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Guest DragonflyKid

Quick takes 2

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Guest DragonflyKid

The day life begins to bore me will be the day I do commit suicide, and I'll have no qualms about it. Until then I'll persist illogically without concern.



If there is a God and a heaven why complain about babies being killed when they're going to end up with God in paradise? Those souls get to skip this waiting room of a life and go directly where blissful eternity awaits.


How great it must be to be so arrogant when the source of one's arrogance lacks any evidence. The religious devaluation of all non-human life while proclaiming man the end-all, be-all of life seems to be a means to one's own fantastic self-deification and nothing more.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"What do pro-lifers think of consuming flesh?"


As long as the flesh isn't from an unborn human fetus, I have no problem with it.

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Guest TheMikeSC

<<<The day life begins to bore me will be the day I do commit suicide, and I'll have no qualms about it. Until then I'll persist illogically without concern.>>>



Then why be upset that people wish for babies to have that same right?



<<<If there is a God and a heaven why complain about babies being killed when they're going to end up with God in paradise? Those souls get to skip this waiting room of a life and go directly where blissful eternity awaits.>>>



Why not allow a child to live? Eventually, the abortionists will have to pay for what sins they have committed. It's not up to me to punish them. Their punishment will come in due time.



<<<How great it must be to be so arrogant when the source of one's arrogance lacks any evidence. The religious devaluation of all non-human life while proclaiming man the end-all, be-all of life seems to be a means to one's own fantastic self-deification and nothing more.>>>



How does religion devalue non-human life?


Do you seriously believe that non-humans have the same rights as humans?


I think the bigger problem is that the atheistic tend to so thoroughly DEVALUE human life.


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Guest Crazy Dan

1. could care less

2. Pro-Choice, not necessarily Pro-Abortion, but I don't consider abortion murder,(I think George Carlin had a funny viewpoint on Pro-Lifers, in that he said the Pro-lifer only care about the kid until he/she is born, then they could give two shits about the kid)

against the death penalty

for euthnasia in the cases of extreme suffering and pain, where there willnever be a relief until death coems

3. Cynical by nature, but I try to be optimistic

4. If I had to choose a religion, it would be Buddism.  I believe strongly in Kharma and the concept of what goes around, comes around.  I don't really believe in most religions though.  I think that religion causes many of the world's problems.

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Guest TheMikeSC

1. could care less

<<<2. Pro-Choice, not necessarily Pro-Abortion, but I don't consider abortion murder,(I think George Carlin had a funny viewpoint on Pro-Lifers, in that he said the Pro-lifer only care about the kid until he/she is born, then they could give two shits about the kid)>>>



Which MIGHT be accurate---if one ignores that its pro-lifers who run adoption agencies and go into fields like childhood medicine and the like.


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Guest Vyce

Time for some quick takes.


1.  Do I care about Robert Blake?  No.  Am I looking forward to a long, fun, making-our-legal-system-into-a-circus trial?  Bet your ass I am.  Between Blake & Jason Williams, I'm expecting to log a lot of time with Court TV.

2.  Against abortion, pro-death penalty, against euthanasia.  Especially against euthanasia.  I'm against it specifically because it degrades the sanctity of human life, but beyond just that, I don't want anyone else (i.e. the government) deciding when exactly I am of no further use to them.  Hell, I'm pushing to live till about 80, then enjoying a decade or so of living in a nice, comfortable, fugue-like coma.

3.Pessimistic, but that's just my nature.

4.  Born and raised a Baptist, although I no longer participate in any organized religion, as I've grown to feel that the instutition itself is the main cause of the evils associated with religion.  I still practice my own faith, but it's a private, personal thing.


Is personal responsibility completely lost in society?


The answer to this query is so bitterly obvious, that this becomes a rhetorical question.


No, I don't think you have the right to comment on abortion.


This is such total and utter bullshit.


I'll put this in big, bold letters so everyone can read this:  EVERYONE CAN COMMENT ABOUT EVERYTHING.  You know the old, dumb cliche about opinions & assholes, and it's true.  The only difference is, whose opinion is "worth more" based upon how informative it is.  But don't ever cop this bullshit about, "Oh, you JUST DON'T KNOW, so you can't comment about it."  Like hell.  Everyone has a right to voice their opinion on the matter.


And in Mike's defense (although he doesn't need defending), for all of your vehement disagreement with his thoughts on abortion, I think it's apparent that he's not some holy-roller just going, "God says abortion is bad!  Don't do it!".  He's actually done the sensible thing, and studied the issue.  He's informed enough, IMO, to offer a valid argument.  You just don't like it, so you want to cut him off at the knees with this "you have no right to comment on it!"


It's like saying that masturbation is murder because a man wastes sperm.


Bill Hicks had a great routine about this, but I won't go into it cause this is a serious discussion.

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You just don't like it, so you want to cut him off at the knees with this "you have no right to comment on it!"
Not really. In context, what I meant, obviously, was that he had no credibility when commenting on it. Really, where you miserable cretins get this tired, pathetic idea that every criticism of your nonsense is an infringement of your First Amendment rights, I can't imagine. Don't you ever stop whining?


this is a serious discussion.
Huh. Could've fooled me.

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Guest J*ingus

See, this is why I don't get into abortion debates, cuz pretty much every time it turns into a shouting match like this.

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Guest TheMikeSC

Good principle, Jingus. I'll have to start following it myself. >>>



Ditto here.


Of course, I didn't initiate the shouting...



...Just making an observation

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Guest TJH
I believe strongly in Kharma and the concept of what goes around, comes around.  


The idea of Karma, and the extension of that, the all religions are correct notion, is ridiculous.

Consider this: A man who works at a 7-11 is killed in a robbery. In the "next life" the robber is killed. Someone has to kill the robber, therefore, they will get killed in the next life. It does not make any sense at all.

A similar idea that "All religions are correct in their own way", is foolish. How can a religion, like Judaism, with one God, be correct in a way, as well as Hinduism, which has many thousands of Gods.

There is one correct religion. What that is, is your own opinion.

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Guest J*ingus

The single biggest problem with the "one correct religion" theory is simply this: no religion in the history of human beings has even come close to having been practiced by a majority of a population.  I'd be surprised if even the biggies like Christianity and Hinduism broke the 10% mark in terms of total population of the earth throughout history.  So if there is only one correct religion, why would the vast majority of the people who have ever lived be wrong?

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Guest Some Guy

Jingus I think that their are rouhgly 1 billion Muslims and about 6 billion people on earth, so that's about 16.6%.  I could be wrong about the numbers though.  That wouldn't be a majority, it's a plurality but it is more than 10%.

However I agree with your main point. That no Religon is perfect.

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Guest J*ingus

No, I didn't mean percentage of all human beings alive right now, I meant percentage of human beings that have EVER lived.  Even the most contrary religions agree that humans have been around for at least 10,000 years or so, and of course science points to a much longer history.  I think the odds are that pagan & animist religions as a whole have had more members than any other devotions in history.

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