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Damn, next week looks to be good. I've read most of the spoilers on here and don't know what to believe, but I would be dissapointed if Michael/Walt never showed up again. That would be a MAJOR letdown to me. The first big spoilers posted here still look to be true, so a lot of deaths next week I'd say. I can't wait...

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I have a feeling Michael & Walt are going to show up next week.


Harold Perrineau has stated that he will not be back.


I'm not pining for a return of one of the most annoying characters ever, but actors can bullshit the press you know...


Also, a small thing.. did Matthew Fox/Jack always have that colourful tattoo on his inner elbow/forearm? I just noticed it tonight. Maybe they have a tattoo shop at the Others' camp as well. :P


Yeah, true... And I feel the same way you do about Michael. I didn't have a problem with him during my first run through the series, but upon multiple viewings of seasons 1 and 2, dude's annoying as shit.


As for Jack's tattoo, I did not even notice it during the show. I actually first saw it while checking out some Matthew Fox photos at IMDB after last night's episode and I figured they somehow edited it out for the show.

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I saw parts of it. It was total bullshit.


Cuse and Lindelof weren't giving anything away or even providing any relevant information. I flipped back and forth between that and the Bulls/Pistons game until my friends got here to watch Big Lebowski. The only thing I got out of it, that I forgot, was that Richard was the one who recruited Juliette.


I want a flashback episode for him. How the hell is he still the same age all these years later. I'm sure at least one of the remaining 49 will be devoted to that very question but probably more than 1.

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As for Jack's tattoo, I did not even notice it during the show. I actually first saw it while checking out some Matthew Fox photos at IMDB after last night's episode and I figured they somehow edited it out for the show.


Yeah, it was most visible, to me, when he's talking to Sayid and Sayid tells him to lead the survivors to the radio tower. At least I think that's when I noticed it. Either way, it's definitely new ink. I'm surprised they didn't think to FX that out.

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Just watched the episode now online. I thought it was really good and all the emotional stuff hit hard. Both when Charlie was talking to the baby to give him the ring and when he wrote "when I met you" on the card, I started tearing up a little. I'm one of the few people that's always liked the Charlie character and the whole hero thing's a good way for him to go out. FTR, I'm guessing that Desmond's flashback still ends up coming true next week and Charlie does somehow end up unblocking the signal and then drowning. One little thing on that though, since we never actually saw Desmond's flashback, what are the chances that Desmond lied about Claire getting on the helicopter and he just told Charlie that because he's "supposed to" die and because it's going to somehow help the Losties chances of survival. I wouldn't be surprised to find out Desmond fabricated some of the details to make Charlie more willing to go. (Note: If you've read any of the myriad spoilers floating around, I have no interest in yoiur opinions on the subject whatsoever. I don't want to know anything about what's supposed to happen on the finale.)

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Well if Cooper is one of the 5 supposed to die, who do you think the other 4 will be? I also haven't seen any of the spoilers.


Charlie/Desmond (From watching the preview at the end of the last episode, it looks like Desmond goes after him)


One of the 3 shooters (Bernard, Jin, Sayid)

So if one big character does die, it should be interesting to see who it'll be.

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I wouldn't be surprised to see Ben kick it, as I'm expecting Rousseau to swear blood vengeance and Locke to come back. BTW, what are the chances that Rousseau is Annie, and that at some point she went delusional and forgot who she was?

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If the episode spoilers are true, then I guess so, but still, lame, and certainly not meriting two hours. Remember how cool that first season finale was, when it wasn't really anyone's flashback in particular and most of the action took place on the actual island?


I don't know why a flashback for

Jack is essential ever again at this point, considering he's already had probably the shittiest flashback episode of all with the tattoos. Though "Sawyer is in prison and gets conned again!" was pretty bad as well, along with "Locke finds friends on a drug farm and may or not shoot a guy at the end!"

God, those were some lame-ass episodes. (Those aren't episode spoilers, but what I typed does reveal whose flashback it is.)

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I haven't read the spoilers for the finale, but I'm hoping it's a bit of an atypical flashback. You know, something that fills in a hole from earlier this season. If it's just a pre-island flashback that teaches us a lesson about the character, then fine, I'm on the hate train with everyone else.


But if it's what I'm hoping for then it's both logical and necessary. We need to know what happened.


I tried to write that as vague as possible without using spoiler tags but you know what I'm talking about if you already know whose episode it is.

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It will merit two hours merely for the fact that there are going to be three different locales where major scenes are going to take place (The underwater station, the beach camp, and wherever Jack is leading the people). All three of those situations will have some sort of closure, so between the flashbacks and what goes on at each place, it'll fill the 2 hours. I am pretty pumped, might actually have to watch it live instead of the DVR way!

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Ah, good point about the commercials, I tend to watch it at about midnight or later, because I have to stay up later than roommates who are watching the only TV w/DVR. However, I fell asleep before watching the Season 2 finale last year. That day was brutal, having to stay at work all day not knowing what happened!

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Yeah. Or if he's in on it, what have you... depending on what you think he's going to do.



After reading that simple line you wrote I went back to watch the last episode. I have no doubt in my mind that he is in on it. I saw at least two clues that pointed to it. First, that Jack did not want Rousseau around as a shooter. He knows she'll have no problems capping some of the Others. The more telling one though was Jack wincing when Sayid told him he was staying and Jack was going. It could have been a "bloodless coup" if Jack stayed as a shooter. Somehow the Others "figure out" where Jack and the other two shooters are while the rest of The Losties get captured. Now since Jack has to lead them to the radio tower, a lot of people will want to know whats going on when he & Ben "meet". Just my two cents, I haven't read any spoiler tags yet, and I won't until Thursday. Should be interesting how it plays out!

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