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They say a Liberal Vote is a wasted vote

Why? Their just the usual cunts

Labour is of course the best

Running Britain like a liberal Reich

Le Pen is so poor

He’s so coarse

Berlusconi is so rich

Blair using he’s summer villa

Tories are Nazis

IRA with their Uzi’s

Are true democrats!

The Union Jack

Is not for blacks!

The monarchy

Is not for the Jewry!

All these treats

Are for us Brits!

You immigrants

Take your bribes

Stay in you place

In your diamond Ghetto

Just remember your fucking place!

Patriotism is for tourism

Our Nationalism is fascism

We’ll polish our Jackboots

And scream Seig Heil!

Oh dear it’s all our fault!

Marching us into Europe

A closed Plebiscite for Segregation

Just reaffirms belief in repatriation

We’re such racist

Their such racialist

Oh dear! Oh dear!

Will we never learn our lesson?


All feedback on style and content appericated.


Lots of Love



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* Learn to spell.

* Learn to proofread.

* Wait 20 years before writing anything else. By then you might have something to say, and even if you don't, I might be dead. Either way, I wouldn't have to suffer like this.

* If you're going to make your lines rhyme, for chrissakes at least try to make it reasonably close.

* Political art is the most godawful and boring form of expression known to man.

* Sarcasm cannot be the entire basis of a good poem. Especially if it's dull, monotonous, stupid sarcasm delivered with all the subtlety of a two by four over the head.

* Change your fucking signature.


Hope that helped.

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<* Learn to spell.>


What words have I misspelt? Now I realise I may have used some big words your not familar with but if you ask me nicely I'll explain them to you.



< Learn to proofread.>


I have. It's a "poem" (although the language is closer to  a lyric) the language isn't mean't be exact.


<* Wait 20 years before writing anything else. By then you might have something to say, and even if you don't, I might be dead. Either way, I wouldn't have to suffer like this.>


Hey you could just not read it. Oh wait your Marney so anything in this folder you MUST have an opinion on. Maybe its true that empty vessels make the most noise.


<* If you're going to make your lines rhyme, for chrissakes at least try to make it reasonably close.>


Look I never said I was a brillant one, but for a second go I don't think it's that bad. Plus I try to make words flow not, rhyming just helps.


<* Political art is the most godawful and boring form of expression known to man.>


No you wrong when done right and with passion it's brilliant. I give examples as wide as the Sex Pistols, Private Eye, Judge Dredd: America, etc. All political art, all brilliant.


<* Sarcasm cannot be the entire basis of a good poem. Especially if it's dull, monotonous, stupid sarcasm delivered with all the subtlety of a two by four over the head.>


Okay then tell me how to improve it. And yes scarasm can be a basis for a sacrastic poem (which this isn't at all), and it was to have the subtlety of being hit over the head with a 2 by 4. However can you tell me the message of the poem?


The message was that in Western Europe our politics is in abyss, that although everyones leaping at Le Pen they quite happy to do bussiness with governments with facists in the coaltions. It was point at how in Britain the government is ruthlessly suppressing British and English nationlism (while happy to use them for their own ends) while keeping the communities segerated in a neo aptharid system and this is pushing otherwise decent people into the hands of the far right.


Now I don't think that's trite or unsubtle but very deep, now being 17 I mean't not a Lydon yet but come on!


* Change your fucking signature.


Why? Because your nethandral who gets a bit uncomfortable with it?


Lots of Love



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Why, I do believe you're trying to patronise me... it would be almost obscenely ironic if it weren't so amusing.


Now I realise I may have used some big words your not familar with but if you ask me nicely I'll explain them to you.
Considering how much trouble you have with little words, I think I'll refrain from asking you to explain the big ones for now. Here are two of the former, for a start: "your" and "their." (Hint: there's a difference between the possessive case and a contraction.)

For an Englishman, you have a remarkably poor grasp of your native language. But at least you serve one useful purpose: you're a superb argument for educational reform.


It's a "poem" (although the language is closer to  a lyric)
Calling it a poem or a lyric is a bit of a stretch. The language is closer to an illiterate man puking up a can of half-spoiled alphabet soup.

Incidentally, "proofread" means to check for typographical errors. Like "mean't." (I'm being nice here. I'm trying to give you the benefit of doubt. But the fact that you repeated the same error later in your post makes it all too probable that you really think "mean't" is a word, along the lines of "don't," "won't," "can't," &c. Sad.)


Hey you could just not read it.
Too late. And you're the one who asked for opinions. Or did you only want opinions which consisted of lips attaching themselves firmly to your ass? Too bad.


I don't think it's that bad. Plus I try to make words flow not, rhyming just helps.
It is that bad. Your second sentence makes no sense because of your submoronic punctuation. I don't know which of two things you were trying to say, but in either case you failed. Next.


No you wrong when done right and with passion [political art is] brilliant.
I'll grant you the possibility. Too bad your "poem" won't ever convince anyone.


Okay then tell me how to improve it. And yes scarasm can be a basis for a sacrastic poem
How the hell do you manage to misspell the same root in two different ways in the same bloody sentence? Are you mentally retarded? Do you have epilepsy? Or maybe you're just plain dumb.

I have no interest in telling you how to improve your poem. For one thing, it's like asking someone how to make shit stink less. For another, that's supposed to be your job. Not that you're capable of it, but it is your responsibility. Fail if you must, but have the dignity to do it on your own. Of course, asking you to do something with dignity is like asking a paraplegic leper to fly, but anyway.


However can you tell me the message of the poem?


The message was that in Western Europe our politics is in abyss, that although everyones leaping at Le Pen they quite happy to do bussiness with governments with facists in the coaltions. It was point at how in Britain the government is ruthlessly suppressing British and English nationlism (while happy to use them for their own ends) while keeping the communities segerated in a neo aptharid system and this is pushing otherwise decent people into the hands of the far right.

No... no, I think the message was "I, Will Cooling, am an intellectual cripple, with all the stylistic ability of a Holstein cow."


(By the way: "everyone's," "business," "coalitions," "nationalism," "segregated," "apartheid." Also countless usage and grammatical errors that would take the rest of the morning to correct, were I to bother.)


Why? Because your nethandral who gets a bit uncomfortable with [my clumsily condescending signature which desperately tries to imply I'm cute, relaxed, and charming, but actually shows me up for the shallow, pathetic, annoyingly smarmy little prick I am]?
I'm a girl, you cretin.


PS. "Neanderthal."

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Why, I do believe you're trying to patronise me... it would be almost obscenely ironic if it weren't so cute.>


No I was patronising you in the first response the rest was serious



Now I realise I may have used some big words your not familar with but if you ask me nicely I'll explain them to you.

Considering how much trouble you have with little words, I think I'll refrain from asking you to explain the big ones for now.>


<Here are two of the former, for a start: "your" and "their." (Hint: there's a difference between the possessive case and a contraction.)

For an Englishman, you have a remarkably poor grasp of your native language. But at least you serve one useful purpose: you're a superb argument for educational reform.>



Totally agree with you their may english is terrible WHEN I'M IN A RUSH!!! I haven't got time to proof read posts except scan them for the arguement. But I ask you again where are the mistakes in the actually POEM/RANT/LYRIC!?!



It's a "poem" (although the language is closer to  a lyric)


Calling it a poem is a bit of a stretch. The language is closer to an illiterate man puking up a can of half-spoiled alphabet soup. Incidentally, "proofread" means to check for typographical errors. Like "mean't." (I'm being nice here. I'm trying to give you the benefit of doubt. But the fact that you repeated the same error later in your post makes it all too probable that you really think "mean't" is a word, along the lines of "don't," "won't," "can't," &c. Sad.)>


Where the hell is "mean't" in the poem? And oh in a post a was in rush to write I added a ' OH MY GOD I SHOULD NEVER WRITE AGAIN!!! Man are you an English teacher? cause your such a word nazi



Hey you could just not read it.


<A bit late. And you're the one who asked for opinions. Or did you only want opinions which consisted of lips attaching themselves firmly to your ass? Too bad.>


No constructive criticism on style. Like "William your rthyming is a bit crude" or "I don't get the message", etc,etc. Not "THIS IS FUCKING SHIT!!!". On the opinion said you can say anything you like.



I don't think it's that bad. Plus I try to make words flow not, rhyming just helps.


<It is that bad. Your second sentence makes no sense because of your submoronic punctuation. I don't know which of two things you were trying to say, but in either case you failed. Next.>


I'm taking by second sentence you mean the second one of this:


They say a Liberal Vote is a wasted vote

Why? Their just the usual cunts


How is that not clear? You don't get writing like prose in poems because you trying to make the poem/lyric/whatever

fast flowing so the language is more concise espeacilly in what I'm trying to achieve which is a punky style.




No you wrong when done right and with passion [political art is] brilliant.


<'ll grant you the possibility. Too bad your "poem" won't ever convince anyone.>


You know I think your right but guess what? I'm someone who blasted a poem off in his free time so the idea this was going to be a master piece is absurbed but I still feel in this genre its good.



Okay then tell me how to improve it. And yes scarasm can be a basis for a sacrastic poem


<How the hell do you manage to misspell the same root in two different ways in the same bloody sentence? Are you mentally retarded? Do you have epilepsy? Or maybe you're just plain dumb.>


Okay how the hell does epilepsy effect your spelling? Maybe you meant (look! look! I spelt it right) to say Dyslexia but where in a rush and put the wrong word down, IMAGINE THAT!



<I have no interest in telling you how to improve your poem. For one thing, it's a bit like asking someone how to make shit stink less.>


Okay then leave this topic alone and go and alk about something you have an opinion on.


<For another, that's supposed to be your job. Not that you're capable of it, but it is your responsibility. Fail if you must, but have the dignity to do it on your own.>


I won't fail I'll TRY but most people be it poets, writers, artists, etc will probably get a second opinion and see if any improvements can be made, which is exactly what I' doing.


<Of course, asking you to do something with dignity is a bit like asking a paraplegic leper to fly, but anyway.>


And off course you know that because you've met me so many times. Oh wait you haven't you read two articles I've sat down and wrote and then a bunch off posts but it SO obivous I have no dignity.



However can you tell me the message of the poem?


The message was that in Western Europe our politics is in abyss, that although everyones leaping at Le Pen they quite happy to do bussiness with governments with facists in the coaltions. It was point at how in Britain the government is ruthlessly suppressing British and English nationlism (while happy to use them for their own ends) while keeping the communities segerated in a neo aptharid system and this is pushing otherwise decent people into the hands of the far right.


(By the way: "everyone's," "business," "coalitions," "nationalism," "segregated," "apartheid." Also countless usage and grammatical errors that would take the rest of the morning to correct, were I to bother.)>


Oh my god your really hitting me where it hurts my ENGLISH. Look was in Set 1 for English and did EXTERMELY well in it. Okay when I'm in a rush my spelling and puncation is not the best but this is mean't to people just talking about it not an English exam.




Why? Because your nethandral who gets a bit uncomfortable with [my clumsily condescending signature which desperately tries to imply I'm cute, relaxed, and charming, but actually shows me up for the shallow, pathetic, annoyingly smarmy little prick I am]?


No I've always signed off like that maybe its the hippy fag in me but I kinda like signing off like that. I'm sorry (and I really mean this) if people have taken it the wrong way but it's not sacristic or ironic in anyway.


<I'm a girl, you cretin>


Sorry judging by your posts you seem to be a guy. Maybe this should teach us about judging people over posts?


PS. "Neanderthal."


Oh Christ. Did you mum beat you with a dictornary or is this your way to make yourself feel superior?


<No... no, I think the message was "I, Will Cooling, am an intellectual cripple, with all the stylistic ability of a Holstein cow.">


Look I want to do something a bit different and exciting not just writing post 4321 why the Palenstinans have the right to self determination so I wrote two poems about issues I'm interested in. No there not brilliant but for a first try their not bad. But lets face it this is not the reason your laying into me. For some reason you haven't been mature enough to debate the points I raise in posts and have instead have

taken them personally and decided because I disagree with you/ present myself in a way different to you that you hate me.



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Totally agree with you their may english is terrible WHEN I'M IN A RUSH!!! I haven't got time to proof read posts except scan them for the arguement.
This might be more believable if your mistakes weren't so omnipresent. Your latest post is a perfect example: "their," "may," "your," "espeacilly," "mean't" (again), "rthyming," "off course," "absurbed," and dozens more. These aren't typographical errors. A typographical error is "alk" instead of "talk," or "yuo" instead of "you." Your posts verge on the functionally illiterate. Your mistakes obscure your meaning and make your writing practically incomprehensible. Claiming that you were just "rushed" is simply unbelievable.


But I ask you again where are the mistakes in the actually POEM/RANT/LYRIC!?!
Hmm, there don't seem to be very many now. The Edit button must be a marvellous tool for a congenital liar.


When I said your "second sentence" was unclear, I was obviously referring to this:

Plus I try to make words flow not, rhyming just helps.
I have no idea what you were trying to say there.


I still feel in this genre [my poem is] good
True, if you define "this genre" as "irredeemable crap."


No there not brilliant but for a first try their not bad.
"They're," both times. Are you going to try to tell me this was also because you were "rushed?" For someone so busy, you sure seem to write awfully lengthy posts.


Oh wait you haven't [met me,] you read two articles I've sat down and wrote and then a bunch off posts but it SO obivous I have no dignity.
Yeah, because you're a whiny, pathologically defensive little bitch who uses his sexual orientation to get attention. Parenthetically: "written." Was that a typo too? You must have a really unique keyboard.


Sorry judging by your posts you seem to be a guy
I've never referred to my gender in any other thread on this board. No one else has either. I'd be interested to know how you came to this conclusion. No, check that; I wouldn't, because your explanation would probably be vapid and incoherent.


Maybe you meant (look! look! I spelt it right) to say Dyslexia but where in a rush and put the wrong word down, IMAGINE THAT!
No, I meant epilepsy, because you seem to have repeated seizures while typing.


Look was in Set 1 for English and did EXTERMELY well in it.
I'll just let this sentence stand by itself as an example of the plummeting standards of British education.


Oh Christ. Did you mum beat you with a dictornary or is this your way to make yourself feel superior?

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Guest Frank Zappa Mask

* Political art is the most godawful and boring form of expression known to man.*


-Marney, have you ever heard of the Clash????


As for you Cooling, it's cool that you take the effort to write poems, but you have to move beyond pretending you're in Rage Against the Machine before anyone will take your work seriously.

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Guest Frank Zappa Mask

Ha...a band?   They are THE band.  Marney, FYI, they came out of the same British punk wave that the Sex Pistols came out of in the 70's, so if you don't like any of that stuff, you probably won't like the Clash (which is as about inhumane as you can get).  But hey, I say try anything once, so give em' a listen, espiecally anything off "London Calling".....

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Okay Marney here is the deal. You dislike my english, I dislike my english but only one of us cares about it in this forum. There were no spelling mistakes in my poem because not only did I have a dictornary on my lap to check words but I also used my spell checker plus I had proof read it and I had shown it to my friends who would have picked out any mistakes. I have not edited my poem AT ALL and I am pretty sure that if you edit something it tells you when it was modiefied. Plus I would love to know on which occasions I have lied.


I was in set I for English at school and I got two Bs (Lit and com). No my spelling is not good, it has never been good. In fact it was so bad that for the beginning of Secondary School I was put into speacil needs to get check my spelling out. Despite all that through hard work and taking an excessive amount of my time doing each piece I manged to achieve in English and other essay heavy subjects like History, Religous Education and Drama (plus the fact that I had a naturally flair for  those sublects help me overcome my poor presentation). I don't think I have dyselxia but that poor primary schooling (and the one I went to was the pits) never picked the problem up and correct it.  



<When I said your "second sentence" was unclear, I was obviously referring to this:


Plus I try to make words flow not, rhyming just helps.


I have no idea what you were trying to say there.>


You see I thought that you were critizing my poem totally objectively not just letting go of a whole load of anger you've built up. As for the sentence yes its pretty shocking and god knows where the not comes from but if you take the not out it makes perfect sense.



No there not brilliant but for a first try their not bad.


< "They're," both times. Are you going to try to tell me this was also because you were "rushed?" For someone so busy, you sure seem to write awfully lengthy posts.">


Ah you got me. I had the joys of a free period with no work to do so I just went on the forum. I had actually meant to answer the whole "Bin Ladien: Freedom Fighter?" thing but instead I got to answer to your bitching (lucky me). Yes "there, their, there" have always been a problem for me but I still have to ask WHY DO YOU CARE!?! Does it make the post unreadable? No in this case any moron could see by accident I've put the wrong one down.



Oh wait you haven't [met me,] you read two articles I've sat down and wrote and then a bunch off posts but it SO obivous I have no dignity.


<Yeah, because you're a whiny, pathologically defensive little bitch>


Okay let's get this straight, you write two posts not only laying into something that despite its faults I like but also my character and by defending  myself that makes me "a whiny, pathologically defensive little bitch". One word, BULLSHIT.


<who uses his sexual orientation to get attention>


When the hell have I used my sexuality to get attention? I am as maybe the only person on this directly effected by homohobia menat to keep my mouth shut? I am meant to add ths forum to the many places that I've got to keep in the closet? I thought the point of this forum was to write/dicuss about topical issues that effect us in our day to day lives. As a 17 year old fearful that I could be kicked out of my house at any time if my Dad finds I think homophobia effects me and if when talking about it helps me make my arguement by saying "I'm gay and these examples of discrimination hurt me" or "As a gay person I don not think gay people should have IMF babies", etc, etc. And besides I like being able to be out on this forum espeacilly when you compare it to my "real life" where I can talk to one friend and one teacher about being gay.


<"written." Was that a typo too? You must have a really unique keyboard.>


Two articles I've sat down and wrote

Two articles I've sat down and written


Personally I think the first one is correct.



Sorry judging by your posts you seem to be a guy


< I've never referred to my gender in any other thread on this board. No one else has either. I'd be interested to know how you came to this conclusion. No, check that; I wouldn't, because your explanation would probably be vapid and incoherent.>


I'll ignore the last bit. I really don't know why I thought you were a guy your writing voice just seemed masculine.


Maybe you meant (look! look! I spelt it right) to say Dyslexia but where in a rush and put the wrong word down, IMAGINE THAT!


<No, I meant epilepsy, because you seem to have repeated seizures while typing.>



Oh man, oh man. You know I thought this was a big misunderstanding and that I had by being flippant to you at one point had just pissed you off. Now I know that your just not a nice person full stop.                  


<As for you Cooling, it's cool that you take the effort to write poems, but you have to move beyond pretending you're in Rage Against the Machine before anyone will take your work seriously.>


Thanks for the advice and I can see where you coming from eve though I'm loathed to admit anything in common with a bunch of shock-marxists. Can ask you is this point just about this one or the other one I did as well "Black Vatican Conspicary"?


P.S The Pistols are WAAAY better than the Clash.



Sig Mk II

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You've never pissed me off, and I wasn't angry. Anyway, I feel a little guilty for picking on a 17 year-old, so I'll stop now.


("Have wrote" is nevertheless incorrect. The present perfect tense is "have written;" "wrote" is the past tense. Check with your teachers.)

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

I don't wish to be harsh, as I have probably written something *almost* as bad in the past, but that poem was pretty poor.


Also, the Sex Pistols are not anywhere near as good as the Clash.

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