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Guest nWoScorpion

October 93-december 93 compiliation rant

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Guest nWoScorpion

Welcome to Hollywood Scorpions 4th Tape review on thesmarks board. This time will be somethingh different. Instead of doing major PPV's, i will be doing compiliations of the Monday Night Raw's, Wrestling Challenge's and WWF Superstars' in these rants. First up: WWF Circa 1993-1994.


Monday Night Raw:

October 4, 1993


-WWF-Intercontinental Title Contendership:


Show opens with Vince Mcmahon & Bobby Heenan on the PBP. Diesel, Tatanka, Bam Bam Bigelow, M.V.P (aka Abe Knuckleball Schwartz), Mabel, Bastion Booger, Mr. Perfect, Marty Jannetty, 1-2-3 Kid & I.R.S are currently in the ring. Next entrant is Adam Bomb followed by Razor Ramon, and the Quebecers, Jacque & Pierre. Commerical edits Bob Backlund, Jimmy Snuka, Rick Martel, Owen Hart. We come back for the end of Giant Gonzalez's and finally "Macho Man" Randy Savage.

Savage nails Gonzalex with a double ax-handle off the top before the bell sounds and we are underway. savage connects with another one and attempts to toss the big man. Others who go after him are Bigelow, Bomb, Jannetty, Diesel, Kid, Booger and Perfect tossing him at 0:31. Everyone pairs off. Savage & Bigelow go at it as do Rick Martel & Owen Hart. Savage gos after Booger.


Heenan: I was gonna pick booger but i wasnt talking about this!


IRS & Booger try to toss Savage to no avail. Owen saves him from elimanation. MVP takes a shot from Savage as Diesel just kicks his ass. (MVP's). Mabel pounds on Savage, MVP gos at it with Jacque and Jannetty pairing off with Booger. Backlund is on Martel. Owen gos at it with Bigelow. Adam has Marty reeling but holds on. Jannetty is wearing the Rockers attire from wrestlemania VII just to piss me off. Diesel 7 Booger try tossing Savage. Mabel squashes Tatanka yelling "every man for himself!". Diesel 7 Perfect go at it as Booger, ITS & Bam Bam try tossing Savage who is saved by himself. Kid and MVP go at it in the corner. Jannetty makes the save. Perfect gos at it with both Quebecers as does Razor Ramon. Mabel is only the 2nd man elimanated by Diesel & I.R.S at 5:44. I.R.S gos curtesy of Ramon at 6:15. 1-2-3 Kid is gone via Booger at 6:47. Kid gos splat on the floor. Perfect with a chop to Tatanka. Diesel trys tossing Perfect but to no avail. Diesel pounds on Tatanka.  Perfect dodges a Diesel charge elimanating him at 8:08. Commercial break. Bob Backlund ahs been tossed right before we come back so i wont put a time on it. It was via Rick Martel though. 8:20 is the time so far. Bigelow & savage continue to fight. Heenan spreading rumors of Savage keeping Crush out of the Battle Royal. snuka is gone at 8:57 by Rick Martel, who returned the previous week. Perfect fights with Bam Bam but gets tossed on his ass at 9:47. Savage gos after Bam Bam. Jannetty is taken part by MArtel & Bomb. Marty saves Savage but is elimanated by Bomb at 10:49. Tatanka is gone via Bammer at 11:13. Razor attacks booger and Savage on Bigelow. Bam Bam & Booger try tossing Savage but Razor makes the save. Savage tosses Booger now at 11:59. Razor then take sout Bigelow at 12:12. We come back as Owen Hart elimanated MVP at a clipped 12:42. The Quebecers elimate Owen at 12:55. Down to razor, Savage, Bomb, Martel & The Quebecers. Quebecers go with Ramon and Bomb/Martel on Savage. Savage fights back oin Bomb and puts him out with a firemans carry at 15:32. It takes all 3 heels plus Bomb to elimanate Savage at 15:42. Its down to the 3 Canadians & Razor Ramon. Razor takes a mudhole stomping. all 3 men miss a dropkick. Razor pounds on all 3 men for a bit until they triple team him some more. They all take turns taken a licking on Razor. Jacque holds Razor for a clothesline, but Pierre misses elimanating his partner at 19:05, as Ramon tosses Pierre to end the match at 19:10. The final two men, Razor Ramon & rick Martel, will fight next Monday for the Vacant IC Title. as for the abttle Royal, ***. Pretty good for a battle royal, and it had longitivity to it, not a 7 minute squash.



October 9, 1993


Men on a Mission vs. Damion Damento & Jobber

Squash match with Mabel pinning the unnamed jobber after Mo assistance adding weight to a Mabel big splash. 3:56. DUD.



October 11, 1993


WWF-Intercontinental championship Match:

CH#1: Razor Ramon vs. CH#2: Rick "The Model" Martel

They have the card girl for this match, halellujah! Martel posses to boos. Ramo throws ih stoothpick at martel Shoing match starts, Martel slaps razor. Martel with an armringer reversed by Ramon into amodified version of the same move, which is again reversed by Martel and again by Ramon. Martel takes him down, slaps him in the back of the head and does Jumping Jacks. Secret alliance with Bodydonnas? find out on superstars! Martel with a series of rights on ramon. ramon misses a clothelsine but nails the fall away slam. Martel with a knee and headlock on the bad dude. Thank god he isnt wearing Pink trunks here. Ramon picks up martel and palces him on the outside and slingshots him back in. Boot by Razor and some shoulder thrusts follow. Way up high Shoulder ringer. Modified armbar by Ramon into another version of the same move. Martel takes ramon outside and rams him into the corner of the ring, followed by a slam on the floor. Ramon gets whipped into the corner several times followed by a back suplex. Martel with a cheap pin gets 2. Martel stompd the back of Ramon setting up the boston Crab. ramon fights back but t no avail as Martel takes him down with a high knee. Martel turns over the Bston Crab but Ramon gets the bottom rope. Clothesline by Martel and he locks iun the Crab again in the the middle of the ring this time. Ramon powers out but gets clotheslined back down for 2. ramon with a slap and sets him up top. Martel knocks him off and nails a body press which is reversed for 2. Martel with a slam for 2. Ramon reverses a backdrop with the Razors edge for the winand the IC title at a clipped 10:44. **1/2. Martel sells the Razors edge great. Hot match with se-saw offense. definitly worth a look on Raw Prime Cuts.  



October 18, 1993:



Heenan with an interview with crush. Crush rambles about Savage and him being freinds calling him Brother more times to Hulk Hogan ever did. 4. Mr. Fuji is with Crush for this. Brother #5. Heenan makes everything sound worse. Crush's acent is terrible. Crush talks about savage saying he should face Yokozuna. Yoko would injure him with 4 banzai drops. Brother #6. Heenan again makes everything sound worse. Crush believe Savage wanted him out of the WWF because he was more superior then him. Brother #7. Savage finallt has enough and gets in the ring. Crush is prepared to fight. Savage shoves Crush and talks to him with authrity. Savage calls Fuji & Heenan garbage. Brother #8, this by Savage. #9 by savage. #10. Savage talks about talking to Crush about thier problems. #11. #12. Savage wants to shake hands. Crush thinks no one cares about him, but in reality he was the biggest face back in july other then Bret. crowd cheers Crush to shake Savage's hand, which he does do to a hugh pop. Crush tells Heenan to shut up. They leave to SAVAGE's theme, not CRUSH's. Savage hand is raised by Crush in the aisdle way, then gets sucker clotheslined by him. Savage is draped across the barricade "busting his mouth". I see him pop a capsol. Yokozuna comes out and lays into savage. Crush continues to ram Savages face into the ring posts. Yokozuna gos to the 2nd rope and drops a banzai drop on Savage. He gos for a 2nd but the officials stop him. This segment lasted around 12 minutes, relitivly long for a face to face on a 1 hour show.



October 25, 1993.



Good news, the next match is froman episode from Superstars. Ironicly, both these men ar eon the same team at Survivor Series in 1 month. Jannetty again wears the shitty Rockers attire of dark green & black. Both men spend a while waiting for someone to make a move. Tieup ends up into the corner and a clean break by Jannetty. Go behind takedown to a headlock by Jannetty, Kid reverses into a hammerlock. Jannetty reverses and Kid reverses it back. both men do reversals again and marty nails a hiptoss after several leag frogs. Both men do that flip back to feet to a good pop. Headlock worked by Kid, into another doging criss cross and gets a 2 with a victory roll. Kid connects with a spinning heel kick for another 2 count. Marty catches Kid with a powerbomb for another 2. Polo comes down to ring. Kid with his signature leg drop, but gets tripped up on the third, 2 count by marty. Polo is whacked by Jannetty. school boy gets a 2 count. hammerlock pin combination gets yet another 2 count. snap suplex by marty, kid reverses another into a back suplex pin for 2. Jannetty gets tossed outside as Polo rams him into the post just as Kid misses a suicide dive. Both men are counted out for a cheap ending at 10:32. *** Hot match, the kid & jannetty take apart Polo after the match.


-Survivor Series Report: Joe Fowler is doing it this week and the card is run down as followed....

SMW Tag Team Championship Match: rock n' Roll Express © vs. Hevanly Bodies

The Foreign Fanatics vs. All Americans

Hart Family vs. The King & His Kinghts

Ramon, Perfect, Kid, Jannetty vs. Bomb, Diesel, Model, Bomb

4 Doinks vs. Bigelow, Booger, Shrinkers


-WWF SUPERSTARS (10/30/93)

Tatanka vs. Ludvig Borga

Ironically, both men are undefeated up to this point. Borgas "finish" theme so rules. Tatanka comes out and still has red hair at this point., Lockup which is won by Borga with a succssion of shots to the ribcage of tatanka. Knees to the midsection connect, but tatanka dodges a corner splash. Tatanka with a series of chops, 2 clothesline stagger Borga and the 3rd finally takes the big man down. Lawler is dressed like Randy Savage for halloween. A Spear and dropkick by tatanka puts Borga to one knee and a cross body presss gets 2. Stalling kills a little time. Lawler fills time with disses on Mcmahons wardrobe. Ludivg fights back with some more rib shots. Roundhouse to the stomach and a side suplex gets boos. Fuji comes out.  Borga with a stalling suplex connects and into a modified headlock/sleeper hold. Slam and legdrop by Borga and back to a chinlock. Tatanka gets up and nails a chop, but a borga right sends him down and then follows up with a buckle shot. Tatanka gets into his dancing bit as he no sells some punches and chops down the big man until he gets a rib shot and thrown outside. From thier Borga CLOBBERS tatanka with a chair rolls him back in the ring, and covers him with ONE FINGER to end Tatankas 2 year perfect record at 10:11. **. Not a great match, but decent. Aftermath, Yokoxuna comes down and banzai drops tatankas ribs 2 times before Luger can fight off the Quebecers and make the save. Answer is, who will replace Tatanka on the All Americans team?



Razor Ramon (IC Ch.) vs. Bastion Booger

Oh god, First match on this tape that really sucks. Nice hump on Boogers back. Match sucks, as Booger nails his BUTT splash, but Ramon reverses it with a victory roll for the 3 in a none title match. 7:06, -*.


Smoking Gunns (Billy & Bart) vs. Well Dunn (Timothey Well & Steven Dunn) (w/ Harvey Wippleman)

2 Jobber matches in a row? Damn it. Billy Gunn is absolutely terrible at this point and time. Both Gunns work over thier opponents with arm bars and headlocks until Billy gets trapped in the wrong corner. Wippleman trips up Billy disqualifying his team at a LOOOOOOONG 7:33. Gunns take out the Well dunn combo with the sidewinder and a double dropkick. DUD


-Interview with "Macho Man" randy Thavage. Heenan makeths jokeths about Thavage not being able to pronounced "s". He then asks him to say "thufferen Thuckitathsh thirty Timeths Fathst."


Adam Bomb vs. Virgil

Did the jobbers no show tonight or what? Bomb wins a mismatch with the Mushroom Cloud at 5:25. DUD  


-WWF SUPERSTARS: (11/6/93)

Rick Stiener vs. Quebecer Jacque (w/ Johnny Polo)

Finally, 2 non jobbers. Stieners theme kicks ass. Rick starts on fire with a bodyslam,. hiptoss & belly to belly suplex.. Slap by Stiener, Jacque fights back with boots but runs into a hugh stiener powerslam for 2. Pierre comes out and gos after rick, so scott Stiener chases him & Polo around at the break.


-WWF Royal rumble available for SNES and now on GENESIS.  Clips noticable of Hulk Hogan (!?!), Mr. Perfect, Lex Luger, Mr. Perfect and a shot from 1993 Royal Rumble Match.


-Return from break.

Stiener reverses a abdominal stretch.Boot b yRick followed by a series of clotheslines for 2. Rear chinlock by Jacque turned into a jawbreaker for 2. Rick crotches Jacque on the top rope and nails a belly to back suplex. rick gos up and connects with a top rope bulldog for the win at 6:59. **1/2. Decent match.


-WWF Hasbro Action Figures narated by Randy savage: this series includes Hulk Hogan(!?), Virgil, I.R.S, Randy Savage, Rick Martel & Skinner.


Marty Jannetty vs. Adam Bomb

Impromptu Match, as both men are DQ'd for the interfeence of 1-2-3 Kid, Rick Martel, Diesel, Razor Ramon & I.R.S in that order. Someone is missing. Do you know who it is? DUD btw at 2:44.



1-2-3 Kid vs. Bastion Booger

Let the shit keep hitting the fans. KWANG!!! Thank god this is the next to l,ast match i have of Booger. Kid starts by telling Booger he smells like sh*t so Booger jumps him with some shitty punches. Kid nails a heel kick but runs inot a weak slam. Kid nails a flying heel kick for 2. Missle dropkick sends Booger to the outside. Back in, Kid misses a backflip and is Splashed by the Boogerman at 4:46. DUD #2 for Booger on this tape.



Scott Stiener vs. Ludvig Borga

Notice the succesion of matche spitting survivor series opponents? Borga with a double axhANDLE and punches to the back of Scott, Clubs to the back and hard clothesline followed by a divinbg top rope clothesline get big boos. Stiener reverses a backdrop with a double underhook powerbomb. Abdominal Stretch into a Gutwrench powerbomb send the fin out. Side walk slam by Borga after break. Belly to belly suplex by scott for 2. borga fights back and connects with a slam but misses an elbow Stiener with a sloppy dropkick. Quebecers come out to cheer on Borgas as Rick dos the same for Scott. we are in Bushkill, PA btw. Suplex by Scott into a boston crab submission hold. Borga makes the ropes.School Boy by Stiener gets 2. Small Package gets another 2. Dropkicks gets anooooother 2. Stiener is knocked out by a punch and Rick is taken into the ring by Borga. Rick nails a Belly to Back suplex as everyone brawls. Double clothesline sends Borga packing. Both men are DQ'd. at 10:20. **1/2. Surprisingly decent match with Ludvig Borga.


Crush vs. Dan Duveil

Match never starts as randy savage is being held back during Crush;s entrance by vince, but soon tosses him aside and ambushes him in the asileway. Both men brawl to the back where the show ends with them fighting outside as Crush rams savage into a tree while he unloads some shots.



Bret "Hitman" Hart & "The Rocket" Owen Hart vs. Well Dunn (w/ Harvey Wippleman)

Typical Bret squash. Bret & Owen work over Dunn with a series of headlocks and armbars. Owen plays ricky morton then unloads with slams and dropkicks making the hot tag to Bret. russian Leg Sweep, 2nd Rope Elbow Drop & Sharpshooter later and The Harts win via submission as Dunn give up at 4:48. 1/2* NEXT.


-Survivor Series Report with Todd Pettingle.


-The Undertaker has just been announced to replace Tatanka at the Survivor Series!



Lex Luger vs. Quebecer Pierre (w/ Johnny Polo)

Luger starts match off with some rights and nails a back suplex for 2. Luger was a vote in choice for this match with other selections being Marty Jannetty, 1-2-3 Kid & Doink The Clown. Pierre with his own rights and boots, but runs into a boot and is clotheslined to the outside. Backdrop on the floor and Luger works an armbar inside the ring. Knees by Pierre and a clothesline, Polo gives a gimmicky smile that mkaes me choke on my bong. Chops by Pierre followed by a club o the chest. Luger reverses into an armbar but gets tossed outside the ring whee Pierre lands an axhandle off the apron. Face to the steps and luger gets rammed into the apron. Pierre backinside misses his backflip finisher. Luger scores a powrslam and clothesline, followed by the diving forearm smash for the win at 13:23. **1/4 another surprisingly decent match. Pierre is now out of Survivor Series as well.



Marty Jannetty vs. Diesel

This is pre diesel push. Diesel works Jannetty with stiff elbows, knees and a side slam in between some meke offense b yJannetty. Ramon distracts diesel as Jannetty dropkicks him into the ropes, hanging him on the outside for the count out victory. 3:57. Definitly a DUD, wait, ill go and say -*.




Opening Match:

Doink The Clown vs. Bastion Booger

Finally, the last Booger match, praise the lord.  Booger brings a pizza to the ring, fat slob. Doink rsays he can ride his scootter, but he falls on his ass. First offense is a water squirt by Doink and tripping Booger over his body. Booger with cruddy kicks and elbows until he splashes Doink for a 3 count by Doink, allowing Booger to break the REAL count. Doink rolls up Booger for the real pin at 7:35. -***. After the match doink puts tobacco sauce on the pizza and booger eats it.


-Raymon Rogeau interview with The All Americans.


Virgil vs. Crush (w/ Mr. Fuji)

1 Guess who is givin this match.  Crush has been announced as replacing Pierre on the Foreign Fanatics. Also, he doesnt have theme music yet. Punchs to the head send down Virgil. He fights back with some kicks but Crush just slams him and steps on his eyes. nWo is fighting 3 years before it was founded. Crush just kicks Virgils ass until. Vrigil gets some offense with a kick to te chest and a body press for 2. Series of jabs followed by a roundhouse drops Crush. Crush catches him in a cross body and slams him, then gets the win by forcing Virgil to submit to the Cranium Crunch at 7:54. *1/2 decent match.


-Highlights from Ramon vs. Martel on Superstars saturday. Team IRS has some miscommunications.



GUESTS: Shawn Michaels & Stu & Helen Hart.

I didnt know Calgary had a Surbian area. Anyway, it looks a hot summer night as reo is with Shawn Michaels (w/ a replica of the IC Title). Helen answers the door, who is sporting alot of chest hair and has many visable bald spots. shawn kisses her then does a little spit rutine. They have a poster of Bret thats about 3 feet long, and a glossy pic of Owen about 6" long. we saee Stu petting a stuffed Dog wearing Bret glasses as does stu. Reo rubs his shoulders as he uses his index fingers and middle fingers to play his SNES. We cut back to the arena.


Marty Jannetty vs. Irwin R. Schyster

Slam by IRS to start, hiptoss follows. Reverse armbar by Jannetty with his own slam and hiptoss and a drtpkick. Armbar by Marty jerking the shoulder of I.R.S. Droptoe Hold & armbar by Jannetty. Hiptoss by IRS reversed into the armbar once again. Side headlock gets 2. Reverse to a Head scissors by Irwin, back to the armbar by Marty.Slam by IRS followd by an elbow drop.Knee Lift by Jannetty gets 2. small Package by Marty gets another 2. IRS reverses a irish whip and nails the write off for the win at 12:39 *1/2. Most of the first half was stalling.


-We see highlights from savage.Crush summit and the brawl from Monday Night raw.


-Raymon Rogau is with Yokozuna, Ludvig Borga, Crush, and Jacque Rogeau.


-todd Pettingle with your Survivor Series report. same as the first.


WWF Championship Match:

Yokozuna © (w/ mr. Fuji) vs. Bret "Hitman" Hart

This match has to fill up alot of time, 20 minutes or so. Bret opens up with some rights, but is taken down with a slam. Elbow misses. Dropkick sends Yoko to the outside. Yoko stumbles around and walks into the post. Back in Bret with more shots to yoko and locks on a sleeper, but Yoko slings him off his back hard. More punches by bret and Yoko catches him with a devistating clothesline. elbow to throat by yoko. Headbutt followed by another elbow drop to B.ret. Bret with more rights to zuna, low blow by yoko as Fuji distracts the referee. Snapmare followed by a nerve pinch stalls a few minutes. Dropkick of bret's misses. Legdrop connects by yokozuna. Yoko works over Bret in the corner and misses his corner avalanche and bret attacks with more right hands 2 clotheslines stun the giant and the Hart Attack puts him down. right hand to Fuji. 2nd rope bulldog on yoko gets a hugh pop for 2. Bret goes back up and nails the 2nd rope elbow for another 2. Yoko misses tyhe leg drop and allows Bret to apply the Sharpshooter. Fuji breaks the hold by nailing Bret with the salt bucket, so Owen runs down, nails Fuji, and clock Yoozuna with it causing Bret to be DQ'd at 15:42. good match, ill go with **1/4.


-Men on a Mission sing a special survivor Series rap. -***** although i didnt listen to it.


-Recap of WWF Survivor Series from 11/24/93




WWF-Intercontinental Championship Match:

Razor Ramon © vs. Diesel

Both mens tall to start. Diesel and Razor exchange some shots. Bearhugs by Diesel stall EVEN MORE. Weak offense mounted by Razor who gos for the Razors Edge but Shawn runs a foul and breaks it up for the DQ at 5:11. Atleast it was kinda short. After the match, 1-2-3 Kid saves Razor from the double team. Hey, its the Kliq! Just realized.


-Vince Mcmahon announces Bret Hart as Superstar of the year, as Bobby Heenan is mad cause he thought he would win.

Lex Luger came as Runner up just barely.


-highlights from the Hart Family vs. shawn Michaels & 3 Knights at Survivor Series.


Bobby Heenan: Oh no! They're gonna reosses my teeth! (wording what helen must be thinking as she looks at her sons arguing)




1-2-3 Kid vs. "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels

This is HBK's first match back on Raw since his "suspension". Tieup, Shawn gos for a slam, 1-2-33 Kid crawls out the back, Shawn reverses a belly to back, Kid nails a few kicks but misses the face kick and HBk gets nailed by an Inziguri to send him to the floor. 1-2-3 Kid reverses a suplex and gets 2 with a belly to back suplex. Backdrop by shawn changes the tide. Kid catches a dropkick. Shawn with a headlock takeover to outside on on Kid. Heenan calls Kid a Patrol boy. This btw is Heenans last Raw in the WWF. HBK nails a slam after reversing a Kid Body Press off the apron. Kid nails a heel kick and gos up, but gets nailed with a midair dropkick for 2. Backbreaker submission on kid, Kid breaks out and nails a hurricanrana for 2. Both men ram heads knocking each ohther out. Kid regroups and nails a moonsault off the top for 2. Scoop slam by kid, but shawn moves out of the way of a backflip. 2 Razor's Edges follow, until Ramon makes the save. Ramon and HBk fight in the aisle way as both men are counted out at 10:43. ****. HBK nails 2 Razors Edges on ramon in the aisle way after a Diesel sucker punch.




"Macho Man" Randy Savage vs. Headhsrinker Fatu

Squash City. Fatu controls most of the match because Savage keeps going for shots to the head. Fatu nails some headbutts and thrusts and slam on the outside. savage fights back with a double axhandle off the apron. clothesline with the 360 spin, followed by the top rope elbow drop finish Fatu off at 5:51. *. Fun match, but not good.


-Recap of Borga/Tatanka match from 10/30/93




-Shawn Michaels is with Vince Mcmahon for tonight


-WWF Royal Rumble Report:

WWF championship Match: The Undertaker vs. Yokozuna

WWF Intercontinental title Match: Razor Ramon vs. IRS

ROYAL RUMBLE MATCH: Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Diesel, shawn Michaels, Marty Jannetty, 1-2-3 Kid, Ludvig Borga, Tatanka.


Tatanka vs. Ludvig Borga

This is the return of tatanka's injury. Tatanka starts with chops to Borga and some kicks. 10 PUNCHS OF DOOM in the corner. Running Chop knocks Borga outside. More chops by Tatanka and he posts borga. Tatanka dance, several chops followed by a scoop slam and elbow drop. Cross Body Press gets 2. More Chops and roundhouses. Borga with a charging clothesline. Both men trade punches and chops. Cross Body connects and more chops by Tatanka. Borga with  a powerslam but misses an elbow drop. 2 clothesline stun borga, and the 3rd is monster one for 2. Tatanka with a slam. Yokozuna runs in for the DQ at 4:43. Tatanka works over Yoko with chops and clotheslines til borga recuroates, Luger runs out and sends Borga packing and then slams Yokozuna. ***. Better then the first match.


-WWF MONDAY NIGHT RAW (12/27/93 or 1/3/94)


Marty Jannetty vs. Johnny Polo

Quebecers join vince mcmahon for this match. Polo with a headlock, reversed by Jannetty into ana rmbar reversed again by johnny Polo. Both men repeat the same move emidiatly following. Jannetty comes back with an atomic drop and a back body drop for 2. Armbar by Jannetty, Crxifix into a chool boy gets 2. back to the armbar. Polo with a Cross Body Press ove rthe top rope.


Jacque rogeau: Polomania!!


Elbows connect on Jannetty's throat. Sunset flip by Jannetty get's 2. Polo works a headlock and Jannetty breaks. Both go down with a double crossbody block. Polo gos out via clothesline and both him & pierre are nailed with abaseball slide. Marty Jannetty gets postedby Polo. Jannetty up, shoulderblock through the ropes, sunset flip by Marty, but Polo reverses it and scores the pin witha major assist from Pierre at 8:20. **1/4 Better then i expected.


that enmds the first tape of my compiliation tapes. Next up is February 1994-April 1994 (somehow i lost my tape after this)


Very good tape, except for the week of Raw with 3 jobber matches. Most of the good matches are found on raw Primte Cuts.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

I always enjoy reading rants on old WWF TV, but a few suggestions.


1) Use a spell checker, and read through your column before posting it.

2) The humor in it was average, nothing great, I reconmend when you rant to write what you find funny.  Go through it at the end when you spell check it, and maybe your mind will find some more witty things to say.

3)  When your dealing with '93 WWF, you have to have an open mind.  Laugh at the thnigs that Vince did back then, like Bastion Booger.  Describe crappy ring attire and entrances.  It never hurts to use descriptive language.

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Guest nWoScorpion

Thanks for the suggestions, since im so use to just telling everything like it is, its harder for me to insult everything i can. (which i can do when i want) some stuff i dont feel seems humrous (like laughing at guys like Hulk Hogan who  route dfor since like, i was 2. My next rant should be up tommorow evening, a february 1994-April 1994 video caset.

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When are you going to do your February through April 1994 WWF rant? I enjoyed the October 1993 through January 1994 WWF rant.

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Guest nWoScorpion

Once i can fit 6 hours of un-scheduled time. Or 2 halfs of 3:00:00 a piece.

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Guest Jericholic82

hey scorp this was a good rant. Try not to rag on him  since he actually took six hours out of his time to write a rant for us.  

That's why I haven't done a rant yet, since I'd probably not be good at it, and besides I don't have a computer in my home.  But all is cool


btw I wish I had picked up Prime Cuts when I saw it in a video store but I decided to pick up 4 ppvs instead (Summerslam '89, Survivor Series '89,Summerslam '90, Survivor Series '91)


oh well.

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