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Guest Sassquatch

Clone saga, sales, listings, and was it bad?

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Guest Sassquatch

This is a list of of every issue of Spider-Man that had an involement with the Clone Saga.  This starts out 2 months before the Clone Saga took place just so we can see where the sales were before the Clone Saga.  The number in front of the issue of Spider-Man is where it was ranked in the Top 100 by Wizard.  The only real problem is that I am missing/can't find certain issues of Wizard and therefore cannot give the rankings of every month.  I will say that I was not too shocked with the sales rankings of Spider-Man after the Clone Saga.  Unlike what you might think, none of the Spider-Man issues during the Clone Saga broke the Top 10 which was the most surprising thing.  I do not have #400 ranked and that might be the only issue that was in the Top 10.  Spidey was cemented in decent sales at this time.  They were not the "MONSTER SALES" that you might think.  They were good at the time and were better than what other books not Spidey or X-related were doing.


Be warned, this is a long list so be prepared.


N/A means I do not have/know those issues and therefore cannot post the rankings.






25. Amazing Spider-Man #392

35. Spider-Man #49

54. Spectacular Spider-Man #215

56. Web of spider-Man #115




25. Spider-Man #50

26. Amazing Spider-Man #393

54. Spectacular Spider-Man #216

61. Web of Spider-Man #116




28. Amazing Spider-Man #394

32. Spider-Man #51

39. Web of Spider-Man #117

41. Spectacular Spider-Man #217


The "Power and Responsibility" storyline took place this month which began the Spider Clone Saga as Peter would find out here that he has a clone. Web of Spider-Man #117 began it all.




18. Amazing Spider-Man #395

24. Spider-Man #52

34. Web of Spider-Man #118

36. Spectacular Spider-Man #218




24. Amazing Spider-Man #396

29. Spider-Man #53

42. Web of Spider-Man #119

47. Spectacular Spider-Man #219




21. Amazing Spider-Man #397

26. Spider-Man #54

32. Web of spider-Man #120

33. Spectacular Spider-Man #220




25. Amazing Spider-Man #398

28. Spider-Man #55

32. Spectacular Spider-Man #221

35. Web of spider-Man #121






22. Amazing Spider-Man #399

28. Spider-Man #56

31. Web of spider-Man #122

32. Spectacular Spider-Man #222




7. Amazing Spider-Man #400

N/A. Spider-Man #57

N/A. Web of Spider-Man #123

N/A. Spectacular Spider-Man #223




N/A. Amazing Spider-Man #401

N/A. Spider-Man #58

N/A. Web of Spider-Man #124

N/A. Spectacular Spider-Man #224




N/A. Amazing Spider-Man #402

N/A. Spider-Man #59

N/A. Web of Spider-Man #125

N/A. Spectacular Spider-Man #225




N/A. Amazing Spider-Man #403

N/A. Spider-Man #60

N/A. Web of Spider-Man #126

N/A. Spectacular Spider-Man #226




14. Spider-Man Maximum Clonage Alpha #1

15. Amazing Spider-Man #404

18. Spider-Man #61

20. Web of Spider-Man #127

N/A. Spectacular Spider-Man #227




N/A. Spider Man Maximum Clonage Omega #1

N/A. Amazing Spider-Man #405

N/A. Spider-Man #62

N/A. Web of Spider-Man #128





18. Spider-Man #63

20. Spectacular Spider-Man #228

22. Web of Spider-Man #129

23. Amazing Spider-Man #406

24. Spectacular Spider-Man #229




11. Amazing Scarlet Spider #1

16. Scarlet Scarlet #1

19. Web of Scarlet Spider #1

20. Spectacular Scarlet Spider #1

26. Scarlet Spider Unlimited #1

47. Spider-Man: The Peter Parker Years #1




11. Amazing Spider-Man #2

13. Scarlet Spider-Man #2

14. Spectacular Spider-Man #2

15. Web of Scarlet Spider-Man #2

45. Spider-Man: The Final Adventure #1

74. Amazing Fantasy #16




9. Web of Scarlet Spider-Man #3

13. Amazing Spider-Man #407

17. Spider-Man: The Final Adventure #2

18. Spider-Man #64

19. Sensational Spider-Man #0

20. Amazing Fantasy #17

30. Spectacular Spider-Man #230




N/A. Amazing Spider-Man #408

N/A. Spider-Man: The Final Adventure #3

N/A. Spider-Man #65

N/A. Sensational Spider-Man #1

N/A. Amazing Fantasy #17

N/A. Spectacular Spider-Man #231






18. Amazing Spider-Man #409

19. Sensational Spider-Man #2

21. Spider-Man #66

22. Spectacular Spider-Man #232

47. Spider-Man: The Final Adventure #4

63. Amazing Fantasy #18




15. Amazing Spider-Man #410

19. Sensational Spider-Man #3

26. Spider-Man #66


N/A. Spider-Man #67




31. Amazing Spider-Man #411

34. Spider-Man #68

36. Sensational Spider-Man #4

37. Spectacular Spider-Man 233

38. Spectacular Spider-Man #234

57. Spider-Man Unlimited #12


This was during the "Amaglam" month with DC and Marvel that did huge in sales.  Even X-Men and Spawn took a hit during this month.




17. Amazing Spider-Man #412

18. Spider-Man #69

21. Sensational Spider-Man #5

22. Spectacular Spider-Man #235


This was the "Blood Brothers" storyline that would put things into motion that would lead up to "Revelations".  The increase in sales was from specualtion and trying to guess "who's the former dead Spidey villain fucking with him?"


"Who dunit?"




15. Amazing Spider-Man #413

18. Spider-Man #70

21. Sensational Spider-Man #6

22. Spectacular Spider-Man #236




19. Amazing Spider-Man #414

20. Spider-Man #71

24. Sensational Spider-Man #7

25.Spectacular Spider-Man #237

49. Spider-Man Unlimited #13




14. Amazing Spider-Man #415

15. Spider-Man #72

18. Spectacular Spider-Man #238

20. Backlash/Spider-Man #1

21. Backlash/Spider-Man #2

30. Sensational Spider-Man #8




27. Amazing Spider-Man #416

28. Spider-Man #73

31. Sensational Spider-Man #9

33. Spectacular Spider-ManM #239




N/A. Amazing Spider-Man #417

N/A. Spider-Man #74

N/A. Spectacular Spider-Man #240

N/A. Sensational Spider-Man #10




15. Peter Parker: Spider-Man #75

22. Amazing Spider-Man #418

26. Spectacular Spider-Man #241

27. Sensational Spider-Man #11


After this month, the Clone Saga officially ended.  Ben Reiley was killed by the Green Goblin and Peter was shown to be the original Spider-Man.  


Now we look at the sales post-Clone Saga up until the end of the 1st series.




33. Amazing Spider-Man #419

38. Peter Parker: Spider-Man #76

41. Spectacular Spider-Man #242

44. Sensational Spider-Man #12

50. Spider-Man: Hobgoblin Lives! #1




19. Amazing Spider-Man #420

25. Spider Man #77

27. Specyacular Spider-Man #243

29. Sensational Spider-Man #13

54. Spider-Man: Hobgoblin Lives! #2

70. Spider-Man Unlimited #15

94. Spider-Man: The Osborn Journal






20. Amazing Spider-Man #421

23. Peter Parker: Spider-Man #78

27. Spectacular Spider-Man #244

29. Sensational Spider-Man #14

41. Peter Parker: Spider-Man Annual '97

48. Spider-Man: Hobgoblin Lives! #3




21. Amazing Spider-Man #422

22. Peter Parker: Spider-Man #79

26. Spectacular Spider-Man #245

28. Sensational Spider-Man #15

42. Spider-Man: Dead Man's Hand




N/A. Amazing Spider-Man #423

N/A. Peter Parker: Spider-Man #80

N/A. Spectacular Spider-Man #246

N/A. Sensational Spider-Man #16




34. Amazing Spider-Man #424

37. Peter Parker: Spider-Man #81

41. Spectacular Spider-Man #247

42. Sensational Spider-Man #17




20. Amazing Spider-Man Minus 1

26. Peter Parker: Spider-Man Minus 1

27. Spectacular Spider-Man Minus 1

28. Sensational Spider-Man Minus 1




21. Amazing Spider-Man #425

29. Peter Parker: Spider-Man #82

30. Spectacular Spider-Man #248

31. Sensational Spider-Man #18

55. Spider-Man Unlimited #17




26. Amazing Spider-Man #426

33. Peter Parker: Spider-Man #83

34. Spectacular Spider-Man #249

36. Sensational Spider-Man #19

43. Amazing Spider-Man Annual '97




25. Amazing Spider-Man #427

27. Spectacular Spider-Man #250

33. Peter Parker: Spider-Man #84

41. Sensational Spider-Man #20




24. Amazing Spider-Man #428

28. Peter Parker: Spider-Man #85

Spectacular Spider-Man #251

39. Sensational Spider-Man #21

60. Spider-Man Unlimited #18




25. Amazing Spider-Man #429

30. Peter Parker: Spider-Man #86

33. Spectacular Spider-Man #252

39. Sensational Spider-Man #22




24. Amazing Spider-Man #430

27. Peter Parker: Spider-Man #87

30. Spectacular Spider-Man #253

38. Sensational Spider-Man #23

63. Spider-Man: The Venom Agenda




26. Amazing Spider-Man #431

35. Peter Parker: Spider-Man #88

36. Spectacular Spider-Man #254

41. Sensational Spider-Man #24

77. Spider-Man Unlimited #19






21. Amazing Spider-Man #432

24. Peter Parker #89

25. Spectacular Spider-Man #255

26. Sensational Spider-Man #25




20. Amazing Spider-Man #433

25. Peter Parker: Spider-Man #90

28. Spectacular Spider-Man #256

33. Sensational Spider-Man #26




16. Amazing Spider-Man #434

21. Peter Parker: Spider-Man #91

25. Spectacular Spider-Man #257

28. Sensational Spider-Man #27

61. Spider-Man Unlimited #20




18. Amazing Spider-Man

23. Peter Parker: Spider-Man #92

26. Spectacular Spider-Man #258

30. Sensational Spider-Man #28




20. Amazing Spider-Man #436

26. Peter Parker: Spider-Man #93

28. Spectacular Spider-Man #259

29. Sensational Spider-Man #29




19. Amazing Spider-Man #437

26. Peter Parker: Spider-Man #94

28. Spectacular Spider-Man #260

31. Sensational Spider-Man #30




N/A. Amazing Spider-Man #438

N/A. Peter Parker: Spider-Man #95

N/A. Spectacular Spider-Man #261

N/A. Sensational Spider-Man #31




N/A. Amazing Spider #439

N/A. Peter Parker: Spider-Man #96

N/A. Sensational Spider-Man #32




16. Amazing Spider-Man #440

23. Peter Parker: Spider-Man #96

28. Spectacular Spider-Man #262

30. Sensational Spider-Man #32




N/A. Amazing Spider-Man #441

N/A. Peter Parker: Spider-Man #98

N/A. Spectacular Spider-Man #263


Wrap Up:


This puts to rest any discussion on the sales of the Clone Saga and post Clone Saga.  And unlike what others might think, the slide in sales after the Clone Saga were VERY noticeable in the 1st series.  Some might even call the sales right after the Clone Saga "crap" when compared to what they were during the Clone Saga and even before it.  All of the increases in sales during the Clone Saga were non-existant after it was over.  Spidey lost fans rather than keeping them after the Clone Saga was over.  It was slow, but the slide was evident.  It had slight increases in sales but nothing to warrant it as a post Clone success.


And please, if ANYONE has the Wizard issues with the rankings that I am missing, please fill them in for me.  I stopped collecting comics after Spidey and the Black Tarantula duked it out in in issue #436 for the last time.  I just became sick of comics and Spidey was the last title I collected.

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Guest Mad Dog

I was one of those fans that left right after Parker reclaimed his rightful spot.  I just started reading again with Ultimate and good writers climbing on board.


But I think I honestly quite b/c they wussed out.  I think I could have lived with Ben Reily as Spider-Man for the duration.  It was gutsy and it still made some amount of sense till the end.


But the other thing that really got me was that they redesigned every villian at the same time.  I hate picking up every issue and having to guess who the villian is.

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Guest Sassquatch

Just to give everyone an idea of how bad/good the Clone Saga was in the long/short term for the franchise.


I honestly did not know the specifics of the Clone Saga's sales and this post opened up my eyes.

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Guest pochorenella

I have a few updates on Sassquatch's post, here there are:


August 96

27 Amazing Spider-Man $416

28 Spider-Man #73

31 Sensational S-M #9

33 Spectacular S-M #239


January 98

21 Amazing Spider-Man #432

24 Peter Parker #89

25 Spectacular S-M #255

26 Sensational S-M #25


August 98

16 Amazing Spider-Man #440

23 Peter Parker: Spider-Man #96

28 Spectacular S-M #262

30 Sensational S-M #32


Also, a little correction on Sass's post: For the months of September 95 and October 95 all titles were renamed for "Scarlet Spider" with a new #1 issue, like Amazing Scarlet Spider, and so on. The only one that remained with a new name was Web of Scarlet Spider, which went on for a few more issues and actually was one of the few Sider-family titles that cracked the Top Ten. I'm 100% certain that Amazing Spider-Man Collector's Edition #400 placed at #10, but I can't find that particular Wizard magazine. I have lots of them on stacked somewhere but I'm not feeling up to searching among them right now. The info I'm placing now is from Wizards I happened to have nearby.


Any corrections for my corrections are welcomed also.

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Guest Sassquatch

"For the months of September 95 and October 95 all titles were renamed for "Scarlet Spider" with a new #1 issue, like Amazing Scarlet Spider, and so on. The only one that remained with a new name was Web of Scarlet Spider, which went on for a few more issues and actually was one of the few Sider-family titles that cracked the Top Ten."


- pochorenella



I meant to write:


September 1995:


Amazing Scarlet Spider #1

Scarlet Scarlet #1

Web of Scarlet Spider #1

Spectacular Scarlet Spider #1

Scarlet Spider Unlimited #1


Amazing Spider-Man #400 did huge business when it came out and I recall that it was ranked #7 in the month of February 1995.


If I muster up the strength, sometime later this week I might go back and make some changes to the list outlining why the books were ranked where they were.


Thank you for the corrections poch.

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