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Guest Salacious Crumb

Hell In A Cell

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You know in relation to HBK/HHH, DAMN THEM!!!! I mean how dare they use crap like psychology, I mean how DARE they try to make every punch and kick mean something! Seriously, how dare they use the past to make Hell in the Cell important. Don't they know we are of the Russo Generation? We have no patience! We don't care about the past, and in the end if you try to tell us a story we will hate you! We will beg for interference! I mean how DARE they use Hell in the Cell as a ultimate battle between two bitter foes for a say of respect. Seriously, silly HHH and silly HBK, WE ARE MARKS! GIVE US SPOTS AND BLOOD! Yet don't worry my friends, The Great American Bash is Coming.

My feelings exactly.


I would rather see a scaffold match even.


You've got to be kidding.

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Guest whitemilesdavis
You've got to be kidding.


Sure, I was being a bit sarcastic, but come to think of it, I really don't know which one I'd rather watch. It's like being given a choice between a turd and a pile of crap for lunch...


I'll have the pile of crap, please.

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Guest Evil Blood

If you dont like hell in the cell then dont watch it - its that simple.


Everyone time hell in the cell comes around I enjoy it because you know the match is going to be good and if a main event it will be a bloody war and may have some high spots.

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Guest Anglesault

I didn't see the match last night, but the current trend of playing up the history of the Cell's great matches and then responding with a streetfight in a cage is damned lame.


If you want to have a cage match with pin only rules and weapons allowed, do as much.


Don't bill it as a HiaC and get people excited.

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Guest whitemilesdavis
If you dont like hell in the cell then dont watch it - its that simple.



Hey, thanks for the advice. Don't watch it, huh? That's all I have to do? Dang, never thought of that.


Everyone time hell in the cell comes around I enjoy it because you know the match is going to be good


Except, of course, when it sucks...like it did Sunday.



it will be a bloody war and may have some high spots.



You know though, those backyard tapes have a lot of blood on them too. Why don't you just get those? And for that matter, every New Jack match I ever saw had blood in it....and they all sucked.

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Guest Benno
I know I'm in the minority here, but I've liked his run. It's not like he's having awful matches. He's had very good matches with pretty much all his opponents, worked very hard, so why should he go?


Because people just aren't that interested in seeing him anymore, at least as a face.

what people! the guy got a bigger face pop than anybody at that ppv, hes one of, if not THE most over face on the roster! you'd have a point if he wasnt over anymore but he is, and its evident from every tv show he appears on that he is...so i ask again, what "people"???



i thought it was a great match, i wish theyd of used the cell more of course and i didnt mind them using a ladder as its hbk's favourite weapon but using a table kinda sucked..hell at least they didnt use foil trashcan lids and cookiesheets though..

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Guest Salacious Crumb

How about the buyrates totally tanking when he main events?

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You know in relation to HBK/HHH, DAMN THEM!!!! I mean how dare they use crap like psychology, I mean how DARE they try to make every punch and kick mean something! Seriously, how dare they use the past to make Hell in the Cell important. Don't they know we are of the Russo Generation? We have no patience! We don't care about the past, and in the end if you try to tell us a story we will hate you! We will beg for interference! I mean how DARE they use Hell in the Cell as a ultimate battle between two bitter foes for a say of respect. Seriously, silly HHH and silly HBK, WE ARE MARKS! GIVE US SPOTS AND BLOOD! Yet don't worry my friends, The Great American Bash is Coming.

What psychology did they use? By the end of the match they had resorted to throwing out weak bombs and no-selling those by getting up and trading weak punches. They didn't make anything mean a damn. They didn't tell a story - they just brawled around and then went "shit, we need some spots! get the ladder! superkick! pedigree! superkick! punch! pedigree!"


The two were absolutely clueless of their environment - they used the cell, what, twice? And those were throws into the cage in the early portion of the match. Perhaps they could USE the stipulation? They hate each other, ok. I got that back in 2002.


Please, explain what story they told (aside from "I hate you! pedigree! superkick!") and what psychology they used. I'm begging you.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

There wasn't any. That's why the match was a complete borefest.

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the guy got a bigger face pop than anybody at that ppv


Only because he did the ladder spot.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
the guy got a bigger face pop than anybody at that ppv


Only because he did the ladder spot.

Oh come on....don't forget the entire front row insulting HBK whenever he came to ringside.


Besides..A crowd will pop for anything that resembles a high spot. For god's sake, Kane got a face pop for chokeslamming Benoit..and he's a heel.

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How about the buyrates totally tanking when he main events?


Please let's not go back to that discussion AGAIN.


HBK is still WAY over. Listen to the crowds on TV and on PPVs. He's a match for any face on the RAW roster, maybe even better.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Yeah, that's why Arm 02 totally tanked with HBK headlining and grabbing a .5 buyrate when the previous show pulled in a .85. And don't bring SurvivorSeries as an excuse because it has long since ceased having outside appeal.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Armageddon can also be faulted for a pathetic card period. The SD Main Event was Angle/Show for the World Title, and the undercard I can hardly remember outside of Book-Dust FINALLY winning the tag titles in a 4 way.

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Guest Benno
How about the buyrates totally tanking when he main events?

erm...i don't think the ppv's where he wasnt headlining did any worse buyrate wise, but someone may correct me on that if they have the facts to back it up...



hbk IS one of the most over faces on the roster, he got the biggest response coming out of the curtain and he very usually does, so saying the only pop he got was when he produced a ladder is a joke...


stop letting your bias cloud your judgement..the iwc has a hard time realising that when they personally dont like a wrestler, the rest of the world doesnt necessarilly agree...unless theyre scott keith, then it's ok.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Going from Survivor Series where it was a .85 to Arm. 02 where it was a .5. That's tanking the buyrate.

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Guest krazykat72

Actually, there's still debate over what that buyrate is as it's been reported as .5-.68 and they were still revised figures on shows from that time frame only a few months ago according to Meltzer, and considering the December PPV's are traditionally among, if not the lowest, of the year, it's not quite as bad as you'd lead everyone to believe. It's not great, but still. Also, Survivor was sold on the Elimination Chamber gimmick and the curiosity surrounding it. I'm sure it spiked the buyrates slightly.


-Paul Jacobi-

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Going from Survivor Series where it was a .85 to Arm. 02 where it was a .5. That's tanking the buyrate


That's spotty logic at best. SurSeries is one of WWE's Big Four so it traditionally does better than average buyrates. By your logic then, Eddie Guerrero tanked NWO 2004 'cause it did far less buys than Royal Rumble 2004. Or Kurt Angle tanked WMXIX, which did one of the worst 'Mania buyrates in years, cause it did far, far, far less than WMX-8.


And HBK headlined SurSeries 2002 anyway, so should he be praised for the .85 buyrate? You can't just blame the ME when the show does less than expected and then go commend the undercard and ignore it when the show does better. One-match shows that are the only selling point for PPVs are few and far between, like WMVI, WMIII, WMX-7. Most show's success have ME and undercard go hand-in-hand.

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Guest krazykat72

If anything, blame Hogan/Vince for the weak 'Mania XIX buyrate since that was the most pushed thing on the entire show.


-Paul Jacobi-

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Guest Salacious Crumb

No, the buyrate has never been talked about being higher than a .5 which is further supported by the fact the WWF tried to hide the number.

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