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Rob E Dangerously

Arthur Bryant's

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Because there's alot of acclaim for it..


One site: http://www.arthurbryantsbbq.com/


I went there earlier this year and had a combo with fries. It was good and I was able to eat it all without trouble.


One pic with AB's, with a girl: http://www.kellysue.com/futurephone/images/abryants.jpg


I was thinking of having the combo and the ribs, but I decided on not spending that much money.


More on it:


    Arthur Bryant, the grand old man of Kansas City barbecue passed away almost twenty years ago, but his business has thrived ever since; and his heirs, bless them, never went upscale. This humble smoke house remains a cafeteria-style lunch room with all the decorative charm of a bus station.

      Arthur Bryant originally came from Texas, so it stands to reason that his brisket is superb, the best meat in the house. It is lusciously tender beef, fatty enough to fairly drip flavor. It is sliced into fallapart lengths that get heaped into white-bread sandwiches; or if you come as a large party, you can order a couple of pounds of beef and a loaf of bread and make your own at the table.


      The pork ribs are wonderful, too, glazed with blackened burnt edges and lodes of meat below their spicy crust. The skin-on French fries are bronze beauties and the goopy barbecue beans are some of Kansas City's best.


      Good as the meats are, what makes Arthur Bryant’s unique is the sauce. It is beautiful sauce, a gritty, red-orange blend of spice and sorcery that is not at all sweet like most barbecue sauces. Once you’ve tasted it, you’ll have a gold standard against which to measure all others


"It has long been acknowledged that the single best restaurant in the world is Arthur Bryant's Barbeque at 18th and Brooklyn in Kansas City." - Playboy


"Arthur Bryant's has long been to barbecue what the Statue of Liberty was to immigration.... The place is a beacon to all barbecue lovers...." - People


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