Guest London Calling Report post Posted July 19, 2004 Well here it goes here's my new i'm just doing matches for the first few weeks, promos and interviews will be done sometime also, but here's the matches for UCPW : ERUPTION ****Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio Jnr vs The Backseat Boyz **** Billy Kidman and Johnny Kashmere start off first, and they both lock up, Kashmere applies a wristlock and Kidman rolls forward, twist’s and turns and manages to counter it and applies a wristlock on to Johnny Kashmere, Kashmere gets to the ropes and Kidman breaks the hold, Kashmere then shoves Kidman and he comes back with a shove of his own, Kashmere applies a headlock and Kidman gets to the ropes and pushes Kashmere off the ropes opposite, Kashmere comes back and Kidman lays down, Kashmere runs off the other ropes and Kidman then leap frogs over Kashmere, Kashmere comes back of the ropes again and Kidman attempts a hip toss, but Kashmere counters and tries one of his own and sends Kidman to the outside with one ! Kidman gets up and goes back into the ring and Kashmere kicks him in the gut and whips him of the ropes, Kashmere attempts a Tilt a Whirl but Kidman counters and nails a DDT !…Kidman climbs the turnbuckle but acid then goes over and takes his legs away from him and Kidman is then crotched on the top turnbuckle, Kashmere goes up and hits a TOP ROPE HURRICANRANA !!! And covers 1…2……444444 Kickout from Kidman ! Kashmere lifts Kidman up and whips him into his and Acid’s corner and he tags in Trent Acid ! Acid grabs Kidman and sets him up for a Powerbomb ! Acid lifts him up POWERBOMB INTO THE TURNBUCKLE !!! Acid pulls Kidman out of the turnbuckle and goes for the pin 1…….2………Rey Mysterio breaks up the pin fall ! Acid gets up and lifts up Kidman and whips him to the ropes and nails a closeline, picks him up again in a Gorilla press position and nails a GUT BREAKER !!! And covers 1……2.7777777777 Kickout from Kidman ! Trent Acid again whips Kidman into the ropes and puts his head down, Kidman leaps over Acid and comes back and Acid attempts a backdrop, but Kidman lands on his feet and goes for the tag, but Kidman staggers over and turns round to see Acid, but is met with a YAKUZA KICK !!!!! Kidman goes to the outside as Rey, tags himself in, Acid goes of the ropes and gets ready for a plancha on Kidman but Rey nail a SPRINGBOARD DROPKICK !!! on Acid, Kashmere comes in, but Rey does a HEADSCISSORS INTO A TORNADO DDT !!! Rey turns round and Acid begins to pick himself up and is met with a DROPKICK TO THE HEAD !!! and Acid rolls to the outside, Rey goes to the apron, waits for Trent Acid to get up RUNNING HURRICANRANA OFF THE APRON !!! Rey gets up but Kashmere nail him with a SUICIDE DIVE !!! All men try to get up but Kidman charges at the ropes SPRINGBOARD SHOOTING STAR PRESS TO THE OUTSIDE !!!!! All men are down and the crowd are on their feet ! Kidman struggles to get up but he does and rolls Acid into the ring, Acid gets up but Kidman is on the apron and attempt a dive, but Kashmere pushes him off the top rope and Kidman falls head first on the canvas, Kashmere and Acid begin to taunt and Kashmere grabs Kidman and then perform DREAM SEQUENCE !!! on Kidman, Acid and Kashmere picks up Kidman and lift him up for the T GIMMICK……….but Rey hits a SPRINGBOARD SPLIT LEGGED DROPKICK TO BOTH ACID AND KASHMERE !!! Kidman gets dropped down and both him and Rey run of the ropes and hit Acid and Kashmere with Dropkicks to the back of the head, Rey goes to the apron and attempts a springboard Leg drop but Trent get up and nails him with a drop kick, Kidman goes to Kashmere and tries to whip him into the turnbuckle, but Kashmere blocks and kicks Kidman to the gut and sets him up for the powerbomb ! But Kidman counters FACE KRUSHER !!! Rey gets up but Acid hits him with a YAKUZA KICK !! turning him inside out and clashing heads with Kidman who was pinning Kashmere ! Rey and Kidman are knocked out ! Trent Acid grabs Rey and takes him to the turnbuckle, acid sits at the top and attempts the TOP ROP GUT BUSTER BUT REY COUNTERS…..TOP ROPE BULLDOG………..and cover 1…………2.999999999999999 kickout from Acid ! Rey whips Acid into the turnbuckle and charges at him, but Acid gets a big boot up, but Rey see’s it and rolls to the outside and grabs his legs, Kidman charges as Acid and hits him with a Dropkick, Acid slumps down, Rey comes in and charges at Trent Acid and does THE BRONCO BUSTER !!! Kashmere appears at the back of Kidman and hits a RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX !!!, Rey see’s Kashmere and Dropkicks his knee and then hits a Dropkick to his face………….he goes to the top Turnbuckle and waits for Acid…..DRAGONRANA COUNTERED…..Acid holds Rey and Kashmere comes over to join him, Kashmere grabs Rey too, and they nail T GIMMICK !!!!!!!!!! on Rey Mysterio Jnr 1………….2………………..Kidman breaks the pin ! Kidman grabs Kashmere and him and Kashmere both head to the outside……………Acid grabs Rey and puts him on the Top Turnbuckle, Acid comes over but Rey kicks him and jumps….TORNADO DDT !!! by Rey Mysterio ! 1…….2.99999999999999999999 Kickout from Trent Acid ! Kidman and Kashmere battle each other outside the ring...Kashmere suddenly charges at Kidman but Kidman drop toe holds him in to the Stairs ! Kidman get in and dropkicks Trent Acid, and Acid goes stumbling into the corner, Kidman picks him up and put him on the Top Turnbuckle….Rey Run at Kidman, and Kidman tosses him up and they hit the SPRINGBOARD HURRICANRANA !!!!!!!!!!!! Rey covers 1………….2……………3.!!!!!! Winners: Rey Mysterio Jnr and Billy Kidman ****Doug Williams vs Kaz Hayashi**** Kaz charges straight at Doug Williams and hits a Spinning Heel kick ! 1…KICKOUT ! from Williams, Kaz begins to chop at Williams but he continues to come at him, Kaz runs off the ropes and dropkicks Williams leg, and then again, and goes for it for a third time, but Doug Williams moves out of the way and Kaz gets up, Williams forearms him and kicks him in the gut, GUT WRENCH POWERBOMB !!! 1…..2…8888888 KICKOUT ! from Kaz Hayashi, Williams picks Hayashi up but Kaz throat thrust him, and again, he grabs Williams and tries to whip him against the ropes but Williams wont budge, Williams hits Kaz in the face and whips him to the ropes, Hayashi comes at Williams but he puts his head forward and Kaz jumps over him, he comes back at Williams but he gets up and does a Flapjack but Kaz counters DROPKICK !!! Williams falls down and gets up and charges at Kaz but he moves out the way and Williams goes into the turnbuckle, Kaz grabs Doug Williams arm and runs to the turnbuckle SPRINGBOARD SINGLE ARM DDT !!! Kaz goes to Williams and applies an ARMBAR ! But Williams gets his foot on the bottom ropes, Williams gets up but Hayashi nails another SINGLE ARM DDT !!! 1….2….KICKOUT ! from Williams, he gets up as Kaz is on the top rope, MISSILE DROPKICK ! on Williams and he goes down, Kaz runs at Williams with a running elbow and his it and then again applies an ARMBAR !!! but again Williams gets his foot on the ropes, Williams gets up and and Kaz does a Hurricanrana and then does and applies another Armbar.......Williams begins to wriggle out of it and Kaz Hayashi then leg drops his arm and stop Williams escaping, suddenly Hayashi grabs Williams arm in leaps over the top rope, Williams screams in pain and clutches his arm in the ring as Hayashi Sringboard and hits a SPRINGBOARD KNEE DROP ON HIS ARM !!! he runs off the ropes and hits a legdrop on his arm and goes for the pin 1......2....Kickout from Williams ! Kaz gets up and kicks him in the mid section, then again, he goes for it a third time but Williams catches it and turns him around and applies a FULL NELSON !!! but Kaz slides down, grabs his legs and does a roll up 1....2...5555555 Kickout from Williams ! Kaz gets up and runs off the rope and does a Dropkick to Williams knee and apples a Fujiwara Armbar ! but again Williams gets to the rope, Williams struggles to get up but Kaz helps him up and chops him, Kaz whips Williams off the ropes but leap frogs overhim but Williams come back to fast and nails a BIG KNEE !!! then hits him with a knee to the throat, Williams stuggles to pick himself up but gets up to the turnbuckle and hits a TOP ROPE KNEE DROP !!! and goes for the pin 1..........2....777777777 Kickout from Kaz ! kaz begins to pick himself up but Williams catches him with a REVOLUTION DDT !!! and covers 1.......2.....9999999999 Kickout from Kaz Hayashi ! Williams gets up and goes on the top turnbuckle again, but is uneasy, as Williams shakes up onthe top rope Kaz nails a Spinning Heel Kick and Williams is crotched on the top rope ! Kaz looks at Williams and drives his head in the canvas with a DDT OFF THE TOP ROPE !!! Kaz gets up and applies a CROSSFACE !!!!! on a motionless Doug Williams, the referee checks on williams and lifts his hand and it drops one time, then a second time and finally drops a third ! Winner: Kaz Hayashi ****AJ Styles vs Justice Pain**** Both men start off with a tie up and both struggle to get an advantage over each other, AJ gets the better of Justice Pain and goes behind him, but pain gets himself to the ropes and the referee breaks them up, AJ goes over towards Pain but is met with a kick to the gut, then a chop to the chest, then another, AJ is staggering and falls against the ropes, Pain whips him to the other side and attempts a closeline, but AJ ducks and comes off the ropes with a forearm, AJ gets up and kicks Pain in the leg, then again, until he falls to the canvas, AJ goes to pick him up but Pain counters and rolls AJ up 1….2…..AJ KICKS OUT ! ……..AJ gets up as does Pain, Pain punches AJ and put on a headlock, but AJ pushes him off towards the ropes, Pain charges at AJ, but he leap frogs over him, Pain comes back but AJ lays down on the canvas, he gets up and waits on Pain coming back and arm drags Pain, Pain gets up and arm drags AJ, AJ gets up and attempts a dropkick but Pain moves and AJ misses him, Pain elbows AJ while he’s down and the delivers a few stomps to AJ’s back, Pain looks down and applies a Surfboard ! The referee asks AJ if he wishes to quit “NO !” he shouts, Justice Pain releases AJ and hits Backbreaker and again, he goes for the pin 1…..2 …KICKOUT by AJ, AJ picks himself up and Pain punches again, and gives him a chop, then a Snap Suplex 1….2….KICKOUT !, Pain picks up AJ and attempts a Brainbuster but AJ falls behind him and gets a roll up 1….2…KICKOUT ! from Pain, Pain gets up and is met with a Dropkick from AJ knocking him to the outside…..The crowd cheer as AJ charges at the ropes and hits a SPRINGBOARD CROSSBODY !!! on Justice Pain, both men are down and the referee begins to count 1….2….3……4…..both men begin to move and begin to get themselves up…5…….6…..AJ is on his feet and rolls in the ring…7….8..Pain crawls up the ring apron with his head bust open, he struggles but gets in the ring on 9 ! AJ pulls Pain to the middle f the ring and attempts a Figure Four Leg-Lock but Justice Pain kicks AJ and sends him chest first into the turnbuckle, Pain gets up and AJ stumbles back GERMAN SUPLEX !!! 1….2..88888888 KICKOUT ! from AJ, Pain gets up and again goes for another German Suplex, but AJ blocks it and goes round the back of Pain and shoves him off the ropes, Pain comes back and AJ leap frogs over but Justice Pain stop and waits for AJ to turn around BELLY TO BELLY IN THE CORNER !!!!! Pain pulls him to the middle of the ring 1….2….KICKOUT ! from AJ, Pain gets up and whips AJ into the corner, Pain charges at him but AJ gets the boot up, Pain stumbles back and AJ hits a SWINGING DDT !!! Pain gets back up and AJ hits a DROPKICK TO THE KNEE !!! and another Pain stumbles down and AJ charges at the ropes but Pain catches him TILT 'O WORLD BACKBREAKER !!!! 1….2…888899999 KICKOUT ! from AJ, Pain picks AJ up and lifts him up for a Powerbomb, but AJ counters HURICANRANA !!!!! into a pin 1……2……KICKOUT ! from Pain, Pain gets up and attempts a groggy closeline but AJ ducks and goes around Pain GERMAN SUPLEX !!!!! into a pin 1….2..99999999 KICKOUT ! from Pain, AJ picks up Justice Pain and whips him into the turnbuckle and then places on the top, AJ climbs but Justice Pain fights back, HEADBUTT, and another, AJ stumbles and Pain picks AJ up to the turnbuckle with him TOP ROPE POWERBOMB !!!!! Pain goes for the pin, 1…..2…999999999999999999999 KICKOUT !!! from AJ, Pain looking extremely pissed off picks up AJ but AJ pushes him away and hit a SUPERKICK !!! AJ falls down as does Pain, Pain stumbles up and AJ runs to the rope SPINGBOARD MOONSAULT INTO A INVERTED DDT !!! AJ goes for the pin 1….2….99999999999999 KICKOUT ! from Justice Pain, AJ picks Pain up but he’s met with a closeline, Pain begins to climb the turnbuckle and attempts a DIVING HEADBUTT ! BUT MISSES ! AJ picks him up, Kick to the gut of Pain, STYLES CLASH ……1……..2…………3 !!!!! Winner: AJ Styles Intermission............................. ****"American Dragon" Bryan Danielson v Dan Maff v Jerry lynn**** The three men stand in the ring and American Dragon and Jerry Lynn shake hands, they both turn to dan Maff buthe gives them both the finger, Lynn and Dragon look at each other and both give punches to Maff, then they both whip him off the ropes and hit him ith a double dropkick ! Lynn goes for the pin but Dragon pulls him off of Maff before the count of one, Jerry Lynn then gets up and shoves American Dragon and Dragon then shoves him back, Dan Maff gets up and throws a punch at Danielson but he blocks it and forearms him, then Lynn forearms him, then Dragon, then Lynn, Dragon and Lynn both run off the ropes opposite each other whilist Maff stands in the middle himself, when suddenly Dragon closelines him as Lynn clips his knee and then Maff falls down in a heap, Dragon and Lynn then come face to face with each other and then Dragon hits Lynn with a forearm, and another then wraps on a headlock who then throws Dragon off the ropes but is knocked down by a shoulder block, Lynn gets up and Dragon runs off the ropes and Lynn leap frogs over him and catches Dragon with a armdrag as he returns, Dragon gets up but again Lynn does another armdrag, Dragon gets up and is knocked outside with a Dropkick, Lynn goes up top but Maff grabs him and pulls him off the top rope, then sits him up and chops Lynn on the back, then chops him again, Maff then runs off the ropes and hits Lynn with a kick to the back and Lynn rolls to the outside in pain, Maff goes to grab Dragon who is coming in the ring via the ring apron but is caught with a kick to the side of the head, Maff stumbles back but comes back at Dragon and Dragon chops him and then does a SLINGSHOT SHOULDERBLOCK ! on Maff and goes for the cover 1....2..Kickout from Maff ! Maff gets up and Dragon attempts a roaring forearm but Maff catches him and attempts a T Bone Suplex but Dragon elbows out of it and Maff lets go and falls into a DRAGON SUPLEX 1......2....Jerry Lynn dropkicks Dragn and breaks up the pin attempt, Dragon gets up and Lynn gets a School Boy on him 1........2.....kickout from Dragon ! dragon gets himself up but Maff pushes lynn into a corner and nails Dragon with a HUGE MAFFIA KICK !! lynn charges at Maff but he hits him with a Samoan Drop ! Maff runs off the ropes and hits a Legdrop on lynn and goes for the pin 1.......2..444444444444 kickout from Lynn ! Maff gets up but Dragon then dropkicks his knee and he falls to the ground, dragon then runs off the ropes and does a kneedrop on Maff's leg, Dragon goes up top and hits a HEADBUTT ON MAFF'S LEG !!! Dragon gets up and applies a TEXAS CLOVERLEAF ! on Maff, as Maff is screaming and about to tap, Lynn runsat Dragon and hits a DROPKICK TO THE FACE OF DRAGON !!! to break the submission and tries to pin him 1.........2........44444444444 Kickout from Dragon ! Maff dangles off the ring apron as Lynn picksup Dragon and chops him in the corner and attempts a Tornando DDT but Dragon counters it into a NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX ! 1.........2.666666666666 kickout from Lynn ! Dragon puts Lynn on the top rope and goes for a Back Drop off the top but Maff stops it and forearms Dragon on the back of the head and hits him with a RELEASE HALF NELSON SUPLEX !!! Maff goes over to Lynn and pulls him down in the Tree Of Woe position and then Maff goes to the opposite corner and charges at Lynn and hits him with a RUNNING ROLLING CANNONBALL !!! and goes forthe pin 1.......2..88888888888888 Kickout from Jerry lynn ! Dragon gets up and kicks Maff in the gut and then chops him, but Maff comes back at him and hits him with three stiff chops of his own, but Dragon isn't fazed by them and just gets pissed off ! Dragon the repeatedly hits Maff with stiff forearms until Maff is staggering into the corner and then dragon begins stomping on Maffs leg and chest, suddenly Lynn charges at Maff with a closeline in the corner, dragon says something to Lynn and then the both of them lift Maff up on the top rope and ht a SUPER DOUBLE BACKDROP SUPLEX !!! on Maff, Dragon then tries for the pin but lynn pulls him off of Maff and chops him and whips him into the ropes and nails a SWINING DDT !! and covers Dragon 1......2.88888888888 Kickout from Dragon ! Lynn gets up and tries a closeline but Dragon counters with a BACKSLIDE ! 1.....2..99999999999 Kickout from Lynn ! Maff slowly gets up whilist dragon and Lynn are still battling away, Dragon grabs lynn's leg and trips him up, then mounts him and begins punching him, Lynn tries to break free and wriggle out of Dragon's clutches and turns round to go for the ropes but Dragon forearms him at the back of his head and grabs his arms and applies CATTLE MUTILATION !!!!! Lynn screams in pain as his foot is on the ropes and the referee demands a break and begins to start his five count, 1.......2......3........4..........Suddenly Maff comes off the top rope with a HUGE SENTON !!! on top of Dragons chest releasing the hold, Dragon then begin rolling around in pain clutching his ribs, Maff grabs Jerry Lynn and and goes behind him and pcks him up BURNING HAMMER ON TOP OF AMERICAN DRAGON !!!!! Holy shit chants break out as Dan Maff covers Jerry lynn 1................2.......................3 !!!! Winner = Dan Maff ****The Great Muta vs Hayabusa vs Jushin "Thunder" Liger vs Great Sasuke**** Great Sasuke and Jushin Liger start off, and Sasuke charges at Liger with a dropkick and sends Liger straight to the outside...Sasuke charges off the ropes and hits Liger with a SUICIDE DIVE !!! Sasuke picks up Liger and whips him ino the gaurdrail, Sasuke goes back and charges at Liger, but Liger ducks and does a backdrop to Sasuke OVER THE GAURDRAIL ON THE CHAIRS !!!!! Liger goes in the crowd and grabs Sasuke and throws him over the gaurdrail and then sends him into the opposite gaurdrail then he throws him into the ring, Liger picks up Sasuke and does a snapmare and then applies a headlock, but Sasuke gets to the ropes, Liger kicks Sasuke in the mid section and whips him of the ropes and nails him with a closeline....and applies another headlock and again Sasuke gets to the ropes, Sasuke gets up and Liger delivers a chop to his chest, then another, suddenly Liger whips him off the ropes again and tries another closeline but Sasuke ducks and goes off the other ropes comes back and meets Liger with a Spinning Heel kick ! Sasuke grabs Liger's leg and does a Spinning Toe Hold and then another, Liger tries to kick sasuke off, but Sasuke holds on to his leg and applies a leg lock ! Liger screams in pain as the lock is held on, but suddenly Hayabusa comes in and breaks the hold.......Sasuke gets up and pulls Liger up with him and nails a GERMAN SUPLEX INTO A PIN !!! 1......2....555555555555 Kickout from Liger ! Sasuke goes to Muta and tags him in.............Muta comes in and kicks Liger in the back and then chops him, Muta picks up Liger and delivers a side backbreaker ! Muta goes up top to the turnbuckle, but Liger gets up and pushes him off the top and he crashes to the gaurdrail, Liger suddenly tags in Hayabusa............Hayabusa looks at Muta and charges at the ropes and flies to the outside with a SPRINGBOARD CROSSBODY !!! Hayabusa gets up and chops Muta and rolls him into the ring, Muta begins to get up and Hayabusa hits a SPRINGBOARD SPINNING HEEL KICK !!! from the apron Hayabusa attempt the pin 1..........2..Kickout from Muta, Muta gets up and gets kneed in the mid secton and Hayabusa does a NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX !!! 1..........2.2222222222222222 Kickout from Muta again ! Muta picks himself up but is met with a Enziguri ! Hayabusa moves near him and Muta grabs his leg, Hayabusa stomps Muta and tags in Great Sasuke ! Sasuke charges at Muta and dropkicks him, then elbows the knee and drops a knee on Muta's knee, Sasuke picks up Muta and tries a Enziguri, but Muta ducks it, and suddenly he attacks the knee's of Sasuke, DROPKICK TO THE KNEE, AGAIN, Muta pulls up Sasuke and does a DRAGON SCREW, and then applies the FIGURE FOUR LEG LOCK !!!!! Sasuke screams in pain and Liger and Hayabusa look on worried, suddenly they both move and hit DOUBLE SPRINGBOARD LEG DROPS ON MUTA AND SASUKE !!! Liger tags Muta out and throws him to the outside ! Liger goes after Sasuke and kicks him in the leg, Liger then whips Sasuke off the corner and does THE ROLLING HEEL KICK !!! Sasuke falls down and Liger goes to his legs and applies a SURFBOARD !!! Sasuke screams in pain but Liger grabs Sasukes head and applies even more pain when he applies a DRAGON SLEEPER !!! Liger lets go and goes to the top and fly's... DIVING HEADBUTT !!! but Sasuke gets his feet up and Liger is out cold........................Sasuke gets up as does Liger Sasuke runs to the ropes ASAI MOONSAULT INTO A PIN !!! 1...........2.6666666666666 Kickout From Liger ! Liger gets up but Sasuke rolls him up SMALL PACKAGE !!! 1...2.888888888888888 Kickout from Liger ! Liger gets up again and Sasuke does a HURRICANRANA !!! into a pin 1.....2.8888888888888 Kickout from Liger again !!! Sasuke pulls Liger up, but he headbutts him in the gut and again and suddenly Liger slaps Sasuke and Sasuke slaps him back, but Liger is pissed and palm strikes Sasuke into the corner ! He put Sasuke on the top turnbuckle and does a TOP ROPE HURRICANRANA !!! and covers 1.....2............Sasuke wraps his legs over Liger arm and does a pn...1......2.99999999999999999999 Kickout from Liger ! Liger gets up and Sasuke kicks him in the gut and hits THE SASUKE SPECIAL !!!!! 1......2.9999999999999999 kickout from Liger !!! Sasuke looks on pissed and grabs Liger and whips him off the ropes and ducks but Liger grabs hm on the way back ....FISHERMAN BUSTER !!!!! and Liger covers 1.......2...99999999999999 kickout from Sasuke.... the crowd go wild, as Liger gets up and drags Sasuke over to the turnbuckle, and puts him on top.......and he climbs...Sasuke punches at Liger but Liger repeatidly slaps him and does a sickening SUPER FISHERMAN BUSTER OFF THE TOP !!!!!!!!!! and covers......1......................2.................3 !!!...............Great Sasuke is Eliminated !!!!!.................. Hayabusa comes running at Liger and hits him with a single leg calf kick which sends him to the outside ! Hayabusa gears up to dive at him and jumps on the second rope, but gets second thoughts and does a backflip, Suddenly Muta fly's off the apron and closelines Liger on the outside !!! Hayabusa climbs the turnbuckle and waits for Muta and Liger to get up and catches them both with a FLYING CROSSBODY !!! Hayabusa gets up and rolls Liger in the ring stands on the apron a launches SLINGSHOT LEGDROP !!! and covers 1........2..88888888888 Kickout fom Liger ! Hayabusa grabs Liger by the hair and whips him into the corner and he comes back out but Hayabusa nails a BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX !!! and covers 1.......2..9999999999999999999 kickout from Liger again ! Hayabusa again picks up Liger and attempts a tiger driver but Muta kicks him in the back of the head ! Liger slumps to the floor as Muta kicks Hayabusa, Muta grabs Hayabusa and he whips him into the corner and runs at him HANDSPRING ELBOW !!! but Hayabusa moves out the way, Muta stumbles out the corner and Hayabusa climbs up and does a MOONSAULT ON MUTA !!!!! into a pin 1...........2..777777777777 Kickout from Muta ! Hayabusa gets up and waits for Muta to rise too, Muta's up and is met with a kick to the mid section, Hayabusa lifts Muta up for.... RUNNING POWERBOMB but Muta hold on and does a HURRICANRANA TO HAYABUSA !!!! sending him over the top rope ! Muta stumbles to get up, but he's then met with another kick too the gut by Liger and he picks him up and drills him with a TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER !!!! and covers 1..........2..88888888888888 Kickout from Muta ! Liger picks him self up and picks Muta up for the LIGER BOMB !!!!! but Muta spits THE POISON MIST !!!!! in his eyes and Liger drops him and rolls around the ground !!! Muta smiles but Hayabusa nails him with a SPRINGBOARD FOREARM !!! of the apron and sends him to the outside !! Hayabusa looks at Liger and picks him up and plants him with THE FALCON ARROW !!!!! and covers 1.............2.999999999999999 kickout from Jushin Liger !!!!! Hayabusa gets up and sees Muta comming in the ring but hits him with a dropkick and sends him back outside ! Hayabusa looks round and Liger suddenly nails him with a ROLLING HEEL KICK ! Liger gets up and lifts up Hayabusa and pushes him in the corner and puts him up top and tries the TOP ROPE DDT ! but Hayabusa fights it off and pushes Liger off top and he does the 450 SPLASH !!!! but Liger Moves !!!!!! the crowd go crazy again !!!! Liger gets up and puts Hayabusa on Top of the turnbuckle again, and he tries despretly to nail the TOP ROP DDT again but Hayabusa punches at his ribs and hits a SUPER FALCON ARROW !!!!! and covers him 1.........................2...............................3 !!!.....................Jushin Liger is Eliminated !!!!.....................Hayabusa is still lying down and Muta comes in the ring and begins to stomp on Hayabusa, Muta then lifts Hayabusa up and chops him, then again, suddenly Hayabusa chops him bck, but Muta pokes him in the eye and whips him towards the corner and comes after him, but Hayabusa jumps on the top turnbuckle and does a back flip and gets behind Muta and does a RELEASE DRAGON SUPLEX !!! and then he climbs on the top rope and hita a SPINNING HEEL KICK !!! and covers Muta 1............2..8888888888888888 Kickout from The Great Muta ! Hayabusa looks pissed off and does a Vertical Suplex to Muta, and covers 1.........2.8888888888 kickout from Muta ! Hayabusa slaps Muta and goes to the second rope and nals a TORNADO DDT !!!! and covers 1........2.999999999999 Kickout from Muta again ! Hayabusa gets up and picks Muta up by the hair and whips him in to the corner but Muta reverses it and send Hayabusa into the turnbuckle, Muta charges at him and hits the HANDSPRING ELBOW !!! Muta staggers around as Hayabusa stumbles out of the corner, Muta gets up and runs at Hayabusa who tries a closeline, but Muta rolls and ducks it, Hayabusa turns around and is met with a dropkick from Muta, Muta see's Hayabusa on one knee and goes for the SHINNING WIZARD !!!! but Hayabusa gets his arms up and blocks it ! Muta waits on Hayabusa getting up and does a DROPKICK TO THE KNEE ! and ANOTHER ONE ! Muta steps back and hits THE SHINNING WIZARD !!!!! Muta grabs Hayabusa leg and takes to the middle of the ring and applies the FIGURE FOUR LEG LOCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hayabusa screams in pain, and Muta laughs at him and slaps him across the face ! Hayabusa has nowhere to go and he's forced to TAP ! HAYABUSA TAPS !!!!!! but Muta refuses to let go, and Hayabusa screams in pain and suts up and shouts at Muta but Muta suddenly spit THE MIST !!!!!!!! in his face, as the referee tries in vain to get Muta off of Hayabusa !!! Suddenly a figure fly's of the apron and hits Muta with a SPRINGBOARD KNEEDROP !!! and that release the hold, the figure takes of his jacket and it's Jensei Shinzaki !!!! He grabs Muta's arm and prepares to walk the top rope and begins to do the PRAYING TOP ROPE WALK !!!! he tries the chop but again Muta spits THE POISON MIST !!!!!!! in his eyes, before he connects and he rolls out the ring to met Hayabusa who is there with the referee's who are trying to help him get backstage, whilist The Great Muta looks on, with a smile upon his face.................................. Winner: The Great Muta MAIN EVENT ::::: ****"The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels v Eddy Guerrero**** The match start off with a lock up and Daniels gets in a wristlock and pulls Guerrero down by the hair, but Guerrero get up and Daniels pulls him down again by the hair, Eddy gets up again and grabs the ropes and does a back flip to reverse the wristlock and suddenly the tables are turned with Guerrero got the hold on Daniels but Daniel gets drop toe hold and stands up and taunts at Eddy as a hail off boos are aimed at him, Daniels and Guerrero again lock up and Daniels applies a headlock on Guerrero but Guerrero gets him with a School Boy pin 1...2.......Kickout from Daniels and then Guerrero begins taunting Daniels as the crowd cheer, Daniels seems pissed and tries a closeline on Eddy but again he counters and gets a Backslide 1......2......Kickout from Daniels ! Eddy laughs at Daniels but is caught with a boot to the mid section and Daniels whips him to the ropes but he's knocked down by a shoulder block from Eddy and Daniels bails out to the outside, Eddy waits on Daniels getting back in the ring by sitting on the top rope and Daniels slowly comes back in, again they go for the lock up and again Daniels wraps on a headlock but Eddy pushes him off of him and send's him to the ropes but Eddy leap frogs over Daniels as he comes back, and then Eddy lays down as Daniels come back the other way, suddenly Eddy attempts a hip toss, but Daniels blocks it and tries on of his own, but Eddy blocks it and knees Daniels in the mid section and tries a Hurricanrana but Daniels throws him off Guerrero back flips but is met with a Closeline ! Daniels smiles and begins to put the boots into Guerrero, daniels appears to be going for the Boston Crab but Eddy rolls him up 1......2..333333333 Kickout from Daniels ! Daniels then suddenly gets up and drops an elbow on Eddy, then another one, Eddy begins to get up but Daniels Dropkicks him and Eddy tumbles to the outside, Daniels goes outside to follow himand whips him into the gaurd rail, then begins to deliver punches to the top of Eddy's forehead, Daniels begins taunting to thecrod and Eddy kicks him in the gut and drives Daniels face in the gaurd rail, Eddy then delivers some rights and lefts of his own and finishes with a Dropkick, Eddy goes on the ring apron and awaits Daniels getting up and does a Hurricanrana but Daniels counters with a POWERBOMB ON THE FLOOR !!! Daniels picks Eddy up and chops him and sends Eddy back down on his ass, then Daniels throws Eddy back in the ring and goes for the cover1.......2...7777777777 Kickout from eddy ! Daniels picks up Eddy and does a Snap Suplex and goes for the cover 1.........2....7777777777777 Kickout from Eddy ! Daniels gets up and pushes Guerrero into the corner and then chops him, then again, Daniels puts Eddy on top of the turnbuckle and sets him up for a top rope suplex but Eddy punches Daniels to the second rope and does a TOP ROPE SUNSET FLIP !!! into a pin 1...........2......77777777777 kickout from Daniels ! Guerrero begins to get to his feet as does Daniels and Eddy throws a punch at Daniels and Daniels then throws a punch back, Daniels kicks Guerrero in the mid section and throws him to the corner and then charges at him, but Eddy leaps over Daniels and gets in a School Boy 1........2......88888888888 Kickout from Daniels ! Eddy gets up and tell Daniels to come at him but Daniels wants to go for test of strength, and they do, both clasp hands together and try with all their power to get the better of each other, Daniels smartly tucks hs leg behind Eddy's and forces him down with a bridging pin 1.......2....555555 Eddy gets the shoulder up, but Daniels tries to lay on him but Eddy gets his knees up and forces Daniels of him and Daniels stands up but Eddy does a HURRICANRANA !!! and Daniels comes back up and is met with a closeline, then another, then Eddy hits a Dropkick and grabs Daniels by the head and takes him to the corner Eddy goes on the second rope and nails a TORNADO DDT !!! and covers 1....2....8888888888 Kickout from Daniels ! Eddy gets up and grabs Daniels but he refuses to let himself be picked up, Eddy then hits Daniels on the head and drags him up, Eddy whips him off the ropes and nails a TILT 'O WORLD BACKBREAKER !!! on Daniels, 1......2....8888888888 Kickout from Daniels, Eddy then pushes Daniels in the corner and charges with a closeline, but misses and Daniels goes round him and hits the INVERTED DDT !!! and covers 1........2....77777777 Kickout from Eddy, Daniels positions Eddy and goes to the corner DOUBLE JUMP MOONSAULT BUT MISSES !!!!!!!! Eddy moves out the way of it and lifts Daniels up ONE BRAINBUSTER ! TWO BRAINBUSTERS !! AND A THIRD BRAINBUSTER !!! Eddy falls down but evntually picks himself up and ascends the turnbuckle FROG SPLASH but Guerrero rolls through as Daniels moves, Daniels is up and Eddy attempts a closeline but Daniels ducks and goes behind him and hits LAST RIGHTS !!!! covers 1...........2........................the referee stops Eddy's foot is under the rope !!!! the crowd are on their feet as Daniels picks up Eddy, and he nails a Backdrop Suplex, then a DOUBLE JUMP MOONSAULT !!! and covers 1............2....9999999999999 Kickout from Eddy ! Daniels is shocked and picks eddy up again and attempts a German Suplex but Eddy flips out of it and rolls him up 1............2...99999999999999999 kickout from Daniels ! Eddy hits Daniels with a Dropkick and goes up the turnbuckle again but Daniels comes up too but Edy continues to punch him and Daniels falls off suddenly Eddy nails the FROG SPLASH !!!!! and covers 1.....2..................but Daniels foots on the middle rope ! Eddy cant believe it but picks up Danils but he hits a low blow and gets up and nails ANGEL'S WINGS !!!!! and covers 1............2...............3...!!!!!! Winner: "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels (Feedback appreciated) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites