Guest Report post Posted April 26, 2002 Lance Storm Defeats Steve Blackman.. Storm comes out with Dawn Marie and Justin Credible... Storm comes on the mic and proclaims this to be a standard match with no weapons allowed. As Blackman puts down the gym bag full of weapons, Storm pearl Harbors him to start out the match. The match progresses into a scientific vs martial arts matchup, with Blackman nailing various kicks and sweeps to Storm, however Storm catches a errant kick and dragon screws Blackman down. Storm going to work on the leg, locks in a single leg grapevine submission... Blackman growled and roll right through the pressure attempting a roll up pin.. but Storm kicked out at 2. Storm nails Blackman with a Kneebreaker then slapping on the Canadian Mapleleaf Half crab!!! Storm holds the limb high almost in a Elevated position. Blackman howls in pain and drags himself across the mat finally reaching the ropes. Storm breaks the hold and drags up Blackman, Storm steps back and attempts a superkick, but Blackman dodges the Kick and Nails a Savate kick of his own... Storm stumbles back and the ref gets bumped! Storm gets up and catches Blackman's Bicycle Pump Kick!!! Steve covers but the ref is done... Credible enters the ring Singapore Cane in hand! Blackman sees it out of the corner of his eye and whirls around sweeping Credible's legs from under him!!! Blackman goes then and grabs his Kendo sticks!! the two square off and Credible goes to swing, Blackman blocks the cane shot with one Stick and proceeds to unload quick Kendo shots to the ribs and Face knocking Credible back against the ropes... a Roundhouse kick from Blackman sends Credible over the top rope to the floor. Storm rushes behind Blackman for a Double ax handle, but Blackman whirls around and Nails a Kendo stick shot to Storm's gut... he then sticks the Kendo stick between Storm's legs lifts and Hits his Pumphandle Slam with the Kendo stick!! but the ref sees it and calls for the bell, Blackman loses via DQ! RVD Defeats New Jack!! New Jack comes down carrying a Garbage Can full of Weapons, but as soon as he reaches ringside, RVD leaps over the ropes and Nails New Jack with a Somersault plancha! RVD then drags New Jack into the ring, where he dismantles The Gangsta's brawling style with stiff kicks to the face. RVD ends the match quick after a Van Damninator, RVD leaps onto the Nearby corner and Comes off nailing his Split Legged Moonsault for the three count! Sid Vicious defeats Marty Jenetty Total Squash match! Sid enters the ring, Marty Rushes him for a Cross body... Sid catches him, sets him on the mat, Slaps a choke and hits a One handed Chokeslam!!! then Sid drags him up and Powerbombs him for the Three count. Brian Lee defeats Balls Mahoney Typical ECW match as Balls and Brian Lee stumble through the entire arena brawling it out. ending back towards the ring, Balls beating down Prime Time.. He grabs his weapon of choice the Chair, and starts CRACKING Brian Lee's Skull with it!!! But as he does the Bruise Brothers come out and Beats him down....which Promps Hack myers and Axl Rotten to come to his aid.... it becomes a 6 man Melee Then Out of no Where RAVEN!! Rolls into the Ring and EvenFlows Balls Mahoney!!! A Bloody Brian Lee crawls atop for the win Tajiri defeats W*ING Kanemura Tajiri the quicker of the two seem to dodge alot of Kanemura's attacks, responding with kicks and various moves. however Kanemura would eventually catch up with Tajiri and starts to Pound him down. Kanemura had Tajiri set up on the mat, Kanemura then climbed up to the top turnbuckle and lept off for his Top Rope Senton Bomb, but Tajiri rolled out of the way. Tajiri dragged up Kanemura and locked him into the Octupus hold... as Kanemura dragged his stretched body towards the ropes, Tajiri, instead of breaking the hold, locked in the Taranchula!! Tajiri finally breaks the Hold after a 4 count... Tajiri goes for the Kick of Death, but Kanemura grabs the leg and Hits a Deliberate Low blow! Kanemura then sets up Tajiri for a Liger bomb, but as he lifts him up Tajiri Spits out the Green Mist in his face. Tajiri is dropped on his feet, Tajiri turns around the blind Kanemura Full nelson's Lifts and Hits a Dragon Suplex, He bridges for the pin! Rick Steiner defeats Spike Dudley!! Another seemingly Squash match Rick Steiner pounded and Suplexed the smaller dudley boy. Spike did make a comeback, with a few headbutts to the midsection, a kick and attempted Acid Drop, but Rick Held on and Turned it into a Wicked Belly to back Suplex! End came when Rick just DVD Spike 3 times and just pinned him with his boot. Jinsei defeats Tarzan Goto!! Goto tries to tempt Jinsei into chasing him on the outside, where the chairs and weapons are littered. but Jinsei seem to just meditate in the center of the ring. Goto then started throwing Chair's into the ring, but again Jinsei didn't move. Goto enters the ring with a Broken Beer bottle and Lunges at Jinsei, who promply grabs Goto's arm and flips him off his feet locking in a Cross Arm breaker!!! Goto lets go of the bottle as he forces his arm to bend as to no hyper extend it. Jinsei let go and the two start to brawl. The match saw Goto attempting his Piledriver Face slam, but Jinsei blocked and Backdropped Goto out of the ring. Goto gets up next to the railing in time to see Jinsei hit the far ropes, Handspring to the ropes and Somersaults off with a Space Flying Tiger Bomb! Jinsei drug Goto back in the ring, and Wrapped up Goto's arm... Taking him across two corners via the Prayer rope walk!! Finally taking Goto down with a Wristlock Springboard Hurricanrana!! the End came when Goto Whipped Jinsei into the ropes, Jinsei rebounds fires a stiff knee to Goto's gut then hoists the 300 pounder and Drives him down with the Praying Powerbomb! He gets the 3 count. Guido defeats Louie Spicoli! Before the match Louie on the mic insults Tommy Dreamer and Beulah... Even the dead can't forget. During the match, Louie seem to have everything under control overpowering Guido several times and hitting high impact moves. Guido came back here and there with dropkicks, headscissors, Hurricanrana's even attempted the Sicillian Slice, but Spicoli just got out of it and DDT'd Guido down! Tracy Smothers did a Run in, and got clotheslined for his trouble.. Tommy Rich attempted one even armed with a Chair, but Louie stomped Rich's gut wrench the chair out of his hands...then Nailed Rich with a Spicoli Driver!! Big Sal lumbered his 600 pound frame onto the apron, about to OOZE his way into the ring, but Louie grabbed the Chair and CROWED the Gianatic Tub of Lard off the apron!! Spicoli then starts mugging for the camera unaware that Dreamer is now in the ring... Spicoli turns around, Dreamer kicks and DDT's Spicoli Down headfirst on the chair!!!! Dreamer then leaps out of the ring and jumps into the stands with his fans chanting ECW ECW ECW ECW Guido now up locks in the Sicillian Crab... but Louie is out the ref checks the arms and called for the bell giving Guido the Win! Quarter Final Matches Lance Storm vs RVD Sid Vicious vs Brian Lee Tajiri vs Rick Steiner Jinsei vs Guido you pick the winners Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest dreamer420 Report post Posted April 26, 2002 Lance Storm vs RVD winner: rvd Sid Vicious vs Brian Lee winner: motherfucking sid!! Tajiri vs Rick Steiner winner: tajiri Jinsei vs Guido winner: guido Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 27, 2002 Lance Storm vs. RVD Winner: Storm Sid vs. Brian Lee Winner: Sid Tajiri vs. Rick Steiner Winner: Tajiri Jinsei vs. Guido Winner: Guido Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Your Olympic Hero Report post Posted April 28, 2002 RVD Sid Tajiri Guido Share this post Link to post Share on other sites