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Guest Zack Malibu

Favorite low budget karate flicks

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Guest Zack Malibu

I spawned this thread from the "Movies so bad, they're good" thread.  C'mon guys, you know that you've sat back and watched these low budget classics at some point.  Whether it's Don Wilson kicking ass in the latest Corman classic, or the kid from Step By Step taking over Van Damme's roles, these are the movies that give us the action fix like no other movie can.


My personal faves have to be Bloodfist 3: Forced To Fight, China O'Brien, Only The Strong, American Ninja, Avenging Force, and Full Contact (not the Hong Kong film, the American one with the "alley fights" storyline)

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Guest pochorenella

I remember like 20 or so years ago watching those very early chinese Jackie Chan movies like "Fist of the Dragon" (literal translation from Spanish, I'm not sure of the english title) or the original "Drunken Master". Those seemed very low-budget to me but they had that kick-ass action that's rarely seen nowadays.

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Guest Ripper

Aren't all of them basically low-budget.  I mean, alot of the newer ones are, but most Jackie chan movies and older Jet Li, all Bruce Lee and basically all of them have ridicuously low budgets.

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Guest razazteca

The Shaw Brothers movies rule

The Lucky Stars series with Jackie Chan

Young Master

Snake in Eagle Shadow or any movie that had Sam Seed!!!!

Great China Hero

Deadly China Hero

Butterfly & Sword

The Prodigical Son - Yuen Biao's best movie!!!!

The Dreadnaught - another Yuen Biao classic

Wing Chun

Hand of Death/Countdown to Kung Fu - directed by Jon Woo with a Jackie Chan death scene

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The Crippled Masters... two Kung Fu masters, one with no arms, one with no legs. Seeing this guy kick ass with the nub growing out of his shoulder is unlike anything Ive ever seen.

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Guest ArkhamGlobe

Does The Street Fighter with Sonny Chiba count? If so, that one in a heart beat.

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Guest El Satanico

I think i've seen Mafia vs. Ninja. Good lord now that was one great horribly bad movie.

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Guest cabbageboy

I also wrote this on the bad movie thread but it applies here as well.  Check out Slaughter in San Francisco, it is soooooo funny.  It is known mostly for an early Chuck Norris appearance, but a dude named Don Wong is the star.  I defy anyone not to fall in the floor laughing at that movie.

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Guest HBK16

I have to agree, the very early Jackie Chan movies with sometimes Bruce Lee were very low budget. But also one I have to add to the list is Blood Sport 4.  The other 3 were probably the same too but I have only seen 4.  It is a very stupid movie.  I watched it on DVD and didn't bother to pause it when I got to up find something to eat or drink.

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Guest redbaron51


You must all watch this movie. It is a true classic.

Agreed. Best low budget movie evar.

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Guest whatitistoburn

Bruce Leroy was the man.


As for low budget kung fu, it's all about Chinese Super Ninja.

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