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Guest Anglesault

Best coaches In baseball

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Guest Anglesault

I was watching the Yankee game last night, and Joe Girardi was raving about Yankees catching instructor Gary Tuck and calling him the best he's ever seen and whatnot. It got me to thinking, who are the best coachers and instructors in baseball? Obviously, some of these positions aren't going to show any immediate or easily recognizeable results, but sometimes you hear things from players or whatever and get a general idea on who's good at their job.


Anyway, who do you think is the best


Pitching Coach

Hitting Coach

1st/3rd (Harder one to actually pick. 3rd base is a little easier)

Infield/Outfield coach? (I don't think teams really have separate coaches for this. Yanks use White and Sojo)

Bench Coach?

Catching Instructor?

Bullpen? (For whatever the hell that's really worth)

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Guest MikeSC
Larry Rothschild's got to be the best pitching coach.

Gotta be Dick Pole --- just because of his uber cool name.


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