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NECW United We Slam

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Michael Sain© vs. "Big Guns" Frankie Arion

This match should be really fun. Michael Sain, formerly Syko, works best as the hoss monster destroying the smaller guy, and Arion works best as the underdog trying to prove his critics wrong. I'm glad Sain is champion, but his matches have been pretty crap since winning the title. He's over like grover in Framingham, however, as a HUGE "Syko" chant was started in March when Sain, still under the name of Syko, won a battle royale to become #1 contender to the NECW Heavyweight title. I'd say this match will hit **1/2, if that, but it will be fun all the way.



Sabotage (DC Dillinger and Eddie Edwards)© vs. Sudden Impact ("Miracle" Mike Bennett and Pat Masters)

Sabotage is odd. It's obvious Eddie carries DC, but the two of them work together so well that it doesn't seem to matter. Mike Bennett and Pat Masters aren't great either, but Bennett shows some potential. Basically, if this boils down to Eddie Edwards and Mike Bennett, it will probably steal the show. I don't see this being nearly as good as the Sabotage/Adrenaline matches were, but those were good because they were feuding for months and knew each other inside and out. Maybe **, **1/2 tops.



Antonio "The Promise" Thomas vs. "The Golden Greek" Alex Arion

I do not like Alex Arion one bit. I find him to be a generic 80's babyface, and that's one thing I don't like about wrestlers at all: when they're generic. The character is generic, the moveset is generic, and Arion doesn't really have a whole lot of charisma either. Antonio Thomas can probably carry him to a ** affair, though, because he's pretty good in his own right.



"Brutal" Bob Evans vs. Ru Starr

Ru Starr sucks so far. Bob Evans does not. Evans isn't overly charismatic, but the man knows more about psychology and selling than a few WWE main eventers. This could easily be a good match should Ru Starr, who I believe was trained by Evans, displays nearly as much psychology as Bob does. *1/2-**.


Adrenaline (Chris Venom and Brian Fury) vs. Justin Powers and Paul Lombardi

Adrenaline are decent-at-best. I've never seen Powers or Lombardi, or if I have, then they're not worth remembering. * tops.



Sumie Sakai and Sarah Sullivan vs. Hayley Skye and Tanya Lee

No Mercedes Martinez means less stiffness. Some Hayley Skye means good amount of ownage. 3/4*.



"The Egomaniac" Johnny Idol vs. Steve King

Johnny Idol is very bland in the ring. I've never seen Steve King wrestle, although he used to be a developmental talent for the WWF in the early or mid 90's. King seems pretty charismatic, though, and Idol's strongpoint is his putting over of his opponent. If all goes well, ** match here.


Yes, I know. The expected match ratings don't look too good, do they? No, they don't. But still, if you're around the area and not doing something Saturday night, why not stop by? It's just $15, and I guarantee you the atmospher more than makes up for the lack of great in-ring action.

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