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Copper Feel

fwa vendetta.

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i went to fwa vendetta yesterday. heres what went down. a.j styles was singing autographs outside but i khnew if i got one id miss some of the show so i didnt bother. match one: 5 star mark belton .vs. aviv mayan. flash and mayan both have loads of potential especially 5 star this was definatly match of the night. belton wins with a camel clutch and keeps it on after the match uncalled for spot came when flash did ric flairs famous underwear thing. next they anouced the new fwa commisiener alex shane comes out and runs his mouth flash barkers the new comish fans go wild flash trows shane a pound for the bus. match two: x dream .vs. double c. absoulute crap from the germans weak kicks no sell of arm guy in crowd shouts out never trust a nazi. match three: zebra kid .vs. ricky reyes brutal father .vs. son match zebra blodies up his dad and chuks him into a wall reyes fights back by chucking him off the apron into the turnbucklezebras brother gets bettween them and gets superkicked reyes picks up the win really stiff and entertaining.match four:jack xavier .vs. hade vansen. o.k match sick bumps double count out finish hade retains title. match five: the family .vs. hampton court: crap action but entertaining travell turns on gosh simmons turns on the duke of danger then back on gosh and the monkey butlers take home the gold. match six: james tighe .vs. a.j styles. tighe is with only the exeption of low ki my favorite indie wrestler he tottaly carries a.j here tighe turns heel in weak fashion and wins by dq. a.j gets a standing ovation which he totally dosent deserve good show. biggest pop: a.j styles. biggest heat: alex shane.

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