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Guest Captian Linger

Real quick backlash thoughts

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Guest Captian Linger

First, with the BORING! That had to be the worst, most boring Austin match of all time.


BTW, I'm not posting in the "One and Only" thread. Threads like that are a bad idea to begin with and for those of us that actually tear ourselves away from the internet long enough to watch the show are punished by having to sift through 300+ posts. Don't you people have beer and couches?


Moving on... ;)


I can't believe how great Angle is so early in his career. I know people have been saying this for the past few years but this was really the first match where I've seen him take crap and make it into gold. Even Edge nearly killing him with a German Suplex gone wrong didn't slow him up much. Angle's sure to go down as the finest 'home grown' WWF talent of...mabye, well, ever.


Eddy vs RVD was highly dissapointing. Tajiri vs Kidman was pretty much better, even though it had a poor middle portion. This match suffered from having NO GOOD PORTIONS. There were a few nifty spots but Eddy mailed it in big time. RVD didn't help matters, seeming to have little to no interest in building any kind of story, prefering to just hit his silly signature spots.


Crash course in wrestling format: If you have over spots, make the crowd WAIT for them, don't just rattle them off like a bodily function. Who cares if RVD does a flip or whatever, I can see that on a clip reel.


This was like a bad, train wreck ECW style match without the violence and less near falls.


So yeah, it wasn't very good.

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Guest RedJed

I agree about Angle.........I truly think if he really wants to, much like a Flair, he can pretty much carry anyone in the damn company and elevate them. This program with Edge is going to elevate Edge to another level thanks to Kurt, basically.


RVD simply seemed slow and uninspired in that match too with Guererro. I'm guessing maybe he was a little upset about having to drop the title so soon here(?) Match just didn't flow at all and it seemed like both clearly weren't prepared for the match, since I heard alot of spots being called. The rematch better be better than this. These two should have unbelivable matches together, thats what so sad about it.

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Eddy vs Rvd wasnt that bad. When you put it in portion with the other matches, it actually was good.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



RVD had to get all his spots in early...because for some odd reason that match was booked as a semi-squash for Guerrero after the 3 minute mark.


If RVD was moving slow its because Eddy takes A LONG time in between moves for an 11 minute match.

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RVD Eddie Was alright But the finsh was fucked and RVD drops the title 1 Month after winning it what does that say about the title. Same as hogan vs HHH the title was trips for a month WTF. Now hogans the Champ i am Very Very Sad.

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Guest Singular

At least you can look forward to the possibility of a Hogan vs. Taker rematch from 91 (or was it 92?), or even a Hogan/Austin/Taker triple threat match.  I'm so excited I could go into a coma.

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Guest humongous2002

The only reason RVD had to drop the IC title was to continue the feud with Eddy(I hope)and most likely will get his title back by or before Judgement Day, if that's not the case then  RVD is being demoted back to wrestling for the hardcore title.Now HGH had it coming , he pretty much was a lame babyface champion that was being overshadowed by Hulkstalgia, so for now Vince picked the guy that was selling more shirts and was getting more pops than the entire WWF locker room(unfuckingbelievable). But the worst match was the Austin-Mean Mark match because since it was suppose to be a co-main event it looked more like a boring ass clusterfuck.

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I personally liked the Austin/Taker match. Everyone bitches and cries about not enough "old school" wrestling anymore and when they finally give us some people bitch and cry and say it's boring. It's a lose, lose situation.


I think Angle & Edge was the best match on the card. Some people will say Angle carried Edge but Edge held his own. Even though he almost killed Angle with that German Suplex.


RVD Vs Eddie wasn't that bad. I knew we weren't gonna see a RVD "ECW Style" match. Vince has to have "WWf Style." Same with the Cruiser weights. One good thing about Bischoff is that he didn't hold down the guys talents. Well, He held them down on the card but never held back their talent in the ring.


Some people are pissed because RVD lost but I'm happy. I think he's FINALLY getting the Main Event push. They have to push him. The fans want him. Kane was supposed to get that push and Bradshaw is just a joke. Austin is the only "Big" Babyface Main Event guy on RAW so they have to push RVD now.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

If he were getting the Main Event push...woopee...


but watch the match and count how many offensive moves he got in over the last 6-7 minutes of the match...


3?  maybe 5.


that was...interesting.

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Guest humongous2002

Well I'm not one of those guys that's crying for "old school wrasslin" and RVD is not getting the main event push but I don't think he is getting the shaft either all we got to do is wait and see, if he is getting depush then ladies and gents i'll most likely stop watching WWF like I did back in the early 90's.

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Guest Captian Linger

If Austin/Taker was "old school", then it was a poor example of it.


I really liked the opening minutes, during the feeling out process. I was marking out for the consistent headlock work by Taker. I kept waiting for Taker to hold on to the headlock to counter Austin's Irish Whips, but no dice.


The match went to shit the moment they hit the outside, where they just weakly brawled for what seemed like an eternity. Then all semblence of match build went out the window as Taker went through the most boring array of rest holds known to man. None really meant anything by the end, so it was nothing but filler. Bad filler, at that. BTW, the 'power-out of a chinlock babyface comeback' is the worst transition in North American Wrestling, as it totally negates all the 'wear-down' work. I should also mention that pretty much every transition between offense and defence towards the final minutes happened from Irish Whips.


The excessive ref bumps were bad, as always. Saying it was contrived is like saying, well I can't think of a decent anology but you get the picture. ;)


The we have the finish that no one wanted to see, great match! ;)


Did I mention that this went on for 27 minutes??

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

RVD ECW style match? You mean a 20 minute match with 10 minutes of posing and stalling?

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Guest Mystery Eskimo
RVD ECW style match? You mean a 20 minute match with 10 minutes of posing and stalling?

Ok, this is irony, right? A Hogan fan criticises a guy for stalling and posing?

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Guest Caliban

My Backlash thoughts...


Tajiri and Kidman put on a great match, it will help get both of them and the Cruiserweight championship over. I'm a little pissed that Kidman didn't win, since the crowd were really getting behind him at the end of the match. Hopefully this means a rematch at Judgment Day, with Kidman going over. ***3/4


Bradshaw vs Hall was pretty much what I expected, same with Jazz and Trish. Nothing too offensive here. ** for both.


Brock and Jeff Hardy was a squash, but it was an entertaining one. I was glad to see Brock letting Jeff get some offense, and he sold it well. He continues to get a great monster push, I can't wait to see him in longer matches. When Brock was wrestling more at the beginning of the match, rather than hitting big move after big move, he looked really impressive. **1/4


Edge vs Angle had the match of the night in my view. Angle is simply an awesome heel, the best the WWF has had in quite some time. Edge stayed with Angle all the way too, and this match should seal both guys reputation as being able to cut it in the ring, and make the crowd give a damn. That ensures their future main event status. ****1/4


Wow... RVD sure got buried in that match. It was very good, but not quite as enjoyable as the Edge/Angle match because the crowd just wasn't as into it. Hopefully Guerrero can get over now that he's the champon. I hope for a better rematch at Judgment Day. ***


I agree that the first half of the Austin/Undertaker match was entertaining, but the 2nd half went to shit. They told a good story though, and I agree with the booking. Just a shame the match was a bore. *1/2


The tag match was just your basic filler, again nothing too offensive here. *1/2


I didn't expect much from the main event - but it was entertaining for what it was. The test of strength had me having flashbacks to Hogan/Warrior at Wrestlemania 6. A huge surprise in Hogan winning the title was an excellent end to the show. **1/2


All in all a great card, probably the best overall since Wrestlemania last year...

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Guest Brian

Captain Linger, the weak brawling was built out of the fact that both guys couldn't outwrestle each other, and the "rest" holds were built out of that early headlock sequence. They built a nice story but needed a spark to finish, a big hot sequence splintered with near fall, with no ref bumps. If they could have done that, it would have been a good ***1/2 match.


They totally fucked up RVD/Eddie. Someone must have done an audible backstage or something because RVD blew his offensive load early and then Eddie had to carry like the last 6 minutes like everyone says. It was still entertaining, just fucked up.


Cruiserweight match was better than I expected. Neither guys seems that strong in the ring, in a ring general sense, but Tajiri is a great heel. Fans really got into it. Awesome psychology, especially the coold german suplex/double-bridge spot. The only real error was that Tajiri worked the back for a little bit in the middle of the match, which only lead to the tarantula spot but strayed away from the story they were headed to.


Angle vs. Edge was decent, but not that goo. They totally blew their load on the german suplex spot, doing it more times than needed because it was heading to nothing, since Angle never wins that way anyways. Also, they shouldn't have had Edge kick out of the Olympic slam, as even though it added to the drama in the packages they put over Angle as being one of the top guys but couldn't get a fall with his finisher off Edge. Sort of badly layed out to start, with a nice finish. Why was Angle stalling so much? I can understand a little, but he was overkilling it.


HHH and Hogan had their moments but is there really a point in having Triple H play the heel during the match; and an ass-hole type heel throughout the match rather than just at points like the Rock, and not keep the title. And where did Hogan's knee go? I could of sworn Triple H was working it or something.


Why did Jeff get in som much offense? I thought Brock was the next big thing, he looks just like any other guy that squashes the Hardys.


I didn't watch the tag match. Seriously.

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Guest alfdogg
RVD ECW style match? You mean a 20 minute match with 10 minutes of posing and stalling?

Hogan: Like him or not he's still better than RVD...



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Guest ManKinnd

Kidman/Tajiri ***1/4 - Kidman didn't get in enough offense, but it was good otherwise.

Hall/Bradshaw DUD, cause I don't give negative stars. They didn't do a single move. What seemed like an eternity of punching and stalling lead to a low blow rollup win? No thanks.

Trish/Jazz * - They've both done better.

Angle/Edge **** - MOTN by far. The edgeomatic is probably the best teased finished EVER, and the match build up bit by bit, but they did use the germans too much.

RVD/Eddy ***1/4 - It was good, but I was expecting a LOT more.

Austin/Taker 3/4*, and that's for the begging feeling out process. After that there was NOTHING.

Tag Match * - Whatever.

HHH/Hogan **1/4 - Didn't seem nearly as good as Hogan/Rock, and watchable enough, and the ending was good.

I didn't miss any did I?

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Guest Raven_Effect01

Backlash was ok, a little better than last month's Wrestlemania, but nothing that great either.


Kidman vs. Tajiri-***1/2  Good match, but it could have used more time and high risks to make it better.


Bradshaw vs. Scott Hall-DUD  Hall didn't get any offense in until the end and it was basically just Bradshaw punching.


Jazz vs. Trish-*  A semi-squash with Jazz getting most of the advantage over Trish.  Short as well.


Brock Lesnar vs. Jeff Hardy-1/2*  Basically I knew Brock would dominate before the match started.  At least he didn't lose in his debut pro-wrestling match though.


Eddie Guerrero vs. RVD-***  RVD's offense wasn't much, almost a squash with Guerrero hitting the better moves in the match.


Angle vs. Edge-**1/2  Didn't get really good until the last five minutes.


Austin vs. Undertaker-*  At the start of the match, it looked like it was going to be much better than expected, but it turned into a brawl a few minutes later as with past Austin/Undertaker matches.  The ref bump hurt the match too, and the missed foot on the rope.


Palumbo/Billy Gunn vs. Maven/Al Snow-1/2* A match with nothing of significance in it.


HHH vs. Hogan-**1/2  Good psychology from HHH on Hogan's knee, but the interference, time-wasting grapples at the start of the match, and ref bumps brought it down.

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