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Need some ps1 advice

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We're having a yard sale tomorrow, and I dusted off the PS1 to put in.  Although it is somewhat obsolete, I still want to make some sort of profit off of it.  The following parts are all being sold:


PS1 Console, with wiring etc

2 Controlers

1 Memory Card

3 Games: NCAA Final Four 2001, WWF Smackdown!, Tenchu Stealth Assassins


All games are pretty quality... I just have no idea what to shoot for.  We're having a bunch of stuff being sold, and I'm thinking a mother might buy for a smaller kid who can't afford one of the newer systems.  Any suggestions tonight regarding the price would be appreciated.  Thanks.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

That's on you. You can charge whatever people are willing to pay. I can't say how much I would pay for a PS1 because I don't play it anymore and I haven't played one in two years.




PS1 - $35-$40


Memory Card - $3-$5


3 Games - $10-$15 each.


I would try to stay towards the lower figures since the people could just as easily go to an electronic store and get the stuff that you have for a cheap price. You might want to consider looking at E-Bay.

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Guest The Man in Blak

Just a warning - people (or at least smart people) are less likely to buy your Playstation used, since used CD-Rom devices have a notoriously bad record of motors dying out after a moderate period of use.


Otherwise, I second the numbers that pinnacle suggested - they're fairly reasonable.

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I actually ended up getting $70 for all of the items listed.  I thought that was very good.

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Guest Tomato Can

About 2 years ago I sold my PS1 on eBay with 2 controllers and about 12 games for like $135.  I probably could have gotten more by selling all the games individually, but I was too damn lazy for that.

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