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Guest tvwrestling.com

NWL Presents "Lord of the Rings 2"

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Guest tvwrestling.com



August 14, 2004 - The HoPWF "Lord Of The Rings 2" Event will take place on Saturday, 8-14-04, at the Newville Area Community Center in Newville, PA! Last year's show was an awesome event, and this year's show is shaping up to be even more exciting. What exactly is the "Lord of the Rings?" We set up 2 rings, side by side. A singles match starts in both rings simultaneously. When a wrestler wins his match, he enters the other ring where that match becomes a 3 Way Match until there is one winner from that "match set." There are 10 match sets consisting of 40 wrestlers. At the end of the 10 match sets, the 10 winners split up into groups of 5 and two Battle Royals are held in the rings to narrow the field down to the finalists. A special hardcore match determines the overall LOTR Champion, who walks away with a beautiful 5 ft. engraved trophy. This year's list of 40 contestants includes former 3 time WWE World Tag Team Champion Headshrinker Samu, former ECW Tag Team Champions The Super Destroyers, former NWA Tag Team Champion John Rambo, Morgus the Maniac, NWL SPWTC/HOUSE of PAIN graduate and NWA-UK star Paul Beswick, top indy stars from various independent promotions, and all the NWL/HoPWF stars.


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Dude, I know I shill a lot, but come on...if every indy fed came on this board and shilled their shows, it'd be packed. I'm not the mod, but do like one thread about your fed, like was done awhile back with Gateway Championship Wrestling...

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Guest tvwrestling.com
Dude, I know I shill a lot, but come on...if every indy fed came on this board and shilled their shows, it'd be packed. I'm not the mod, but do like one thread about your fed, like was done awhile back with Gateway Championship Wrestling...

Currently, just on the first page of this indy forum, there are 27 active threads, two of which were by me.


14 of those (including mine) are either show shills or show results (just judging from the topic subject, not even reading the post itself, so there may be 1 or 2 more)


There are multiple IWA and ACWA posts, both groups posts done by the same person, just like mine.


When I see a board with more than 1/2 of its posts being about show shills or show results, why should mine be held to a different standard?


and oh, by the way.... :cheers:


August 14, 2004 - The HoPWF "Lord Of The Rings 2" Event will take place on Saturday, 8-14-04, at the Newville Area Community Center in Newville, PA! Last year's show was an awesome event, and this year's show is shaping up to be even more exciting. What exactly is the "Lord of the Rings?" We set up 2 rings, side by side. A singles match starts in both rings simultaneously. When a wrestler wins his match, he enters the other ring where that match becomes a 3 Way Match until there is one winner from that "match set." There are 10 match sets consisting of 40 wrestlers. At the end of the 10 match sets, the 10 winners split up into groups of 5 and two Battle Royals are held in the rings to narrow the field down to the finalists. A special hardcore match determines the overall LOTR Champion, who walks away with a beautiful 5 ft. engraved trophy. This year's list of 40 contestants includes former 3 time WWE World Tag Team Champion Headshrinker Samu, former ECW Tag Team Champions The Super Destroyers, former NWA Tag Team Champion John Rambo, Morgus the Maniac, NWL SPWTC/HOUSE of PAIN graduate and NWA-UK star Paul Beswick, top indy stars from various independent promotions, and all the NWL/HoPWF stars.

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