Guest Ace309 Report post Posted April 23, 2002 - Too many people using Tiger Driver '91. I have to echo Danny Williams here. This is one of the best finishers in the history of the sport. It's absolutely devastating. However, using it as anything except a VERY rare finisher ruins its cred. For the love of god, folks, if you're going to use the Tiger Driver in your regular moveset, use the regular one and then have '91 as a rare variant. - Along that same vein, too much flashy flip floppery, not enough basic move stuff. I can't write for you if your moveset is moonsault, senton, Tiger Driver '91, tope suicida, Vertebreaker, finisher. It's impossible. Sorry. - People who name everything. Genesis, I'm looking at you. Wrapping someone in cords from the announce table and attacking them does not justify a name. Your finisher done onto an open book does not justify a different name. Without a credible reason, your finisher should not have one name when you talk about it and another when the announcers talk about it. So, everyone, feel free to bitch all you want in this thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Insanityman Report post Posted April 23, 2002 Fine let me be almost too much honest... I'm seriously going to bitch, this will be harsh, maybe. ~I oppose the naming of names... every move yes it's drastic. But seriously, if a move is one word let's say a powerbomb. I don't mind taking out one cluttering adjective. It makes the wreslter more personal... I'd say four to five is fine. ~Some people STILL have some moves I doubt they can pull off, and if they's doubt and you don't pull it off now and then it shouldn't be on the list. ~I'll be honest, besides some promos I've SUCKED since returning, and now I'm tied for third in the federation? Damn, and now Taylor being bumped I have the slightest chance at second, or third for a bit. I know this isn't fair, and I've heard one person complain about how I achieved this spot because I was decent before it. I'm sorry but I've been here since the ML, and luckily (I assume) the record didn't carry over. I've tried, I honestly have worked my ass off since the ML, note TRIED for a thirteen year old, you don't try at many things (least me). So anyone complains about that, think of that. Either way I've worked for it. ~The JL rules right now, it really does... but who here wishes they had more? For the first time I actually long to get to constant main event or WF. You know the feeling some of the vets... ~Everyone needs some simple moves in their stats, even if it's just punches... sorry that's being hypocritical and I need to fix that (my stats). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 23, 2002 Ace, I am not writing. I saw how hard these matches were and changed my mind. Not a big deal, looks like you have enough people as it is. And looking at other people's profiles, some others who have every single move named, why are you pointing the finger (mostly) at me? Dont matter no more anyhow. I'm not involved in this thing no more. Never was Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ace309 Report post Posted April 23, 2002 In retrospect, that may have been a little harsh, Oni, and I'm sorry. I just found those three particular examples a little lacking in logic. Perhaps if I'd seen promos in which you started to develop the character, it would have started to make sense. [Note: I'm not saying "You should have written a promo." I'm saying "I can see how character development could have helped the situation."] I just thought that a finisher theoretically having three different names was a big leap. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest WrestlingDeacon Report post Posted April 23, 2002 I think I'm still too new around here to gripe much, but I did want to say a few things here. I agree with people having moves that they can't pull off. My character Frost is a pretty big guy, 6 foot 7, 296 lbs. and I'll look up a guys stats for a match and a character is like 6 foot, 225lbs. and his complete arsenal is nothing but big power moves. There is no way that someone like that could chokeslam Frost, or put him in a torture rack or get him up for a Tiger Driver '91 or something like that. It makes a match very hard to write. You won't see Matt Hardy press slam Brock Lesnar. Your character can't be all around everything. I don't have Frost listed to do moonsaults and pescadoes. Also, I'm not Mike Tenay with an illustrated book of wrestling moves at my finger tips. I vaguely know what a Tiger Driver '91 is, but I would be hard pressed to explain it to you. If you're doing something that isn't your everyday move that has been used for years, throw up a little explanation. And to tie in to above, if a move is so odd or obscure, think if your character to realistically pull it off on most people. As for Insanityman mentioning that people need more simple moves, even if they just are punches on their stat list; I assume that most guys can do a basic punch, clothesline, armbar and simple stuff you see in every match. Although I agree that having finisher level moves in your regular set is a little silly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Insanityman Report post Posted April 23, 2002 I'm talking more about suplexes, DDT's, really... and guys seriously. You call most guys by their name. I am Insane Luchador, InsanityMan is my screen name, I have a real name Andrew. You can use that too... (conviently IL's name too). Pet peeve of mine, and Cutthroat I'm looking mostly looking at you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest redbaron51 Report post Posted April 23, 2002 Take a look at my stats. My character is a cruiserweight, yet there is no real big power move. I mean my finisher is a Tornado DDT, yet most of them use it as a common move. I have the basic elements, dropkicks, arm bars, arm drags, kicks. Nothing complicated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest 5_moves_of_doom Report post Posted April 23, 2002 I have basic moves in mine. The only stretch I made in my move list is that my guy is semi-big, but can do a moonsault. However, he only does it when he gets cocky, like Vader. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CED Ordonez Report post Posted April 23, 2002 I've got a pretty straightforward moveset for a guy under 200 pounds. Count 'em: One, one big power move (ah ha ha ha!) and it's hardly busted out. And very little flippy-flop action from me to go against the cruiserweight grain on top of that. Mainly strikes and holds, but 100% ass-kicking goodness. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest WrestlingDeacon Report post Posted April 23, 2002 I didn't say everybody, there were only a few guys where I went "there is no way in hell he can do that move." And in a way, by building a monster character size wise I kind of paint myself in a corner a bit as Frost is definetly outside of the standard weight and height norm. If I ever wind up retiring the big guy and creating a new character I think I'll make him a light, high flyer, or maybe an old school Memphis heel so I can have "begging off" and "bailing to the floor" as signature moves. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tod deKindes Report post Posted April 23, 2002 What about...the dreaded Seven Minute Stall? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Edwin MacPhisto Report post Posted April 23, 2002 Something to think about, and something I know people were fairly careful about back in the older days of the WF: if two people have the same finisher, the guy who got it second should change it. Not really fair to anyone. I mean, it's not a permanent rule, and I actually don't think it's a problem, but keep an eye on it. This is really more applicable to other people using stuff you consider finisher strength for your guy as common moves. The best example I can think of is from waaaaay back, when there were two old-skoolers in the fed, Grimedogg and Spike. Grimedogg's finisher for a while was a one-handed Stunner. Spike had as one of his uncommon moves a similar one-handed Stunner. So, whenever Spike would use his as a sort of transition move in a match, it would undermine Grimey's finisher. There are a couple solutions to this. If you absolutely don't want to switch your Tiger Driver just because it conflicts with someone's Rare Finisher Tiger Drive, then be careful about how you write it. If you're going to use something as a transition move, have it sold appropriately. Some people'll have a gore as a finisher, and some people will use a spear for a weaker move. It's the same thing, but done and quantified differently. Example (using two arbitrary names): "OH MY GOD, TOM FLESHER JUST DISINTEGRATED FROST'S BRAIN WITH A HUGE TIGER DRIVER! THIS ONE IS OVER!" Or: "And Frost counters Tom's attack with a wicked Tiger Driver! Good stuff, Axis!" Sorta see? If you must have the move, you can do it like that. The second option is to toss the move out altogether. If someone has a really unusual or unique move, like a twisting top rope crucifix brainbuster, just let 'em keep it for themselves, okay? Those are some thoughts on that. Now, as to IL's comment: it's good that you're burning for something more. That's what we like to see. Everyone's been really impressive lately, and I think I at least am going to try to start rewarding that. If you win consistently, you're going up the card and getting opportunities. Hell, write consistently and you'll still get your shots. If you're up top and you show up one match out of three you're booked, then you're going to start falling down the card and people are going to start replacing you. Bust your asses, people, and you'll find yourself going for the big stuff and chances in the WF faster than you think. We've got enough quality writers around now that we can work at some massive upward mobility... get writing, guys! This PPV is a time to blow off feuds and clean the slates, and get moving into new beeeeeeeeooootiful directions! Rockin'! ::air guitar:: And always, totally, be excellent to each other! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 24, 2002 *sobs* Edwin...*sobs some more* that is why you are THE MAN! Edwin owns ALL j00! Oh, and by the way, I'm not going to be able to write for the PPV. Family shit got in my way. I want a clean slate to start though. And remember, A-1...not just a's...a necessity! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheSatanicAngel Report post Posted April 24, 2002 What exactly is a Tiger Driver '91? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest realitycheck Report post Posted April 24, 2002 It's setup like a pedigree, except when you jump, you pull your opponent up and turn them slightly, fall to your knees, and let their *neck* collide right with the mat. Looks sick. Here's a picture: * One of the few still accepted 'match-ending' moves in Japan... -Z * = Picture borrowed from FakeRazor's signature. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ace309 Report post Posted April 27, 2002 Just fyi, since I just read Frost's reply... Death Valley Driver's Big, Big Book Of Wrestling Moves It's where I always go for clarification. It's not 100% accurate, but it'll usually get you close enough that you can at least work a move into the match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest WrestlingDeacon Report post Posted April 27, 2002 Here's another site I use to research moves and such. See what they are, who has used them in the past. Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 27, 2002 Weel you know,could still be worse...everyone could be using a Tiger Suplex or a Full Nelson Suplex. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Coffin Surfer Report post Posted April 28, 2002 Wow, do I feel stupid. I just checked your link Tom and A backdrop driver is the same thing as a snap backdrop suplex, or a sheer drop backdrop suplex, or if your into video games a neckdrop. I had no idea. I watch alot of All Japan, and I have never once heard it called BACKDROPDRIVAH. They just say BACKDROP!!!. I thought by Backdrop Driver you meant the vertibreaker variation, where guy#2 is trying to powerbomb or piledrive guy#1. But guy#1 counters by standing up, but insteading of just backdroping guy#2 off, he holds on to his legs, and just sits out driving guy#2's head into the mat. Sick move, that I've seen done once or twice in some Japanese Indy matches. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ace309 Report post Posted April 28, 2002 Yeah, I noticed that.... I didn't realize that it could be taken your way, but when you started using it, you started using it well, so I didn't want to gripe about it. I changed it when I realized that your idea of a backdrop driver was MVS's Van Slaminator, and I didn't want to step on his toes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Chuck Woolery Report post Posted April 28, 2002 Hey, thanks Tom. I saw backdrop driver on your movelist, and originally I thought it was the Van Slaminator too, whcih made me feel like a complete idiot for writing out a long, confusing description. Thanks for clearing it up, anyways. -Mike Van Siclen, anxiously awaiting progress reports in two weeks... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites