Rob E Dangerously 0 Report post Posted August 3, 2004 President Truman and the Atomic Bomb!! This exposé is under construction President Truman was one of the greatest U.S. Presidents. He blocked Rockefeller from stealing the Presidency by sneaking in the back door through the State Department and he stood up to the Pentagon and General MacArthur. President Truman's reputation has been tarnished however by the dropping of 2 atomic bombs on Japan in August 1945. Many people say that the war was almost over and that the use of the bombs was unnecessary. It is doubtful that President Truman even knew about the Manhattan project because Roosevelt HATED him and never took him into his confidence or prepared him in any way to assume the duties of President. President Truman became President at the worst possible time in the history of the world. Roosevelt HATED Harry Truman and never took him into his confidence or prepared him in any way to assume the duties of President. President Truman described Roosevelt as "the coldest man I ever knew." Next in line to the Presidency after Truman was the Secretary of State. Nelson Rockefeller crept into the State Department in 1943 and was Under Secretary of State after the forced resignation of Sumner Welles. President Truman had Congress change the succession back to the way it was in 1792 except that the Speaker of the House was next in line . . . then the President of the Senate. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Co., was the main financier of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. The Genzai Bakudan—Japanese Atomic Bomb!! Japanese scientists successfully tested an atomic bomb just days after the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. The bomb was manufactured in Konan, Korea, amid the strictest secrecy. The bomb was an exact duplicate of the U.S. atomic bomb except the firing mechanism on the bomb differed. The atomic bomb project was started in Japan , but its removal to Korea was necessitated when the B-29's began to bomb industrial cities on the mainland of Japan. Japanese atomic bomb was exact duplicate of U.S. atomic bomb!! Leon Thompson was a medical technician in Tokyo, Japan. He described a diagram of the Japanese atomic bomb and it was exactly like the U.S. bomb: "One hot summer day in the park outside Japan's Imperial Palace, I met up with Mr. Papps, an OSS Officer. His office was just a few yards down the hallway from Gen. MacArthur's office and he invited me to see his office. As I walked into his office, I saw three top American atomic scientists going over a large diagram of some kind of device. I asked Mr. Papps what it was and he said it was the actual diagram of the Japanese atomic bomb. I asked him if it was workable. He said, "Yes." "It was just like ours and very workable." He also showed me some Japanese orders to use the bomb on the Allies when they came into Japanese waters; how they would do this was not explained." (Military Magazine, p. 37). The Axis of Evil in 1939 Just before World War II erupted, the axis of evil consisted of 6 world leaders. They were: Roosevelt, Hitler, Mussolini, Pius XII, Franco of Spain and Hirohito of Japan. The Final Target of these Fatima Crusaders was Russia In the Spring of 1941, Hitler was ready to invade the Soviet Union with the largest invasion force in the history of the world. This invasion force was supplied with oil by the Rockefeller owned Standard Oil Co., and trucks by the Ford Motor Co. While Hitler attacked from the West, Japan was supposed to attack Russia from the East. The Japanese were afraid to attack Russia because they had a very healthy respect for the Russian army after the Russians annihilated a Japanese army in Manchuria in August 1939. Hitler never sent observers to that battle because he had nothing but disdain for the fighting ability of the Russian Army. Roosevelt was furious when Japan refused to attack Russia Fuehrer Franklin was furious when Japan refused to attack Russia. His advisers told him that unless Japan opened a second front in the East, the Nazi hordes would be swallowed up in the vastness of Russia and Hitler might lose the war. He also needed a war in order to serve a fourth and fifth term as President. This would allow him to pack the Supreme Court with his cronies in order to destroy the Constitution He maneuvered the Japanese into attacking the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor and Japan and the U.S. were at war . . . instead of Japan and Russia. Spanish spy network in the U.S. Officially Spain was neutral in World War II. Behind the scenes however, she was anything but neutral. Caudillo Franco ordered his best spies in the U.S. to report every move that the U.S. military was making against Germany and Japan. Angel Alcázar de Velasco was an ex-bullfighter and a leader of the Falange in Spain. When the Japanese embassy in Wash., D.C. was vacated by the Japanese in 1941, the embassy was taken over by Spain. The Japanese left a vast amount of money to set up a spy network in the U.S. called TO. The new Spanish occupied embassy had a radio transmitter and regularly sent reports in code to Madrid and the Vatican. These reports were then relayed to Berlin and Tokyo. Al least 10,000 of such radio intercepts are on file in the U.S. War Department. The secrets of the Manhattan atomic bomb project were sent to Tokyo via Madrid using this secret code. Robert K. Wilcox in his eye-opening book: Japan's Secret War, interviewed Alcázar de Velasco at his home in Madrid and he says this about Spain's top secret agent: "Alcázar de Velasco does have some corroboration beyond his own words. Both Ladislas Farago and J. C. Masterman, high up in Allied intelligence during World War II, wrote that the Germans found out about our atomic bomb project and that Alcázar de Velasco was a cunning and dangerous agent. The late Farago, who worked for American intelligence, wrote about him in The Game of the Foxes; Masterman, a leader in British intelligence and also dead, in The Double-Cross System in the War of 1939 to 1945. The FBI has perhaps 10,000 pages of files on Alcázar de Velasco and TO (which it calls Span-Nap). I had still not received them under my Freedom of Information Act request when I conducted my interview. All I could get was a phone report that the files contained "real hot stuff." (Japan's Secret War, p. 33). J. Edgar Hoover sabotaged surveillance of Spanish embassy!! U.S. Counter Intelligence (OSS) founded by a man named William Donovan was the forerunner of the CIA. Donovan wanted to keep the so-called neutral embassies under surveillance but was thwarted in his efforts by none other than Federal Bureau of Inquisition head J. Edgar Hoover: "In the summer of 1942, six months after Pearl Harbor, a team of American secret agents took on a highly sensitive mission. Contrary to all international rules, they were to steal the secret codes used by the embassies of neutral countries that favored Germany. This involved breaking in at dead of night, cracking safes, photographing codebooks and escaping without getting caught. Working under Edgar's rival William Donovan, the team pulled off this feat several times. Late one night, however, when the agents were inside the Spanish embassy in Washington, two FBI cars screeched to a halt outside and very deliberately turned on their sirens and flashing lights. Donovan's men had to abort the operation, and several of them were arrested. Donovan had no doubt that Edgar was personally responsible. It had not been enough for Edgar to have control of intelligence operations throughout Latin and Central America. He had been enraged because Donovan, now a general, had been appointed head of the wartime intelligence body, the Office of Strategic Services, and he was obstructing him at every opportunity. "The Abwehr," Donovan commented, "gets better treatment from the FBI than we do." Donovan's Spanish embassy operation cut across existing FBI surveillance, so Edgar simply sabotaged it. On the eve of the landings in North Africa, his action came close to exposing vital Allied operations. The agent who led the break-in, Donald Downes, later recalled how Donovan protested to the White House—to little avail. "No President," one of his aides commented, "dare touch John Edgar Hoover. They are all scared pink of him." "We had taken all imaginable precautions," Downes lamented, "all except one—the possibility of betrayal by someone high enough in the American government to know what we were doing." (Official & Confidential, pp. 137-138). The real reasons why the Pentagon dropped the bombs on Japan!! On August 8, 1945, Russia declared war on Japan. Russian armour came racing down from the North through Manchuria. In a matter of days they had defeated the million man Japanese Manchurian army and were poised to invade Korea. The Japanese atomic bomb project was located near the Chosen Reservoir. The last thing the Pentagon wanted was for their ally Russia to obtain the secrets of the atomic bomb. They insisted that Japan surrender immediately or face utter destruction. The Japanese held out hoping to use their atomic bomb to stop a U.S. invasion. They longer they held out the closer the Russians got to Korea. Eventually the Russians managed to invade North Korea, capture all the bomb-making facilities, and ship the Japanese scientists to Moscow. The 20 BILLION dollar U.S. super weapon had fallen into the hands of the Russians!! The Korean War The Pentagon was FURIOUS when their ALLY Russia obtained the atomic bomb "know-how" for FREE. The bomb had cost $20 BILLION dollars to produce and the Roosevelt Reich wanted an exclusive worldwide monopoly on this unique weapon of mass destruction. By dropping the bombs on Japan, the Pentagon had demonstrated its willingness to use this terror weapon to impose a Pax Americana on the rest of the world. With Russia now a potential member of the exclusive nuclear club their plans were going awry. All was not lost however. The Roosevelt Reich was still determined to stop Russia becoming a member at all costs. The Korean War was the result of his Pentagon "admit NONE" policy. President Truman stood up to the Pentagon and MacArthur The faked North Korean invasion of South Korea began on Sunday, June 25, 1950. Soon the war began to get out of control with Emperor MacArthur seeking to override his Commander in Chief President Truman. Thank God Truman had him FIRED and spared the world from World War III. Emperor MacArthur was not so "gung-ho" when it came to fighting Japanese but nothing could stop him when it came to fighting "COMMIES." He abandoned the Philippines and his own army to the brutal Japanese in 1942 and ran of to Australia after promising to return "some day." It took him 31/2 years to cross the Pacific while Russia defeated a million man Japanese army in a matter of DAYS. In 1951, he wanted to cross the Yalu River and invade China thus precipitating World War III. Thank God Truman filed the firebrand. He was a "momma's-boy" with a particular hatred for Soviet Russia. In 1952, he planned on running for President against President Truman. Thank God this old soldiers did finally fade away in 1964. President Truman fired Emperor MacArthur and saved the world from World War III President Truman grew tired of the insubordination of the Emperor and finally fired him in April 1945. He is the text of his farewell massage to MacArthur: "With deep regret I have concluded that General of the Army Douglas MacArthur is unable to give his wholehearted support to the policies of the United States Government and of the United Nations in matters pertaining to his official duties. In view of the specific responsibilities imposed upon me by the Constitution of the United States and the added responsibility which has been entrusted to be by the United Nations, I have decided that I must make a change of command in the Far East. I have, therefore, relieved General MacArthur of his commands and have designated Lt. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway as his successor. Full and vigorous debate on matters of national policy is a vital element in the constitutional system of our free democracy. It is fundamental, however, that military commanders must be governed by the policies and directives issued to them in the manner provided by our laws and Constitution. In time of crisis, this consideration is particularly compelling. General MacArthur's place in history as one of our greatest commanders is fully established. The Nation owes him a debt of gratitude for the distinguished and exceptional service which he has rendered his country in posts of great responsibility. For that reason I repeat my regret at the necessity for the action I feel compelled to take in his case." Order by the President to General MacArthur: To be continued So.. Nazi Germany, Italy, Japan, the US, Spain and the Pope are all against Russia, which led to the US joining with Russia to defeat Germany, Italy and Japan, and the Russians. And the North Koreans never invaded South Korea. Oooooook.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Art Sandusky 0 Report post Posted August 3, 2004 Shyeah dude. I mean, were you there? I THINK NOT. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites