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Patty O'Green

OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 5/27/04

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Our show opens for the week as we see Colvid and Sly Sommers come into the building, each carrying their luggage. Out of nowhere, a really nice drop-top Ferrari speeds into the parking lot and drives towards Sly and Colvid. Sly jumps out of the way at the last second, but the Ferrari ends up clipping Colvid, causing him to flip and come down on the cold concrete chest-first. All of a sudden, the doors to the car open, and out come Calvin Szechstein, Candie, and Zack Malibu from the Thrillogy. Calvin unlocks the trunk and lets Hoff out. Szechstein then starts stomping away at Sly as Zack and Hoff pick the battered and broken Colvid up, and place his head and neck on the edge of the trunk. Zack then repeatedly slams the trunk door down on Colvid's neck. They then shove him in the trunk.



I hope you're not claustrophobic. If so, too damn bad!


All three male Thrillogy members then grab onto Sly and toss him into the fencing on the wall of the parking lot! Hoff and Calvin then lift him, as Zack directs them to the ring.



Hoff and Calvin...take Sly to the ring. Candie, stay in the car and make sure Colvid doesn't get out. (Looks into camera) Oh, and welcome to HeldDOWN~!




"Trust me" by Lucy Woodward plays as we SEE THE LOGO~




After the abrupt opening, we see Sly Sommers rolling down the aisle to the ring, bleeding and with his shirt ripped. We then see all three Thrillogy members following him down to the ring. Hoff gets in a cheap shot by running up to Sly and kicking him in the ribs. When they reach the ring, Calvin pulls Sly to his feet and tosses him into the ring.



This is uncalled for!


Zack Malibu grabs a chair as Calvin and Hoff enter the ring, stomping away at the beaten-down Sommers. Malibu then slides the chair into the ring, and Hoff grabs it. Zack climbs into the ring, as Hoff chokes away at Sly with the chair. Zack has a microphone.



Tonight is supposed to be a celebration...a celebration on the dawn of a new era. In the past seven days, the Thrillogy has both formed and dominated a entire Pay-Per-View event. What other stables in the history of this business could say they've done that. That's right...NONE! What do I see as we pull into the parking lot? That's right, (bleep)bag pieces of crap. Now...


He stops mid-rant, as Crystal comes out in her street clothes and tries to save Sly. She gets in two forearms on Cal to send him flying back, and dropkicks the chair into Hoff's face. All Thrillogy members but Malibu are down. Crystal sets her sights on Zack and charges at him. But right before she gets to him, Calvin Szechstein tackles and holds her down. Zack stomps away at Crystal. Hoff gets up a few seconds later, and holds her down by pushing down on her throat with the edge of the chair.



We need some help out here!


Help soon comes, as Axel, Gunner Sharps, and AJ Flaire come out to the ring together, all armed with chairs.



What's this?


Axel knocks Hoff out with his chair, as Calvin and Zack bail out of the ring. Cal sneaks his arms in when they aren't looking and pulls Hoff out of the ring. Security comes out to keep everyone seperated, as DOA Abe Vigoda arrives on the big screen, live from his office.



Hey, all of you! I cannot have any of this crap on my TV show! Tonight, it finishes before this Thrillogy crap goes too far! Hoff, you're defending the 24/7 Belt, in which you stole from Crystal, against Axel! (crowd applauds) Calvin, I know you have a match tonight in which to keep you occupied. Zack...you better stay in line.



Or what? You're gonna cane him, you old fart! Ha ha ha!



I also want to inform everyone out there that you're all involved in the main event at our annual June spectacular, the Great Angle Bash, on June 27th. I have a match in mind, and I was going to reveal it to the entire world tonight! But your selfish behavior is forcing me to hold back this big news until next week. All I will tell you is that both sides HAVE to have four members, so Thrillogy; you guys need to consult a fourth member.


(Calvin mouths "I got your other member right here!" and sarcastically grabs himself.)



Bleeding Souls, Sly, Crystal...first off, come up with a better name than "Bleeding Souls, Sly and Crystal". Second, you guys have to downsize a bit for the match, since I won't allow all of you in this contest. With that being said, if you all don't go back to the locker room in an orderly fashion, you're ALL suspended without pay!


The numerous security officials then forcefully assist all eight wrestlers to the locker room.



What a beginning to this program! This Thrillogy thing's already exploded, and an uprising has begun!



Let's look at that word, "uprising"...it means that they're rising from below. Well, this group of misfits BELONGS to be below such amazing athletes and men as the Thrillogy!



The one thing I'm wondering after that is what match does Abe Vigoda have concocted for these men that requires eight men and will apparantly bring this war to a fever pitch?



I'm also wondering if Colvid's even alive after what happened in the parking lot. THAT, my friends, was low.



Hey, he was walking around in a parking lot and didn't watch where he was going! The moron deserved what was coming!



Whatever...let's move on to what we have to expect for tonight!



You mean commercials?



Ah sweet glorious commercials. Is there anything better then seeing the same beer commercial eight times in one night? I think not!


(Go to break)





(Return from break)


"Turn the mic up!”


On television screens worldwide, the black pause in between commercial and program melts into a brightening view of inside OAOAST arena, centered on the ring, filled with trash as fans are still throwing whatever they can at the man in the middle, one Stephen Joseph.


“I said turn the damn mic up!”



Fans, Stephen Joseph walked out to the ring not minutes before the show was scheduled to go on with a Puerto Rican Title Match!



Obviously, Stephen is wasting little time. Perhaps he’ll explain his alliance with Tha Puerto Rican!



Or he’ll announce the return of the Deadly Alliance. ::Whacks Coach upside the head:: Thanks Captain Obvious.



Stephen Joseph finally satisfied with the microphone volume. Will we be able to hear him over this crowd?


Stephen Joseph

Hey, hey hey! I trust you all enjoyed last night’s Pay-Per-View! How about that team of Black T eh? (Crowd: BOO!) I knew they’d sock it to those GPX wannabes. Face it, if one team with glowsticks can’t win the titles no so-called party team will. Do you people forget that Dan Black was one half of the greatest tag team of all-time, the Mystery Weirdness Connection? Or that T-Bod is a LEGEND?! But I’m not out here for them today…no, there’s something much more important on my mind.


Mad Cappa, will you please come out to the ring?



Popick’s calling out Mad Cappa!



Definitely has something to do with TPR





“Let me Clear My Throat” hits and The Mad Cappa bounces out onto the stage, PR title glistening of fresh polish after last night’s defense. For a moment, the fans forget Stephen Joseph and cheer for Cappa, who walks down carrying an American Flag and slapping fan’s hands down the ramp. He gives the flag to a little kid and launches himself into the ring, posing with the PR Title held high. He turns around and motions for a mic, thrown in from the side.



Yo Popick. What’s up with you and TPR man? I thought you and I were crew! Right people?





Stephen Joseph

Cappa. Congrats on a good title defense. You’ve worn the belt proudly and defended it like a champ. That’s not empty praise. I called you out to explain last night. Obviously, you didn’t know. No one did. If people did know, this entire plan would’ve been canned. But the cat’s out of the bag now, and no one can stop it. Hell, it had people talking last night. People felt I overstepped my bounds. C’mon people, you know me better than that. I always overstep the boundaries. That’s why you LOVE me.



But why Stephen?


Stephen Joseph

Cappa, let me ask you a question. What were your feuds and matches like before you met up with TPR? Crap right?



I wouldn’t say that…(head hangs down)


Stephen Joseph

But they weren’t anything like last night were they, or like at AngleMania?



No. They were openers.


Stephen Joseph

You see Cappa, you owe TPR for giving you a lift up. That doesn’t take away from the fact that you beat him, you took his title, you stood up. But if TPR had chosen someone else to fight, would you be here today the PR Champion? Would you have had the best match at AngleMania 3, our greatest showcase? If it weren’t for TPR being a complete jerk, would you have gotten the Angle for Best Feud?


Cappa, I want you to think about who’s here first in the morning for training. Who’s first in the library watching tapes. Who’s first in the staff meeting with suggestions. It’s Tha Puerto Rican man! And you know it. There’s no one more dedicated here than him. And yet he can’t get a title shot, a real one. Did you hear what Zack said last night after the show?



Yeah, I heard. He said TPR would get a shot on HeldDown.


Stephen Joseph

On HeldDown? Shit man, who do you think would win that? Zack defends his belt against his friends or girls who cyber him up. He brings in people from the S.W.F (on that, the crowd does boo) and now runs with them. Remember Evenflow, or Edward Robbins. Zack sure tossed him aside didn’t he? I didn’t. I still talk with Edward. He played all of us politically, brought and bought his allies, and now he thinks he controls the title. I do NOT like being upstaged at my own game. I used to control who got the shots! Tony used to control it! Did we let others have shots…YES! Does anyone outside of Zack’s circle get a real shot? Not for a year at least. Cappa, you think you’ll ever get a shot at the World Title?





Stephen Joseph

Do you deserve one?





Stephen Joseph

Of course you do! You’re a champion right now. How many are there? 4? You’re the fucking man, and I will always have your back for that one “special” reason. You remember what I told you two months ago right? Good. THAT’s why I helped TPR. I will not let the special interests of the champion deny to the fans and to the OAOAST as a whole the best champions it can get. And TPR has torn down the house repeatedly, and he would make one HELL of a champion. Remember, you’re intense.



I still don’t feel good about it.


Stephen Joseph

I’ve got to do what’s right. Tha Puerto Rican doesn’t deserve a throwaway title shot on HeldDown just because they’ve already planned who gets the next shot! You give the fans what they want, you give the fans the best match you can, you just don’t push your friends. Look, Cappa, I can sympathize with TPR. Like him, I busted my ass. Like him, I was ridiculed and made fun of. You didn’t know this, but we used to have meetings at the Grand Crystal Flamingo where all the big boys would laugh and share shit TPR was saying. We’d fucking laugh at one of our most committed boys! How the fuck do you think I feel knowing that I was one of those? Like him or hate him, he deserves a chance to prove his worth…just like you do. Right now though, you’ve got a title to defense and a legacy to carry. And I’ve got to bring my case week in and week out until TPR gets his deserved shot…no matter how long it takes.



Is that what this is about?


Stephen Joseph

It’s always been about the legacy. And these people are going to find out more, because people like you, TPR, and myself…and others have been held down far to long. It’s time for people who deserve shit to get …


Dan Black (from ramp)

Excuse me, but don’t you think me and T-Bod deserve something? How about some opponents? We’re the tag team champions, we’ve beaten GPX twice. That’s through as far as I can care. What about else Stephen…or are you done with us?


Stephen Joseph

Dan, you’ve far deserved better that you’ve gotten. What do you deserve. We’ll get you some opponents, and we will get you what you deserve. You remember the legacy too.



I remember Stephen. Remember, YOU didn’t return our messages this week. But we’re wary of trusting you.



So am I


Stephen Joseph

Then let my actions speak for me. I’ll be back a week, and I’m going to announce on hell of a match at MY PPV in July. And that’s when the chumps out here, and the champ in the back, will learn you don’t screw people who are deserving.


Fuck Me?


Fuck You! (echo, partially from crowd [fuck you])

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(The shot focuses on Triple C)



Ass holes at home, you’re in luck, no you’re not finally moving out of your mom’s basement, but you are getting the chance to see footage from the lobby of Williams and Horn. Footage that is exclusive to HeldDOWN. Roll the clip!


(This past Monday)


(We open on a scene of the Williams and Horn lobby. There seems to be a party going on and Rick Edwards is the guest of honor. Balloons and streamers are strung up along tables of food. Employees walk up and shake hands with Rick, congratulating him on winning the X-Title. Rick stands there with the X-Title over his shoulder and J. Arthur stands beside him talking.)



I didn’t know all these people even liked wrestling?



Hey if they get a bonus for being here they’ll pretend to like anything.


*Rick looks at JAE with a sour look*



I didn’t mean that no one cared! The Boss says that today is your day and that’s all that matters. Did you get your bonus check for winning your match?



Yes I did. Tell the Boss I said thanks.



You’ve proved yourself and now it’s time to start working those odd jobs for us that the Boss talked about. Don’t be nervous, I’ll teach you all you need to know.



Whatever passes the time when I’m not wrestling. I just need to stay busy or I’ll crack.



Are you okay?



Oh I’m right as rain as long as I keep busy with something. It’s just that this is all I have left.



Then here’s to a successful career both in and out of the ring! *Raises his glass*



Here here! *Raises his glass* Our good friend Abe wants to see me in his office this Thursday. I can only guess what he wants now.


*The same businessman in a suit that showed up at School’s Out walks over to Rick*



I’m sorry that our little arrangement did not work out.



It’s alright. Now I can say I beat AJ on my own. Abe Vigoda is a thorn in our side, but we’ve proven that he can’t stop us.



If you need my help again just call. *Hands Rick a business card*


RICK *looking at the card*

Christopher Cain? So that’s your name? Cool name.



Rick it’s time to see the Boss.


*Rick and JAE head to the elevator and go up. The camera then switches to The Boss’ office where The Boss sits at his desk, hidden from view behind the chair.*



Welcome! Congrats on your win Rick!






Now that you’ve proven to be all that James says you are we can get you started on some of the other work.


J. ARTHUR *whispering to the Boss*

Please don’t call me James, you know I hate that.



As I was saying, I have someone I want you to talk to. She’s suing one of our clients and we believe that we can remedy this quite easily. Just talk to her and make her see things our way. Her name is Leah Blackstone and she’s quite the pain in our sides.



I can take care of it.



Good! I hope that you can.


*Rick and JAE leave the office with smiles on their faces as we fade out.*


(Go to the arena)


(A Random Bob Seger song hits and out walks the dirty and smelly Homeless Dan. He has a garbage bag slung over his shoulder which holds all of his worldly possessions and begins walking down to the ring. He gets in the ring, drops his sack of stuff in the corner and grabs a mic)


Homeless Dan: Ok Fonzie. I collected my peanut butter sandwhich earlier today and even got some vegetable soup with it due to my guarentee of you going down. Get out here you hack!


(just then a loud “Heeeeeeeey” can be heard over the loud speakers followed by “Mondays, Tuesdays, Happy Days! Wednesday, Thursday, Fridays, Happy Days! 7 Days…HAPPY DAYS!” and out rides Fonzie on his hog. The fans pop in unison)


Caboose: Fonzie looks better than ever but Homeless Dan seems hungry

Coach: Didn’t you hear him? He said he ate earlier, he isn’t hungry now

Caboose:…I hate you


(Michael Cole stares dreamily at Fonzie as he does his lap around the ring on the hog. Fonzie parks the old cycle and makes his way into the ring, all the while giving the double thumbs up to the crowd which reply with even larger pops. Fonzie grabs a mic)


Fonzie: …Heeeeeeeey! (crowd goes BALLISTIC~) You cames out talking junk out heeeeres and now yous wants to fight me? Heeeeeey! Well we don’t needs to wait!


(Fonzie throws down the mic and starts unleashing FURIOUS RIGHTS to Homeless Dan’s grizzled face. Homeless Dan staggers back and little bugs flea from his scalp as he’s punched even more. Fonzie finally rears back and hits him with one devastating punch that floors Dan. He then gives the double thumbs up to the crowd who are shaking the foundation with their cheers.)


Coach: Hey, wait a minute…who’s that coming out of the crowd?!


(Two people slide in the ring and Fonzie gives them the double thumbs up as well)

Fonzie: Heeeeeeeey!


Caboose: Why that’s…



Ron Howard and Scott Baio!


(Ron Howard and Scott Baio smile at Fonzie and then point in the direction of Homeless Dan. Fonzie turns around to look at Homeless Dan and while he does Howard and Baio position themselves)


Cole: What are those two doing?!


(Fonzie turns around puzzled and gets hit with a 3-D!!!! The crowd boos furiously and starts littering the ring with garbage.)


Caboose: Hahahaha. That’ll teach Fonzie to always throw those two on the back burner.


(Homeless Dan gets up and gives props to his two comrades. With the help of the two he lifts up Fonzie and sets him up for a Cradle DDT)


Coach: He calls that the “Hobo-Chili!”


(Homeless Dan drops Fonzie with the Hobo-Chili which sends Fonzie into minor convulsions. Scott Baio, Ron Howard, and Homeless Dan stand in the ring celebrating while Bob Seger once again plays over the sound system and paramedics rush into the ring to tend on Fonzie)


(Go to break)

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(Return from break)



Yo, peoples! Your favorite homies from Hotlanta and the 313 respectively coming to ya via Hi-Dif. Mr. Cameraman, please shoot in a wideshot. The last few days have been tough for me & Johnny. All the partying, orgies and booze hasn't been able to heal our pain about losing at School's Out. We was never good in class -- too much daydreaming of Ms. Lowell -- but failing this test was hard, ya hear.



What the S-Man is trying to say is... We've come to realized winning the tag titles is the only thing that means the most to us. Don't get us wrong, we're still those wild and crazy boyz, pimpin' up, hoin' down, but we're more focus than eva before about the tag titles. Instead of thinking of Scotty's mother...


Scotty gives JJ a stare.



Sorry, S-Man, but your mom is H-O-T-T. Hott! Hott! Hott! No wonder they call it HOTlanta. Your mom's like Madonna, the bitch -- and I mean that as a compliment -- finds ways to retain her hotness. PMS gettin' owned! And to think you were sucking on those nice pair of tit--



Tasted like cherry, too. But damn, man, that's my mama, fool. Be -- you know, respectful.



Word. I know I wouldn't want you talkin' about how you did my sister.


Scotty stiffens up a little. Apparently Johnny doesn't know...



Or mom, first female cousin, Ms. Lowell.




Damn, boy! You make it sound like you've slept with them. Heh heh.



Don't ask. Don't tell.



Right on, brother! Gays should be able to fight for our country. U.S.A! U.S.A U.S.A!



In closing, we're not going to end our quest for the gold. Nemo didn't quit trying to escape the fish tank, and neither will we.



Give up on the tag titles, that is. Not the fish tank because we're not fish nor live in a tank. Just nightclubs. We're comin' for ya Black T. We're comin'!



Figure of speech. We're not actually comin'. But we are for the gold! Yat-- you know the rest.



GPX over and out!


(Take another break)



(Return from break)



Welcome back, folks. Let's go to the ring for the nex...


The camera cuts to a crowd shot, where we see Mikey, Nate, and SB87 from the Rave and Assault Squad are seen coming in through. They jump the rail, as Mikey takes the microphone from Michael Buffer and enters the ring, followed by his brother and other partner.



This wasn't scheduled for the program...



Excuse me...will you all just shut up? (boos) I know none of us are even supposed to be here, but we got something we gotta get off of our chests, and I've been elected the spokesman. See, as I'm sure none of you have noticed, we haven't been on this show since last month. There's been a reason. See, we're being held down....



Everyone here is...thus the name of the show, you moron!



In March, back when we were retarded altar boys, we had a Match of the Year candidate in the form of the Anglemania Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match against the Global Party Exchange that got a standing ovation from EVERYONE in that building after the match. I know that the GPX deserved their title shot they got last weekend more than we did because they won the thing, but we should at least be on the TV show, even if it's just against preliminary talent!



The guy kind of does have a point...



Then we realized that we corralate our being banished off of the show to the shift of power in this promotion. We realized that the reason why we're not on TV is because Abe Vigoda has a personal agenda against us. We figured that he doesn't want to give off the image that a few guys who just happen to take pills or shoot up for fun can also be some of the top wrestlers in this company.



Using that logic, they should be in rehab, not a wrestling ring.



I mean, myself and my brother, as egotistical as it sounds, are the best tag team specialists since that name was first given to Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty in 1990! And then you got good ol' SB' back here...he can do stuff in this ring that might not ever be duplicated. His regular arsenal of moves includes stuff that most men can only dream of doing once in their entire lifetime!



I will give credit where credit is due; SB87 is probably the most spectacular high-flier most of us will see in our lifetimes.



So Abe, will you please come out here and explain to us why we aren't booked for TV?


Seconds later, DOA Abe Vigoda appears in the aisleway. He has a microphone.



Wait a second...what's all of this?



We want to know why YOU haven't put us on TV since the World Tag Team Title Tournament, where you just needed fresh bodies.



You want to know why? It's because, out of all the new talent in this promotion recently, the group of guys I've been the most impressed with but haven't showed me nearly enough when it comes to drive and determination to get to the top are you three. You go out, you have lots of nasty sex, you do your drugs, and then you crash when you get to the shows. I don't want that type of crap at our shows.



Maybe you're just jealous that all the guys you want on top can't do half of what we can?



Maybe you're just jealous because those guys can get through the day without popping pills and smoking dope?



That...that offends me and my associates up here.



Face it: you and your brother could have been in the Black T's spot on Sunday, if it weren't for you two showing up, high on crack, for the tournament. And SB87...I even offered you a number one contenders' match, with the winner facing whoever the X Champion was after School's Out. Your reply? Oh, that's right...you didn't at all. You were passed out in some guy's living room, and whoever you were with didn't have a clue you were a wrestler, since they had to ask me what exactly an "X Title" was.



You can claim all you want, but the fact is that those are all just claims. Sure, we like to use chemicals to enhance our lives, but the only thing stopping us from being on top right now is LACK OF OPPORTUNITIES!



Oh...so you think I'm not giving you enough opportunities, eh? Well, I'll tell you what. There was a match that happened on this very program on Christmas night, just seven months ago, that set the wrestling world on fire. It was for the X-Division Title, as Sly Sommers and Saint Andrew KILLED themselves for that belt. The match? Parental Indiscretion. I'll tell you three what: if you can get off of your asses, come to the shows leading up to the Great Angle Bash, and I'll put you three in the second-ever Parental Indiscretion match!



Did you hear that? Parental Indiscretion II!



Here's the way things are going to go: it will be a six-man tag version of the match, in which you have sets of weapons at your disposal on each side of the ring, and the match cannot end in the first ten minutes due to there being no referee in site. I'm going to try and find you three opponents for the match, but due to the nature of this contest, I'm going to need extra help from you three in finding opponents.



That's fine; we're apparantly good at pissing people off.



Good. I'm also adding an extra element of danger that I hope will eventually become its own type of stipulation match. You see, I'm going to put a twelve foot mini-tower behind each ring corner. Connecting the towers at the top, in a square surrounding the ring's circumfrence will be a three-foot wide platform that I have dubbed "The Daredevil's Delight". This platform can be used to make all of your insane dives and moves even that much more insane!



My lord! Daredevil's Delight sounds sick!



And one added stipulation: whichever team wins this match at Great Angle Bash automatically is entered into the Emperor of Death Tournament, which will take place throughout the first-ever two-day PPV spectacular, entitled "License to Pin...Renewed". That is all; have a pleasant evening.


(Abe leaves, as the RAS is in the ring, both shocked and enlightened.)



Can you believe what we've just heard? Parental Indiscretion II: Daredevil's Delight is coming on June 27th, with six insane acrobats instead of two and a twelve-foot high platform surrounding the ring for the competitors in the match, with the winners getting slots in the Emperor of Death tournament in July!



This could be the highspot fans' wet dream!



Ex-nay on the inside-ay terms-nay!



Whatever...we're going SOMEWHERE right now!


(Cut backstage, where Crystal's sitting in a hallway and clutching her eye in pain, it being bruised during the big melee earlier. From out-of-camera range, Sly Sommers comes into view.)



Hey, how's the eye doin'?



It's been better.



Listen, I came here to let you be reassured that, in this whole mess, that I got your back.



Just like all of my other partners who ended up turning on me had my back?



I knew you'd say that, combining your past of untrustable partners with my past of being an a-hole. That's understandable, but as much as we can be all tough and say that we're going it alone, the fact is that we can't go it alone against the Thrillogy. They're too damn strong. We can't fight them one-on-three. Even if we could, you know that they've got the stroke around here to handicap us even more and make sure that they win the battle.



You know...you're right. There's no way that one person, no matter how big and bad they might be, can overcome Zack, Hoff, and Calvin. But together, us and Bleeding Souls...I think we can take them. (sticks her fist out to Sly, Sly touches his fist with hers)



Yeah, I think we got 'em.



Edited by Lisa Silverman

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(Return from break)


We come back from a break, and see Drek Stone sitting solemnly and seriously in a chair backstage. The fans begin to loudly boo and chant “Drek Stone Sucks”, but he doesn’t even bother to acknowledge their reaction. Drek stares into the camera for a few moments, then slowly brushes his hair back depressingly. Afterwards, Drek once again stares into the camera and finally begins to speak.



Listen, Cappa, I have one question for you. One simple question. Throughout this entire week, people have been bombarding me with questions about my loss to you at School’s Out. Asking me how I’m feeling…..trying to find out just what went wrong in that title match…..attempting to discover how I let some asshole mincia like you end my amazing undefeated streak. I wasn’t quite sure how to answer these questions and, to be quite honest, they’ve been plaguing me this entire week. But now, it’s time for me to turn the tables and finally get the chance to ask a question. One simple question. Cappa……do you realize that, with what happened last Sunday, your entire life is now finished?


Many of the fans in the arena start booing, but yet some of them are staying silent for this interview.



Oh no, no, this isn’t one of those empty threats that the inept hacks in the locker room like to run out and scream at the top of their lungs. I’m being completely honest. Cappa, your life is reaching its end. Since Sunday night, I’ve just been playing the same scene in my head over and over. Lifting you up high for a neck-cracking brainbuster, I’m doing an incredibly thorough job of showing my absolute superiority over you to that sold-out crowd. But then……but……..but then……it was all gone. Everything. My undefeated streak, that lump of golden Puerto Rican mass….it vanished. But Cappa, you need to understand something. My empathy disappeared with it too.



I tried to make this easy as humanly possible on you. There was never any doubt that the title was going to be going around my waist – there was just that little question of how. Was I going to have to cripple you? Was I going to have to confine you in a wheelchair? Make sure you never walk again? Was I going to have to ruin your life to the point where you beg me to orchestrate one of the most deserving whackings of all time? Or you would just understand your limitations and recognize that giving up the gold painlessly wouldn’t be too humiliating in the long run? Suffice to say, you made your decision. And now, I need to make mine. I need to do what I didn’t necessarily WANT to do in the beginning – but which will be all the more entertaining in the end.



So Cappa, take this time to savor the moment. Because, mark my words, you will never be this prominent again. It’s all downhill from here. First, it will be your health. Then, it will be your gold. Finally, you will ask me to end the misery that you have quickly sprialed into. And it will be no one else’s fault but YOURS! YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF, CAPPA! I can NOT be held responsible for what happens in the next few weeks because it is all resulting from WHAT YOU STARTED!!



If there’s anybody in that locker room that I like to talk with once in a while, it’s Tha Puerto Rican. That guy is second in talent in the OAOAST only to me, and he has a remarkable personality as well. But, as much as I respect PR……he’s not me. Cappa, he is NOT me. He does NOT go where I need to go and he has NOT been where I have been. Understand that fact. I AM NOT THA PUERTO RICAN!! You WILL NOT DEFEAT ME AGAIN LIKE YOU DEFEATED HIM THOSE FEW TIMES!! You’re in an entirely different game now. You’re no longer feuding with Tha Puerto Rican, or Colombian Heat, or the Cuban Wall. You’re feuding with “Reckless” Drek Stone, and your life is now quickly ending one second at a time.



Cappa, I don’t know when we’ll meet. It could be next week. It could be next month. It could be next year. Personally, it doesn’t matter to me. Sooner or later, I’m going to find you. I’m going to hurt you. And I’m going to take that gold away from you. You disrespected me at School’s Out by snatching away the title that BELONGED to me. And now I’m going to do what I need to. But don’t worry, worse comes to worse…..




……I can always help you slip on a nice, untraceable pair of concrete shoes.


*Drek sits back as the camera slowly peels away, and cuts to the Mad Cappa standing next to a television with the Puerto Rican title around his shoulder and an uneasy expression on his face. He nods his head slowly, then starts walking down the hall determinedly. Finally, he stops and walks into the office of the current D.O.A. Abe Vigoda. Abe is sitting there hurling darts at the dartboard on the opposite wall. Upon seeing Cappa enter, he immediately drops everything and swivels his chair around to face him.*



Why, if it isn’t the Mad Cappa. It’s a pleasure to see you once again. Might I add that you had an excellent title defense this past Sunday.



Thanks, Abe. That really means a lot to me.



So, son, I’m sure you’re in here for something. Not many people come in here to sit and chat. Besides Mr. Coachman, of course. Creepy guy just doesn’t want to leave me alone. So what I can do for you?


CAPPAWell, Abe, I wanted to request a title defense for next week. I was hoping that you could put me in a match against Drek Stone for next Thursday.



Cappa, that’s actually a great idea. I’d love to see you guys fight it out again. But why so soon? You don’t see many champions barge in here and demand to defend their title.



I have some business I need to deal with. It’s no big deal. I just want to give him the title rematch that he honestly thinks he deserves.



Okay then. The match is set up for next week right here on HeldDown! The Mad Cappa will be defending the OAOAST Puerto Rican Title against Drek Stone.



That’s what I wanted to hear. Thanks a lot.


*Cappa walks out of the office with a smile on his face. Abe swivels back around in his chair and picks the darts back up off the floor. The camera begins to fade out as Abe chucks a dart across the room, completely missing the dartboard.*


(Go to the arena)


The sound of "Nothing" (as opposed to the sound of nothing) fills the arena, as the entire Thrillogy faction of the 24/7 Champion Hoff, Calvin Szechstein, the lovely Candie, and OAOAST World Champion Zack Malibu come walking through the curtain.



Hooray. Look who's here.



You twit. Don't you realize they're good for ratings?



Yeah, but bad for business.



Riiiight. Just because you don't deserve to make as much as some people doesn't mean business is bad. I'm quite content.


The supergroup, known for ripping the hearts of every OAOAST fan into pieces due to recent actions such as beating on Crystal and feigning good intentions, enter the ring. Malibu immediately waves on Michael Buffer, drawing him over with the microphone, which the World Champion rudely snatches from him.


Malibu goes to speak, but the crowd boos are too much. Malibu pauses, and amidst the boos is a large chant for Malibu's nemesis, the Female Phenom, Crystal. The Thrillogy members sneer at the crowd, with Hoff ordering more than one ringside fan to shut up. The commands only draw more boos, drowning out any attempt Zack makes at talking. Finally, after several moments, he starts anyway.



You know, when someone takes the time to come out here and speak to you people, you need to shut up and let them say what's on their mind.


*Crowd boos*



Now, I know what everyone is saying. "What do they want now?" First of all, we'll come out here when we damn well please. You people seem to forget, this MY company and MY show. Secondly, I made a promise this past week. A promise that I'd be in attendance tonight not to have a title match, not to have a match at all, but to confront an old friend.


*The crowd buzzes, as rumors have been rampant all week as to who this person is.*



I know, I know, you're all wondering who it is. I've read the sheets. I've been on the message boards. I've seen everyone's name from Caboose to CWM to Anglesault to Some Guy to The Sole Survivor right down to the Mean Street Posse mentioned. Well, the time of waiting is over, because the person I have a bone to pick with is...YOU, Michael Cole!






HAHA! You're in for it now, pretty boy!


The crowd boos, many shocked, that Malibu is eyeing his old confidant.



Michael Cole, get in this ring, right now.



The hell I am.






Mikey, go up there, dawg. I got ya back!



Cole, either you come in here right now, or Calvin and Hoff are gonna drag you in here by your fruity frosted hair!


Cole shakes his head in disgust, then drops his headset, getting up from Sofa Central and making his way towards the ring. Cole is hesitant, but many fans cheer as he gets up on the apron. Malibu orders him in the ring, and Cole steps in slowly, looking at every member of The Thrillogy with a sense of distrust.



Michael Cole...do you have something you want to say to me?


Zack holds the microphone in Cole's face, looking him dead in the eye. The famed announcer starts to speak...



Zack, I...


...but Malibu pulls the mic away!



No, no, Michael. I asked you, do you have something to say to me?

Again, Zack holds the mic to him.



What do you want from me, Zack?



What do I want? Let's see, Michael. I want you to tell me the truth. I want you to come out with it all. Do you think I don't watch the tapes of these shows, Michael? Do you think I don't hear what you have to say? "Zack Malibu is sickening!" "I can't believe what he just did!" "I hope Crystal kicks his ass!" Michael Cole, it seems that you have issues with me, but you're too afraid to take me up on them.



I'm a commentator, Zack.



And you're supposed to be objective! Now you're showing bias? Towards what? Towards that stupid little bitch that I beat this past Sunday? To a guy who's nothing more than a mediocre at best impression of me? Two months ago, you wanted Sly Sommers to burn in hell. Two months ago, it was that lovesick lapdog you call a co-host that did all the Crystal cheerleading. Two months ago, you and I were goofing off in the back, pranking lil' Josh Matthews. Nowadays, all I hear is how you want nothing to do with me, or The Thrillogy. Is that so?



I don't like what you've done, no?



You don't like what I've done? What we've done? You don't like the fact that your boy, Zack The King Mack Malibu, is on top of the world?



I don't like what you've become, Zack.



What I've become? Newsflash, Cole, it's ALWAYS been like this. See, you're just playing the role of the concerned citizen now, but I didn't see you complaining when I used my pull to get you into the hot spots, the VIP rooms, and the big premieres. Now that I'm using my celebrity to get what I want...no, what I DESERVE, you're not down with that? You're just another user, Cole. Just like Crystal tried using me for a title shot. Just like corporate tried to use me to clean up their messes. You make me sick.


Malibu shoves Michael Cole down, and the crowd jeers loudly, as Malibu stands above his fallen former friend.



So, now that we've gotten that out of the way, Michael, I guess there's only one thing to do. The same thing that has been done to Crystal, Sly Sommers, and these good for nothing fans. The Thrillogy is going to show you how we do business.


Hoff cracks his knuckles, as The Thrillogy advance on Cole, backing him into the corner.



I'm going to enjoy this soooo much.


Suddenly, the speakers blare with the sound of music, as Avril Lavigne's "Happy Ending" starts playing.



What the...



What is this crap?


All of a sudden, the crowd has mixed feelings about the figure showing up on the entrance stage....NORTHSTAR!






It's our old GM! I bet he's here to congratulate Zack and The Thrillogy for a job well done once they take care of this ninny.


Northstar weilds a mic, and the unsuspecting Thrillogy members drag Michael Cole out of the corner, with Hoff holding him by the back of the neck, as they all look on to see Northstar smiling at the crowd.



Hello, my butterflies, and helllllllllloooooooo Thrillogy! Did you guys miss lil' ol' me?


The Thrillogy don't react, as they're still stunned by this.



Oh, I know what you're all thinking. Where have I been, what have I been doing, and most importantly, why am I here tonight? All very good questions, and all will be answered in due time. First of all, where have I been? Well, after the debacle with Alix, I laid low. I shut myself in, not because I was depressed, mind you, but because I just installed a home theater. I'll never have to pay $9 for a movie ticket again. Secondly...



Just get to the point, Goldust.



Temper, temper, Zachary! Is that any way to treat an old friend. Now, where was I...



You were interrupting me, that's where you were. What's your deal, Northstar? You're not the GM anymore, and you're not on the active roster. Why are you here and cutting in on my time?



Ah, throwing out the hardball questions, huh Zacky-poo? Well, I'll tell you. I know I'm not the GM. That's a spot they've given to Abe Lincoln.



Abe Vigoda.



Oh, silly me, I get so confused since they're about the same age! Like I was saying, I know I'm not the general manager, nor an active roster member. However, when you stated on OAOAST.com that you were coming here to confront an old friend, I figured that we should allow this night to live up to expectation by having an old friend, namely moi, confront you. Now that I've done that, and caused these people great joy in doing so, allow me to tell you this, Zack Malibu...you are a piece of shit!








The crowd pops bigtime, as Northstar gleefully nods his head in a yes motion. The Thrillogy do not look pleased, and Zack's jaw drops.



You see, now I know why you were so adamant about stopping my groundbreaking ideas. Why you didn't want to listen to my advice when I was in charge of this show. You wanted to take all the credit for yourself. Well, Zack, the wrestling world was not built on the back of one man, and this company was not built on the back of one man. In fact, I don't think anyone on the roster, or in this building, owe you ANYTHING!


Malibu grits his teeth, irate at his one time foe.



We all knew your ego was the size of North Dakota, Zack, but c'mon, let's face it, you're really not willing to give anybody ANY credit? What about the blood, sweat and tears of everyone else on this roster. The Seven Sins Series between the GPX and the Minions, who are now apparently drug addicted clubhoppers if my memory serves me correct...but that's besides the point. What about everything Dan Black did for IntenseZone? Granted, it wasn't much compared to MY General Manager abilities, but still. What about Crystal, the girl who would have kicked your ass for that belt on Sunday if it wasn't for a cheapshot, deciding to mix it up with the best in the world. She even kicked MY ass before!



So have I, and I'm about to do it again.



Hey, I've been down that road before. Six times in one night, as a matter of fact.


Malibu backs off, mouthing obscenties as Northstar reminds him of the Iron Man Match, one of the true OAOAST classics, from just one year ago.



So, Zack Malibu, Thrillogy, fans of the OAOAST, I am here to announce that the Northstar you know and love...he's not gone, but he's taken certain things down a notch. I know that certain things need to be done around here, and I'm here to announce that I'm back to aid in doing them!


(Crowd pops)



Northstar is back!



I take it back. I'm not happy about this.



I know, shocking, isn't it? Northstar, on the side of the fans? Well, believe it, Zack. Just like no one thought that you'd ever become what you have, even though I TRIED to tell you people all along, I'm going to fight the good fight. I'm going to stand up for what I believe in. And I'm not going to let you kick Michael Cole's ass.



Oh yeah? You and what army? The Rainbow Alliance?



No, this one!


Northstar drops his mic and turns around. Suddenly, Crystal, Sly Sommers, and The Bleeding Souls step out onto the ramp, with Crystal holding the mic. Instead of talking further, she drops hers too, and the six of them charge the ring, outnumbering The Thrillogy!



Oh lordy lord!


The fans go wild, as the six fan favorites slide into the ring, causing The Thrillogy to drop Michael Cole and bail out as fast as they can! Cole is helped to his feet by AJ Flaire and Sly Sommers, while Crystal climbs the ropes, pointing and shouting at Zack that they're not through.



Northstar, you broke my heart!


"Set It Off" by Audioslave kicks up, while the fans applaud the efforts of the faces in saving Michael Cole. Northstar looks at the five fan favorites and winks, then just backs away, not sticking around to pose for the fans. He walks back up the ramp, a smile on his face.



Who woulda thunk it, huh 'Booze? Northstar's back, and The Thrillogy just got sent running! Most importantly, my boy Mikey survived.



Joy. Bliss.



Yo, if you're chillin' on the couch, get up and get yo' snack now. We're back with more after this!



I thought I’d finally be rid of that diseased ridden, walking cliche. So much for my happy ending.


(Go to break)

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(Return from break)


(We go backstage where Rick Edwards is sitting in front of Abe Vigoda’s desk. Rick looks bored as Abe writes on a pad of paper in front of him.)



Mr. Edwards. I see that you’ve been celebrating your win last Sunday!



Yeah I have.



You’re not drunk are you? I have a problem with my wrestlers coming in drunk, especially when they don’t share the wealth. Hehehehehe!


*Rick doesn’t look amused by the joke.*



What I called you in here for is to tell you that what I said at the PPV applies every week! You are under my rules and you either follow them or you pay the consequences. You my friend are out of control! You drink too much. You purposely try to injure people. You bring your sleazy lawyer friends into my arena and try to pull a fast one on me!



What’s your point Abe?



I don’t hate you. In fact I used to like you, back when you were a good man. You’ve just lost your way.



What do you know about it!?



I know that your Father basically imprisoned you, you’ve never met your mother, and your whole life was a lie. I don’t blame you for being upset, but you can’t let this go unchecked, just like I can’t let you go unchecked.



You’re not my psychiatrist. In fact I hate psychiatrists!



No I’m not, but as of today the OAOAST now has a resident Counselor and you will start seeing him immediately or else you’ll be suspended. You want to throw your weight around here, so now I’m throwing mine!



I’m not seeing a shrink!



Then you’re not wrestling on my show. You sent AJ Flaire to the hospital at the PPV! I can’t afford to let you run wild over this company. I think this Counselor will do you good! He’s a nice guy!



I’ll work my problems out on my own! They’re no one else’s business!



Your idea of working out your problems is hurting people and that won’t do! So I’d like you to meet the OAOAST’S new Resident Counselor! *Abe motions to the doorway*


*Rick turns around and his eyes bug out as he sees the person in the doorway. The camera turns around to show…





















*The fans go absolutely crazy*



No!!! Forget this!! Anyone but him!!!



Oh come on Rick. I’m just here to help!



Why him!? Why not Tony Robbins or someone like that??



He’s good at what he does and if you don’t see him you know what happens.



Fine, but I don’t want to be your friend and we are not going to be friends Eddy!



Give me a hug!






Give me a hug. It will make you feel better.


*Rick looks sick as Eddy reaches out and gives him a big hug*



Let go of me fruit or I’ll beat the hell out of you!



The first thing we are going to do is get rid of that rage. Remember suck in the happy…blow out the pissed!



I’m not sucking or blowing anything!!!


*Rick starts to leave*



Whoa! I’m not through talking to you!



Now what!?



I haven’t got to the best part! I have your next opponent lined up for you.



You what!?



I have your next opponent picked out. At the Great Angle Bash you will be taking on…………..a Mystery Opponent!!


*Rick stares blankly*



I hope to God that’s his name!



No it’s not! Because of your actions towards AJ Flaire I am keeping your opponent for GAB a mystery for his own safety!



You can’t do that!



Yes I can! Just to make it a little fairer I will give you a hint each week about your opponent. If you are smart you’ll figure it out and prepare yourself.



What’s with the games Abe?



Remember a few weeks back when you tried to blackmail me? Well I told you I do not react well to blackmail! I’m going to watch you closely as long as you are under my jurisdiction because I do not trust you or the company you hang out with!



Fine! You just play your games and I’ll find out who I’m facing before the PPV!


*Rick gets up to leave and comes face to face with Eddy*



Now about your counseling sessions, we start next week and I expect you to be there.



I’ll be there, but don’t expect me to open up to you. My problems are my business and no one else’s!


*Rick storms out of the room as we fade out.*


(Back to the arena)

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We return to the arena with Guns 'N Roses "Welcome to the Jungle" blaring throughout the arena. Standing in the ring is none other than the man who tells it like it is, former wrestler, commentator, Minnesota Governor, and your 44th President of the United States of America, Jesse "The Body" Ventura.



Welcome to the return of The Body Shop. I'm your host Jesse "The Body" Ventura. It's been a long time since I've last appeared on HeldDown, and an even longer time since I've appeared at an OAOAST event since the closure of IZ. Since then a lot of things have gone down. A woman is challenging for the World's title, and my personal favorite OAOAST superstar is now one-half of the tag team champions. Now I may not have gotten along with Dan Black in the past, rest assured, any friend of T-Bod is a friend of mine. Ladies and gents, would you please welcome the OAOAST Tag Team Champions, followed to the ring by the Farmer of Champions, Dan Black, T-Bod -- Black T!


"Quiet" hits to the disapproval of the crowd. They believe BT are still lucky to be walking around with the gold after their match against GPX at School's Out: Class Dismissed.


T-Bod & Jesse embrace like family members who haven't seen each other in years. Dan Black & Jivin' J.R., two past opponents of Ventura's, casually make eye contact with The Body. They aren't exactly thrilled to see him, but they'll do their best to put the past aside for T-Bod.



T-Bod, congratulations. It's 'bout time you're walking around with some gold. And I must say, you look even better than before.



Thank you very much, Jesse. Yo, bitches! It feels damn good to finally be reward for all the crap I've put up with throughout my tenure with the OAOAST. Dan & I are very proud to be the keepers of the tag team championship, but we're also upset with the lack of competition. Jesse, as a straightshooter, let me ask you a question.



By all means. Please.



Have we not beaten the Global Party Xchange twice now?



You have.



Have we not fulfilled the rematch clause in the contract that all the teams involved in the tag title tournament signed?



You have.



And yet GPX are still begging D.O.A. Abe and the board of directors to grant them another shot at the titles. Let me tell you punk-ass bitches something. We're the OAOAST tag team champions! Two pretty boy sumbitches aren't going to tell the company how to run itself. We've beat you not one but twice. Everything that was in the contracts have been completed.


Bottom line: It's time to move on. And seeing how nobody in the OAOAST has the pecans to step up to the plate and face us, we're gonna take this to a whole other level. Mr. Black?



As my partner was saying, being that no so-called team has been willing to challenge us, we're going to start doing things our way, with complete and utter disregard for diplomacy. Our first act: The Farmer of Champions, Jivin' J.R. will boogie throughout mother earth searching for fresh, new tag teams who want an opportunity to wrestle for the world tag team championships. Tony, shall we see who has the "pecans"?



Let's shall.



Very well. At 9:07 p.m., on May 27, 2004, the OAOAST tag team champions Black T issue a challenge to the SWF tag team champions.


The announcers and the crowd gasp. Jesse looks like he's going to have a heart attack. J.R. proudly stands behind Dan & T-Bod, holding the championships above their heads.



What an announcement!



You know it won't happen.



Thank God for my Japanese wrestling game import. There I can do all the OAOAST-SWF interpromotional matches I want.



You heard right. It's like a tank blasting through their headquaters. The enemy is walking among us. Certain gentlemen seem to be having trouble understanding who they are: them or us, the OAOAST. We're going to make them understand wh--


Before Dan can even finish his comment, him & T-Bod are jumped from behind by THE GLOBAL PARTY XCHANGE!


Jesse drops his mic and quickly high-tails it. J.R. has no interest in getting beat up, so he also heads outside. He pounds his hands on the apron, encouraging his boys.



Scott Static & Johnny "Jam" Jackson are men on a mission. They, too, are upset about their match at SO: CD, and they're going to take it out on the Champions.


The 4 men slug it out midring. T-Bod tries to punch JJ, but he ducks and hits an atomic drop, leaving Dan in a statueesque pose due to the pain. Dan goes over-the-top rope thanks to a clothesline by JJ. Scotty is hammering away on T-Bod. He whips T-Bod towards Johnny, who then gives T-Bod a taste of his own medicine -- THE OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE (Spinebuster)! The crowd is absouletly loving this. As T-Bod feels the impact of TOOBE, JJ grabs his legs and rolls him over in a BOSTON CRAB. The cheers and chants of "PARTY!" get louder. Scotty double underhooks T-Bod, they're going for THE CHAIN LETTER! But out of nowhere, two men wearing leather jackets and sunglassess appear. They both have long '80s rockstar hair. One is blonde, the other has black hair. The black haired man delivers a clubbing forearm shot to the back of Scotty, sending him down on his knee. The blonde catches JJ in a vernuable position as he still has T-Bod in the Boston Crab, he nails him with a DDT!



Who the hell are these guys?



I know who they are.



You do?



Those guys are the greatest rock 'n' wrestling band of all-time -- The Saints. The blonde is Joe "Cowabunga" Logan and and black haired one is Synth Esizer. I have all their CDs. Wickedly awesome stuff. Especially their hit single "Suck Me, Fuck Me, Make It Ooze".



Cowabunga? A little '80s, is it not?



There's a reason for the nickname, Cole. You really wanna know?



Yeah. I think we'd all like to know.



During a class field trip to a farm, Joe went up to a cow, pulled out its tounge and and rubbed it on his d--



Ugh, that's enough.



You wanted to know. What? It brings back memories?






Well, there was that time I used my cat to -- you know, people call 'em "pussy cats" and whatnot, and--



Shut up!


Synth Esizer climbs to the top. Logan executes a sitdown powerbomb as Synth delivers a legdrop from the top.



What a beautiful melody. An Electric Melody, if you will.


The Saints spit on GPX and strut around, fluffing their hair as Black T laugh from the entranceway.


DAN (audio being picked up by a cameraman nearby)

Bloody stalkers.


That line sends cracks up Black T.



(to the director over his headset)

What do you want to do? Let's go backstage or to commerical. Just get out of the ring.


(Go to break)




(Return from break)


The cameras cut to a shot of the backstage area, and a round of boos picks up in the crowd as we see Hoff walking down a hallway, drinking a bottle of water, the 24/7 Title perched on his shoulder.



And there he is, the new 24/7 Champion, Hoff. A belt he stole --



Now COME ON! Hoff won the 24/7 Title fair and square, within the established rules of that crown.



Well Hoff's got one hell of a beating in store tonight at the hands of Axel.



That's right. Folks, if you haven't heard, Hoff will defend that title tonight in a huge main event contest against Axel!


As Hoff walks down the hall, a smirk on his face, Jackie Gayda approaches him with a mic.






Hey, cutiemuffin.



Listen, Hoff--



DAMN, Jackie, can't a man walk down a hallway in peace anymore?


Jackie's face turns beet red.



I-- I'm sorry, Hoff, I didn't mean to--


Hoff laughs sharply.



Nah, I'm just messing with your head, Barbie doll. Not that there's much to work with...



...Hoff, many people have asked what the real reason is you turned your back on the fans?



The REAL reason?



Well, yeah.


Hoff lowers his head and rubs his goatee thoughtfully.



Oh, well, the real reason, uh-huh, right, yes. *looking up* Because I don't NEED the fans!


*loud boos from the fans*



All right, sweet cans, feast your ears on this. With the fans, I got nothing. Nada. Zero. Now I've got this sweet gold belt on my arm, and I'm running with the elite.



So there's no ulterior motive?



Ulterior? That's an awfully big word for a blonde.


Jackie fumes.



Ha, I'm just kidding, sweetcheeks.


Hoff places his hand on Jackie's rear, and Jackie quickly shoves it off. Hoff laughs.



Listen. Everything I said on Sunday was true. I just want to be recognized as the best. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a date tonight.


Hoff walks off, but Jackie chases after him.



So you're not worried about your big match with Axel?



What? Come ON. Axel's a great wrestler, sure. But a lovesick puppy versus the future of the biz? I don't think that's much of a match, honey. And let's just say, we've got a... "gameplan" tonight. Axel says the pain will begin? He doesn't know the half of it.


Hoff walks off, still smirking as Jackie looks on.



Well, there you go. Back to you, guys.


(Back to the arena)

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The arena lights go out as one red spotlight focuses on the entrance way. Suddenly, two men in black robes appear at the top of the ramp with Axel’s casket. They wheel it down the ramp, and then leave it beside the ring, before leaving via the crowd.



Now what the hell is that? This is undue pressure on Hoff!



This is scary guys; we’ve never seen Axel like this, ever. He really wants to defeat Hoff, and put him in that casket.



Axel is dangerous right now, he’s almost psychotic! No one knows what he is capable of!


CUE: ‘Black’ by Sevendust


The lights go out as the crowd begins to give its opinion of the newest member of the Thrillogy, Hoff. Hoff walks out to the top of the ramp, and looks around at the crowd with a half smile on his face, and almost a nervous stare at the coffin.



Hoff seems to be relishing in the boos of these fans, but as soon as he looked at that coffin, his expression changed to one of almost fear!



Hoff isn’t scared Michael Cole, he is putting on a show for these fans, you just watch, Hoff will win this match, and retain his Twenty-Four Seven Championship.



Axel is a man on a mission in this one though guys, he said he will stop at nothing to vanquish the Thrillogy one by one, and he is starting with Hoff tonight.


Hoff walks down the ramp slowly and walks around the coffin, before sliding into the ring and looking at the coffin again.



The Following contest, scheduled for one fall is for the OAOAST Twenty-Four Seven Championship! Introducing first, representing the Thrillogy, from Minneapolis, Minnesota, weighing in tonight at two hundred seventy-five pounds, he is the reigning and defending OAOAST Twenty-Four Seven Champion, HOOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!



It’s mind games Michael Cole, and Hoff has to realise that. Axel is playing mind games with the Twenty-Four Seven Champion, and Hoff has swallowed them hook line and sinker tonight. He has to regroup and realise that through all of this crap, Axel is still the exact same normal guy that he was last week.



You’re right Caboose, Hoff has fallen for Axel’s mind games, and Axel has the advantage going into this match up. But then again guys, I think Hoff has the advantage by numbers, because we all know that Zack and Calvin want Axel out of their business, because the Dark One is beginning to prove a thorn in their side as of late.



Yeah, it’s no secret that Zack and Calvin want Axel out so they can be one step further to taking over this entire company!


Hoff stand in the corner, hands on hips, and belt around his waist, before the referee comes over to him to grab the gold. ‘Black’ fades down, and the crowd start to stir.



Axel has been in a completely different persona tonight, perhaps darker than we have ever seen him, and that is no mean feat.


Suddenly, the lights go OUT! The crowd pops!



I’m scared guys!


BOOM! Two small pyro blasts go off on either side of the top of the entrance ramp! The pyro dies down, and it leaves two flaming staffs on either side of the ramp!


BOOM! Another pyro blast, and another two flaming staffs, this time further down the ramp!


BOOM! Another two staffs burning, further down!


BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Three more! The entrance ramp is now lined with fire!



Now what the hell is this?



It’s a message, a message from the dark one!


CUE ‘The Game’ by Disturbed


The fans POP as Axel’s theme starts up. The lights are still off, and the flames on either side of the entrance ramp are burning brightly.


Tell me exactly what am I supposed to do?

Now that I have allowed you TO BEAT ME

Do you think that we could play another game?

Maybe I could win this time!


I kinda like the misery you put me through

Darling you can trust me COMPLETELY

If you even try to look the other way

I think that I could KILL this time…




A single, big pyro blast goes off at the top of the ramp, as the fans pop loudly. The fires on either side of the ramp get higher, and AXEL~! Appears at the top of the ramp, as a silhouette, as the lights are still off. One small light shines on The Dark One, as he strikes the crucifix pose at the top of the ramp, before starting to walk down slowly. Axel is in his traditional entrance attire of long black leather coat, and his match attire of red leather pants with Black ‘X’s on each side, and Black singlet top with red trim, with ‘FEEL THE PAIN’ on the back in red writing.



The atmosphere is electric!


Axel methodically makes his way down the ramp, with fire burning brightly on either side of him. He stops at the bottom of the ramp, in front of the last set of flames. He looks at the coffin, and then at Hoff, before rolling his eyes up into the back of his head. Axel strikes the crucifix pose quickly, and BOOM~! The flames fire up one more time, before going out completely. The lights go up, and Axel takes off his jacket, before laying it on the coffin. He steps up onto the ring apron and steps into the ring. Axel doesn’t take his eyes off the Twenty-Four Seven Champion!



More mind games from Axel here. The fire, the crucifix posing, the coffin, its all to get Hoff off his game, and I think it may have worked.



Nah, Hoff knows what Axel is doing. I’m sure Zack and Calvin have told him exactly what Axel is capable of, what his game plan will be.


Axel walks right up to Hoff, so that the two men are face to face. Referee Craig Burgess tries to show Axel the belt, but his eyes are locked on Hoff, and vice versa. Burgess gives up, and gives the belt to the timekeeper. ‘The Game’ dies down, and the fans wait for someone to make the first move.



The fans are ready, the referee is ready, and we are ready for this Twenty-Four Seven Championship slobberknocker!



You aren’t JR; you never will be JR, so stop trying.





Hoff starts talking trash to Axel, but Axel’s expression doesn’t change. Hoff starts to get frustrated at this, and takes a step back…



…before connecting with a hard right to the temple of Axel! Axel fries back straight away with a right of his own! Hoff fires back! Axel fires back! Right hand by Hoff again! Axel returns the favour! Hoff punches, Axel punches, they won’t back down!



These men are beating the crap out of each other!


Axel connects again with a right hand to Hoff’s temple! Hoff goes for a clothesline, Axel ducks under! Kick to the stomach by Axel, and another right hand! Hoff comes back with a right! Axel! Hoff! Axel! Hoff! Axel goes for a right hand, this time Hoff ducks under! Axel turns around, and into a right hand from Hoff! Axle fires back again! Hoff connects with a kick to the stomach, and then a right hand! Another boot by Hoff, and another right hand! Hoff goes for another clothesline, but he just can’t connect! Axel ducks under, Hoff turns around, and runs into a vicious knife edged chop! Hoff comes back with a chop of his own! Axel with a chop! Hoff with a chop! Kick to the midsection by Axel, and a vicious uppercut that sends Hoff staggering backwards! Axel comes off the ropes and charges at Hoff, Hoff tries to pick him up for a Spinebuster, Axel goes behind, Axel lifts Hoff up for an Axel Slam, Hoff slips off, Axel turns around to face Hoff, boot to the midsection by Hoff, Irish Whip by Hoff, Axel runs to the ropes, axel ducks under a clothesline, runs to the other side, and takes Hoff down with a spear! Axel connects with hard right hands to the face of Hoff!



There is genuine hatred here guys! These two will stop at nothing to beat the other down!


Hoff shifts his weight and turns Axel over, and starts laying in heavy punches to the temple! Axel pushes Hoff off of him, Hoff gets up straight away, as does Axel, they run at each other, both men go for a clothesline, and both men go down!



I guess we could call that a stalemate.


Axel and Hoff get up at around the same time, Hoff walks toward Axel, Axel catches him with a boot to the stomach and a front face lock, Axel tries a vertical suplex, Hoff blocks it, Hoff tries a suplex, Axel blocks it, punches to the stomach by Axel, and he lifts, Hoff over for a vertical suplex, but Hoff floats over and lands behind him! Axel turns around, Hoff tries for a Rock Bottom, Axel connects with an elbow to the head, followed by another, and another that sends Hoff staggering backwards. Hoff turns around and right into a vicious uppercut by Axel! Hoff stumbles back to the ropes, Axel runs at Hoff, and hits a Cactus Jack clothesline that sends both men crashing outside the ring!



The action has spilled to the outside!


Axel grabs Hoff as he gets up in a front face lock, but Hoff charges forward and rams Axel into the barricade! Hoff backs up and runs at Axel, but Axel ducks and sends Hoff flying into the crowd with a back body drop! Axel measures Hoff and Hoff slowly gets up, Axel springboards onto the barricade and flies off for a clothesline, but Hoff buries a right hand into the gut, which stops Axel dead in his tracks! Hoff starts again with the hard right hands, and Axel fires back with a right of his own! The two men trade punches yet again, and then start to brawl through the crowd!



You can get up close and personal with the action here on HeldDown!


Hoff tries a right hand, Axel blocks, and connects with a hard uppercut, that sends Hoff flying to ground! Axel goes for a cover!




No! Hoff kicks out!


Axel picks Hoff up, and locks in a front face lock. Axel tries to lift Hoff up for a vertical suplex; Hoff blocks and connects with a knee to the gut, and lifts Axel over for a suplex on the concrete! Hoff poses to the crowd to a chorus of boos!



Wow, that’s gotta take a lot out of a guy.



Hoff is just so cocky now; he is in the most incredible group we have ever seen in this company, and he is the Twenty-Four Seven Champion. He’s on a roll, and he might have the win here!


Hoff goes for a cover!








NO! Axel kicks out!



Axel had trouble kicking out of that pinfall attempt! It’s got to wreak havoc on a guy’s back to be suplexed on a concrete floor!



Hoff is showing his guts, his determination here tonight. Both these men are showing what brought them to the dance. It’s been very even early, and all this brawling just shows how much these men hate each other.


Hoff grabs Axel by the head and leads him through the crowd back to the barricade. Hoff tries to drive Axel’s head into the barricade, but Axel blocks it and elbows Hoff in the temple! Hoff staggers back; Axel goes to meet him, grabs Hoff by the hair and LAUNCHES him over the guardrail! Axel looks at Hoff while he is still down and springboards off the guardrail yet again, this time connecting with a leg drop to the throat of Hoff!



What a leg drop! Axel may have broken his tailbone!


Cover by Axel on the outside!





Hook of the leg!





NO! Hoff kicks out again!



Hoff kicked out! This match continues!



Good resiliency by Hoff, he wants to keep his hands on his Championship, and I, for one, think he’s going to do it.


Axel picks Hoff up and connects with a knee to the gut, before grabbing his left arm. Axel tries to Irish whip Hoff into the steel steps but Hoff reverses and Axel goes KNEES FIRST~! (© Mick Foley) into the steel, landing after a flip in mid air! Hoff smiles wickedly, and walks over to the now incapacitated Axel. He lifts Axel to his feet and drags him over to the guardrail by the hair, before pressing him up and dropping him down chest first across the guardrail! Hoff takes Axel over to the casket, and smashes his head against its wooden lid!



Here we go guys, just sit back and watch a master at work.



The signs are looking bleak for Axel!


Hoff grabs Axel again and lifts him up in a Gut Buster position. Hoff charges and drives Axel’s back into the steel ring post! Axel shouts in pain, before Hoff rolls him back into the ring. Hoff steps back into the ring, and delivers a straight stomp to Axel’s prone anatomy. Hoff comes off the ropes and delivers an elbow drop to Axel’s chest. Hoff stays down for the cover, but no hook of the leg…








NO! Axel kicks out!


Hoff lifts Axel to his feet again, before slyly smiling at him. Hoff grabs Axels left arm and Irish whips him, before reversing the whip himself and catching Axel with a short arm clothesline! Then Hoff starts flexing and posing to the crowd, who shower him with boos!



Hoff is in complete control! We’ve got to take our last commercial break ladies and gentlemen; we’ll be back after this!







We return from a commercial to see Hoff with a sleeper hold on Axel in the centre of the ring, with the crowd starting a small ‘Ax-el’ chant.



Welcome back! No more commercial breaks will be taken! We will stay with you until the conclusion of this match!



Hoff is still in complete control of this match up! Just look at what happened during the break!



*HeldDown logo flashes over screen*


We seen Hoff wait for Axel to get up, Axel turns around and runs at Hoff…


… Who catches Axel and gives him a vicious Overhead Belly to Belly suplex!



Beautiful suplex by Hoff and Axel is in big trouble right here.


*HeldDown logo flashes over the screen again and Axel is trying to fight out of the sleeper*


Referee Craig Burgess goes over to Axel, who is clearly fading fast, and asks him if he gives up, to which Axel replies with a gasp of ‘NO!’ The referee grabs Axel’s left arm and lifts it up in the air before letting it and…





The referee grabs Axel’s arm again and lifts it up, before letting it go again…






Axel’s done, there’s no way…



Axel’s arm only as to drop one more time!


The referee grabs Axel’s arm a third and final time, before lifting it into the air. The referee lets go of the arm and…














Yes! Axel’s still alive!



Not for long guys, he can’t get out of this…


Axel gets a rush of adrenaline! Axel gets to one knee, and Hoff tries to apply more pressure, but Axel gets to one leg! Axel gets to both feet! Hoff tries to lock the sleeper in tighter, but its no use! Axel with an elbow to the gut, and another, and a third, Hoff goes staggering back, Hoff tries a clothesline, Axel ducks under, and hooks Hoff up, flashes half a crucifix pose and drops him down for an Evenflow DDT~!



Hoff just got dropped on his head!



What a stiff DDT!


Both men are down! Axel crawls over and lays one arm over Hoff for the cover! The referee counts, and the crowd chant along with him!



No! Not like this!













THREEEEEEEEEEEEENO!!! Hoff just kicks out!






Hoff just kicked out!



Axel can’t believe it!


Axel slowly makes it to his feet and Hoff starts to do the same. They both turn around to face each other and Axel fires first with a right hand. Hoff fires straight back with one of his own. Axel fires back, Hoff fires back; Axel fires three quick punches in a row and sends Hoff for an Irish whip. Hoff comes off the ropes, and Axel catches him with a SPNEBUSTAH~!



Axel showing Hoff how it’s done!



Hoff’s version is better.


Axel signals for the end, and reaches down to grab Hoff’s left leg! Hoff grabs Axel by the hair and pulls him down for an inside cradle!



Inside cradle! Inside cradle!










Axel and Hoff get up at the same time and run at each other. Axel tries a clothesline, Hoff ducks under, goes behind, and delivers a back suplex to Axel!



Beautiful suplex by Hoff!


Hoff points to the sky and ascends the turnbuckles!



Hoff taking a risk here!



He’d better be careful!


Hoff goes up to the top turnbuckle and jumps off before connecting with an Elbow Drop! Hoff goes for the cover!












He’s got him!







Axel kicked out at the very last second!!


Hoff can’t believe it as he asks the referee if he’s sure that was two. Hoff grabs Axel and pulls him to his feet before signalling to the crowd that he was ending the match!



That’s it, Axel’s done.


Hoff sets up Axel or a Rock Bottom! Axel comes alive! Axel connects with three stiff elbows to the side of Hoff’s head, sending Hoff staggering back!



Here we go!


Hoff turns around to face Axel, Axel lifts him onto his shoulders and hits a DEATH VALLEY DRIVAH~!






What, you’re Australian now?



Axel’s got him!
































Oh thank god!


Axel gets up and strikes the crucifix pose to the crowd before waiting for Hoff to get up! Axel smiles a wicked, evil smile!



Axel Slam coming up!



Yeah – wait a minute!


ZACK AND CAL~! Start to come down to the ring! Axel can’t see either of them!



Here comes the cavalry!



Oh no! Axel watch out!


Axel grabs Hoff and lifts him up for an Axel Slam as Zack and Cal come into the ring! Axel turns around and Hoff slides off the back of Axel and pushes him into…





SCHOOL’S OUT~! By Zack Malibu!






That’ll dim your lights!


Axel goes down, holding his chin! Zack and Calvin pull his body up as Hoff gets to his feet! Zack and Calvin set up Axel and double Irish Whip him into off, who delivers an earth-shattering SPINEBUSTER!



What impact!


Hoff looks down at Axel and shouts ‘That’s how you do it, BITCH!’ before grabbing him again and setting him up for a Powerbomb.



Oh no, not this! You’ve done enough!


Hoff lifts Axel up for a Powerbomb, swings his legs down off his shoulders, and drives him into the mat with the H-BOMB! Hoff smiles at Axel before covering him, with Zack and Cal standing over the referee, making him count the pinfall.





















Cue: ‘Black’ by Sevendust



Here is your winner and still OAOAST Twenty-Four Seven Champion, HOOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!



Look at this, like a pack of dogs!


The Thrillogy drag Axel’s lifeless body to its feet, before Hoff shoves Axel into Zack, and Calvin goes up to the top rope. Zack lifts Axel up for the POP Drop, and smashes him down to the mat! Calvin gets to the top rope and comes off with a 450 SPLASH to Axel’s prone anatomy!



Axel has taken so much punishment, that’s enough!


The Thrillogy look at each other and go to the centre of the ring, before raising their arms as one to the distain of the crowd. They then look at Axel again, and decide they aren’t done. Calvin and Hoff pick Axel back up again as Zack climbs out of the ring.



Oh, they can’t do this!


Zack opens the casket lid, and Calvin and Hoff throw Axel inside before shutting it down! Hoff stands on the lid and does a muscle pose, with the crowd continuing to boo heavily. Hoff jumps off the casket and The Thrillogy members look at each other again. The look at the casket, and then grab, it before starting to wheel it up the ramp!



What the hell are they doing?



Easy, getting rid of the competition.


The Thrillogy wheel the casket up to the top of the ramp, before looking at the floor below! All three members grab the casket, and heave it up onto their shoulders!



This is not right! Don’t worry about a guy’s career; this could end a guy’s life!



I agree Michael! Stop this! Please for the love of god stop!



They’re the most dominant group of all time, you can’t stop them.


Zack, Calvin and Hoff walk over to the side of the ramp, looking at the concrete floor below! They lift the casket high into the air, and then launch it off the entrance ramp!





The casket flies off the ramp, and Smashes into a hundred pieces…







…BUT AXEL ISN’T INSIDE! The crowd pop! The Thrillogy can’t believe it!



Where the hell did he go?


Suddenly, the top two flaming staffs are set off again, and their fire begins burning! The Thrillogy can’t believe what happening!






That’s all the time we have folks! Where the hell did Axel go?



I have no idea! What the hell is going on! Axel has disappeared into thin air...



And so must we. Good night!



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