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Guest barnacles

Favourite entrances

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Guest barnacles

What was the best old school entrance, I've never seen WcW or ECW, so can't comment on either of those.

There were some really cool entrances though in the WWF, among my favourites were....


1) Macho Man-great music, the classical tune was great to    come out to, ala Jerry Lawler, or Ric Flair. Very dramatic.


2) Undertaker-had to be really, great music, great suspense. The dimmed lights, and the loud gongs coupled with the creepy music and walk made it a really memorable entrance.


Honourable mention goes to Hogan and Warrior, because I generally marked out at their entrances-especially Warrior doing 2 laps of the ring and then blowing up!!


Well, how about YOU?

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

It's a standard response to any "favourite..." thread, but I'd have to say Flair. Just goosebump inducing at times.

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Guest nWoScorpion

Gangrels entrance was iight. It was mad cool. Old School Undertaker's was tight and Kanes.

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Guest Drury37

I know this might sound a bit markish but I thought Hulk Hogan's entrance was pretty cool,because it got the crowd going.


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Guest dreamer420

I like Kurt Angle's currently too.  I guess he has been using the pyro since he won the King Of The Ring in 2000, and with the you suck chants mixed in with his music I love it.

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Guest razazteca

Mankind had a great entrance the music fit his mood as a crazy man, then he would sit in the corner and pull out his hair.


Ultimate Warrior running to the ring and shaking the ropes


The Brain introducing to all of the buck tooth redneck losers the man that excite the ladies...Rick Rude!!!


Roddy Pipper with the bag pipe band intro

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Guest JHawk

Favorite ECW entrance would have to be The Sandman.  You'd have the entire crowd singing along to it, Sandman hit every side of the ring with the beer drinking.  Nothing cooler than seeing it live.


Favorite all-time entrance is old school The Undertaker.  I don't know if they actually turned the AC to max or what, but you could actually feel the arena get about 20 degrees cooler.

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Guest FakeRazor

Gangrel- Just awesome, rising from the flames and spitting "blood."


Sycho Sid-  The ONLY and I mean ONLY thing I like about Sid, is his intro as Sycho Sid.  Gotta admit, those sparkler things spelling out "SID" is hella cool.


Randy Savage- Nothing too flashy, but the music, while a strange choice, just fits.


Kurt Angle- The pyro is awesome, going off when Angle poses midway down the ramp.


Kane-  Gotta admit, fire shooting out of the turnbuckles is pretty bad ass.


Shawn Michaels-  Always made a grand entrance, and you gotta love the pyro while he's posing.


I'm probably forgetting a bunch, but those are some that I could think of right now.

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I always liked Jericho's countdown, the old one more than the new one


Austin's glass breaking is cool


I also like the NWO stuff, but I dont have epilespy, so who am I to say

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Guest Zack Malibu

When I was a kid, I always marked out when The Rockers ran out to their theme music.  They hit the ring and got the crowd going before the match even started.


Shawn Michaels, when Sherry would hold up the mirror while he danced and preened.


Mr. Perfect, with the classical music, towel toss and gum swat

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Guest krambigmac

Midnight Express since Cornette did the intro and then Stan Lane would introduce Cornette.  I think the Heavenly Bodies had the same shtick since they were like the Express.

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Guest Mark4steamboat
Midnight Express since Cornette did the intro and then Stan Lane would introduce Cornette.  I think the Heavenly Bodies had the same shtick since they were like the Express.

Loved that. Huge markout moment whenever i see that/

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Guest Redhawk

Ultimate Warrior

The Brood

Triple H

Shawn Michaels (in DX)


Undertaker (pre-biker)


The Dudley Boyz (pre-Forceable Entrance music)

The Hardy Boys (sans Lita)


Jeff Jarrett (his latest WCW run)

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Guest y2jailbait

Razor Ramon was a good entrance, but my all time favorite has to be Rowdy Roddy Pipers entrance. That music was the best fit for Piper, which is obvious, but not only was it a perfect theme for hsi personality, it also was so damn reconizable that it couldnt be mistaken for anything else.

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Guest WWF4Life

Jeff Jarrett's WWF run in 1998. A flashing neon suit, riding a horse covered in neon to ringside. Hehehe! Poor guy.


Seriously though...


Mankind - Great idea to have two different theme musics


Undertaker - Every entrance he's ever had has been cool


Shawn Michaels - A few different ways...the zip line, swinging in from the IYH set. Great stuff

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Mankind's first appearances in the WWF

Undertaker (pre-biker)

Earthquake (Jumping around and shaking the ring)

Tazz's first appearance in the WWF



Godfather's Hos

Crash Holly's video game entrances

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Guest dreamer420

here is my list:


kurt angle





dudley's (pre wwf)

tommy dreamer

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Guest converge241

Flair old-school NWA dimlit arena style.

the elaborate Taker entrances.

Vaders old take off the helmet and it shoots smoke and sparks.


Sting's drop from the ceiling (if that counts).

When Austin frist started catching on in the WWF and they put that glass screen in the entrance way..killer.

Road Warriors in NWA with Iron Man.

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