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Guest The Bad Guy

Selling videos...

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Guest The Bad Guy

A couple of people here and there when hearing that I have 107 Wrestling Video Masters have asked that I create copies and sell them, so for the first time ever I'm opening up that service. I will be making these copies with a Sima Copymaster [Thanks for the tip that I can get them at Best Buy.] So they will be of a very high quality, especially as you aren't going to get something that's 3rd and 4th gen or maybe even lower.


Without further ado, here's the list...


WWF Best of Raw Volume 1

WWF Rock Bottom

ECW Path of Destruction

Col Vid. - Andre The Giant

WWF Fully Loaded 98

1992 WWF Survivor Series

WWF Mayhem in Manchester

WWF Judgement Day 98

Wrestlemania VI

1991 WWF Survivor Series

WWF Crunch Claassic

WCW Slamboree 1999

Wham! Bam! Bodyslam!

WWF Over The Edge 1998

WWF Summerslam 1999

The Best of The WWF Vol. 17

Hulkamania VI

WWF Rampage 92

Wrestlemania's Greatest Matches [1992]

Wrestlemania's Greatest Matches [1991]

Royal Rumble 1990

WWF Invasion 2001

Mega Matches 96' - Good Friends Better Enemies

WWF Survivor Series 1997

1992 Battle of The WWF Superstars

2nd Annual Battle of The WWF Superstars

WWF Summerslam 92

WWF Summerslam 89

WWF Wrestlefest 94

WWF Slamathon 96 - Buried Alive

WCW Fall Brawl 1995

WWF Summerslam 93

WWF Summerslam 96

WWF In Your House 2 [Actually the 3rd One]

Royal Rumble 1997

WWF Summerslam 95

WWF Summerslam's Greatest Hits [1993]

WWF King of The Ring 1994

The 2nd Annual [89?] Survivor Series

Hulkamania 4

Diesel: Big Daddy Cool

Razor Ramon: Oozing Macheezmo

Off The Top Rope

WCW Greatest Grudges

WWF Royal Rumble 96

Wrestlefest 97'

WWF Most Memorable Matches 1999

WWF Slammy Awards 96

WCW Uncensored 1995

WCW Ric Flair - 2 Decades of Excellence

Hulkamania 3

The Hulkster Hulk Hogan

Shawn Michaels: Hits From The Heartbreak Kid

WCW Halloween Havoc 1995

WWF Wrestling Superheroes

WWF Smack Em' Whack Em'

WWF World Tour

Bret "The Hitman" Hart [1996]

WCW Starrcade 1993

WCW Hog Wild 1996

WWF Supertape 3

WWF Summerslam's Greatest Hits [1992]

Hell Yeah

WWF Supertape 4

The British Bulldogs

WWF Supertape 2

WWF Supertape

WWF Grand Slams

WWF The Big Event

The Wrestling Classic

WWF Tag Team Champions

Kevin Nash: The Outsider

Beyond The Mat

I Like To Hurt People

WCW Starrcade 1995

WCW Superbrawl VI

WWF Wrestlemania XII

WWF Wrestlemania XI

WWF Wrestlemania X

WWF Wrestlemania IX

WWF Wrestlemania IV

WWF Wrestlemania III

Mega Matches 1995

Hulk Hogan's Rock N' Wrestling Vol. 3

WWF Most Amazing Matches

WWF Slamfest

WWF In Your House: Greatest Matches

WWF Rampage 1991

Cause' Stone Cold Said So

Bash at The Beach 1996

WCW Fall Brawl 1996

WWF Wrestlefest 1992

WWF Wrestlefest 1991

WWF Wrestlefest 1990

WWF Invasion 92'

WWF World Tour 1992

WWF Hottest Matches

The Best of the WWF Vol. 14

The Best of the WWF Vol. 15

Hulkamania Forever

Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Mick Foley: Madman Unmasked

WWF Raw: Prime Cuts


[Note: Sorry for the disorginization of this list, I copied it right off of my the order the tapes are in on my shelves.]

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Guest Your Olympic Hero
The 2nd Annual [89?] Survivor Series

Actually '89 is the 3rd Survivor Series... as if anyone cares.

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Guest reverse knife edge

I'm interested in a few of those tapes. Drop me an e-mail at theszpress@aol.com.

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You are asking for trouble by making a post like this.  It is pretty dumb to openly state that you are going to copy WWF videos, and then sell them to people.  It doesn't get much more illegal than that.

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hey tn,


why do you have to be a dick to every 1. even including the crazy max tape trading board? what does it make you feel better.?



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  I assume you're talking to me, eventhough you typed "tn" instead of "TD."  I am not being a dick.  I'm giving the guy a heads up.  I'm letting him know that he really shouldn't advertise the fact that he is selling copies of WWF tapes, and that he could get busted for it.  Is that so bad?

  And if you think I'm a dick because I told you your links didn't work on here, then get real.  I mean 2 DIFFERENT times I wanted to go to your website and buy stuff from you and give you $$$, but I couldn't.  When I said it was shady, I said it because I figured if you didn't pay enough detail to listing your own website correctly, then how much detail would you pay to my order?  You've since corrected the problem and that's cool!  

  I don't want to get into something with you b/c I've seen people just bitch at each other on these boards, and it's just stupid.  Let's just leave it at this.

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