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Guest CycloneKid

TNA Diary

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Guest CycloneKid

Ok, so I'm new to the board, but I lurked for a while reading diaries and fantasy feds on here, and figured since I was just starting a new game (as TNA) I'd post my stuff here from the beginning. I'm still using EWR as my experience with the trial version of TEW didn't make me want to buy it.


I started using the first NGWEWR update, but cut some talent and sent some people I had no plans on using down to development (Monte Brown, David Young and the Naturals notably due to their poor overness- they'll all be back at some point.) I'm also NOT using Jeff Hardy (at the moment) and may bring in some other talent.


Since the game doesn't like having tv shows and weekly PPV's, I switched to a monthly model and am building to the first ever Bound For Glory PPV. I'm also using XPlosion as a more "major" show.


As far as storylines go, I'm staying mostly in the framework of current storylines with the NYC/Kenney & Siaki, Raven/Sabu and Jarrett/Truth feuds on going. Below is the "press relase" for Bound for Glory, setting up the storylines going into my first episode of Impact!



Total Nonstop Action Wrestling Presents: Bound For Glory- Live on PPV

July 25th, 2004- Huntsville, Alabama


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match

2/3 Falls

Jeff Jarrett Vs. Ron "The Truth" Killings

TNA Director of Authority Vince Russo claims there is no fair way to decide the situation involving the NWA World Title except in the middle of the ring. Refusing to hand the belt to either Jarrett or Killings, Russo has demanded the championship be earned in the ring at Bound for Glory. There will be no controversy this time, as the winning competitor will have to win 2 falls in one night to walk away with the belt.


NWA X-Title Match

AJ Styles Vs. Jerry Lynn

As TNA presents its first ever "Extravaganza" on Pay Per View, the X-title will be decided once again as part of the most storied rivalry in TNA history. Bitter enemies at several times over the course of TNA history, Lynn and Styles will enter this match as respectful friends. But this is the X Division, home of the most innovative wrestling ever, and a little thing like friendship won't stand in the way when these two stars meet again.


X Division Rankings Match

With the competition in the X-Division at an all time high, TNA Director of Authority Vince Russo has moved to make sure all title shots are earned. Therefore, a tournament will be held to rank the top 5 contenders to the X-Title over the next few weeks. The finals of this tournament will take place at Bound For Glory- with the winner taking the #1 contender's spot, and the loser standing at #2.


Plus, MORE huge matches added in the upcoming weeks!


Quick Impact! Preview:


* International X-Division action when Team Canada's Petey Williams takes on Team Mexico's Mr. Aguila!

* The X-Division contender's tournament begins when Chris Sabin takes on Michael Shane!

* AJ Styles takes on Kazarian in a non-title match! If Kazarian wins, he gets a first round bye in the contender's tournament.

* Jonny Fairplay returns to TNA!

* Sabu in action!

* Jeff Jarrett and the Mercanaries take on 3 Live Kru in a main event Six Man Tag! Who will get momentum heading into Bound for Glory?

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Guest CycloneKid

TNA Wrestling Presents: IMPACT!- July 2nd, 2004

From Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida

With: Mike Tenay, Don West & Jeremy Borash


Petey Williams w/ Scott D'Amore Vs. Mr. Aguila

Okay match...bad crowd reaction...Aguila opens the match with high flying spots to wake up the crowd and establish himself as the face...a missed corkscrew plancha leads to Williams taking over...Williams controls the next few minutes, working over the back and neck of Aguila...STO and brainbuster lead to the set-up for the Canadian Destroyer...Aguila springs up with a dropkick to knock Williams out of the ring...Aguila goes up top for a dive, but is hooked by D'Amore's hockey stick and falls back into the ring...As Aguila gets to his feet, Williams charges, hitting the Canadian Destroyer for the pin.

Winner: Petey Williams by Pinfall in 6:21 (*1/2)


After the match, a pre-taped promo aired, sent from the offices of Jonny Fairplay. He apoligized to the TNA crowd for depriving them of opportunities to see him while he was out in Hollywood "networking", but said that he was coming back to TNA starting on XPlosion. Specifically targeting America's Most Wanted, Fairplay said that he wasn't coming alone and that the people he brought would be making an Impact in a big way.


X Division Tournament- Round 1

Michael Shane w/ Traci Vs. Chris Sabin

Better crowd reaction for this match...solid match...Mat wrestling to start, with Shane taking control...As Shane works the arm, Sabin spins out, going for more high speed moves...dropkicks and headscissors from Sabin send Shane reeling to the outside...Sabin follows with a dive, but meets a dropkick from Shane...with Traci cheering him on, Shane hits a series of suplexes and shifts his work to the neck...several versions of the neckbreaker lead to a hot-shot and an STF...Sabin struggles, finally getting the ropes to break the hold...Shane immediately sets up for the superkick, but Sabin ducks, hitting an enzuigiri for 2...Shane to his feet first, hitting an ace-crusher for a 2 of his own...Shane puts Sabin on the top rope for a superplex...Sabin reverses, dropping Shane with the Future Shock for 3.

Winner: Chris Sabin by Pinfall in 8:07 (**3/4)


Before going to commercial, we zoom in on the lockerroom of Goldylocks, with a caption of "moments ago". As the camera focuses on the door, it swings open, revealing Raven. He smiles at the camera for a moment before laughing and slamming the door.


Abyss w/ Goldylocks Vs. Sabu

Okay match...really strong crowd reaction for Sabu...Opening segment of the match is a flurry of offense from Sabu, with most of it bouncing off the monster...dropkick from Sabu staggers the big man, and a springboard forearm takes him down...Abyss begins to sit up, but Sabu kicks him back down...Sabu misses a legdrop, and Abyss hurls him into the corner...Avalance misses, and Sabu drills him with a heel kick...a second kick misses, and Abyss catches him in a powerbomb...Abyss starts to pick him up, but Goldylocks calls him over, handing him a chair...Sabu gets to his feet, but gets plastered with the chair...as the bell rings, the men continue to fight, brawling into the back.

Winner: Sabu by Disqualification in 3:54 (**1/2)


Kazarian Vs. AJ Styles

Great Match...Good crowd reaction...chain wrestling sequence to start leads to a headlock by Kazarian...Styles rolls into a nearfall, but Kazarian rolls back out...AJ spins into a Northern Lights Suplex for another 2...Kazarian rolls back into the headlock, immediately transitioning into a cradle for a 2 of his own...both men seperate into a standoff...Kazarian misses a clothesline, but AJ grabs a waistlock...German suplex by Styles, rolled into a second one, but Kazarian reverses into one of his own...Styles breaks, flipping into a kick for 2...Kazarian bails and AJ follows with a dive...back into the ring, AJ hits a brainbuster and goes to work on Kazarian...AJ goes for the Spiral tap, but Kazarian raises the knees, going to work on AJ...a series of suplexes leads to the Wave of the Future, but AJ reverses...Kazarian goes for a rana, but AJ blocks, hitting the Styles Clash for 3.

Winner: AJ Styles by Pinfall in 11:45 (****)


Following the final commercial break, Jeff Jarrett hits the ring with a microphone. Calling out Vince Russo, Jarrett demands "his" title be returned to him immediately. Claiming he already earned his title, he said he shouldn't have to wrestle the Truth even once more, let alone 2/3 falls. The crowd erupts as The Truth makes his way out to ringside. Before he can get a word in, however, he's blindsided and beaten down by The Mercanaries. This leads directly into our Main Event.


Jarrett's Army (Jeff Jarrett, Chad Collyer & Hotstuff Hernandez) Vs. 3 Live Kru (Ron Killings, BG James & Konnan)

An Okay match, but the crowd was more into this match than any other...The Mercanaries toss Truth into the ring and Collyer starts with him, wearing him down on the mat...Killings gets clothesline and makes the tag to Konnan...Collyer tags in to Hernandez as a beaten Killings slumps in the corner...Hotstuff immediately plows through Konnan...pummelling him with several stiff shots before hitting a spinebuster and tossing him back into the corner for the tag...BG James comes in, as does Jarrett, and JJ takes over with a suplex and a DDT...Double and triple teaming from Jarrett's team dominates the next few minutes before James hits a kick and dives for the tag...Killings is still too weak to tag however, and Collyer continues to work on James...Texas Cloverleaf by Collyer, but Konnan dives in with a rolling clothesline, breaking the hold and letting James make the tag to Killings...the crowd erupts as a pier-six breaks out, and Hotstuff takes out James and Konnan with a plancha...Killings grabs Jarrett, rolling him up for the surprise 3.

Winners: 3 Live Kru by Pinfall (Killings on Jarrett) in 8:36


As IMPACT! goes off the air, 3LK celebrates as Jarrett looks on in shock.

Overall Rating- 70%

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Guest CycloneKid

TNA Wrestling Presents: Xplosion- July 3rd, 2004

From Nashville Fairgrounds, Nashville, Tennessee

With: Mikey Tenay, Dusty Rhodes & Jeremy Borash



X-Division Tournament- Round 1

Kid Kash Vs. Primetime

Really good match...solid crowd reaction...flurry of shots from both men to start, before Primetime finally takes control with a spin kick...Primetime works Kash over in the corner with forearms and a dropkick...Kash bails, and Primetime nails a pescado before rolling Kash into the ring...senton back into the ring hits knees...Kash takes over with a snapmare and a seated dropkick...brainbuster gets 2 for Kash...Moonsault press gets another nearfall...Kash goes for a big boot, but Primetime moves, crotching Kash on the top rope...rope-walk rana gets 2...Primetime sets up for the Play of the Day....reversed by Kash...Moneymaker gets 3.

Winner: Kid Kash by pinfall in 7:33 (***1/2)


After a commercial break, Jonny Fairplay comes to the ring, dressed in a suit and sunglasses. Saying he's found the most awesome tag team combination in TNA history, Fairplay claims he's coming after AMW and the NWA Tag Team titles. He says tonight the carnage begins, but he has a contract for a tag title match at Bound for Glory, and he doesn't play fair.


Assault & Battery (Kevin Northcutt & Joe E. Legend) w/ Jonny Fairplay Vs. Team Mexico (Abismo Negro & Heavy Metal)

Metal and Negro hit the ring running, springing over the top rope... Fairplay's monsters catch them coming in, however, with Legend powerslamming Metal and Northcutt tossing Negro out the otherside of the ring... Northcutt starts with Metal, backing him into the corner and teeing off on him...Metal kicks his way out of the corner, but Legend tags in and clotheslines him...Atomic drop and german suplex get 2...Metal rana's out of a powerbomb and tags in Negro...Spinning DDT by Negro on Legend...Northcutt comes in, and is victory rolled for 2...Northcutt plows over Legend for 2...Spinebuster/Neckbreaker combo on Negro gets 3...OK match...bleh crowd.

Winners: Assault & Battery by pinfall in 4:05 (**)


Shane Douglas Vs. D-Lo Brown

Crowd was into D-Lo, but the match was pretty basic...Punch-fest to start...won by Douglas, who hits a high knee and a suplex...uppercuts back D-Lo into the corner, but Brown hits a Northern Lights Suplex to escape...spinebuster by D-Lo gets 1...dropkick and legdrop get 2...Skyhigh blocked...Douglas hits a legsweep for 2...Douglas works over the legs of D-Lo for the next few minutes, but Brown hits a Skyhigh for 2...Lariat sets up the Lo-Down for 3.

Winner: D-Lo Brown by pinfall in 5:20 (**)


Before the final commercial break, a pre-taped promo is aired from Raven. Hanging out behind the fairgrounds, Raven adresses Sabu. Saying he's tired of waiting for Sabu to realize that promises are empty, and the only truth is through violence. Said Sabu thinks he can run forever, hiding in silence and worthless vows, but their first confrontation was coming soon. Sooner than Sabu thinks. Quote the Raven...Nevermore.


3 Live Kru (BG James & Konnan) w/ Ron Killings Vs. The New York Connection (Glen Gilbertti & Johnny Swinger) w/ Trinity

OK crowd reaction, and a surprisingly solid match...Swinger and Konnan start, with Konnan sending his opponent reeling...legsweep by Konnan and James tags in, leading to a double suplex and a kneedrop...Swinger reverses an irish whip, and a knee from the apron leads to the NYC taking over...Gilbertti tags in with a fistdrop and a suplex...double teaming from the NYC leads to a Swinger DDT for 2...tag to Konnan, but the ref misses it...backbreaker and neckbreaker get 2...James works his way out of a sleeper and makes the tag to Konnan...rolling clothesline takes out Swinger, and reverse DDT on Gilbertti gets 2...Swinger attacks but is levelled by James...Tequilla Sunrise on Gilbertti gets the submission win.

Winners: 3 Live Kru by Submission in 7:24 (**1/2)


Killings celebrates with 3LK after the match, but the Mercenaries hit the ring after the match, laying out all 3 of the Kru and focusing on the Trutch. As XPlosion goes off the air, Hernandez drills Killings with a leaping Powerbomb.

Overall Rating- 67%



Quick Impact! Preview:


* The X-Division contender's tournament continues when Low Ki takes on the Amazing Red!

* Team Canada's Bobby Roode and Eric Young take on Team Mexico's Abismo Negro & Heavy Metal!

* America's Most Wanted defend the tag titles against the Notroious K-I-D and the massive Dallas!

* Jerry Lynn is in action!

* Ron Killings strikes back at Jeff Jarrett's Army when he takes on Chad Collyer in 1-on-1 action!

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