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Guest SoZe

A few questions

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Guest SoZe

I was wondering if anyone could tell me how long the Benoit-Regal match was. I asked over on the DVDR boards awhile ago, and someone said 12 minutes, while another said 30. That's a pretty big disparity, don't you think??


Also, does anyone know anything about the Nitro match with Eddie?? It was

10/16/95. Don't know if this was added because it was thier first match on Nitro, or if it was just a great match.


Any insight would be appreciated.

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I've heard all of their WCW bouts together were very strong, so if you're fearing an Armageddeon 02 disappointment, don't sweat it.


Beyond that, I can't really add much.

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Guest Ray
Also, does anyone know anything about the Nitro match with Eddie??  It was

10/16/95.  Don't know if this was added because it was thier first match on Nitro, or if it was just a great match. 


Any insight would be appreciated.

I absolutely love this match. It's certainly there because it's their Nitro debut, but it's also a great match.


Highlight if you want to read my crappy review of it. ;)

Chris Benoit vs. Eddy Guerrero - Nitro 10/16/95

I might die if these great matches keep coming. I love this one to death. The pace with which they start is utterly amazing. They're going so fast and executing so smoothly it's nearly impossibly to keep track of the moves. They trade 'rana's early on, and the TM/DK german switching spots. Benoit tries a backdrop, but Eddy feels it coming and drops to one knee in a great little counter. Eddy knocks Benoit out of the ring and goes for a tope, but Benoit moves out of the way and Eddy catches himself on the ropes in a 619-ish move. Eddy goes up and dives on Benoit from the top rope. The best is yet to come though...


What really makes this great, aside from the amazing pace, high-end offense, and flawless execution, is the arm injury storyline. When they're outside the ring, Eddy injures his arm on the ringpost when he tries to lariat Benoit. Benoit, like the wrestling machine he is, takes advantage of this and viciously attacks it through the rest of the match. Eddy SELLS it, and it comes into play for the finish. Benoit dominates for a while. Eddy makes a comeback by turning a tilt-o-whirl sideslam into an armdrag, and follows with an amazing reverse springboard DDT! And it's stiff. Quite stiff. Along with most of the offense here (brainbusters, high angle backdrops, etc...). Eddy goes up for the frogsplash, but Benoit gets the knees up. Then he proceeds to deliver the most awesome powerbomb I've ever seen. Jaw-droppingly stiff. Eddy kicks out though, and Benoit attempts another powerbomb, which is countered by Eddy into a pin attempt. Eddy's still recovering though, and Benoit gets out of it easily. In the heat of the moment, Eddy punches Benoit with his injured arm and screams in pain. Shockingly, the announcers pick up on this! Benoit does too, and goes for a german. But he remembers how Eddy got out of the hold earlier in the atch and locks on a full nelson. Eddy gives us a fantastic "oh shit, I'm screwed" facial right here, as he knows he can't get out with his arm weakened. Benoit finishes him off with the dragon suplex.


A fantastic example of working an injury into a match and following through with it. A lost classic, and quite frankly, a US MOTYC.

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Guest wildpegasus

10/16/95 is awesome. Benoit and Eddie wrestling like they were in New Japan. There's your well thought out and detailed review but seriously that's all that needs to be known. :)


Benoit and Regal would be Regal's return match and is as beautiful a match you'll ever see. It'd be about 12 minutes There's an excellent review of it on www.deathvalleydriver.com but I couldn't find it the last time I looked.

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Guest Real F'n Show

Goddamn I need this DVD now! I still haven't seen Benoit/Regal, and everything else on this DVD rocks. Well, except Sid's best match ever.

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Goddamn I need this DVD now! I still haven't seen Benoit/Regal, and everything else on this DVD rocks. Well, except Sid's best match ever.

Sids best match ever was when Michaels carried his ass like a piece of luggage at the Survivor Series show.

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Guest SoZe

I'd be very surprised if it was the unedited version. The Flair v Windham match on Flair's set was like that, with the commercials edited out, but a 2-3 minute gap in action. I would of course prefer the unedited version, but I only saw the match once, and am really looking forward to seeing it again.


I'm excited as all hell to be getting this soon. I'm almost ahamed to admit that I have never seen the matches with





Eddie (J-Cup or Nitro match) Seen them wrestle, but not these matches





I have seen the Sullivan and Scorpio matches, and used to have them on tape. They however were lost in the great move.

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Guest Real F'n Show
Goddamn I need this DVD now! I still haven't seen Benoit/Regal, and everything else on this DVD rocks. Well, except Sid's best match ever.

Sids best match ever was when Michaels carried his ass like a piece of luggage at the Survivor Series show.

Thanks for the correction, forgot about that one...

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