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Lost is next week sir. No new ep tonight :(


Oh yeah, could have sworn that 1 week gap had already happened. Hopefully, it will be worth it come the 2 hour finale next week. More time to watch West Wing and Sopranos - all be it 5 years too late or so.

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Just read in TV Guide that the person in the coffin WILL be revealed in the season finale.


good to know. Wonder if it's someone that's already known to be dead or not.


...don't want to know spoilers...just saying

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I refuse to read spoilers, but I have a really good gut feeling of who it is in that coffin..


Who do you think? Since you don't know anything it's not a spoiler. Fire away.


I have no idea honestly.

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Looking at the facts we know I can see how it'd be Ben.....


- Jacks says it's neither friend nor family, Ben fits that mold.

- Kate didn't want to go

- Nobody showed up for the funeral which makes sense as nobody would know Ben made it off

- Timeline wise they could establish that Ben got killed after the stuff with Sayid was over


The one thing that goes against this is the name in the paper started with a J and while it's possible that Jack knew one of Ben's aliases I doubt it. Also, for whatever reason I can't see Ben being bured in L.A. Do we know, based on the paper clipping where the person in the coffin died?

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I was previously thinking it would be either Michael, Locke or Ben in that coffin, but I also use to think the "He" Kate was talking about was either Sawyer or Ben and could never be Aaron, so I'm now thinking it'll be neither of the three I just mentioned.


I'm gonna go bold though and predict its Walt. The coffin was smaller in size and he would fit the neither family nor friend thing, but the question of why he died I can't even guess.

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I honestly - seriously - think it's Ben.


We all know he gets off the island, and I believe that the flashforward where we see the coffin is near the end of the series (Jack's full beard and complete progression into a whack-job). I don't see Jack being so upset over Michael dying. Ben is/was his ticket back to the island and it makes sense that Kate would care less about going to the funeral home since she seems to have no interest in going back to the island anyway.


I dunno, I just have a pretty strong feeling that based on Jack's reaction to the death and his insane need to get back to the island.. that it's gotta be Ben.


RE: The size of the coffin - if you check the screen cap it's not actually that small. I think there's a part where Jack's arms are stretched out over it.. and apparently the length of your arms stretched out is the same as your height. Jack's a tall guy and I think the coffin was bound to look small next to him. Ben's a short guy, and I think it'd fit him.

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I think the newspaper clipping has been debunked because it was a prop piece and the producers said even though people would no doubt try to read it that it was nothing more than something they found and used. One could assume that the person in the coffin died by hanging himself (which is what I think the clipping said) but other than that I'd just wait to see who was in it and then see if the clipping matches up.

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Not sure if this has been confirmed or not with anyone crediblt but on the TWOP forums they're saying that the scene were Jack sees the newspaper clipping will be redone in this Thursdays episode. Anybody hear about this?

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RE: the coffin size. I don't think even the writers knew who was in the coffin last year, and I'm sure they've said they changed their minds more than once on it, so you probably can't look too much into it.



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Not sure if this has been confirmed or not with anyone crediblt but on the TWOP forums they're saying that the scene were Jack sees the newspaper clipping will be redone in this Thursdays episode. Anybody hear about this?

That doesn't surprise me if true. I have a feeling that the two hour finale flashback or flashforward whatever you wanna call it will be Jack's flashforward at the end of last season will be the same thing with more added content, or at least something that will be surronded by that flashforward and will lead up to the ending scene being "We gotta go back to the island!".


(Sidenote: I haven't read the spoilers, just guessing.)

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while it's possible that Jack knew one of Ben's aliases I doubt it. Also, for whatever reason I can't see Ben being bured in L.A.


Though it still begs the question "how would Jack know?", I would not be surprised if Ben was buried in LA because whoever found his body checked the ID he was carrying, and it listed his home as LA.


Anyway, I tried tracking through the thread for it, but I couldn't find it - does anyone remember back in season 2 or so, when the book The Third Policeman was mentioned as somehow being tied in to the show? I read it back then, and I think it gave me a good idea of where Locke is going - I'm going to spoilerize it so as not to give away the book, but I dunno if it'd count as a LOST spoiler (unless I'm right, I guess), since I realized this when thinking about the book and the show.


In the book, the main character is eventually taken to a place where he goes down an elevator, and is lead to a room that contains anything he wants, literally. He just desires it, then opens the door and it's in there. Now, on LOST, if you'll remember back sometime around when Locke's dad appeared on the island, Ben said something along the lines of "what if I told you that on this island there is a room, and in this room was anything you wanted?" to Locke. Also, unless I'm mistaken, just last week, Ben told Locke that in order to get to where he's going in the Orchid to move the island, he needs to go down an elevator.


So, yeah. Whatever that room is that Ben mentioned, I believe that is where Locke is going - the room with "anything you want". Not sure exactly what that would entail in terms of the show, but I thought it was neat.

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No, that was a Charles Dickens book. He said that he had read everything that Dickens ever wrote except that one, which he was saving so it could be the last thing he ever reads. I believe that was the book "Our Mutual Friend".

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No, that was a Charles Dickens book. He said that he had read everything that Dickens ever wrote except that one, which he was saving so it could be the last thing he ever reads. I believe that was the book "Our Mutual Friend".


Ah yeah, nice memory :D




I've waited for tonight like it was Christmas, or something. Hope its good!

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Oh and re-reading the transcript from two weeks ago before she comes out to the O6 in the cargo hold the camera shows Karen Decker turning towards somebody and smiling. Really interested to see if we find out tonight who the 7th person in the cargo hold is. I'm hoping for Abbadon.

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