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Guest Anglesault

Why was...

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Guest Tony149

I moved it because the General Chat folder is getting flooded with "games". When I go into that folder I see many threads over 1000 posts and it makes it hard to see what's what. Plus, that thread was originally created for flamming.

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Guest Anglesault

Yeah I guess you're right.


BTW, it was specifically said (By you, I might add) that it was not for flaming. :D :P ;)

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Guest cobainwasmurdered



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but there's SOOOO much to flame 'Sault!

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

and actually I made the thread to spite all the jerks who bitched about anglesault taking over the board

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Guest Tony149
Yeah I guess you're right.


BTW, it was specifically said (By you, I might add) that it was not for flaming. :D :P ;)

I did say that, but behind the scenes, we (Mods) didn't care if it became a flamming thread, as long as it was kept in that thread only. Since you're our top heel.

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Guest Anglesault

I'm glad that I'm your top heel. But that doesn't mean I'll be buried and shoved into a boring feud with Edge, will I?

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Guest Tony149
I'm glad that I'm your top heel. But that doesn't mean I'll be buried and shoved into a boring feud with Edge, will I?

No, it doesn't mean that. Although we would like to put you in a feud with Test or Mark Henry.

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Guest Anglesault

::drops to knees::



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Guest One Bad Apple
It wasn't bothering anyone in General Chat.

Your thread got moved.  I'm sorry it's so hard to get over that you've dedicated two topics to it.


Can someone at least pin it at the top?

You probably respond to it every half-hour anyway, so why worry?



and actually I made the thread to spite all the jerks who bitched about anglesault taking over the board

Oooh, I'm sure they were still feelin' that one in the morning!

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