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Guest raptor

Reviews 4/24

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Guest raptor

I've been netless for a few weeks, so there is a lot of ground to cover.


Rising Stars #18 (Act III, Part III): This title hasn't been good since the heroes beat Critical Maas, and the lateness is a big part of that. After such a layoff, its tough to continue to feel for the characters IMHO. As far as the plot goes, it seems that Act III is finally gaining steam, as the first of the major Stars meets his predetermined end. **(of 4)


Powers #19 (Super Group Saga): The killer(s) are finally revealed, and Walker acts like a baby. Plus, somebody's head blows up real good. This storyline is dragging a little, but I seem to be enjoying it more than others.***


New X-Men #125 (Imperial Part 4? of 6): This is the first storyline that I've kinda enjoyed since E is For Extinction. I still hate Morisson's X-Men, but if taken as a seperate comic, this is a good storyline. It just isn't the X-Men to me. ***


The Punisher #11 (Cab Wars Part 3): I want to like this story. Tom Peyer writes a badass Punisher. Manuel Gutierrez' art is gorgeous. One problem: Killer Cabs is one of the *worst* ideas in the history of comics. The main villain is a joke, and his subordinates say so. Well, Ennis/Dillon are back soon, at least. **


Green Arrow #13: I love Kevin Smith. In less than 3 pages, he manages to make you care enough about a new hero that when his fate is unfolded, you feel for him, and want the head of the new villain on a plate. Onomatopea was a hokey concept, but the man is a sadistic son of a bitch who is just begging to hated. Plus, Smith inserts one of the corniest jokes I've ever seen into the opening fight scene. It has something to do with balls. ****


Buffy The Vampire Slayer #43 (Death of Buffy, Part 1 of 3): Why is the current comics series making the new episodes of the show look like Ally McBeal? Any one of the recent storylines would make for a better episode than "Insert Buffy and Spike fucking scene here" paint by numbers drivel fans have been getting lately. Every Death of Buffy comic tie-in is pure gold, and this is no exception. ****


X-Factor #1 (The Mountain Top-Book 1): I was a little skeptical of this series. It seemed from interviews with writer Jeff Jensen that this would be little more than an X-Files rip off. While there are similarities, this series carves out it's own identity, and its main characters are well done. One isn't meant to be wholly sympathetic, and it isn't hard to dislike him, a tough thing to do with a main character. The thing is, I actually care about his fate. Even for non-X fans, I recommend giving this a shot. ****

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Guest raptor

Part II:


Wolverine/Hulk #3 (of 4): The first issue of this series was crap, but Wolverine is being mishandled in New X-Men, and Sam Kieth's take on him was the only good part of that issue. So I kept reading, and it has progressively getting better. Only drawback: I couldn't tell you what it was about if you paid me. ***


X-Men Evolution #6: This is where I've been getting my X-Men nostalgia fix lately, so I was pissed when this was a Spike story. Spike is annoying as fuck, and this story is no different. I was hoping that Mimic's appearance would make up for it, since he's a great character over in eXiles. No dice. *


Blade #2: This isn't as good as I'd hoped, but still passable. I didn't like the "Blade gets a woman" subplot in either movie, and I don't like it here. That's my only major gripe, however. I find the fact that Chris Hinz has developed a comparitievely large support system arounf Blade, and his mutant vampire Tryx have potential. Steve Pugh's art is disturbing and violent, which is the main reason I came back for another issue. **


Howard the Duck #4(of 6): I love this comic. It is the wittiest, funniest title I've come across in a long while. In this issue, Steve Gerber gives Vertigo the same reaming he gave Witchblade last issue. Howard and Bev finally make it to the boarding house of mystery, and end up meeting Hellboozer, Anthrax (of Anthrax Mystery Theater), the 7 beings known as the Interminable, and Splatter Gammorah. Vertigo fans should get a chuckle out of this issue, plus we meet a dickless Angel, and a Pitbull smokes weed! BE THERE!!! ****


Avengers Icons: Tigra #3: This issue continues the string of minor-character relaunches that have been pretty spectacular. Tigra seems to be able to hold down a series by the virtue of her character, since the story is a little stereotypical. The twist at the end comes from a mile away, too. **


Captain America #1: First of all, I hate Captain America. He is the ultimate boyscout, and I never been able to get into his character. I guess I'm more of a anti-hero guy. That being said, this is one of the most moving issues I've ever read. Fan-frickin-tastic. Highest recommendation. ****

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Guest gthureson

While not the Caphead Sassquatch is, I think they can continue to make high quality Cap stories if they focus on the soldier/man out of step with the times aspect rather than merely being a draped in the flag, Mom and apple pie character.


I like the Cap in Ultimates.


I liked Miller's takes on Cap.


I could just never get into his own book.  But I might pick up Cap #1 if it keeps getting reviews like this.

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