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Kurt Angle Mark

And in a shocking development

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Guest CronoT
The highest rated segment on RAW this Monday was a strong 5.1 for the overrun which featured the end of the Triple H vs. Eugene match.

Can't you see?


...and now let the HHHate begin.

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I wouldn't mind the diva search thing that much if it was just one segment. It would be like OK, this is their little cross-promotional effort, and they're telling us what it's going to be. Fine. But using four or five segments on it is just ridiculous. Luckily, working through Raw every week allowed me to have my fast-forward button handy, but I can tell I would have gotten pissed if I actually had to watch that.


I'll tell you what would draw like it's 1999 is a Rock/HHH feud for the belt. Rock should just take a three month hiatus from shitty movies. Then they can have HHH fuck up Eugene even worse to where Rock has to come back to "stop" HHH. Then, they can build the feud on how they used to be equal, but HHH has passed The Rock by, and Rocky can't beat him anymore. Then, they could just do a whole bunch of those training videos, saying Rock wants to get back to his past glory, and they could just run one every week so it looks like he's still focused on wrestling when he's back making shitty movies. The WWE could even set up their schedule to come to Anaheim or LA or SD or Miami once a month so that The Rock can still come to a show.


It would even be interesting to see Rock come back, win the title (after 8 months or so of off and on wrestling), and then say he accomplished what he wanted to and now he's leaving again, surrendering the title and setting up a 16-man tournament for the belt. It just seems that the audience is so hungry to see The Rock involved in the show again that if they could get another serious run out of him, it would be huge.

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It would even be interesting to see Rock come back, win the title (after 8 months or so of off and on wrestling), and then say he accomplished what he wanted to and now he's leaving again, surrendering the title and setting up a 16-man tournament for the belt.

Now as much as I like The Rock (Avatar and all) that would completely make all challengers previous to the belt look like shit.

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Guest goyanks52599

It would even be interesting to see Rock come back, win the title (after 8 months or so of off and on wrestling), and then say he accomplished what he wanted to and now he's leaving again, surrendering the title and setting up a 16-man tournament for the belt. It just seems that the audience is so hungry to see The Rock involved in the show again that if they could get another serious run out of him, it would be huge.


Sounds good and all but the WWE brass would never go for "surrendering" the title right after winning it. BUt I must admit, The rock is needed as WWE slowly goes down the shitter. God forbid he put the frieken duke nukem movie on hold to help raise the bar for the company that made him famous. Of course, even shitty movies can get you a good payday i suppose

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Actually, here's what I'd really like to see if I were a booker that would probably work even better. At Summerslam, Benoit controls most of the match against HHH before there's a ref bump and Evolution starts working over Benoit. Then Rocky comes out to miss the save with a chair and nails Orton, Batista, and Flair, but misses on HHH and cracks Benoit.


The next night, Benoit asks for a rematch, but Bischoff brushes him off saying that Rock and Eugene are facing HHH and Flair. The next week Benoit gets brushed off again by Bischoff in favor of The Rock. The week after that, Benoit reminds him that he's contractually guaranteed to get a rematch against HHH, and if nothing else, he'll get it at Unforgiven. Bischoff finally relents and grants him his title shot that night on Raw. Benoit again controls the match, but when he finally goes down, HHH goes for the chair and Rocky nails him for the DQ.


The next week, Rocky has a #1 contender's match against Kane and when HHH comes out to interfere, it looks like Benoit is going to make the save, but instead he absolutely destroys Rock with about 10 stiff chairshots, until they do the EMTs like they did with HBK. He cuts a promo saying that he's given 20 years of his life to this business, and then when he finally got to the top, he got overlooked for some piece of shit that can't even be bothered to show up to Raw half the time. He earned the World Heavyweight Title and there's no way in hell he'll let The Rock steal the moment from him.


I've always thought psycho heel Benoit was way more entertaining than goofy face Benoit, and the Rock/Benoit feud would be money in the bank. Benoit could get suspended for a few weeks to give Rock a chance to win the title, and then eventually win the belt back and carry it as a heel until Wrestlemania. That would draw some serious money.

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Guest CronoT

That post = time for Mode's tranquilizer meds.

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