless they had a retard booking it (which may have been the case, you never know these days) it would seem to indicate HHH has major beef with Taker, and no issue could be resolved there unless they do a four way here. Pretty much everyone had beef with everyone here at the end when you think about it. We also might see an Austin-Flair match too, or then again they might save that for KOTR.


Overall I enjoyed the show more than Mania for sure. The Taker-Austin affair really burned off what I thought was going to be one of the better ppvs in a long time though. About a B+ for this one.......it's really reassuring or something though to see such a strong undercard for once.

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Guest saturnmark4life

I thought the show was way better than mania as well, but **1/2 for the bradshaw match is insanely generous. When X pac's the most entertaining thing about a match he's not even in there's a problem. I thought it was a complete joke.

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Guest Kinetic

I guess I must look for different things in wrestling than a few of the people here, because I thought Edge/Angle was fantastic.  The pace was quick, both guys seemed to be working hard, and it stood in contrast to the ridiculously fake-looking offense of Hogan, Undertaker, and Austin.  Triple H gets a bye here because he actually worked well last night, given what he had to work with.  If Undertaker/Austin was considered a good "old school" match, then I never want to rent any tape or see anything else from that era.  That match was dull as fuck.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Edge/Angle was my favourite match, Angle showed yet again that he can pull good matches from average opponents.


I thought RVD/Eddy was disappointing.

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Guest Flyboy
I guess I must look for different things in wrestling than a few of the people here, because I thought Edge/Angle was fantastic.  The pace was quick, both guys seemed to be working hard, and it stood in contrast to the ridiculously fake-looking offense of Hogan, Undertaker, and Austin.  Triple H gets a bye here because he actually worked well last night, given what he had to work with.  If Undertaker/Austin was considered a good "old school" match, then I never want to rent any tape or see anything else from that era.  That match was dull as fuck.

I also thought Edge/Angle was great... it had me going near the end.


Kurt whacking himself with the chair was hilarious.


Austin-UT was just a big brawl with a cheap finish.. I don't even know why the NWO was at ringside if they weren't going to do anything.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

"And I would also like to add that anyone who compains about hogan getting the title is not a wrestling fan because where I watched the event, I was with 8 other people who are not smart, and all cheering for hogan to win."


Wow so I'm not a wrestling fan for not wanting to see a 55 year old man who was never a good wrestler win the title. And speaking of that he's gotten worse since then so he's awful. One of the worst wrestlers ever. And he's the champion. Yeah I'm a wrestling fan because I want to see a GOOD wrestler as champion.

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fuck rvd, he is not even in eddy's league, not even the same continent.

You are fucking stupid mate. I agree Eddie is good and everyone has there oppionon but why the fuck do you think Eddie is better than RVD cause he has been in Rehab his whole life!!!!

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Guest Brian

Watch Angle/Edge again. There was a lot of stalling and playing to the crowd from Angle in there that he doesn't usually do, and that didn't even fit into the match storyline. Because there was no storyline. The pace was decent (rest holds and big moves that seem out of place), not as bad as I remembered on first viewing.


The thing is with Undertaker/Austin, the basis for the match was good. They did four matwork sequences that established that neither could outwrestle the other. Than they went out, and both guys knew that they could only win through the tried and true method of brawling. But then Undertaker realizing that Austin is too much on the outside works to get back in the ring, and ground Austin (because Taker is a veteran by WWF standards which makes him older) They did go a little overboard but it was still good.

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fuck rvd, he is not even in eddy's league, not even the same continent.

You are fucking stupid mate. I agree Eddie is good and everyone has there oppionon but why the fuck do you think Eddie is better than RVD cause he has been in Rehab his whole life!!!!

dude, if you saw eddy's ecw stint and his nj run, and his first few years in wcw you would agree with me.  RVD blows, shit he gets cheers, who the fuck cares, let him just wrestle one match, it doesn;t even need to be good, and I will lay off him.  But until that point he will just do all of his flips and shit.  Jeff hardy jr is what he is, because everyone on the net 2 years ago sucked his dick also



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what does rehab have to do with wrestling ability, rvd is  a stoner, eddy drinks, imo rvd is more of a loser for that



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Guest Brian

Eddie is basically the most versatile wrestler in the world right now. He's top five when he's at his peak. He's got charisma and rudo-ness oozing out of his poors. He's got mic skills.

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Yeah, but RVD is over. I could of heard a pindrop when Eddy came out.


Austin/Taker started off good but was boring after they went out of the ring, nWo scouting Taker???


RVD/Eddy was a HUGE dissapointment.


Edge/Angle sucked except Angle won.  :D


All the othe matches sucked to except the cruiser match.

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Guest chirs3

No, it's not the accent...


... I think it's the lack of anything interesting to say... yea, that might be it...


I admit, I've only seen his WWF work and a little WCW work, but the guy's mic skills aren't anything good.

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Guest Caliban

Eddie was painfully not over. Hopefully with the win he can get over and make the next RVD/Guerrero match more watchable.

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Guest Brian

He's only been there for two weeks and they've done very little for him, plus it was only his second match and a poorly paced one at that.

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alfdogg, what the fuck is that?  Anyway, i'm sorry if no one agrees with me, but when eddy had the cheat to win gimmick in wcw, he was easily the best heel in the company.  All you 1998 newcomers don't know and thus should not speak on things you know nothing about.  With the right opponent eddy will get over, rvd is not it.  Fueds get over 90% of the time by 2 guys playing off of each other on them mic, rvd has no mic skillz, and eddy has that shitty latino heat thing.    Give a man apples and tell him to make lemonade, no way come on.  Eddy is not jesus christ, but he is one of the best wrestlers int he world so anyone he destroys in the ring should thank him for beating on them.  FOr the honor off doing to job for eddy





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If RVD and Eddy got at least 18 minutes for a match, you'd see the best of both.


Hopefully one of these days, we'll get to see an Iron Man match between them (ala Hart/Austin).  But we NEED SOME REASONABLE HEAT, dammit.  I don't even know why Eddy's against RVD.

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

Rob just ignore these RVD marks. They have spent so many years drinking the Heyman kool-aid that it will never wear off.

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Guest Caliban

I thought the match was good last night. Guerrero's work was impressive, he's just not over in the WWF. Yet.


For the next match, I'd like to see 2 things:


1) Guerrero getting heat

2) RVD mounting a comeback and winning.

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