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Guest Special K

Best big men in wrestling

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Guest Special K

Although we have endured many awful wrestlers due to their popularity, the big men of wrestling will always have allure to fans and management. Who do you think the best big men in wrestling are?




1) Vader.

   An unstoppable ass-whooping machine. Could keep the pace with faster wrestlers, and had it all, great power moves, strikes, and even some flying moves. Put on tons of great matches in WCW and Japan, though his WWF run was a dud.


2) 'Taker

    He may be pretty bad in the ring now, but before he deteriorated physically, he was a pretty darn good wrestler, with a nice array of moves (love the flip clothesline in particular.) The fact that the fans still cheer him is a testament to his charisma.


3) Andre the Giant.

   Andre was bad in the ring, but he was incredibly charismatic, and was essentially the prototype for many big men to come. And while it has nothing to do w. wrestling, it was great to watch him in the princess bride. Also was one of the first ambassadors for wrestling, at least that i can remember.


Honorable mentions


Giant Baba: I've seen one match with him in it, and he was awful. However, he was over to a godlike extent, and come on! He gave us AJPW.


Lesnar: Not on the list because of lack of evidence. however, he's a great scary monster, and once he breaks out the SSP, the sky's the limit.

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Guest RickyChosyu

I'm not sure if you'd count him as a big man in the sense that you're discussing, but Terry Gordy was deffinately something special. I think Bam Bam Bigelow deserves some kind of honorable mention, too.

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Guest Some Guy

Bam Bam was very good at one point.  Mike Awesome is pretty good, also.

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Guest Cataclysm911

It's one of the following in my eyes:


Mike Awesome


Scott Norton

Bam Bam Bigelow

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Guest RickyChosyu
It's one of the following in my eyes:


Mike Awesome


Scott Norton

Bam Bam Bigelow

Nortan? You mean, wind-sucking, titty-bearing hippo Nortan? I dunno, I'm not really a fan of his work.


Mike Awesome was amazing at one point, though. These days, he's very blah and average-like. He still deserves mention, though.

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Guest redbaron51



Mike Awesome


Test (in the next few years, he will be the dominate force in the WWF)

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Guest Anglesault

Vader, Bigelow.


Test (in the next few years, he will be the dominate force in the WWF

That will only happen if Vince dies and Shane takes over.If that does happen though, may God have mercy on our souls.

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Guest razazteca

Mike Awesome

Masato Tanaka

Balls Mahoney

The Head Hunters

Road Warriors



Ron Simmons

Scott Steiner

Booker T

Scott Hall




Giant Singh

Giant Silva

El Gigante

Chuck Palumbo

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Guest El Satanico

Well it's not that hard to see that he doesn't think of "big men" in terms of size. But he considers anyone who wrestles like big men to be a big man. No matter what size they are if they wrestle a "power" type style they can be considered a "big man".


Well i could be wrong, but to me that is how raza sees "big men".

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Guest El Satanico

I can't believe that no one has mentioned Bruiser Brody until now. Say what you will about the others but Brody was a truly scary big man.


Sure Vader was also great but Brody was a true monster. Andre's a legend and giant man but for much of his career he always came off as a gentle lamb that didn't want to hurt anyone which was just his real personality showing.


Brody was a total madman and a complete monster that frightened child in everything he did wrestling.


Other then Brody the only other good big men are the ones that have mobility. Unless they bring Brody like mayhem lumbering giants walking around is horribly boring and i don't give a damn if they are strong. Strength means nothing in wrestling good moves and entertaining matches are more important.

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Guest Cataclysm911
It's one of the following in my eyes:


Mike Awesome


Scott Norton

Bam Bam Bigelow

Nortan? You mean, wind-sucking, titty-bearing hippo Nortan? I dunno, I'm not really a fan of his work.


Mike Awesome was amazing at one point, though. These days, he's very blah and average-like. He still deserves mention, though.

Yes, the same man who can bench press 700lbs. and the same man whom I enjoy watching slather luchadors.

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Guest notJames

Vader. Definitely.


All other's pale by comparison.


(Too bad he thinks he's a big fat piece of shit...)



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Guest Special K

I enjoy Norton a lot too. Motherfucker can powerbomb like no one else. Awesome would be on the list, but I didn't really consider him pushed as a 'big man', though in retrospect, i should have, since I'm 6'4, and when I saw him in person, he's at least 6'6 and GIANT (not to mention talented.)

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Guest Austin3164life

Vader.  The best big-man worker ever.  He could definitely hold his own in a big match.....

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Mike Awesome's high flying moves didn't impress me and the fact that he didn't have anyone bumping for him in WCW like he did in ECW resulted in him not getting over. Oh yeah, let's not forget that he wasn't so big in a fed where the tallest guy wasn't 6'4. LEt's also not forget the 70's guy shit.

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Guest El Satanico

Hey damnit Mike "That 70's Guy" Awesome ruled all. Come on you take all this shit too serious if you couldn't enjoy his "lounge". Besides that just look at the guy he fit the part very well. Before he cut his hair he looked just like a Van Drivin Polyester wearin Disco dancin son of a gun whoooo...



And STILL no mention of Bruiser friggin Brody...y'all some sad people

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Guest the living legend

I've got to go with Vader in the early 90's of WCW. The man was a textbook example of how to get a big man over by making him a monster. Plus the guy was more then capable of carrying people to good matches and has arguably the best punches in the business

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Guest Cataclysm911
Motherfucker can powerbomb like no one else



Still not as good as Scott Norton's in my eyes, though sometimes it does look damn brutal.

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Cataclysm, Vader fucking PARAZLYED a man, albeit temporarily, with a powerbomb. You ever see Norton paralyze somebody with a powerbomb?


OH HELL NO! I rest my case...and while we are on the subject of big men...are you serious about Lesnar being able to hit a fucking SHOOTING STAR PRESS?

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

yes lesnar has hit a SSP.


Vader paralyizing someone isn't a good thing. the objec is to make it look as painful as possible without injuring someone.

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Guest El Satanico

LOOOK a mention of Bruiser Brody...what a stupendous moment this is!


hooold on one god damn minute...i will not be mocked by the likes of you!

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
LOOOK a mention of Bruiser Brody...what a stupendous moment this is!


hooold on one god damn minute...i will not be mocked by the likes of you!

i'm not mocking you. I like Brusier Brody..not as much as Vader but I DO like him. honest.

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