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Guest Dynamite Kido

The lets convince -iB- he's having a heart attack

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Guest Dids

I tried, but every link just rememind me that I'm in more danger of a heart attack that he probably is.


Although on the plus side, he's got a far greater chance of being pushed in front of a bus.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

iB eats dinner with Dids every night.


and the cheap shots keep coming today.

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Guest MikeSC
iB eats dinner with Dids every night.


and the cheap shots keep coming today.

I don't suppose comments like "Well, a guy with a massively clogged left ventricle would write something like that" would really work too well.


I imagine "If you had more blood going to your brain, rather than to that huge hole in your heart that will cause you a heart attack in 2 weeks" wouldn't work too well, either.


This is challenging.


...Who has chest pains --- but I did just eat a burrito

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

iB, maybe you read too many of Mike's posts in this folder, and your body is subconsciously trying to kill itself.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
iB, maybe you read too many of Mike's posts in this folder, and your body is subconsciously trying to kill itself.

Thinking about that too long may actually make your head explode.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
I tried, but every link just rememind me that I'm in more danger of a heart attack that he probably is.


Although on the plus side, he's got a far greater chance of being pushed in front of a bus.

Is the chance of him dying because of him having a heart attack right before being struck by the bus or just from the impact?

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Guest Dids

Nah, from the bus backing up over him after it realizes it didn't do the job right in the first place.

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Guest MikeSC
iB, maybe you read too many of Mike's posts in this folder, and your body is subconsciously trying to kill itself.

Well...uh...well...uh...you suck.


Score one for me.


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Guest Danny Dubya v 2.0

They'll be stunned speechless by his words when wondering why the hell he even contemplated using them. And then he'll claim that he owned us all, like every good "what now? what now!??! owl got yo tongue!? huhuhuhuhuh that's what I THOUGHT!" lowlife, while we stand around him, jaws drooping, wondering how many minutes of his life were stolen from him to create a .10-decent flame. :blink:

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Guest MikeSC
Team Anglesault will surely prevail with Mike's flaming abilities on its side.


I thought so.

They'll be stunned speechless by his words when wondering why the hell he even contemplated using them. And then he'll claim that he owned us all, like every good "what now? what now!??! owl got yo tongue!? huhuhuhuhuh that's what I THOUGHT!" lowlife, while we stand around him, jaws drooping, wondering how many minutes of his life were stolen from him to create a .10-decent flame.

Is this what they mean by "sound and fury signifying nothing"?

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Guest Danny Dubya v 2.0
Is this what they mean by "sound and fury signifying nothing"?

To fight by speaking softly, you need a big stick first Mike. Priorities, priorities!

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Guest MikeSC
Is this what they mean by "sound and fury signifying nothing"?

To fight by speaking softly, you need a big stick first Mike. Priorities, priorities!

Please, no discussion of your "stick" here. Save it for the boys at the YMCA or something.


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Guest Danny Dubya v 2.0

Actually, I wasn't going for the sexual innuendo route, but thanks for going in that direction to spite us Mike, I now know more about you than I would really like to. I was using the stick as a reference to your flaming ability, and had no intention of delving into your childhood experiences in lockerroom penii rainforests.

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Guest MikeSC
Actually, I wasn't going for the sexual innuendo route, but thanks for going in that direction to spite us Mike, I now know more about you than I would really like to. I was using the stick as a reference to your flaming ability, and had no intention of delving into your childhood experiences in lockerroom penii rainforests.

I thought the plural of penis was penises --- but I bow to your obvious superiority of knowledge in the field of multiple phalluses.


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Actually, I wasn't going for the sexual innuendo route, but thanks for going in that direction to spite us Mike, I now know more about you than I would really like to. I was using the stick as a reference to your flaming ability, and had no intention of delving into your childhood experiences in lockerroom penii rainforests.

I thought the plural of penis was penises --- but I bow to your obvious superiority of knowledge in the field of multiple phalluses.


OUCH. What a zing.



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Man, Team Malibu and ChokenSault are TEARING IT UP. If this goes to a second page we might need to bring their respective teams in on it.


EDIT: Nevermind, DerangedHermit just brought the KO on ChokenSault.

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Guest MikeSC
Man, Team Malibu and ChokenSault are TEARING IT UP. If this goes to a second page we might need to bring their respective teams in on it.


EDIT: Nevermind, DerangedHermit just brought the KO on ChokenSault.


This is the gift of realizing you don't "win" anything, so caring about it is so not necessary.


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Guest Danny Dubya v 2.0
Actually, I wasn't going for the sexual innuendo route, but thanks for going in that direction to spite us Mike, I now know more about you than I would really like to. I was using the stick as a reference to your flaming ability, and had no intention of delving into your childhood experiences in lockerroom penii rainforests.

I thought the plural of penis was penises --- but I bow to your obvious superiority of knowledge in the field of multiple phalluses.


What can I say to try and act modest here? Oh yes, I've learned from the best.



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Guest Danny Dubya v 2.0
Not caring means you don't win. Only losers don't win.



Only if one says he doesn't care to try and get others to honestly believe so. Chances are if one truly doesn't care about something, they'll claim ignorance to the issue, look away and keep on doing whatever the hell they were doing. 90% of the time, when someone says "I don't care", they care so much that it's pathetic and transparent.

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This is a shame. We have decent gangwars raging all across the forum, and THIS is the best you can come up with? Mike pulling his usual ego-stroking and Shadow Sovereign owning him at every turn? This is sad, kids. But then again, there's a reason that Mike is on Team Chokensault. Because he's chokin'...on salt....because cum is salty.



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