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Hhh doesnt job cleanly

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WHAT A SHOCK. this unover(in maineventer standards) piece of crap has no right dominating younger and more athetic wrestlers in the ring.  i hope he jobs to crash holly and bossman when he cheats on steph(you know he will).

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Guest Goodear

Oh for the love of Mike.  What do more do you want?  Triple H jobbed and Jericho got the title shot.  Jericho didn't look weak, Triple H got stomped.  Shouldn't everything be right in your little worlds now?  Or are you just looking to bitch because nothing short of the impossible is ever going to make you happy?

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

Getting a win after another guy distracts your opponent is pretty clean in this day and age. It's not like the Undertaker chokeslammed HHH.

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Guest Shaved Bear

its not like hogan is gonna job to jericho, so it doesnt matter anyway

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I don't really like Triple H but you can make the same argument for any main eventer since 1996, nobody jobs clean its just not in the job description

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Guest bcu1979

I have been very critical of Triple H since his return but I can't say anything negative about the match him and Jericho had tonight. They had a hell of a match. It was much better than their WrestleMania match and probably Triple H's best match since his return. The only other match that comes close is the match he had with Angle on the RAW after NWO.


It was one of those rare SD matches where I wish I didn't read the spoilers because the near falls at the end had me on the edge of my seat. They had a 50-50 match that went 15 minutes. Jericho was portrayed as an equal to Triple H and even countered the Pedigree twice. Both wrestlers got to display a lot of toughness and heart by kicking out of numerous near falls. Undertaker just provided a distraction. It was Jericho getting the pin. What is there to complain about?


The match laid the foundation for the 4 way at JD and helped build some heat between Jericho/Triple H and Hogan/Taker, while putting Jericho over at the same  time.


I can't believe I am typing this. But Triple H put Jericho over far more on Smackdown tonight than any other main eventer minus Rock has ever done.


Did anyone else do a double take when they cut to the interview backstage with Jericho? I thought it was Triple H for a second there. Jericho had his hair pulled back, the beard growing in and a smirk on his face.

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Since when do the top faces job cleanly?


They're supposed to be the big hero that everybody believes in, that can conquer all, so who should stop them straight up?


Hey, I'm not keen on Triple H (particularly face Triple H), and if common internet belief about his booking influence is true -- and I like to think it is -- then all the more reason to detest the guy.  I wouldn't make him the top face [and he is; Hogan has the belt, but "the story" is still about Triple H's quest to get back to the top more than Hogan's "one more time" run] if I were running things.


But he is, and so he shouldn't do a clean job unless the opponent is the other top face (which would by Rocky if he were around, or perhaps Austin).  I can accept and understand it, as much as I'm not too enthralled with it.  And besides, as somebody else pointed out, a non-physical distraction is pretty darn close to clean; this was much "cleaner" a job than his drop of the belt to The Oldster.  


Jericho also countered the pedigree twice, once into a near fall.  Given the way past Triple H vs Jericho matches have gone, I'll take what I can get this time around.

Now, when Triple H goes heel again, THEN we can bitch about him never jobbing clean. ;)

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Guest alfdogg

Shouldn't this be in the NHB forum?


BTW, I didn't see the show tonight, but I read about it in SK's rant, and I was very happy with the match.  Now if he'd just give Angle & Benoit those kind of wins, I'd be 100x happier.

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Guest alfdogg
Getting a win after another guy distracts your opponent is pretty clean in this day and age.


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Guest muzanisa

Some people aren't going to be happy until he jobs to the Brooklyn Brawler.




Oh hang on...........

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

IF HHH would job to KaiEnTai, now that would be respectful


Seriously, last night I was pissed when I saw the match.  Jericho looked tough, he came, he fought...


He was already fighting the 3rd Pedigree when UT interfered...


So good, now he's a cheater, but moreso a badass cheater...



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Guest Risk

I'm tired of this damn "heel and face" bullshit.  Wrestlers should be portrayed as HUMAN BEINGS and not circus animal "characters", IMO.  I blame Russo for ALL THESE DAMN RUN-INS!  When was the last time you saw a televised card with no run-ins?


Crash TV fucking sucks.

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When was the last time you saw a televised card with no run-ins?


Crash TV fucking sucks.

Saturday Morning Superstars, circa 1992.  When they couldn't have run-ins because the squash matches ended faster than anybody could get down the aisle.


And between those to choices, give me run-ins every frickin' time.  Hey, it lets me hold out hope that Al Snow will win now and then. :-)


And Crash TV isn't too bad, except when it's All-McMahon Crash TV.  THEN it's a problem.

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Guest Risk
And Crash TV isn't too bad, except when it's All-McMahon Crash TV.  THEN it's a problem.

See Down!, Smack.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Who the hell does job cleanly?


WHAT A SHOCK. this unover(in maineventer standards) piece of crap has no right dominating younger and more athetic wrestlers in the ring.  i hope he jobs to crash holly and bossman when he cheats on steph(you know he will).


This is the second thread that I have seen you start where you call someone an unover peice of crap. You tell me, who is over (in maineventer standards)?

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Guest Nater

This is how old?


Somebody (forgot who) here put up a tally of all matches for about 3 years in study of who has jobbed the most, who won the most, if the win was "clean" or in a 3-way+ match.


I think its proven that HHH has the least clean losses of anybody and who.. the Rock has the most?


Even when HHH was heel he wasnt doing his JOB properly.



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It's not Boston's fault Montreal is a bunch of suckas.

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See Down!, Smack.

I try not to. :)


I find raw to be a more fun watch, in spite of or perhaps because of the shortage of "big name" people.

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Guest Dangerous A

"Somebody (forgot who) here put up a tally of all matches for about 3 years in study of who has jobbed the most, who won the most, if the win was "clean" or in a 3-way+ match.


I think its proven that HHH has the least clean losses of anybody and who.. the Rock has the most?


Even when HHH was heel he wasnt doing his JOB properly."


The person who put up the supposed 3 years of study only did HHH's matches. If you go back and look at the track records of Austin, Rock, and taker you'll see that those guys record is on par with HHH's. Plus the 3 year thing was only ppv matches if I'm not mistaken. Another thing is as a heel he's not supposed to job all the damn time. The chase for his title was a very lucrative time in 2000 for wwf. It's a fact that ratings actually went down a smidge when Rock won the title off of HHH at Backlash 2000 because the chase was over. Hell, if you look at HHH's record in 2001 before he got hurt you'll see he lost quite a bit on ppv. He's even lost this year on ppv, twice. The jobbing clean thing is moot to me. The last time a top face jobbed clean was Mick Foley. Show me a time where Austin and Rock jobbed "clean" to someone.

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Or that Vince McMahon will be a middle-aged perv and pretty much go crazy...



Oh wait a sec...




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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Why is this thread even here? Who the hell jobs cleany these days? Isn't there a run in in every match on TV? Why does Triple H's jobbing piss you off? There is a ref bump or something in every fucking match! Get over it already!

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
Show me a time where Austin and Rock jobbed "clean" to someone.

Austin/Angle at Unforgiven last year and Austin/HHH at No Way Out(although you could say that the hand under the ropes in the Unforgiven match didn't make it clean).

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

There was no ref bump? Search the annals of your mind and tell me when the Rock jobbed cleanly now.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
Why is this thread even here? Who the hell jobs cleany these days? Isn't there a run in in every match on TV? Why does Triple H's jobbing piss you off? There is a ref bump or something in every fucking match! Get over it already!

I agree. These days, jobbing cleanly is about as rare as a count out finish in a PPV main event. There's no need for all this endless bitching about it when a top face NEVER jobs cleanly.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
There was no ref bump? Search the annals of your mind and tell me when the Rock jobbed cleanly now.

WrestleMania 17.


Also, I never thought of ref bumps as dirty finishes. It's just like out of the ring brawling when the guys don't get counted out.

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Guest alfdogg

As main eventers (to the best of my knowledge):


Austin jobbed clean to HHH, Angle and RVD in 2001 and to Foley in 99. (4)


Rock jobbed clean to UT in 2000, Hogan on RAW before WM, and Austin at Armageddon 2000 (even though technically Angle got the pin) (3)


HHH: Smackdown vs Jericho, WMX7 vs UT (2)

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