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Guest The Last Free Voice

The OAO TNA PPV thread for 6/30

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my bad, i was expecting him to be on the PPV (good thing he wasn't, its best to have him and other special attractions like him on Impact. so it works out for the best).


as for Hardy, they hyped the "update" all week, and then the pay off is Dusty Rhodes basically saying that TNA is interested in him. well duh, of course TNA's interested in Hardy. more than anything else, it was a letdown, but it also serves as more proof that TNA has no clue what they're doing. they've bait-and-switched us too many times in the past couple of weeks, and to me, what happened tonight with Hardy was no different. they gave it a lot of hype, but didn't deliver anything substantial. i have no problem with what they're doing, as signing Hardy can easily be part of an angle (and they haven't actually signed him yet, either, so i'd have held off on announcing it, too). the problem lies in TNA's advertising. they shouldn't have thrown Hardy's name around if a) he's not going to be there, and b) there's not even a real announcement concerning him. they acted like it was a big deal, and it turns out to be what it was tonight. that sucks, and i call them on it.

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Odds are they figured Hardy would be signed by now. If Hardy isn't signed then they need to be honest with the fans and say "we have interest". You can't ask them to say "we signed him" when they more than likely haven't yet.


Also the WWE tosses names around of guys who aren't or are going to be there and TNA shouldn't be using Hardy until they sign him. The last thing they want or need is to not have him signed and use him then have the WWE sign him. They would look stupid as hell.

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This show was a mixed bad IMO. There was some good and some really bad.


The opener was a nice little tag match and did a long way toward re-establishing the tag division, which TNA is clearly trying to do. It's been a while since we had a tag match that felt important without involving the champs or the number one contender's spot. And while I question them jobbing Team Canada, I don't mind it too much because they weren't squashed. Just puts over the competitive nature of the division. They planted the seeds of dissension in Team Canada, which is good, but I think it's too soon. I would have held off until they lost the belts before I made any kind of move like that.


The title promo was a microcosm of the whole show, in that it was both good and bad. The Truth showed more fire here then he had in the FOUR shows leading up to his title match and went a long way to make people care about his title chase. That promo really should have been done on Impact to help get more people behind the Truth. It just proved what I've been saying all along, that The Truth is a fantastic talker (it's his main attribute), so there's no way in hell that Russo and BG James should have been talking for him up to this point. His promo was soooo good that the mark in me came out for a minute and I was pulling for him to get the belt, but of course, I came back to planet reality. I also liked that JJ let the video do his talking for the most part, because Jarrett tends to ramble on the mic. I liked that they didn't draw the decision out until the end of the show because we already waited a week for it. Also, while the Gauntlet doesn't make much sense, I like that they're bringing Shamrock in a high profile position. You could see that they are going to have to do some work rebuilding Shamrock because he got no response. He pretty much bitched the Elite Guard by himself, further making them look like chumps. And this segment was soooo long.


D'Lo versus Monty was bad. They didn't really have time to get anything going before the cheap ending and they just didn't look to mesh together while they were in the ring together. Maybe they both had off-nights, I don't know. I think D'Lo may have been a little out of it after one of those bumps, because he just didn't look like himself.


The NYC match was just terrible. The fun stopped after the bell rang. Gilberti and Swinger do a good job as buffoons, but there is just no chemistry between these teams and this feud just WILL NOT DIE. I do like how they're going to make Vito the leader of the NYC and have him toughen them up. That's a nice spot for him on the card, and Vito and Swinger are a much more exciting team than Gilberti and Swinger. And I have a feeling that Young is going to end his streak by beating a referee, which is pretty funny if you think about it.


IMO, Watts/Abyss was waaaaaaaaaaayyyyy better than it had any right to be. It wasn't a great match, but it wasn't as bad as the match that proceeded it. Of course, I thought this was going to be the blow off of this feud, but it too WILL CONTINUE. Grrrr. And one thing I realized as they kept showing shots of Watts' wife. How in the hell am I supposed to feel sorry for him if he wouldn't be in this situation if he didn't CHEAT ON HIS WIFE. That's a very un-babyface like move, don't ya think?


They did another bait and switch and they need to be careful with that. If they didn't plan on the Kash match, they shouldn't have promoted it. Simple as that. That said, the 6 way was great. They had some cool spots, like Kazarian hitting the Wave of the Future will Styles hit the Styles Clash. I actually bought a couple of the near falls as I thought TNA might surprise us.


And the post-match brawl seemed contrived. I have no problem with Team Canada running in, but you mean to tell D'Lo and Monty, for instance, who were in the same locker room for an friggin' hour, suddenly decide they can't stand the sight of each other and start fighting it out, at the same time everyone else in the locker room has the same revelation. Maybe its' just mean, but it was a bit much. And the end pissed me off. They ended the show with Shamrock headed to the ring to confront Jarrett. I hate that. Something should have happened before they left the air, even if it was something as simple as security breaking them apart. A good cliffhanger ending is me wondering what is going to happen next week. A bad cliffhanger ending is me wondering what is happening after the camera's stop rolling, because 9 times out of 10, they're not going to show me that AT ALL.


So all in all, it was a middle of the road show. It wasn't great, but it wasn't the GAB either. TNA needs to step up their game though, overall. IMHO, they haven't delivered a complete broadcast since the Deadly Draw show in May.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

I thought this is the best show they've had recently. I gave it an 8/10 overall. The X title match was INSANE and I wish I had a VCR to record it. (Again, PM Me if you wanna send me money...)


The rest of the show was average-good level (with the execption of Watts/Abyss and the Brown/Brown match, which were both just crappy brawls. (D-Lo's Rail Shining Wizzard was cool though..)

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Guest whitemilesdavis

Wow, an 8/10 from the LFV? I may actually have to order this replay.


Oh by the way voice, I'm about to leave you a reminder on another thread. :D

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Guest The Last Free Voice

I hate you. And holy shit. Some give a fuck about MY ratings? Didn't think THAT would ever happen.

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Guest whitemilesdavis

Yeah, I've found you to be a pretty reliable source on the TNA shows.



I hate you


:headbang: I only hope I can continue to culminate this relationship.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Well I'm working on THE RUSH right now. So it should be done by tonight.

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