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Who are the most over-rated?

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I just wanted to see people's different viewpoints on wrestling. List anyone who you feel are over and under rated with reasons why. Just to start with a short example.



Hulk Hogan: Yes, I believe Hulk Hogan of the 80's is under rated. He made his challengers look like they were capable of defeating him. He made his matches really seem like world championship matches because he was larger than life. Hogan has been castrated by the IWC for being a superhero type figure that brought the cartoonish nature to pro wrestling. However, Hulk Hogan from 198-1988 was pure gold.


Ted Dibase: Yes, I put this man on the short list because believe it or not I think he was the wwe version of Ric Flair in the 80's. He made every opponent look good and had one of the greatest heel characters of all-time.


"Rowdy" Roddy Piper: To me, this guy had the foul mouth gig like Austin down pat, yet he doesn't really get his just due because he turned into a crazy old man. He was absolute bullet proof up until 1989 with his wwf return.


Randy Savage of the 80's. A great mic man and wrestler who could get good matches out of has beens like George Steele and Dusty Rhodes and work out something with the likes of Ultimate Warrior(who I also think is under-rated from a character standpoint by some when looking at things as sports entertainment from 88-90).



Over rated

Hulk Hogan: Yes, the Hogan from 1990-1996 is way over-rated, but he played off his dwindling skills by being a heel who proclaimed to be the "god of wrestling" and it worked to pump life back into his career. However, he was getting the Hogan sucks chants for a reason.


Ric Flair: The same will have to be said about this guy. He was truly gold up until 1989-1990, but started to dwindle. I don't get what people say about Flair being able to carry any wrestler to a 3 star match in the 90's. His wwf work left a little to be desired after WM 8. The day that the true great Ric Flair died was the night he beat Vader for the title in 1993. He's been over-rated since. This is not to be confused with being good because he had been post Vader match, but not anything close to what people made/make him out to be. I laugh when I see people still stating Flair can have 5 star matches and work with a broom stick at this stage


Chris Jericho: I think Jericho is over-rated by the net. He is solid, but to me he isn't world championship material as some people out to make him. I know about the bad booking and all, but I still think he lacks certain elements which people credit him for having.

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Randy Orton is overrated - your next big gold belt champion?


Batista is underrated - is the basic hoss which is why nobody wants to give him credit other than he looks good in a suit.

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