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Guest Insanityman

When you get really bored... aka erek taylor

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Guest Insanityman

Still couldn't of beat Taylor's, that matched ruled too much. Basically I've been editing this piece since I liked it a helluva lot. So this isn't like I no-showed or wrote 2000 word matches just because of this... meh, here we go. Sorry, I just... meh, one of those wierd things. If anything, it's a late "Your favorite match".



P.S. This is when Erek fueded with IL... and my HUGE Smashing Pumpkin's obbession.



(Solid metal… then the camera zooms out, thus revealing the large 15-foot high and wide cage, bars of pure pain to be dish makes the fans mouth water. The camera stare at the lingering picture then goes through the last half of the crowd for the final hurray of Crimson. Signs of “The Psychotic Hero, IL!” and “Renegade sold out!” True Clan marks in the front row holds up a sign begging to see his hero, Malice come back. The camera then wards to the announcer’s table, -which was moved up only a mere three feet away from the cage- Edwin with a snug smirk on his face, and Axis’s face full of anticipation.)


“WELCOME BACK TO CRIMSON!” Axis yells over fan’s cheering and the chant of “CAGE! WE WANT CAGE!”


“Yes, we’ve now barely lived through one of the best matches in a while as K-Os and Renegade clashed!” Edwin explodes.


“Fans, we want to show you the whole line up of what caused this No DQ, Ladder Caged match!” The fans mark for Edwin’s words so loud it’s deafening.




The IGNtron hums to life, as the first clip is shown,


“This is what started it all, Tables Match, Insane Luchador versus Erek Taylor.” Axis sums up for the fans.



“ “HOLY ----“ chant roars out, and Insane Luchador lays Taylor, now practically knocked out on the table, he then hops into the fans, running up the stairs, he sees the first of two balconies, he asks a man to move. -Who scurries away quickly- as IL hops onto the seat, and leaps onto the balcony, sweat and bloody hands nearly making him drop, he pulls himself up, looking forward and down at the insane and suicidal plunge.


He leaps into the air; one hand clung onto the next balcony, a good four feet higher.



”I-L! *Clap clap clap clap*” begins, as IL thrusts his next hand up, but his left hand slips off, and he falls to his back, on the empty balcony.



“Insane Luchador IS insane!” Edwin mutters in half respect.


Luchador gets back to his feet, noticing Taylor rustling, Luchador leaps into the air again, grabbing the balcony with both hands, and he pulls himself up.


Andrew Rickmen bends his knees and leaps into the air, moonsaulting, and spinning, camera flashes are in so many numbers that someone can be blinded.


Taylor sees IL, plunging at least ten feet out of the twenty-five.


Erek prays to God, as he starts to roll off, IL still flipping, and everyone roaring loudly…










Screw God. Is all Taylor can think, as IL smashes through the table, and it feels like to both of them that their guts are spilled everywhere? They both black out.



Silence, complete and utter silence, fans move in their seats, as the bell rings and Funyon concerned softly announces.


”Your winner?.. INSAAANE LUUUUUCHHHADOR!” He concludes.”


“This is what has started the epic feud, I think Insane Luchador lost the sane brain cells from that jaw-dropping spot.” Edwin comments.


“The next clip, right before Annie’s heel turn, Erek Taylor gains revenge by taking out IL who went after Erek the whole match!”


Erek Taylor twists Insane Luchador around, securing his head against his shoulder. Raising his free arm into the air, Erek violently drops to the mat, driving his shoulder into the back or Luchador's head, knocking him senseless.


Axis: BOOM! Erek Taylor lands his signature finish on Rickmen for the second time tonight! Will it be enough?


Erek Taylor hooks the leg of Insane Luchador as the referee slides in again for a pin attempt....











Funyon: Elimination number four, at 18:22, Insane Luchador loses to Erek Taylor by pin fall.”



“Quite a huge match up.” Edwin points out, interested at the video.


“Yes, well later than month, Taylor got a re-match against Insane Luchador in another tables match.  Taylor beat IL, and Rickmen snapped. Soon the favors were stacked into IL’s favor.” Axis continues, a grim look on his face.


The IGNtron returns into focus, as the next clip is shown,



“January 23rd, Metal


All eyes are peeled to the screen as a loud noise echos through the parking lot. Two lights shine at Taylor but the fans, the people, are unable to make out what it is. Suddenly, Taylor dives to the side!! BARELY MISSING A RED CORVETTE!!! Insane Luchador sticks his head out of the sunroof and smiles.


"(IL) I'll see you around Erek!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!"


IL speeds away in the red corvette as the camera zooms in on the license plate, clearly marked "ErekT1". Taylor scrambles to his feet and stops a motorist in his Honda MotorBike. Taylor shoves the motorist aside, climbs on the Cycle and speeds away after his stolen car.”


“Yes I clearly remember that.” Edwin shakes his head sadly.


“Insane Luchador refused to confront Taylor, or I…” Edwin added in, voice soft.


“Yes, then next show Erek was arrested… a frame from Andrew.” Axis reminds the fans.


“The final clip, and this leads it right to where we sit now.” Edwin says, face reddening at IL’s actions.


“Metal, January 30


"(Axis) YES! The High Fl- I mean, the Prince of Fury takes his rightful place as the European Champion!"


Taylor begins to leave but Edwin scrambles to stop him.


"(Edwin) I'm not done yet!! Erek Taylor, you will get your chance at redemption!"


"(Axis) What the hell is he talking about?!"


"(Edwin) I'm saying that on Crimson, you and Insane Luchador.....will fight each other for the European Title........"


"(Axis) Say it already!!!"


"(Edwin) On Crimson, it will be Erek Taylor and Andrew Rickmen in one of the most brutal, most extreme matches ever conceived in the IGNJL! Erek Taylor and Andrew Rickmen will fight each other in.


...a no-disqualifications CAGED LADDER MATCH! BWA HA HA!"


"(Axis) OH MY GOD!!!!"


The fans let out roars of anticipation. Erek Taylor rolls out of the ring and walks up the ramp, as IL lies motionless inside. The final scene cuts out with Erek Taylor standing tall at the top of the ramp, holding the European Title up high! Until Crimson!!”



The IGNtron fades to black with Edwin’s comment. “They both have death wishes, and the Prince of High Flying has changed to Fury… but IL is insane and he snaps all the time!” Edwin says.


“This match looks to be the final nail in the coffin.” Axis points out, face full of anticipation. Soon the first contender enters.


“The world is a vampire…” Guitar plays, “Sent to drain, secret destroyers hold you up to the flames!” “Bullet with Butterfly Wings” explodes onto the speaker system.


Insane Luchador, black hair spiked everywhere for a change, with long spikes, tan cargoes. To finish it off black hooded sweatshirt, and black Orisis shoes. The hood shadows most of his face, as he sticks both of his arms out in a Cross-figure, and then throws his head back. The hood falls backwards, as Insane Luchador spits a Black Mist into the air, as it shatters into a mist and falls everywhere on the ramp.


“A different… Insane Luchador tonight…” Axis comments, seeing IL’s head staring at the rafters, as some drops of the mist still hang in the air.”


”Introducing first, the challenger, hailing from Easton, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 195… The Psychotic Hero... INSANE LUCHADOR!” Funyon screams over the IL marks.


Insane Luchador whips his neck forward, staring straight at the ring, and then his eyes wander to see the cage. The ref enters the ring with the 15-foot ladder placing it directly under the belt. Insane Luchador’s mind reels with emotions and thoughts.


Your last chance Rickmen make sure it's good… make it good. A voice screams at him inside his head.


Insane Luchador walks down the aisle ignore any hands from fans. His eyes focused on that belt, glistening in the light.


Andrew Rickmen, the fan’s Psychotic Hero stands tall at ringside, “Here goes nothing to lose but all sanity.” He says quickly yet barely audible, sliding into the ring, watching the cage start to lower. Andrew Rickmen becomes trapped within thoughts after thoughts, but a sudden interruption prevents any brief overview of his chances.


“Toxicity” By System of A Down plays slowly, as the sadistic tune is matched by pyro going off everywhere. As a smoky mist fills the ramp way, Erek Taylor emerges, face completely intense, unlike Insane Luchador’s calm face. “AND YOUR EUROPEAN CHAMPION…” Funyon starts but stops as Erek stares at IL with such intensity.


Taylor runs down the aisle, as Insane Luchador hops over the top rope, landing on his feet by the now lowering cage (fans cheer) and Taylor meets Insane Luchador with a quick jab to IL’s jaw.


Luchador takes a typical defense stance, as he reels back his right arm, left protecting face and body, and the fist is aimed at the face which Taylor catches the fist with ease. Using the face punch as a diversion Insane Luchador bends down with a left uppercut into Taylor’s gut. Taylor bends down, as Insane Luchador frees his right fist, slamming both fists into Erek’s fit stomach, Taylor reels back, as his back hits the canvas, making the whole ring nearly shake at each impact of IL’s harsh and fierce blows. Taylor then throws a knee straight into Rickmen’s nose, as IL stumbles backwards, and Taylor dives forwards tackling Luchador to the floor, his throat right under where the cage should land. It seems the lower slowly and the fans begin to cheer.



Oh crap, that cage is coming down close… IL sweats, as Taylor punches IL’s face in, and kneels on his shoulders holding him down.


“Incredible start! WAIT! Taylor’s isn’t…”


“He is the Prince of Fury…” Edwin says softly, gulping.


The steel bars that form the lethal cage are only a foot away from Insane Luchador’s throat, as Taylor is still pinning Insane Luchador down.


Bullets of sweat fill IL’s face, but not a hint of fear enters his eyes full of rage. The cage is close enough to have IL reach out and touch. All the weight and force would impale Insane Luchador without a doubt.


“STOP THE CAGE!” Edwin screams leaping out of his chair, as the fans stand on their feet.


“Oh god…” Axis mutters, holding his head in his hands.


The cage is a mere half-foot away, Insane Luchador is stopped being punched, but Taylor keeps him pinned down. Andrew Rickmen gulps, as his Adam’s apple skims the steel.


“Taylor!” Edwin barks loudly, Taylor ignores Edwin’s shout from the opposite side about 18 feet away.


Insane Luchador combining fear and strength of one wanting save his own life springs both his arms out, as the cage comes dangerously close.


Wrapping the arms around Taylor’s broad neck, squeezing hard enough to snap Erek’s neck. Erek gets off, gagging, as IL lets go of the grip, putting both hands on the cage, pushing upwards, the cage gives resistance, but Insane Luchador lifts it into the air an inch.



Yet, an inch is all Insane Luchador needs, as IL slides the rest of his body in, as the cage makes a thud, trapping Taylor and IL in.


Taylor gets to his feet, face fallen, he charges at IL, who’s gasping for air.



“God that was close!” Edwin mutters, upset and disgusted at Taylor’s murderous actions.


Luchador still swaying standing upright, leaps over Taylor who goes into spear position, slamming head first into the steel cage, which isn’t very forgiving.


Erek reels back, as IL hits a back grapple, hitting a sleeper like hold, but using more of a choking method. Erek bends his knees, getting a bit weaker, and Andrew charges, slamming Erek into the steel.  Insane Luchador gets go of the hold, as Erek cripples to the ground; IL slides into the ring, considering the ladder. He walks straight up to it, and sees Erek back on his knees, dazed. Insane Luchador quickly climbs the first rung, and then skips a whole step, going to the third rung.


“Insane Luchador looking for an amazedly quick win!” Axis says, happy they can still see IL with a head.


Luchador gets to the fifth rung, as Taylor slides into the ring. Taylor charges, and IL leaps backwards, free-falling a few feet, slamming into Taylor, the two collide and tangle on the ground. Taylor gasps for air in pain, and Insane Luchador lets out a silenced agonizing scream. Insane Luchador grabs the ropes, pulling himself up, the hood on his sweatshirt half on, half off.


Erek also recovers rather quickly, and Insane Luchador takes a separate corner, as the Prince of Fury stands tall.


Insane Luchador and Erek both approach near the middle of the ring, Erek throws out his leg, as his foot jams into IL’s gut, then Erek springs forward, in the air, tucking his legs in, then slamming them out full force into IL’s face. Andrew falls straight to the ground, as the image of the glittering belt gives him a surge of power. Insane Luchador gets to his feet, Erek whips himself into the ropes, diving forward throwing his arm straight, hitting Insane Luchador’s head, and IL nearly back flips from the blow. Now lying on his back, IL only a few feet away from the ladder, facing the frame rather than rungs. Taylor starts to scale the ladder. Reaching the fifth rung, as the fans “oh” and “ah” at the sight.


“I smell a huge Last Scene!” Axis screams, marking out.


Taylor leaps off the side of the ladder, one knee way further ahead, as it slams into IL’s chest, while Taylor rolls into the ropes, jumping onto the second rope and moonsaults!


“Now I remember why he’s used to be the High Flying Prince! Incredible! Following up the last scene straight into second rope springboard moonsault!” Edwin says, a white flashy grin spreading across his face.


Erek considers climbing the ladder, now standing victor in the ring, for a moment.


Taylor then kneels besides Insane Luchador, then throws his right fist up to various cheers, and brings the weapon with force against Rickmen’s face… again and again.


Recoiling back, and throwing the fist down at full strength, IL rolls his head to the side, as the fist hits canvas, fingers scraped, and burning in pain Erek swears out loud. Luchador gets to his feet, hair now ruffled, as Erek gets to his knees, Taylor runs towards IL, as Insane Luchador bends down.



Perfect, this is terrific. Erek Taylor thinks as IL bends down.



Taylor bends down himself while running, then he grabs IL’s head in a front headlock, and grabs the inside of one of his pockets, pulling him in the air, he quickly stumbles backwards right by the ladder, and drops. The ladder falls to the ground and IL slams into the cold steel.


“Snap Suplex onto the ladder! Holy Geezus!” Axis marks out, watching IL’s face scrunch into pain.


Erek then stomps on IL, as the steel adds to the pain factor. Erek lifts up Insane Luchador, grabbing his leg, and then scoops him into his arms… then slams him down in a bodyslam against the ladder.


“Ouch! Taylor takes the lead!” Edwin says grinning.


Insane Luchador rolls off the ladder, twitching in pain. Erek Taylor kicks IL back onto it, as Insane Luchador slips into the deep back darker corners of his mind.





I joined the ML to vent out anger, well, he was asked by Midget to replace him. No matter, Insane Luchador, ME has worked my ass off again and again. This is my shot, I screw it up, nothing gained, and nothing lost so why not go the extra mile or two? He reasons, but then sees Taylor perched on the closest turnbuckle, facing IL, smirking. Insane Luchador smirks back him.






Taylor leaps into the air, tucking his knees to his chest, and flipping twice, eyesight off due to the spinning, but he doesn’t see Rickmen… then he sees IL using the ropes almost a foot away from the ladder. Taylor goes into Frog Splash position, right as his insides are destroyed, the impacted of the botched 450* made him want to barf.


I’ve overcome everyone just to have an insane retard take it away! Not a fucking chance! Taylor thinks, getting back to his feet.



The two now rather battered, stare each other down. Insane Luchador arm whips into the sweatshirt’s middle pocket, as he pulls out a small lead pipe, Luchador charges quickly, catching Taylor by complete surprise. Insane Luchador looks to bring it down, but Erek Taylor grabs IL’s wrist, and kicks IL’s chest and IL reels back, as Erek holding onto the arm, brings the tired IL back.


Twisting Erek’s victim arm, Rickmen drops the pipe, as Erek bends down to grasp it, and Insane Luchador hits an axe club on Erek’s neck, reducing him to fall to all fours.

Andrew Rickmen grabs the pipe, and raises it in the air, the dull steel going to smack Erek’s exposed back of neck. Erek rolls to his back, suddenly launching his two shoes into IL’s face, and the weapon is tossed backwards, out of the ring, as it dings against the cage. Taylor looks over to see the weapon clash against the cage, giving Insane Luchador the chance to spring, hitting a headlock! Insane Luchador goes for the drop, but the Prince of Fury shoves Insane Luchador off, as he hits the ropes, bounces back towards Prince. Erek goes for a leapfrog, but Insane Luchador is already airborne and has his body in 180* Crossbody, it strikes Erek, and slams his against the mat. Luchador gets to his feet.


“Wow, Insane Luchador and Taylor going evenly back and forth.” Axis comments face full of happiness of the fast paced match.


Erek gasps for air, as Insane Luchador grabs the ladder, lifting it into the air, and he staggers over under the belt, Insane Luchador plants the ladder there, and he feels like everything is right in the world. Until he remembers that little steel cage deal.


Taylor is swaggering on his feet like a drunken bachelor, and IL takes advantage of that, punching Taylor straight in the nose. Unbalanced completely, Taylor retreats to the corner, where Insane Luchador charges at him, and leap into the air, using his right leg on Taylor’s chest he kicks up and backwards, as the left leg does the same right after another… a somersault kick. Andrew Rickmen lands on his feet with a “Ta-da” grin.



“Whoa, some Matrix like move using Erek’s chest to launch himself into a moonsault, that’s quite a dandy move!” Edwin says, face now relieving, and starting to get the respect back for IL.


Insane Luchador nearly does a little jig, as he dropkicks Erek out of the corner, who stumbles forwards. Rickmen rolls backwards, as he does a kick-up, much like that break-dancing move. Taylor rushes at IL, and hits him right back down with a sickeningly loud clothesline.



“Wow, and Taylor starts to make the come-back.” Axis says, flinching at the noise, and IL flipping over to land onto his stomach.


Prince of Fury goes for a kick to IL’s ribs, but IL crawls away, and then gets back to his feet, short-winded. Insane Luchador gets to his feet, completely dazed, as he’s unaware of Taylor running towards the ropes, the fans cheer… Andrew uses this hint to turn around, he takes a few steps forward, to see Erek launch himself off the second rope, and leaping backwards towards IL, putting his legs around Luchador’s neck, and spinning his body, releasing Rickmen to nearly fly into the ladder.


“Springboard Hurricarana!” Axis says, completely marking out.


“Quite a move. Edwin comments.


Erek Taylor runs over to IL, who landed by the ropes on his BUTT, which now ached him worse than other body part. Taylor locks in a headlock, and puts his knee into IL’s back, while pulling Luchador’s neck. Luchador doesn’t even flinch, but uses his free hand to swipe a poking straight into the eyes; Insane then escapes the hold, and bolts back to his feet. Insane Luchador and Erek Taylor collide into a grapple, and Taylor goes for a kick but Insane Luchador dodges it quickly, Luchador then smashes his knee into Erek’s gut. Andrew Rickmen then gets a fist to the nose courtesy of Erek Taylor.



Erek Taylor takes the open spot for a very familiar move, hitting a headlock to a roar of approval to the fans, he wrenches IL so they’re back to back and he hits the Fame an Fury!”



”FAME AND FURY!” Axis explodes, jumping out of his chair in glee.


Insane Luchador twitches…



Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage… The words repeat in his mind continuously.


IL staggers to both knees and then slowly is able to lift his whining body up!



“HOLY MOTHER OF KANE! IL JUST GOT UP! WHAT THE HELL?” Axis screams, as Edwin’s jaw drops.


Erek starts to climb the ladder one side, as Insane Luchador quickly gets to the other side, his black skate shoes helping him climb faster than Taylor. The two mid-way up, and even, as Erek stops, throwing his left fist, barely missing IL. Taylor face twists into rage, and he scales the next rung trying to catch up. Insane Luchador notices Taylor go one up, and Rickmen reaches over the side of the frame, grabbing Taylor’s leg, and pulling. Taylor nearly trips, and gives himself a second to breath. That second allowed IL to reach the top!


Erek scrambled to the top also, Taylor throwing a fist straight into IL’s jaw.


“It all comes down to this brawl, the person who falls gives the other the chance to escape!” Edwin cries.


Insane Luchador head snaps backwards



“Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage!”


IL throws a left punch, barely even winding Taylor, but a powerful right hook made him swagger. Insane Luchador then grins, as a black substance leaks out from the bottom of his lip, Erek has no chance to react, and it’s too late, IL spit the left-over black mist into Erek’s eyes. It splashes into him, and he clutches his eyes in pain, ready to fall.



“Original Clan and Spider Nekura move! It cost him last time!” Axis says hyper, referring to an ML match where Vlad took the advantage to dodge it and hit Spider off the ladder!



Insane Luchador sees Taylor’s hand shoot up, it gives Insane Luchador a clear shot, IL reels his fist back, and springs it forward with such force his hood flies back on, as it slams into Erek’s nose, Taylor nearly falls, as he’s hanging by the belt! Erek tries to place his footing back onto the ladder, but the Psychotic Hero won’t allow it. However Taylor uses his free right boot to slam into IL’s nose.



“Erek is hanging by that belt!” Edwin says completely marking out.


Erek’s feet get back on the ladder, and he grabs the top of the ladder for safety.


IL quickly shoots his hand up, and tugs the belt. Erek wipes the mist of his eyes, but can’t get all of it, nor the sting out.


Insane Luchador gives it another tug, but his ribs suddenly feel like they snapped, as Erek did his most powerful punch to IL’s stretching side. Letting go of the belt, IL goes to the top rung, and Taylor springs up a rung, hitting a front headlock, and pulls IL into the air, holding onto his pants, keeping balance. As he drops Insane Luchador grabs the back of Taylor’s neck, and the two free-fall slamming into canvas! The canvas literally dents inwards and everyone rises to each other's feet.





“I-G-N!” Chant arouses to everyone reaction.


“They both take the bail!” Axis yells.


Erek and Andrew, both fighting to tear each other apart, and to nab that belt. Both failed the first time, and from failure come hope. This hope surges energy through the two men, as Erek is completely dead. Insane Luchador feels a newfound hatred, turning pain into fuel; he gets to his knees, Erek completely dead.


But as if a lightning bolt hit Taylor, his eyes open, pain doesn’t compare to what would happen if he would lose this belt, the two grabs onto the ropes, pulling themselves to their feet.


Insane Luchador to his feet first, due to be able to wrestle longer, slams a fist to Taylor’s head. IL grins insanely, since the black mist has stained the once pretty boy’s face.


Taylor rests for a moment in the corner, as something inside him snaps, some emotional nerve went haywire, and complete adrenaline kicks in. Running straight into IL tackling him down, and starting to pound on his face, while Rickmen throws his own punches, Erek takes a brutal punch to his face, and he falls over to the side, and Insane Luchador shoves him off. Insane Luchador looks up at the Euro belt, Taylor is charging back at IL, who drops to his back, grabs Taylor’s arms, pull him down, and lifts his feet in the air, hitting a perfect monkey flip, which causes Erek to slam into the cage, and cripple into a heap on the outside.


Insane Luchador uses his rare chance to run over to the ladder, and to begin to scale it, one rung at a time.


“IL going for the escape!” Edwin says.


Insane Luchador soon reaches mid-way, but the Prince of Fury rolls back into the ring, and begins to shake the ladder, Insane Luchador begins to climb down, starting lose balance, and Taylor hops onto the other side, climbing speedily. Luchador then tries to catch up, but at the summit the two are back to the same spot.



“Déjà vu weird, huh Axis?” Edwin says sarcastically grinning.


“Black mist? More possibly?” Axis posses the question, as IL does nothing as Taylor unhooks the belt, and the fans goes crazy.


Insane Luchador waits until Taylor reduces back to normal height, as his hand slips into his cargoes pockets watching Erek swing the belt, Andrew Rickmen ducks, and then springs back up, throwing a green powder into Taylor’s eyes. More pain than the Black Mist ever could. Erek Taylor starts going ballistic, as he holds the belt in the air, IL snatches it, holds it up, and Taylor swings a fist, as it knocks the belt out of IL’s hands.


The belt flies over the cage, landing on the outside.





Insane Luchador gives Taylor a shove on the shoulder, which is all that’s needed, as Taylor begins to fall, he catches himself on a rung, and climbs down, as Insane Luchador proceeds to climb down also. IL safely hops off at the third rung, as Taylor is blinking non-stop, and his eyes water. IL retreats to the outside also, and he finds the iron pipe, and grasps it, as Erek is still blinded.

IL slides back into the ring, charging, the pipe held high, the fans gasp.


Taylor suddenly opens his eyes fully, faking the last few moments of pain! Taylor headlocks IL, who slams the pipe into Erek’s back, but no matter Taylor harshly whips them back to back and hits the Fame and Fury AGAIN!


The steel pipe rolls to the other side of the ring, and Taylor leaves ringside, breathing in deeply, getting ready to scale the wall next to the announcer’s table. Sticking his shoe through one hole, and the other further up, holding onto the holes with his hand, begins to climb.


Insane Luchador twitches, while IL crawls on his stomach (he flopped over) and grabbed the steel pipe, taking careful aim, he gets to his knee, chucking the mini lead pipe hard as he could.


“EREK! LOOK OUT!” Edwin cries, while Erek is beyond mid-point, it slams into the back of his head, as he falls landing on his back, with a sickening thud.



”Good gosh!” Axis mutters.


The chant of “TAYLOR!” A surge through Erek’s body, shaking with rage, Taylor gets to a knee, “HOLY CRAP! TAYLOR’S OKAY!” Edwin screams. Erek shakily rolls into the ring, as IL is back to his feet. The two collide into another grapple, as Insane Luchador whips Taylor into the ropes by the announcer’s table. Taylor springs onto the top rope, making a desperate leap forward, as he clings onto the cage! With a good few feet advantage he starts to climb furiously. Insane Luchador stares in disbelief, and starts to climb the ladder hastily. The fans explode for the two superstars finding ways to escape. Insane Luchador is able to climb faster than Taylor, and soon looks to see if he can suicide dive over the cage. Considering his chances he bends his knees, then looks up in the air, seeing a cable…


Taylor now has one leg slung over the cage, right underneath the belt, Taylor nearly slips off, and holds on for a few seconds being as safe as possible.


“LOOK OUT BELOW!” Insane Luchador screams at the top of his lungs, Axis and Edwin stare baffled and see IL grab the cable. His eyes open wide in fear, and him and Axis retreat.


IL takes a few running steps backwards, as he is off the ladder swinging by the cable, kicking hard at the return with his leg, as the ladder clashes onto Taylor! Erek about loses balance, and desperately clings on.


Insane Luchador then sees Taylor begin to slip; Insane Luchador kicks his legs out, swinging faster, than Andrew Rickmen, the true Psychotic Hero leaps forward, turning to his back. Taylor falls off the cage also.


Flashes of cameras nearly blind everyone, as Insane Luchador slams through the table, it shatters under his weight, and wood chips fly everywhere, however Taylor slammed at the same time as IL. Axis and Edwin leap up as Axis yelps.


The ref now unlocked the cage door, quickly walking past the sides of the ring to the train wreck. The ref walks over to Taylor. Then he stops, and considers something, he walks up to Funyon (who had the next best seat) and slowly asks him a question. Funyon makes a nod to Taylor, and Edwin with Axis takes the hint assuming too soon.



“TAYLOR HAS DONE IT! TAYLOR NABS THE WIN! HE RETAINS AGAISNT INSANE LUCHADOR!” Axis explodes in cheers with the fans, as Edwin is happy about the win.





The ref looks down at Taylor, clutching onto the belt, which he landed on.


The ref grabs the belt, and walks over to Insane Luchador, and RAISES HIS HANDS IN THE AIR! Then helps the Insane Luchador to his feet.











“INSANE LUCHADOR HAS DONE IT! IL WINS! IL WINS! NEW EURO CHAMPION! INSANITY BEATS FURY!” Axis and Edwin both scream marking out, while the two announcers help IL to his feet. Insane Luchador bloody in spots, with a ripped sweatshirt, and a tickle of dried black mist stands tall holding his newfound glory, the glistening Euro belt!









Confetti falls from the rafters in celebration. “HOLY CRAP! IL HAS DONE IT!” Edwin explodes.


“What an amazing way to finish Crimson!” Axis yells.


“What will happened on Metal? Will Taylor get revenge?” Edwin asks, shrugging.



Taylor stares, blinking powder, Black Mist and confetti out of his eye, he’d lose… insanity must truly be a blessing… Erek thinks in vain, as he slips into sub-consciousness.


The final shot is Insane Luchador holding the belt high in the air; confetti in his spiked hair, and “Bullet With Butterfly Wings” is playing, while IL is walking up the ramp way with pride, as the beast (cage) is raised.




“Can you fake it for just for one more show?” IL thinks to himself, matching the Smashing Pumpkin’s lyrics, as Crimson comes it’s closing to Smashing Pumpkins, confetti, noise and a new European Champion. Insane Luchador has his usual old smile on his face, as light bounces everywhere off the shiny belt.




For those who don't know I lost that match. *sighs* Kinda fits in with Taylor's WF debut (good job man, and good luck).

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Well, I didn't read Taylor's version, but in order to beat yours it had to be fucking awesome.

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