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Guest Ash Ketchum

To whoever's marking my match

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Guest Ash Ketchum

I need about three to four more hours to write for Absolution. I had a real problem come up (mainly school and my parents), and I've been kept away from my match for most of the week. :(


Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I am planning to show for the PPV. And I will. But I need more time.


Thank you.


~Ash Ketchum, Worried Sick That He's Gonna Run Outta Time And Be Forced To Job @_@;;;;;;;~

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Guest Insanityman

As you may of read in T-Bone's post unless I get an extension I'm probably going to be stuck no-showing or handing in a 3000 word match. Mainly it was my own fault for putting everything aside for school, and now it's back and biting me in the ass like a thing that bites asses...



Anyways, I have to leave around the due time for an hour, but after that I could make EXCELLENT use of the extension time.



Edit: Fuck, the board time is MY time, so it'd have to be at least 4 hours for me to get it done, no even more. God damn it, might as well get what I can get done and send it in or maybe even no-show... :(

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Guest DiabloIIFreak1010

Uh. Yeah. Edwin, I had to rush my match. Check your PMs, I don't have the marker, so I sent it to you.

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Guest HVilleThugg

This is exactly why holding the markers until the last minute is a bad idea.  Those people who have to finish early for whatever reason can't send their matches to anyone...nor do they know from whom to ask an extension.


Da "saying, 'sheesh!'" H

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Guest hhh6294

As well as Ash, I need time to write as well.  My Disc drive has mega errors in it, and is screwing up any disk I pop in there... so my 3500 match got deleted, and all I have backed up is 900 words of it.  I WILL NOT NO SHOW... but I just need more time to write it.

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Guest Ace309

Erm, yeah, me too.


I should actually be able to get her done between classes, but I'm not sure if I'll be home by 4 PM Eastern (which I believe is 3 PM Board). If I'm not, it won't be too horribly much later than that. Just depends on traffic.

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Guest HVilleThugg



Ok, I understand that there's some confusion about the markers, which are going up as I type this, but that's no excuse for not starting your match.  I'm not saying that's why because I know you are all eternal slackers who put off the match till the last minute.  Wait...I went off the topic I intended.  Sorry...ummm....yeah.  THe markers are going up now...please send your extension requests to them if you wish to have it granted.  I know not having the markers is inconvenient, but I can't guarantee that your marker will read this thread.  So, when you check this, send your requests to your marker.


Da "very understanding" H

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Guest Ace309

I'm not sure anyone's said they didn't start their match. Personally, I've just had a time crunch and since I write them on my Palm on campus, and there's no way to sync to one of the university computers, I have to send them from home.


I figure it's better than only writing in the evenings, but hey, what do I know?

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