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Guest HBK16


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Guest HBK16

I was going through some match listings of tapes I am going to get soon and I see like 10 diferent versions of the name Great Sasuke.  Not all in the same match but over all. For example, I saw, Sasuke the Great, Sasuke Performa 346, Sasuke346 (which might be the same person, I am not sure), SASUKE, Great Sasuki (which might just be a typo but I am just checking), and of course Great Sasuke. There were some more I think but they escape me.  Anyways, what is the deal with all these? Are some just the same person?  Just need a little history on these guys so I won't get confused when I see it.  Thanks.

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Well I know that SASUKE is the Great Sasuke's heel persona but the rest I don't know much about.


Could be wrong but I think Sasuke the Great is a friend of Sasuke's who he lets use a simillar gimmick in m-pro. I remember reading what the guys real name was once but i've long since forgotten it.

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And on a similar subject, what's the deal with guys like Octagon, Pentagon and others having the same kind of outfit as Sasuke too? Any story on that?

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Guest RickyChosyu

SASUKE is indeed Sasuke's heel persona, while the man behind the Sasuke the Great gimick is Masao Orihara, who first used the gimick as part of a feud with Sasuke and then teamed with him. Yuki Ishikawa also had a Sasuke rip-off gimick called Sasuke Tiga. I'm not sure who was behind the Sasuke Performa 346 gimick, though.


As for the Octagon/Pentagon simalarities, I'm not sure Pentagon's is intentional, since he's only lately been called Pentagon Black, which would indicate why he has a black costume that might resemble Sasuke's. I have little to no lucha knowledge whatsoever, so I'm not really the person to ask.

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Guest Stuart

Mohammed Yone, formerly of BattlARTS and now of NOAH, was one of the Sasukes as well. When Sasuke and the one Ishikawa played teamed against Nisemono Gundan, Yone was the third Sasuke.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Didn't they recently dress up Kojima like Sasuke for the M-Pro main event with him and Sasuke (the originial) Vs. Mutoh/Shinzaki? I'm not sure if they actually gave that one a name.

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Guest Stuart

Kojima is apparently debuting another gimmick on 5/1 in Niigata. Not a clue what it is though.

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