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Guest Maurizio C... Version 2

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Guest Maurizio C... Version 2

Yeah, I know. Stupid idea... but since the forum is just born, we HAVE to have a topic in which we know each other better (not counting the fact that we're still the same l' bunch)... at least there will be ONE topic like this instead of 2 a day for newcomers. Enjoy, answer and hopefully let the newcomers know about it...


First name: Maurizio


Last name: C stands for...


Old Smarkboard name: Maurizio C


Age: 22


From: Milan, Italy


Music genre: Any kind. Rock... hardkoooore... soft Doors parades... classic...


Fav drug:  guess no one'll answer this...


Fav alcholic drink: Beer. Just beer... and a little wine.


Fav movie: Buffalo'66 with Vincent Gallo and Christina Ricci.


Fav wrestler: Benoit... Tiger Mask... Malenko... Austin... Flair


Fav series of mtches: Flair/Steamboat... Dynamite/Tiger... Savage/Roberts... Flair/Savage


Brand of cigarettes: Marlboro


Fav site (wrestling or not): thesmarks... pwtorch


Newsletter subscriber?: Yes, the Torch


fav writer: Mitchell... the old Keith... the old Hyatte


Who promises the most?: I'd say jay Bower... he's one of the bunch ;)


Who promises the least: Usually read keith once in a while... pick a name, don't read too much lil'guys.


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: 1997 WWF... 1996 ECW... old NWA... 1997 WCW (the cruiserweight)


Best international match you've ever seen: Pick a match in the Liger/Benoit series.


Past post count title: Royal Rumble


Fav poster: A tie between the old Cubano and Shockey... funny how no one'll remember Shockey a few weeks from now since he's almost vanished.


Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!): Azlea Antistia... Cassidy Rae


Fav wrestling bitch: Stacy Kiebler? Yesssssss!


What piece/s do you recommend to the newcomers?: I'd say the old Keith works and 90% of Mitchell's archives on the Torch website.


keep it up...

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Guest KK Rage

First name: Eddie


Old Smarkboard name: KK Rage


Age: 19


From: Tampa, FL


Music genre: Anything except hardcore rap and country


Fav drug:  weed


Fav alcholic drink: Beer.


Fav movie: Fight Club


Fav wrestler: Helms, Triple H, Bret, Jericho


Fav series of mtches: Bret/Owen, Bret/Austin


Brand of cigarettes:doesn't matter, usually menthol


Fav site (wrestling or not): 411, smarks


Newsletter subscriber?: no


fav writer: Scotsman, Cubano


Who promises the most?: see above, always entertaining


Who promises the least: eh, don't know


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: 97 WWF, 00 WWF


Best international match you've ever seen: Haven't seen enough to comment


Past post count title: HWA


Fav poster: Anybody who is respectful and uses correct grammar/spelling


Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!: Don't watch much porn


Fav wrestling bitch: Steffie

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Guest DawnBTVS

First name: David


Old Smarkboard name: Same


Age: 16


From: Boston, MA


Music genre: Rock(Hard and Alternative), Punk(Male and Female cuz of Alanis, etc.)


Fav drug:  Don't take any, tho it'd probably be something none injectible cuz I fear needles.


Fav alcholic drink: Milk:)


Fav movie: Carrie, Se7en, From Dsuk Till Dawn, Pulp Fiction, Basically the Horror Movies tho.


Fav wrestler: Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Raven, SCSA


Fav series of mtches: Bret/HBK


Brand of cigarettes: Don't smoke.


Fav site (wrestling or not): Smarks


Newsletter subscriber?: No


fav writer: Cubano


Who promises the most?: Cubano


Who promises the least: They all do in some way:)


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: WWF 1997, WCW 1996, ECW 1995. How's that?:)


Best international match you've ever seen: Right now it's be Chris Benoit vs Great Sasuke J Cup 94.


Past post count title: Whatever the lurking jobbee one was.


Fav poster: Anybody who can carry an intelligent wrestling conversation.


Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!: Don't like porn when I can just get the real thing.


Fav wrestling bitch: Stacy Kiebler, Ryan Shamrock

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Guest Below the Glass Ceiling

First name: Brian


Old Smarkboard name: Same


Age: 20


From: Near Boston, MA


Music genre: As long as it isn't rap or country.


Fav drug:  None


Fav alcholic drink: Don't drink


Fav movie: Se7en, Big Lebowski, Saving Private Ryan, The Shining just to name a few.


Fav wrestler: BENOIT, BABY!


Fav series of mtches: Jericho/Benoit


Brand of cigarettes: Don't smoke (Christ, I'm boring).


Fav site (wrestling or not): Smarks


Newsletter subscriber?: No


fav writer: Scotsman


Who promises the most?: Cubano


Who promises the least: Beats me


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: WWF


Best international match you've ever seen: Havent watched any puro.


Past post count title: OVW


Fav poster: Myself..hehehe...seriously, I don't know much of anyone yet.


Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!: They have names?


Fav wrestling bitch: Stephanie

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Guest Luke Cage

First name: Gene

Last name: I pass

Old Smarkboard name: Macsta

Age: 35

From: Pittsburgh, PA

Music genre: I don't let music companies pigeonhole my tastes.

Fav drug: None

Fav alcholic drink: None

Fav movies:Citizen Kane/Godfather/Ask me again in a week...

Fav wrestlers: Dynamite Kid, Ric Flair, Rick Steamboat & Barry Windham

Fav series of mtches: Flair/Steamboat

Brand of cigarettes: I don't smoke

Fav site (wrestling or not): Slash, SmarKs, Warren Ellis Forum, IGN, Home Theater Spot, Macaddict, Wrestling Classics, Kayfabe Memories & PWTorch

Newsletter subscriber?: No

Fav writer: I don't have a favorite

Who promises the most?: N/A

Who promises the least: N/A

WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: Old WWWF, NWA & WWF circa 1998.

Best international match you've ever seen: Ten woman All Japan Women's Elimination tag mach. I don't remember all of the ladies...Aja Kong, Esther Moreno were involved.

Past post count title: I don't remember

Fav poster: I don't have a favorite

Fav porn babe: Keisha

Fav wrestling babe: I used to go for Chae...whatever happened to her???

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Guest netslob

First name: Chad


Last name: Noneoyerdamnbizness


Old Smarkboard name: Netslob/ Know Body 666


Age: 21


From: Rochester, NY


Music genre: Metal, Classic Rock


Fav drug:  Weed


Fav alcholic drink: Labatt's Ice


Fav movie: "Manos: the Hands Of Fate"


Fav wrestler: Tajiri, Mick Foley (the Cactus Jack years)


Fav series of mtches: ?


Brand of cigarettes: Camel's Turkish Gold 100's


Fav site (wrestling or not): ?


Newsletter subscriber?: no


fav writer: ?


Who promises the most?: ?


Who promises the least: ?


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: ECW


Best international match you've ever seen: i haven't seen very many...


Past post count title: OVW


Fav poster: Thread Killer


Fav porn babe: ?


Fav wrestling bitch: Ivory


What piece/s do you recommend to the newcomers?: ?

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Guest Speed 6

First name: Andrew


Last name: Tuson  (Meh, I doubt I have too many stalkers)


Old Smarkboard name: Same


Age: 15


From: Windsor, Ontario


Music genre: Any kind, I'll listen to whatevers playing


Fav drug:  Uh, weed I guess, mostly cause thats about as far as I'll go


Fav alcholic drink: Smirnoff Ice~


Fav movie: Happy Gilmore or Billy Madison (I'm a Sandler mark)


Fav wrestler: Benoit, Flair


Fav series of matches: Jericho/Benoit


Brand of cigarettes: Don't Smoke


Fav site (wrestling or not): The Smarks, Our So-Called Sport


Newsletter subscriber?: Nope


Fav writer: Scott Christ, Scotsman, Jay Bower, Charles Williams


Who promises the most?: Jay Bower


Who promises the least: Uh...not sure yet


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?:  WWF


Best international match you've ever seen: Don't watch too much international stuff so:  BLANK


Past post count title: HWA


Fav poster: EI Cubano and Loss4Words. Shockmaster comes after them.


Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!: Serenity


Fav wrestling dog: Terri Runnels


What piece/s do you recommend to the newcomers?:  Uh best thing I could reccomend anyone to read wrestling-wise is some nice classic GH & Joe Raw Audits or movie Spoofs.

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Guest BankHoldup

First name: Craig

Last name: Bwahaha, yeah right.


Old Smarkboard name: HoodatVX


Age: 21


From: South Bend, IN


Music genre: Everything except for country, most Limp Bizkit, and most Kid Rock...


Fav drug:  Hey, just say no.


Fav alcholic drink: Does Binacca count?


Fav movie: All Kevin Smith movies and Office Space


Fav wrestler: Austin, Jericho, Rock, RVD, HHH, Benoit...


Fav series of mtches: Jericho/Rock, Sting/Vader, Sting/Flair, Flair/Savage, Flair/Steamboat.


Brand of cigarettes: I do not smoke.


Fav site (wrestling or not): thesmarks.com, wrestlingobserver.com, ign.com, aintitcoolnews.com


Newsletter subscriber?: Yep, Wrestling Observer


fav writer: Scott Keith, Scotsman, Meltzer


Who promises the most?: Jay Bower


Who promises the least: Jon Richardson


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: WWF, WCW from '89 to '97


Best international match you've ever seen: Jericho vs Benoit, Misawa vs Vader, or Kobashi vs Vader


Past post count title: I think the one higher than OVW...


Fav poster: I don't really have one.


Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!: Dee


Fav wrestling dog: Trish Stratus


What piece/s do you recommend to the newcomers?: Anything from the WrestlingObserver

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Guest JAMES900

First name: James


Last name: Williamson


Old Smarkboard name: JAMES900


Age: 17


From: Uk


Music genre: Not a fan of any perticular type of music


Fav movie: Aliens


Fav wrestler: Rock, HHH, Hall and Jericho


Fav site (wrestling or not): thesmarks, IGN, Raveware


Newsletter subscriber?: No


fav writer: Keith, CZR


Who promises the most?: Jay


Who promises the least: That new Raw guy


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: WWF


Past post count title: HWA


Fav wrestling dog: Looks: Stacy or torrie for wrestling ability Jazz


What piece/s do you recommend to the newcomers?: Scotts Unforgiven 2001 rant just for the comment on Bryan adams hair.

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Guest Brother Dave

First name: Dave


Last name: Withheld upon request


Old Smarkboard name: BruiserBrodyMark


Age: 33


From: Middle of some cornfield in Indiana


Music genre: Classic Rock, 80's Hairband Metal, Blues


Fav drug: Pot, Grass, Hemp, Weed, Smoke, Ganja...  


Fav alcholic drink: Beer, Wine, and Kamakazi shooters


Fav movie: Shawshank Redemption...shoulda won the Oscar...dang that Gump!


Fav wrestler: Now: Stone Cold...Then: Bruiser Brody


Fav series of mtches: Steamboat/Savage, Rock/Jericho


Brand of cigarettes: Winston Lights


Fav site (wrestling or not): thesmarks, 411

                                                                         Newsletter subscriber?: no


fav writer: Keith, CRZ, Jon, Scottsman


Who promises the most?: Bower...have read and will read all his stuff  


Who promises the least: don't really have an answer for this one


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: all of the above


Best international match you've ever seen: unfortunatly, in the 25+ years that I've been a fan of pro wrestling, I have never seen any matches from anywhere but the USA


Past post count title: OVW...I didn't post much but I've been a mostly daily visiter to thesmarks and the smarkboard for almost a year


Fav poster: Cubano, loss4words, shockmaster (for a good laugh) and pornfaq...god, I'm gonna miss him!


Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!: Ginger Lynn


Fav wrestling dog: hmmm...Stacy Keibler!!!!!

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Guest Tony149

First name: Tony


Last name: I'm not giving my last name


Old Smarkboard name: Tony149


Age: 25


From: San Antonio, TX


Music genre: I can listen to pretty much every kind of music


Fav drug: Don't do drugs  


Fav alcholic drink: Don't drink


Fav movie: Shawshank Redemption


Fav wrestler: Now: Ric Flair ...Then: Sting


Fav series of matches: Flair/Steamboat, Flair/Funk, Flair/Sting


Brand of cigarettes: Don't smoke


Fav site (wrestling or not): The Smarks 


Newsletter subscriber?: No


fav writer: Loss4Words


Who promises the most?: Loss4Words  


Who promises the least: N/A


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: NWA/WCW '89, WWF '89, WCW '92, WWF '92, WCW Jan.-June '94, WWF & WCW '97 & '99


Best international match you've ever seen: Haven't seen many matches outside of North America


Past post count title: King of the Ring


Fav poster: Loss4Words


Fav porn babe: Tera Patrick


Fav wrestling dog: Stacy Keibler

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Guest EI Cubano

First name: Jay


Last name: Bower


Old Smarkboard name: EI Cubano


Age: 22


From: Jacksonville, Florida currently residing in Tallahassee Florida at FSU.


Music genre: You name it, pop-punk (New Found Glory, MXPX, The Ataris etc.), Emo (Student Rick, Dashboard Confessional, Get Up Kids), Rap, Country, some TRL pop, glam rock


Fav drug:  Nyquil is about the furthest I go in the drug category.


Fav alcholic drink: Amber Bach, Smirnoff Ice, and any mixed drink with excessive amounts of varrrrrrrrrdka


Fav movie: The Godfather, The Shining, and basically anything Spielberg.


Fav wrestler: Mike Sanders & Christian


Fav series of matches: Sting/Muta


Brand of cigarettes: not a smoker


Fav site (wrestling or not): thesmarks, 411, OnlineOnslaught


Newsletter subscriber?: Newp


fav writer: The entire staff from the Smarks, Josh Grut, Ben Morse, Ken Anderson (wink), and Hatter X from Online Onslaught is an awesome writer.


Who promises the most?: Charles "L4W" Williams


Who promises the least: Tommy


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: 1995 ECW, 1989 NWA, 1989 WWF


Best international match you've ever seen: The Canadian Stampede (yes, that WAS a cop-out answer)


Past post count title: "Smark"


Fav poster: SoCalClone, CJ, L4W, Brian Matheson, NatureBoy, too many to list.


Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!): Amber Michaels


Fav wrestling dog: Trish


What piece/s do you recommend to the newcomers?: Charles Williams "Life and Time of WCW", Scott's "NWA 1989" and a "Brief History of Flair" rants, Ken Anderson's review of the Final Nitro, any edition of "Circa" and basically the entire Smarks archive minus about 20 peices by that Bower guy.

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Guest JustJoe4Life

First name: Joe


Last name: You can find out Here if you wanna know.


Old Smarkboard name: JustJoe4Life...cos when you're JustJoe...you're JustJoe...4...life.


Age: 17


From: London...England


Music genre: Most music, mainly Metal/Hip-Hop/UK Garage.


Fav alcoholic drink:Anything.  


Fav wrestler: Ever? Bret Hart, at first I lost respect for him cos he kept whining (I can't believe the swear filter changed b1tching to doging) about the screwjob, but then I realised it was a work.


Fav Wrestling Writer: Me, what do you mean that makes me sound big-headed? Okay Joshua Grut, I like his fiction stuff.


Fav site (wrestling or not): What you mean apart from wrestling-x.net?? TsM.com or collegehumor.com - hilarious site.


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: WWF 1990-1994


Fav Wrestling Woman: Molly....she got BUTT(as$).


What piece/s do you recommend to the newcomers?: "I'd say the old Keith works"

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Guest New World Order of Wrestling

First name: Max

Last name: Won't say


Old Smarkboard name: N/A New here


Age: 37


From: Detroit


Music genre: Jazz


Fav drug:  Ecstacy


Fav alcholic drink: fine wine.


Fav movie: Cape Fear, Taxi Driver, and Scarface.


Fav wrestler: Hollywood Hogan, Goldust


Fav series of matches: Goldust/Razor


Brand of cigarettes: Marlboro


Fav site (wrestling or not): n/a


Newsletter subscriber?: no


fav writer: Bob Ryder


Who promises the most?: Bob Ryder


Who promises the least: Everything besides 1wrestling


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: 1996 WWF and WCW


Best international match you've ever seen: Never seen any


Past post count title: what?


Fav poster: I don't know...


Fav porn babe: Chasey Lain


Fav wrestling dog: Nidia


What piece/s do you recommend to the newcomers?: I'm new here

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Name:  Kahran Ramsus (not really, but that's what you're going to get)


Old Smarkboard name: Kahran Ramsus


Age: 21


From: Ottawa, ON


Music genre: Classical


Fav drug:  None.


Fav alcholic drink:  None.


Fav movie:  Raiders of the Lost Ark


Fav wrestler:  Curt Hennig (all-time), Chris Benoit (current)


Fav series of mtches: Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat


Brand of cigarettes:  None.


Fav site (wrestling or not):  thesmarks.com


Newsletter subscriber?: Yes, to Wrestlecrap.


fav writer: Scott Keith (wrestling), David Bloomberg (non-wrestling)


Who promises the most?:  Don't know.


Who promises the least:  Don't know.


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: 1992 WWF


Best international match you've ever seen:  None.


Past post count title: Heat


Fav poster:  Me.


Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!: None.


Fav wrestling dog:  Jeff Hardy


What piece/s do you recommend to the newcomers?:  King Lear & Lazarus rants by Scott Keith

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

First name: Bryan


Old Smarkboard name: Same


Age: 22


From: Buffalo, NY


Music genre: Rock & or Roll.


Fav drug:  None


Fav alcholic drink: Whatever's on tap


Fav movie: Searching For Bobby Fischer, Ed Wood, Memento & Jacob's Ladder


Fav wrestler: RVD


Fav series of mtches: Austin/Angle


Brand of cigarettes: Marlboro Lights.


Fav site (wrestling or not): Smarks


Newsletter subscriber?: No


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: ECW


Past post count title: Raw


Fav poster: I am the best.


Fav wrestling dog: Stephanie

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Guest J*ingus

Name: wouldn't you like to know?  (Well, actually you probably don't  care, but never mind)

Old Smarkboard name: same ol me

Age: 22

From: Nashville, Tennessee

Music genre: Whatever's on the radio at the moment, except modern country & rap

Fav drug:  mixing Sudafed & Benadryl

Fav alcholic drink: Zima

Fav movie: whatever movie is on MST3K this week

Fav wrestler: Ricky Steamboat

Fav series of matches: Flair/Steamboat, Tiger/Dynamite, Austin/Angle

Brand of cigarettes: nonsmoker

Fav site (wrestling or not): used to be Wrestlecrap... sigh

Newsletter subscriber?: no (too poor)

fav writer: Bruce Mitchell, Hyatte before he hated the world

Who promises the most?: Melzter

Who promises the least: 1Bob

WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: ECW 95-97, WWF 2000

Best international match you've ever seen: Hansen vs. Kobashi, '93

Past post count title: Jakked

Fav poster: Dr. Tom, the most logic-based debater on the boards

Fav porn babe (because we're all heteros, right?!): I couldn't tell you their names if they'd just done me.  

Fav wrestling dog: '99 Stephanie

What piece/s do you recommend to the newcomers?: All of Mitchell's in-depth pieces, Meltzer's coverage of Montreal, SK's Lear & Lazarus rants

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Guest Daredevil21

First name: Alex


Last name: Hmmmmmm nah


Old Smarkboard name: Daredevil21


Age: 17(almost dammit)


From: Saginaw, MI


Music genre: Rock, Rap, Some punk (gets a little too whiney after a while for me)


Fav drug:  None


Fav alcholic drink: None


Fav movie: Dumb & Dumber and Tommy Boy (I'm not a very serious person)


Fav wrestler: Right now- Jericho/RVD, from the past- Mick Foley, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Randy Savage (they all brought something a little different to the table)


Fav series of matches: Sting/Vader and Bret/Shawn


Brand of cigarettes: Nope I'm not white trash


Fav site (wrestling or not): thesmarks.com and eBay.com


Newsletter subscriber?: Nope


fav writer: Charles Williams, Jay Bower, Scott Keith


Who promises the most?: Loss4Words  


Who promises the least: Hmm dunno


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: WWF


Best international match you've ever seen: Never really seen any international wrestling. I'll go with the Dynamite Kid/Tiger Mask match I saw from  Japan.


Past post count title: King of the Ring


Fav poster: Loss4Words, El Cubano, MilleniumMan or something like that (He seems to like the same old-school stuff that I do).


Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!: Hmm I don't watch much pr0n *wink,wink*. Eh, I dunno, lets say Asia Carrera.


Fav wrestling dog: Well right now, I guess Molly, cause I think she has nice talent and isn't fake looking.


What piece/s do you recommend to the newcomers: One of Keith's old pieces. Loss' WCW piece was pretty good too.

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Guest upchuck

First name: Charlie


Age: 14


From: Fair Lawn, New Jersey


Music genre: Rock


Fav drug:  Dont do drugs.


Fav alcholic drink: Dont drink.


Fav movie: Requiem for a Dream


Fav wrestler: Jericho


Fav series of mtches: Owen/Bret


Brand of cigarettes: Dont smoke


Fav site (wrestling or not): The Smarks


Newsletter subscriber?: Nope.


fav writer?: Scotsman, Jay Bower


Who promises the most?: Jay


Who promises the least: No idea.


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: WWF


Best international match you've ever seen: Mutoh vs. Tenryu 6/8/01


Fav poster: Wings69  


Fav wrestling dog: Molly Holly


What piece/s do you recommend to the newcomers?: Great American Bash 91 review

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Guest Loss4Words
First name: Charles


Last name: Williams


Old Smarkboard name: Loss4Words


Age: 22


From: Little Rock, AR ... the armpit of modern civilization


Music genre: I like EVERY type of music. I don't like all music, but I can usually find something in every genre that I like. Polka is probably the exception here, although liking Yakov Smirnov is tempting sometimes.


Fav drug:  Adipex ... it's all about ENERGY!~


Fav alcholic drink: I like kahlua mudslides and White Zinfandel, but Corbel is probably my drink of choice.


Fav movie: "The Breakfast Club", but I'm a mark for the 80s so what do I know?


Fav wrestler: Ever? Probably Ric Flair. Now? Definitely Chris Jericho. I also like Shawn Michaels, Jushin Liger, Sting, Barry Windham and the Midnight Express.


Fav series of mtches: Midnight Express v Fantastics from the NWA in 1988. Flair v Barry Windham from '87 takes a close second.


Brand of cigarettes: Marlboro


Fav site (wrestling or not): www.sexkey.com and I refuse to hear differently


Newsletter subscriber?: Need to re-up my Observer subscription. Wade Keller's yellow journalism annoys me sometimes, so while the Torch is well-written, I just can't get into it.


fav writer: I'd say myself since I doubt anyone else will, but I'll do the right thing and say either Bryan Alvarez or Bruce Mitchell.


Who promises the most?: Jay Bower without a doubt. He's the writer of the future


Who promises the least: Rick Scaia -- he sounds like a friggin' WWF.com preview. I wish he'd realize it's not his job to do free publicity for Raw and take a harder stance.


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: Gotta go with WCW here as far as longevity in my mind. But my favorite eras are '84-'85 Mid South, '83-'84 World Class, NWA '85-'87 & '89, WCW early '94 and late '91-early '92 and Nov '95 to Nov '96. I also like WWF '97 & 2000 and ECW '95.


Best international match you've ever seen: Jushin Liger v El Samurai, NJ 04/30/92


Past post count title: SmarK was all mine said, so who knows. I had 1600 posts though I do believe.


Fav poster: EI Cubano, Cerebus (SPELLING RULES!~) the Aardvark, Crucifixio Jones, Brian Matheson, Joey Splinter, Kagotu Otaku


Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!

You are SOOOO asking the wrong person here


Fav wrestling bitch: Stephanie McMahon just because she's classy ... all the others are total skanks except Molly. And learn to respect women by not calling them bitches and you'll be a happier person for it.


What piece/s do you recommend to the newcomers?: The FAQ is the best place to start out I would say. Then just read what you want to read. There's no 3-step plan or anything.


keep it up...


I plan on doing so, and without the aid of viagra to boot.

Answers are above.

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Guest TUS_02

First name: Brendan


Last name: It rhymes with Hose, and if you know Pitney, you know me.


Old Smarkboard name: TUS


Age: 21 (Today is my birthday)


From: Newtown, CT.


Music genre: I like whatever... I probably like the shit you guys hate


Fav drug:  Hey... what's that behind you?  *runs*


Fav alcholic drink: Not too big on the liquor... just gimme the beer.  


Fav movie: It flucsuates constantly... right now, it's Wet Hot American SUmmer


Fav wrestler: HHH, RVD, Al Snow, Austin, Dibiase


Fav series of mtches: Flair/Steamboat


Brand of cigarettes: n/a


Fav site (wrestling or not): lethal wrestling (check the sig), abrokencrate.com, 665.com


Newsletter subscriber?: God no.


fav writer: I don't have a favorite favorite.... just like a lot of people.


Who promises the most?: Cubano


Who promises the least: I dunno?


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: I'll watch just about anything.  I don't lean one way or another.


Best international match you've ever seen: I don't have enough international tapes to give a decision.


Past post count title: I think I just made it to HWA


Fav poster: I dunno... too many people


Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!: Jill Kelley


Fav wrestling bitch: Stephanie McMahon...


What piece/s do you recommend to the newcomers?: The RSPW FAQ

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First name: J


Last name: H


Old Smarkboard name: badguy


Age: 30


From: Toronto, Ontario (dramatic pause) Canada


Music genre: Rock, Classical


Fav drug: love


Fav alcholic drink:

When I was seventeen

I drank my very first beer

I drank some very good beer

I purchased with a fake ID

My name was Brian McGee

I stayed up listening to Queen

When I was seventeen


Do...The stuff that buys me beer

Re...The guy who sells me beer

Mi...the one who drinks the beer

Fa...A long way to get beer

So...I'll have another beer

La...la la la la la beer!!!

Ti...No thanks I'm drinking beer

Do...etc continue to sing until someone punches you or

comes near it



Fav movie: Reservoir Dogs, Leaving Las Vegas, Dumb & Dumber


Fav wrestler: Sid Vicious, Benoit, Hart


Fav series of mtches: Bret/Austin, Flair/Steamboat, Savage/Steamboat, Benoit/Booker


Brand of cigarettes: none


Fav site (wrestling or not): customerssuck.com


Newsletter subscriber?: no


fav writer: don't consistenly read columns


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: ECW when they weren't putting on crap ultra-hardcore matches


Best international match you've ever seen: not much access to those


Past post count title: somewhere in the minors


Fav poster: Cubano, L4W


Fav porn babe: Chasey Lain


Fav wrestling valet: Miss Hancock


What piece/s do you recommend to the newcomers?: Meltzer's columns are usually accurate and informative

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

First name: Stephen


Last name: Popick


Old Smarkboard name: SSG1


Age: 22


From: Atlanta Georgia


Music genre: Think Pearl Jam and Collective Soul


Fav drug:  don't do em


Fav alcholic drink: gin n tonic


Fav movie: Usual Suspects


Fav wrestler: Jericho


Fav series of mtches: Booker/Benoit best of seven


Brand of cigarettes: I dont smoke


Fav site (wrestling or not): thesmarks


Newsletter subscriber?: i aint paying for shiz


fav writer: CRZ!


Who promises the most?: Cubano


Who promises the least: Who cares, jabronis on 411.


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: old ecw


Best international match you've ever seen:  sorry, none


Past post count title: HWA Baby!


Fav poster: Cubano.


Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!: eh, they be skanks.

Fav wrestling bitch: Stacy Kiebler? Yesssssss!

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Guest areacode212

Real Name: No way!


Old Smarkboard name: same


Age: 26


From: Montreal, PQ, currently New York, NY


Music genre: metal, some pop, and lots of other shit


Fav drug:  don't do em


Fav alcholic drink: fuzzy navel


Fav movie: Chasing Amy


Fav wrestler: Steve Austin


Fav series of mtches: Austin/Bret


Brand of cigarettes: I dont smoke


Fav site (wrestling or not): right now, SeanBaby


Newsletter subscriber?: No, the Observer is too expensive


fav writer: Eh, I dunno. El Cubano


Who promises the most?:


Who promises the least:


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: mid-90s WWF


Best international match you've ever seen:  Toyota/Yamada vs. Kansai/Ozaki (Dream Slam II)


Past post count title: Jakked!


Fav poster: Osama is a Jerk


Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!: Nikki Tyler


Fav wrestling bitch: Ivory!!

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Guest publius

Well I'm new here but I'll add my 2 cents.


First name: Mark

Age: 40

From: Cleveland, OH

Music genre: Sabbath, Zeppelin & The Dead

Fav drug: Caffeine

Fav alcholic drink: Scotch

Fav movies:Godfather/It's A Wonderful Life/Ready To Rumble

Fav wrestlers: Flair/Goldberg/Steiner/Jarrett

Fav site (wrestling or not): A1 Wrestling, ESPN

WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: NWA & WCW

Fav porn babe: Ginger Lynn

Fav wrestling babe: Kimberly Page & Elizabeth

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Guest Dark Lotus
Yeah, I know. Stupid idea... but since the forum is just born, we HAVE to have a topic in which we know each other better (not counting the fact that we're still the same l' bunch)... at least there will be ONE topic like this instead of 2 a day for newcomers. Enjoy, answer and hopefully let the newcomers know about it...


First name: Jeremy


Last name: This Space Intentionally Left Blank


Old Smarkboard name: JazeYaDeadHomie


Age: 27


From: Denton, TX


Music genre: Anything but country


Fav drug:  weed


Fav alcholic drink: Free


Fav movie: Currently it's Dazed and Confused.  But it changes daily.


Fav wrestler: Current - RVD  / All Time- Flair


Fav series of mtches: Hardyz/Dudleyz/E&C


Brand of cigarettes: Marlboro Lights


Fav site (wrestling or not): Smarks, PWTorch, Online Onslaught, 411Wrestlingbondage-links.de (oh wait....)


Newsletter subscriber?: Nope


fav writer: Keith, Hyatte, Shannon before he went psychotic


Who promises the most?: My girlfriend... and she rarely delivers.


Who promises the least: Me.  That way she's never disappointed.


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: I was always an old World Class mark.


Best international match you've ever seen: Let's just say the Dynamite Kid/ Tiger Mask series.


Past post count title: OVW


Fav poster: Judas.  He reminds me that no matter how bad my life sucks, it could be worse.


Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!): Your mom


Fav wrestling bitch: Currently- Stacy / All Time- Daffney


What piece/s do you recommend to the newcomers?: Beethoven's 9th.

Ok here's mine...

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Guest ArkhamGlobe

First name: A


Last name: L


Old Smarkboard name: ArkhamGlobe


Age: 20


From: Umeå, Sweden


Music genre: I like all kinds of music (mainly prog rock, psychedelia, rhythm & blues and good old fashioned rock & roll).


Fav drug:  None.


Fav alcholic drink: Cognac.


Fav movie: Dr Strangelove.


Fav wrestler: Ric Flair, Ricky Steamboat & Dynamite Kid.


Fav series of mtches: Flair/Steamboat & Dynamite/Tiger


Brand of cigarettes: I don't smoke.


Fav site (wrestling or not): imdb.com


Newsletter subscriber?: Nope.


fav writer: Changes daily.


Who promises the most?: Charles Williams.


Who promises the least: I won't dignify them by mentioning their names.


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: No preferences, just give me wrestling and I'll watch.


Best international match you've ever seen: Kenta Kobashi vs Mitsuharu Misawa 1997-01-20 & the Chris Benoit vs Great Sasuke finals from the 1994 Super J Cup.


Past post count title: OVW.


Fav poster: I have more important things to think about.


Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!: I don't watch porn.


Fav wrestling bitch: Probably Molly Holly.


What piece/s do you recommend to the newcomers?: Probably the FAQ.

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Guest stuey2dope

First name: Stuey


Last name: 2Dope


Old Smarkboard name: stuey2dope


Age: 18


From: Wales, UK


Music genre: Rock/Metal.. ICP, Twiztid, Kottonmouth Kings


Fav drug:  Weed i suppose, havent done anythin else.


Fav alcholic drink: Beer.


Fav movie: Kids, Big Money Hustlaz


Fav wrestler: Bret Hart, Steve Austin, HBK, RVD


Fav series of mtches: RVD/Lynn


Brand of cigarettes: Lambert and Butler


Fav site (wrestling or not): 108dn, UKFF


Newsletter subscriber?: Nope.


fav writer: I dont usually read.


Who promises the most?: hmmmmm, Cant answer that


Who promises the least: Myself




Best international match you've ever seen: I dont really watch much over seas stuff.


Past post count title: hmmm Not sure, i dont usually start threads.


Fav poster: Back in the day.. Shockmaster... with is he and the B00bs these days?


Fav porn babe: Jenna J


Fav wrestling bitch:  Kiebler?


What piece/s do you recommend to the newcomers: dont know.

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Guest FakeRazor

First name: Peter


Last name: *witheld*


Old Smarkboard name: FakeRazor


Age: 16


From: Springfield, NJ


Music genre: Rap


Fav drug:  none


Fav alcholic drink: Vodka, Mike's Hard Lemonade


Fav movie: Dumb and Dumber


Fav wrestler: Shawn Micheals, Scott Hall, Ric Flair, RVD, Bret Hart, Owen Hart


Fav series of mtches: Flair/Steamboat, Razor/Shawn, Shawn/Bret


Brand of cigarettes: I don't smoke


Fav site (wrestling or not): whacked Out wrestling, Cheap Pops (the NEW home of FakeRazor)


Newsletter subscriber?: Nah


fav writer: ME!  Scotsman


Who promises the most?: Cubano


Who promises the least: ??


WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: Old School WWF, WCW pre-2000, all ECW


Best international match you've ever seen: I'll go with Liger vs Benoit


Past post count title: Smackdown


Fav poster: Daredevil, Loss, Cubano, AustinHHH4life, and ME!


Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!: Jenna


Fav wrestling bitch: Stacy Kiebler


What piece/s do you recommend to the newcomers?: Keith's older stuff, Scotsman's stuff, and columns by yours truly.

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