Guest Report post Posted April 28, 2002 Now that WWF has rey rey under contract... What do they plan on doing with him. The Cruiserweight division maybe building up but they still don't seem to have a good man actually running the division as to how it should be. so Far the only thing the WWF fans know about the cruiserweight division is that Tajiri now has the belt and Kidman is a rivial They need more cruiseweight matches, and alot better calibur, the Backlash match was one of the best WWF style Cruiserweight matches. but should try and expand beyond the WHole titan concepts of light weights and go into Japanese or mexican style of booking. Dean Malenko should perhaps double as road agent and Cruiserweight booker. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted April 28, 2002 What do I think will happen? For one match a week, they will flip around the ring doing moves that ultimately lead to nothing, thus satisfying cruiser fans AND people who would rather see a match than 18 flips and flops leading into an armdrag by limiting it to one bathroom break sized match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 28, 2002 I hope he wears his mask. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sandman9000 Report post Posted April 28, 2002 It may be pointless, but I'd rather see flippin' and floppin' by two small guys than shovin' and stallin' by two big guys. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted April 28, 2002 I'd rather see wrestlin' with two medium guys, but someone has it in for Angle and Jericho. If I can't, I WOULD rather watch a Hoss fest (And you all know how I feel about Hoss fests) than a flip fest. At least the Hoss' power moves look like they hurt. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest razazteca Report post Posted April 28, 2002 satisfying cruiser fans AND people who would rather see a match than 18 flips and flops leading into an armdrag by limiting it to one bathroom break sized match. Rey Misterio Jr was the best at those spots and is one of the 4 Luchadores responsible for bringing excitement back to wrestling. I wish Misterio Jr would be on Raw, so he can work with Guerrero. MR Monday Night's tumbling and blown spots is getting tiresome. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted April 28, 2002 Rey Misterio Jr was the best at those spots My question. If he was going through all the trouble to make a show of it and flip several times, why couldn't he end it with something convincing? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mark4steamboat Report post Posted April 28, 2002 I thought i was the only one that hates spotfests from little midget Luchadores. No offense to Lucha, but i cant stand Rey. I occasionally watch Galavision for AAA and CMLL and enojy that alot more than i do Rey. He was only good in ECW though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mad Dog Report post Posted April 28, 2002 Even with Mysterio the lightweight division is still lacking. And even though I like Rey he's nowhere near as good as he used to be due to all the injuries. If they want a legit division they need to sign some guys from CMLL (like Shocker and Dr.Wagner Jr.). They also need to give the books to whoever did it in WCW. That's the only way the division can ever be good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest razazteca Report post Posted April 28, 2002 why couldn't he end it with something convincing? Like what, spin around then start the multiple pin spot? Spin around then goto a Rana pin, reverse rollup, backslide, bridge out into piledriver but reversed into a backdrop, then finish with a submission. Would Rey doing multiple suplexes change your mind???? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zero_Cool Report post Posted April 28, 2002 As a mark in mid 90s, I always thought that Rey's finisher kicked ass. I remember when it was a Springboard Hurricanrana into a pin. It was pretty shweet. So, I think he DID have something convincing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Spaceman Spiff Report post Posted April 28, 2002 I hope he wears his mask. Only if he want to lose *a lot* of credibility. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Flyboy Report post Posted April 29, 2002 No.. no.. Vince is not going to give you what you want. Rey Jr. will be in a feud with X-Pac in a battle of the... BRONCO BUSTERS!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cobainwasmurdered Report post Posted April 29, 2002 YAY REY'S IN THE WWF!!! LET THE BURYING BEGIN!!! The WWF: where crusiers come to die. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest evenflowDDT Report post Posted April 29, 2002 Rey Misterio Jr was the best at those spots My question. If he was going through all the trouble to make a show of it and flip several times, why couldn't he end it with something convincing? You mean you don't go for arm-drags?! I've only seen one Rey Misterio Jr. match, against Kidman, and it was easily the best match of the tape. Personally, I love spot-fests, since as a relatively new fan who missed out on WCW cruiserweight matches and has only seen one indy Lucha Libre show (that didn't have a lot of spots, at least that I can remember, due to the venue it was at) I haven't seen enough of them to get tired of them yet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RickyChosyu Report post Posted April 29, 2002 I really don't get the arguement against Rey about pointless flipping. If there's anyone who is guilty of useless flip and flop, it's Rob Van Dam, and he still manages to put on plenty of good matches regardless of how much flipping he does. Rey's only flipping moves I can remember were the Top Rope Quebrada's and summersault presses to the outside. Everything else he did was cool rana's (from just about every angle possible) armdrags, and headscissors that flowed perfectly into the match and told a story that kept things from becoming too spotty. Even when Rey's injuries kept him from being as athletic and darring as he was in his earliers WCW days, his ability to sell and tell a story never went away and he remained a great worker because of it. He's still not as good as he once was, but he can still work and the guy can be a valuable member of any Cruiserweight division. As for Malenko booking, I'm pretty sure he's already been put in that possition. Can anyone confirm this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Singular Report post Posted April 29, 2002 I thought Malenko was a road agent with Fit Finley and Terry Taylor. Deano would be a good booker for the cruiser division since he was involved in the majority of the better WCW cruiser feuds with Jericho and Rey Jr. As for the pointless flipping. Rey uses the flips and showy type manuvers to pull off moves like arm-drags and hurricanranas, usually countering a move, while someone like RVD (just for example), will do two shoulder blocks in the corner, then do a back handspring into a backflip, just to do another shoulder block in the corner. Rey = Lucha style full of acrobatic based moves and counters RVD = flashy moves to keep the crowd hot. Not too different, but not the same Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest converge241 Report post Posted April 29, 2002 Rey is one of my favs, but they need to develop all the cruiserweight performer's characters to really get all the fans behind it. Remember WWF ropes are a lot different than WCW and ECW so they shouldnt just have them rely on the fancy flippy-flop. I thought the Kidman-Tajiri match was great but imaging how much better it would do in Joe Scmoe's eyes if they had some character development? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Redhawk Report post Posted April 29, 2002 As long as he does that "swing between the middle and top ropes" spot, I'll be happy. But for real, they're never going to get any kind of meaningful storylines with the cruiserweights anyway, so all I expect is a bunch of spotfests. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted April 29, 2002 I like the swing between the ropes thing when a heel is doing it, mainly because the crowds expecting a dive and it builds to the firt tope, plancha, or whatever. Tajiri and Kidman pulled it off, and neither is a great wrestler by standards. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Redhawk Report post Posted April 30, 2002 Rey would do that spot when he was whipped into the ropes, and he'd rebound with an offensive move. Way cooler than the "fake highspot" swing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly Report post Posted April 30, 2002 They need Malenko right now more than ever. I think they should just have basic feuds and storylines for the cruiserweights, and let their athleticism be the focal point of their feuds. By basic, I don't mean spilling coffee on anyone either. They should keep that division more sports oriented and have feuds be done the old fashioned way. I also think they should start out with the cruisers being on Heat and let them get over that way first. The Heat crowd last week seemed pretty hot during the matches I saw. Some of the matches looked sloppy in a minor way, but were more gratifying because there was less interference and stuff to keep track of. Mysterio is a good addition to the roster, but he can't do the stuff that he used to do when the WCW cruiserweight division kicked ass. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tim Cooke Report post Posted April 30, 2002 Who cares about what Anglesault thinks in regards to Cruiserweights....he is obviously ignorant and a rube when it comes to that subject. Tim Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted April 30, 2002 Highspots fakes are the best, especially in M-Pro big tag matches. Just adds to the build. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest the 1inch punch Report post Posted April 30, 2002 Personally, the guy sounds like an ego-maniac, calling JR everyday to enquire about a position, and only taking one if they created a cruiser division Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted April 30, 2002 "calling JR everyday to enquire about a position," Sounds more impatient and curious to me. Definately not egotistical. "and only taking one if they created a cruiser division" So he wants to wrestle and get TV time. Isn't that the reason everyone is in the WWF? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites