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Guest The Last Free Voice

Ring of Honor Wrestling

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Ring of Honor Wrestling


January 1- 2005: Ring of Honor Wrestling, which in 2004 became a National level company through it's Takedown Masters DVD distrabution, has hired a new head booker. Known simply as The Last Free Voice, he promises to bring a new era of action, exitement and RoH's trademark innovation to Pro Wrestling fans. RoH Owner Cary Silkin had this to say.


"We are proud to have LFV on the team. He should be able to bring a new edge to the RoH product, and take us to even higher places. We had a Great 2004, despite many difficulties, and 2005 should be even better."


(For the sake of my game not being fucked over, I'm pretending the TNA situation never happened.)


With the relaunch of www.RoHWrestling.com, you will recive up to the minute results, news and exculsive interviews, all for free! So Check back often for newswire updates, previews of shows, and exclusive contenet! And don't forget to check out RoH Strong Style TV on Friday Nights in the Graveyard slot on Local TV!

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Guest The Last Free Voice

www.RoHWrestling.com UPDATE!


We here at Ring of Honor want to do everything possible to make the fans wrestling experiance as enjoyable as possible, and this includes new, first time fans. So with that in mind, RoH has decided to post vital information on the RoH roster.




Ace Steel- Tweener- No Gimmick- Midcard

AJ Styles- Face- Highlight Reel- Main Event

Alex Shelley-Tweener- Cocky- Opener

Alexis Laree- Heel-Seductress- Manager

Allison Danger- Heel- Tomboy- Manager

Altar Boy Luke- Face- No Gimmick- Lower Midcard

Angel Dust- Heel- Stoner- Opener

Austin Aries- Heel- No Gimmick- Opener (In Rehab)

B-Boy- Face- Street Fighter- Lower Midcard

Becky Bayless- Heel- Slut- Manager

BJ Whitmer- Heel- No Gimmick Needed- Lower Midcard

Bryan Danielson- Face- No Gimmick Needed- Main Event

Chris Sabin- Heel- Cocky- Midcard

Christopher Daniels- Tweener- (Working on it, kinda complicated) Main Event

Cloudy- Heel- Stoner- Opener

CM Punk- Tweener- Clean Cut (Straight Edge) Main Event

Colt Cabana- Heel- Old School Heel- Main Event

Danny Maff- Heel- Hired Gun- Midcard

Delirious- Face- Crazy- Opener

Derranged- Heel- Stoner- Opener

Dixie- Heel- Stoner- Opener

Doug Williams- Face- No Gimmick Needed- Midcard

Dunn- Face- Underdog- Lower Midcard

Excalibur- Face- Comedy Character- Opener

Gotti- Heel- Gangsta- Opener

HC Loc- Face- Extremeist- Opener

Hijynx- Heel- Stoner- Jobber

Homicide- Heel- Gangsta- Upper Midcard

Izzy-Heel-Stoner- Midcard

Jack Evans- Tweener- Highlight Reel- Opener

Jay Briscoe- Face- No Gimmick Needed- Main Event

Jay Leathal- Face- No Gimmick Needed- Opener

Jimmy Jacobs- Heel- Comedy Character- Opener

John Walters- Heel- No Gimmick Needed- Lower Midcard

Johnny Kashmere- Heel- Cocky- Upper Midcard

Julius Smokes- Heel- Rapper- Manager

Kris Landis- Heel- Cocky- Main Event (We'll get to this guy shortly....)

Low-Ki- Heel- Martial Arts- Main Event

Marcos- Face- Underdog- Lower Midcard

Mark Briscoe- Face- No Gimmick Needed- Main Event

Masada- Face- Bad Ass- Lower Midcard

Matt Stryker- Face- No Gimmick Needed- Upper Midcard

Nigel McGuinness- Heel- Arrogent- Opener

Paul London- Face- No Gimmick Needed- Upper Midcard

Rickey Reyes- Heel- Cocky- Lower Midcard

Rocky Romero- Heel- Cocky- Midcard

Roderick Strong- Heel- No Gimmick Needed- Opener

Samoa Joe- Face- No Gimmick Needed- Main Event

Slim J- Heel- Stoner- Opener

Spanky- Face- Fun Babyface- Midcard

Steve Corinio- Heel- Old School Heel- Main Event

The Amazing Red- Face- Highlight Reel- Main Event

Tony Devito- Face- Extremeist- Midcard

Trent Acid- Heel- Cocky- Upper Midcard

Xavier- Heel- Cocky- Upper Midcard


That is the current ROH Roster, but it is ever changing. Check back soon for complete Title Histories, a who's where, and bio's on some of the top up and coming stars in RoH!

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Guest The Last Free Voice

ROH Wrestling.Com UPDATE!


Since 6/22/02, when the original RoH Stable, The Prophecy formed, Ring of Honor has been home to several stables. Some have come and go, like Steve Corino and his "Group", others have stood the test of time, such as the Prophecy. Today is no exception. Ring of Honor is a battle ground, and several factions have formed.


The Prophecy- Led by Christopher Daniels, the original faction in ROH is still going strong. With BJ Whitmer, Danny Maff and Allison Danger at his side, Daniels continues his quest to mold RoH into his own image. This faction does have some friction within it's ranks, as Danny Maff still hasn't totally bonded with Whitmer, and (despite what he'll tell you) still harbors some resentment twoards the other memebers for deciveing him in reagards to the Lucy incident in the summer of 03. This Faction is still a force to be reckoned with, and is only just begining.


The Second City Saints- CM Punk has assembled what he calls "The most elite faction in ROH history", and with their track record, it's hard to argue. CM Punk and Colt Cabana are former RoH tag champs, and CM Punk is consitantly a top contender to the RoH World title. Ace Steel, the trainer of Cabana and Punk, rounds out this trio, and they are always involved in just about every facet of ROH. They just lost a feud with the Briscoes, in the process losing the tag titles, and they have been quiet since, but they are with out a doubt waiting in the shadows, planning their next move...


Special K- What else can be said about Special K? A group of kids who leech off of their parents substancial wealth, these hepped up goofballs are all about partying, getting high, and partying. Despite the fact they are blessed with incredible high flying talent, these ravers are more concerned about getting off than winning matches. Their ranks are ever expanding, due to the fact they often bring local kids from raves, but lately one has left the flock, as Jay Leathal, formerly known as Hydro, left the raving lifestyle to rededicate himself to the Pro Wrestling side of things. We don't quite know if Special K has noticed yet, however...


Generation NeXt- Alex Shelley, Rodrick Strong, Jack Evans and Austin Aries banded together to form Gen Next not out of any great liking of each other, or respect for one another, or a common ideal, but out of a mutual goal, becoming bigger stars. They posses an incredible versitility, with high flying, technical skill, and great teamwork. These four are without a doubt on the rise. The only question is, who are they going to knock off on their way to the top?


The Rottwielers: Vicious, brutal, intimidating. These words are all apt nomers for the stable known as the Rottwielers. Low Ki, Homicide and the Havana Pitbulls, lead by Julius Smokes, have become a dominant faction in a short time. Low Ki managed to usurp Samoa Joe for the World Title, but quickly lost it back. But these relentless fighters are allways planing their next move, and it is only a matter of time untill they return to challenge Joe, or the man who beats Joe, for the title....


Check back soon for more Updates!

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Guest The Last Free Voice

The Current Situation:


RoH World Champion: Samoa Joe


RoH Pure Champion: Christopher Daniels


Contenders Ring: Steve Corino, CM Punk, Kris Landis, Paul London and Bryan Danielson


Tag Champs: The Briscoe Brothers


Who's Feuding?


Samoa Joe is currently locked in a feud with Steve Corino, who returned on the December 3 edition of Strong Style TV and laid Joe out. He then stated he would be reciveing his World Title Shot (that he won over a year previous in a double pin with CM Punk at 11/1/03) at Final Battle 2004. Samoa Joe defeated Corino, but knowing the King of Old School, this issue is FAR from over.


AJ Styles won the Pure title and held it as a proud champion, but Christopher Daniels took exception to the fact AJ claimed that the Pure belt made him the best technical wrestler in the world. Combine that with Daniels quest to obtain all the titles in ROH, and this epic feud was born. This issue has birthed a multitude of classic matches, and one final match has been signed as the blowoff, at our next big show, A Night of Champions II, on 1/22. The Stipulation is to be named soon.


Kris Landis was the breakout star of ROH in 2004. He started off as a no one, given a tryout match. He wowed the crowds with his dazzleing mixture of high flying and technical skill. He began making boastfull claims about being the top high flyer in the world. The Amazing Red took offence to this, and a feud was born. Match after match these two wowed the crowd with their amazing displays of innovative offence. Landis came out the vicor in the feud, winning an epic ladder match at The Epic Encounter II. He than began making even more boastfull claims of being RoH's top "home grown" talent ever. Paul London, RoH's FIRST home grown talent took offence to this, and this issue has just started.


The tag division is up in arms, as The Briscoes are reigning Tag Champs. But the field of compitition is stiff, and many teams are looking for a shot at the gold. What will the next big feud be in the tag ranks? You'll have to toon in to ROH TV and keep your PC locked to ROHWrestling.com to find out!

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Guest The Last Free Voice



The Main Event of the First Strong Style TV of the Year will be Jay and Mark Briscoe taking on two of the Rottwielers. Which two will it be? We don't know!


Steve Cornio says he has something to say at the show as well. Why not say it now? Because he's Steve Corino. (Gabe) ::COUGHASSHOLECOUGH:: (end Gabe)


Special K has issued a challenge to... we can't read this note, so we'll just call it an open challenge.


Already Signed for Night of Champions II is Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles for the Pure Title. Also to appear are Jay and Mark Briscoe, Samoa Joe, Kris Landis, Paul London, The Prophecy, Special K, and many more TBA!

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Guest The Last Free Voice



Ring of Honor is exited to announce a new Concept. Since our TV show is on Friday Nights (check your local listings) and we run shows on Saturday's (Night of Champions II is coming soon, Get your tickets NOW!) we have decided to make the Strong Style TV before the Big shows a Special Do Or Die TV. Basically, young, up and coming talent will get a chance to showcase thier skills not only for you fans, but for the ROH management. Already Signed for the first Do or Die TV are Delirious, Special K, Excalibur and many others TBA!


Samoa Joe says Steve Corino doesn't worry him. Steve Corino's announcement doesn't worry him. "I'll deal with Corino whenever I feel like it. I've beaten him once, and I'll do it again." Strong words from the Champ...


RoH officals haven't heard from The Carnage Crew in quite a while. Have they split up?


We had a Special Visit to the office yesterday, as all 349 members of Special K showed up to get some free tapes. Why they wanted tapes we don't know, as we doubt they can operate a VCR properly half the time, but we gave the tapes to them. We noticed that the Tapes they wanted Contained The Prophecy's biggest matches and moments... Then again, they could just be totaly random. It is Speical K we're talking about...


That's gonna be our last update till the lates edition of Strong Style TV!

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Ring of Honor Strong Style TV for 1/7/05

Hosted by Joey Styles and Dave Prazak


Taped in the RoH Arena in Philly


And Special K raves down to the ring after the opening video. It’s Izzy, Dixie, Derranged, Angel Dust and Hijynx out there tonight, with Becky and Dana. Dixie gets on the Mic.


“We are TIRED of being looked on as jokes! Just because we like to party, and believe me, we LOVE to party, doesn’t mean that we can’t wrestle! So tonight we challenged… Uh… We can’t remember who we challenged… So consider it an OPEN challenge to any tag team in the back! Me and Izzy here will beat you SO BAD… I don’t know how to finish that sentence!” Special K breaks down laughing as Dixie drops the mic, and Garry Michael Copetta introduces their opponents.


“And now making their way to the ring, Representing Generation Next, Alex Shelley and Jack Evans!”


Special K clears the ring as Shelley and Evans slide in. Shelley grabs the mic.


“Special K, you want to be taken seriously? You expect US, the top faction in Ring of Honor to take you seriously? You all are nothing but a bunch of hepped up morons who can’t lace our boots!”


Jack Evans takes the mic.




The bell rings and we’re under way!


Gen NeXt IV vs. Special K.


It starts off hot and heavy, with all four men in the ring. Gen Next controls with flashy double teams, including a back suplex/rocker dropper combo. It settles down with Izzy and Shelley going at it. Shelley controls with submission holds and high impact moves, focusing on the neck. Shelley tags out to Evans and he comes in and hits his Ode to the Blitzkrieg, a running Senton into a standing twisting Moonsault!


Prazak: I’m dizzy just watching that.


That gets two. He tags back out and Shelley goes back to work with some wonkey stretches. Izzy tries to fight back and make the tag, but he gets cut off and taken down into a Lateral Guillotine/Running Dropkick combo by Gen Next!


Styles: MEDIC!!!!


Shelley looks for his finish, the Shell Shock, but somehow Izzy has the presence of mind to counter it into a side Russian leg sweep! Izzy dives for the corner and tags in Dixie! Dixie cleans house on Shelley for a minute or two, hitting a few clotheslines and a back body drop, before getting nailed with a Jack Evans Hurricane Kick! (Corkscrew/spinning inziguri) Both Shelley and Dixie get to their feet and Dixie spears Shelley through the ropes to the outside! Both Izzy and Evans come in and square off while the other two fight outside. Izzy runs the ropes, Evans leapfrogs him, and Izzy hits a running Moonsault Con Hilo onto the pile!!!


Styles: Running no Rope Moonsault by Izzy! What the hell? The rest of Special K is beating on Shelley! Ref Hanson HAS to get control of these guys!


Evans follows up with a 360 spin 450 splash to the outside! (Springboard, then spin clockwise 360, then do a 450)


Prazak: I think Jack Evans just took care of it.


Evans rolls Dixie back in the ring, then rolls Shelley back in as well. He tags himself in and hits a Michinoku Driver and ascends the ropes.


Styles: What’s he gonna do now?!?


Prazak: I don’t know Joey, but it’s gonna be cool!




Prazak: That… was amazing.


The cover gets 2.99 before Izzy saves! Izzy hits a Kawada kick on Evans and looks for his Moonsault kick, but Shelley hits him with a Head Drop German Suplex! Evans stumbles over and steadies himself then hits a standing 360 SSP for the three count!


Before we leave for a commercial we get a short interview with Gen Next in the back. Alex Shelley is speaking.


”Izzy, Dixie, and the rest of you pukes learned a hard lesson tonight. Numbers don’t matter, because you had us outnumbered, in fact we didn’t even have our whole team out! But that didn’t matter. We still came out on top! We STILL put you down for the one two three! So just remember Special K, WE are the future… You’re just a body count…”





We come back and Steve Corino is making his way to the ring without his usual entourage. He gets in the ring and grabs the Mic.


“Final Battle 2004. A night where I fought Samoa Joe, a man I once considered a friend, for the Ring of Honor Title. And no, I won’t call it the world title, because the only real world titles left are in Japan. I fought Samoa Joe, and I’ll admit it, I lost. But I’d like, right now, for Samoa Joe to come out here. I have something to say to you Joe. Man to man…”


Suddenly the sound of Godzilla ripping through a city is heard, and the pounding on the metal barriers begins, as “THE CHAMP IS HERE” choruses throughout the ROH arena. Samoa Joe, the Ring of Honor World Champion, makes his way to the ring belt in hand.


“Corino… I don’t see what you could possibly have to say to me. Last Month, I choked you out in the middle of this ring… My ring. So Corino, go ahead and get whatever you need to get off your chest.”


“Well first of all, last time I checked a choke was illegal, but that’s not my point… The thing is Joe, I know you. I know you’re an honorable man. And I know that you will give me another shot at that title.”


“What? Give me ONE good reason that I should give you another shot…”


“Well first of all, you know as well as I do that I’ve been held down since Day ONE. You know that the RoH bookers have tried to keep me from getting a shot at that title. And you know what, when I finally got one, they make sure the show is on the Day After Christmas, so I have to fly out early from being with my son. Joe, when you choked me out, which by the way is still illegal, I was jet lagged!” A chorus of boos echo’s throughout the ROH Arena…


“You are a man of honor Joe, so I ask you as a FRIEND, to give me one more shot. I mean Hell, Homicide has gotten like 20! RoH’s golden boy Homicide has tried to take you out any way possible. And yet I humbly ask you as a friend to give me one more shot. Just one more shot.”


“Steve Corino… You make me sick… But you’re right. I am a man of honor. And I respect everything you have done… And you are right that for some unknown reason, Homicide has gotten title shot after title shot. So I will give you one more shot. But you won’t win. You may be the King of Kings. You may be an Extreme Horseman, you may be a former NWA Champion. You may be the King of Old School….” Corino smirks.


“But I am Samoa Joe. I…” Joe raises the Belt over his head. “Am YOUR RoH World Champion.” His voice drops into an intense, deadly tone, “And I… am Pro Wrestling.” A massive pop occurs. “So be Ready Corino. Because I’m gonna rip that inflated head of your right off your F**king shoulders.” The roof blows off of the ROH Arena as Joe leaves a stunned Steve Corino in the ring and leaves to the back.



John Walters vs Nigel McGuinness.


Match Background: None.


… How do I put this? The crowd gave no fuck about this match. Crowd intrest FIVE people. They didn’t have a reason to be fighting. So the Crowd lost interest. Oh well. To the Match:


Basically this was all hold/counter hold stuff. Nigel worked the arm with his “Wacky British Stuff” (to quote Dave Prazak) in an attempt to set up for his Guvnor’s Crumpet, a hammerlock snap pedigree. Walter simply tried to catch up and stay on the same page. After a few minutes Walters hit a nice backdrop suplex and took over for a few minutes. But the “British Wackyness” was just too strong, as Nigel countered the Hurricane DDT into the Crumpet for the win!


(Now why no real PBP for this one? Well, me typing out hold/counter/hold etc would just be boring and take forever. Sorry if you’re disappointed.)






Christopher Daniels is alone, standing in front of the camera in the back.


“AJ Styles, you are perhaps the embodiment of the Sprit of Ring Of Honor. You stand for Respect, innovation, skill. You are what RoH is all about. And you make me sick. You are the embodiment of a façade. You may act like you are all high and mighty, showing respect for the other guy and whatnot. You may act like you’re just happy to be here. But I know better. I know that deep down inside you’re an angry, bitter man. I know you AJ Styles, like it or not. And that is why I will beat you on the twenty-second. I know where you hurt AJ, Physically, mentally, emotionally. You won’t beat me. You Cant beat me. And that’s the gospel according to the Fallen Angel…”





The Briscoe Brothers vs Two of the Rottwielers.


This is a RoH Tag Title Match. Jay And Mark Make their way to the ring, still looking so pale they’d pass for ghosts. And now a brand new song comes over the speakers, which is Apparently the new Rottwielers theme… And it’s LOW KI and HOMICIDE!


STYLES: This could very well be the Briscoe’s toughest test as tag champions…


PRAZAK: They sure didn’t send out the B-Team…


STYLES: Do they HAVE a B-Team? I mean the other guys are the Havana Pitbulls!


PRAZAK: Good point.


A Handshake, albeit a very intense and distrustful one, starts the match off. Jay and Homicide start. They lock up and trade armdrags. Jay gets a rear waist lock and tries for a German, but Homicide lands on his feet and goes for a lariat, which Jay ducks. Jay fires back with a Mafia Kick that nearly knocks Homicides teeth out. Cide quickly rolls out of the ring to regroup and confer with J-Train. Jay waits impatiently in the ring. Cide rolls back in and promptly tags out to Low-Ki. Ki circles for a moment, and then locks up with Jay. Ki controls with a wristlock, which Jay quickly rolls through. He then grabs a waist lock, but Ki reverses. They trade counters at lightning speed, and have a standoff. They both tag out.


PRAZAK: And now Mark Briscoe will go at it with Homicide.


STYLES: Briscoe can mix it up with the best of him.


PRAZAK: Yea, but the guys name is HOMICIDE, he lives to kill whitey. And they don’t come whiter than the Briscoes. They look like the guy from Nightmare Before Christmas!


Briscoe walks right up to Homicide and gives him a STIFF elbow shot!


STYLES: There is the take no crap from anyone attitude of Mark Briscoe!


PRAZAK: Or he’s stupid. I’m betting stupid.


Homicide looks like he can’t believe what is going on. He looks over to J-Train momentarily, the returns the favor. They then start trading stiff forearm shots back and forth until both men are dazed. Homicide is quicker to get his wits, and he rushes with a brutal lariat that nearly decapitates Briscoe. Homicide grabs him and drags him into the corner where Low Ki is, all while giving him a nice little verbal assault. He tags out to Ki and they proceed to give him a tandem bootscrape/facewash. Ki picks him up and delivers a quick snap suplex and follows with a Great Muta style Power Elbow. He covers for the first two count of the match. Ki is quickly back up to his feet, and as Mark gets up he delivers stiff Mongolian Chops to his neck. As Mark gets vertical Ki snapmares him over quickly and delivers a sickeningly stiff kick to the spine that echo’s throughout the ROH Arena. He then tags out to Homicide. They whip Mark into a neutral corner and deliver a SICK double running high kick that just brutalizes the Briscoe.


STYLES: Well… that hurts.


PRAZAK: How would you know? You’ve never been in the ring!


STYLES: Can we get back to the match?!?


Homicide picks Mark up and hooks him in for an exploder suplex. Mark quickly realizes this and reverses into a rear waste lock. Homicide goes low and bounds off the other ropes and nails a Yakuza kick!


STYLES: Wasn’t much honor in THAT.


Homicide covers for a two count. He picks the dazed Briscoe and tosses him into the corner where Low Ki is, and tags out. Ki brings Mark into the middle of the ring and shoots him into a nutral corner and follows with the…


STYLES: Tidal Wave by Low Ki!


PRAZAK: It’s the Tidal KRUSH you moron.


Ki covers, but Mark Briscoe kicks out at two. Ki picks Mark up to where he’s on his hands and knees and unleashes his BRUTAL short kicks, ala Kawada! Briscoe falls over in a heap!


STYLES: Mark Briscoe may be OUT.


Ki covers, but Jay comes in for the save! Jay is ushered out of the ring by Ref Hanson, allowing Homicide to come in and execute a vicious Doomsday Matrix Kick!


PRAZAK: Well the Rottwielers take Mark Briscoe’s head off with a brutal Electric Chair Matrix Kick… That is gonna be all…


STYLES: Cover… One! Two… NO! Jay Briscoe saves again!


Ki, looking a tad frustrated slaps on the Dragon Clutch! The Crowd strikes up a monstrous PLEASE DON’T TAP chant! Mark somehow manages to squirm free of the hold! Mark fires off forearm shots!


STYLES: Elbow! Elbow! ROARING ELBOW!!!!!!! Low Ki is DOWN! Homicide is in! Lariat for Homicide! Mark Briscoe makes the Hot tag!


PRAZAK: And Whitey McGee is a house of Fire!


Jay drops Low Ki with a big Clothesline, and follows that up with a back heel kick on Homicide! Cide rolls outside the ring and Mark goes back to the corner. Jay controls with a snap suplex and heads up and hits a guillotine legdrop!


STYLES: Cover! 1…2…NO!


Jay Picks Ki up and looks for the JAY DRILLER! But Homicide rolls in and Clips him! Ki gets up to his feet and bounds off the ropes, Homicide off the opposite ropes. Homicide Clotheslines Jay’s head off while Ki delivers a krushing (hahaha) yakuza kick!




PRAZAK: ::low whistle:: That’s it.


Ki covers Jay, but they are too close to the corner, as Mark hits a SHOOTING STAR PRESS at 2!


Prazak: A beautiful Shooting Star Press by Mark Briscoe!


Homicide rushes at Mark, but Mark boots him and sets him up for the CUT THROAT SUPLEX! Homicide falls out the back and goes low, and hooks in the COP KILLA! MARK COUNTERS! JAY SNEAKS UP BEHIND HOMICIDE AND GETS UNDER HIM! MARK SPRINGS TO THE TOP AND HITS A DOOMSDAY DEVICE!


STYLES: Doomsday Device by the Briscoes! Homicide rolls out of the ring!


Jay moves over to Low Ki, and kicks him, hunching him over. He underhooks both arms and lifts him up. Mark is on the top again!




STYLES: Dangerous? Huh?


PRAZAK: Sending out a shout out to my boy Jimmy Bauer.


Jay covers while Mark baseball slides Homicide!




PRAZAK: As much of a roll Jay has been on recently, that HAS to be an upset…


STYLES: Wait one minute! That’s the Havana Pitbulls!


Joey is exactly right, as Rocky Romero and Rickey Ryes dash down to the ring and lay a hurting on the Briscoes! Rocky and Rickey hit a superkick/tiger suplex combo on Jay! Mark is tossed to the outside and into the rail! Homicide lays into him with a chair. He then rolls back into the ring, and as we go off the air we see the Rottwielers standing together in the ring, arms raised in victory.




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Guest Prof_Plague

I was going to do a RoH booking before I decided to do a WWE booking instead. Meh, I just hired everyone from RoH that I could anyhow. Good luck!

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Guest The Last Free Voice



The Briscoe's were LIVID with the Rotwielers after this past SSTV. They have issued a challenge to either the Havana Pitbulls or Ki and Cide for Night of Champions for a tag title match.


Generation NeXt Said that this past week was only the begining. What this means, we don't know, but thier match was even more impressive when you factor in the fact Rodrick Strong wasn't there, and Austin Aries is at home with personal problems!


CM Punk will be making a return on the Next SSTV. In what capasity, we don't know.


Colt Cabana will be back next month after he recovers from a tricept strain he suffered in the big Tag title match with the Briscoes at FB2004.


Add Nigel McGuiness to the first Do or Die TV card. Jimmy Rave is said to be close to losing his spot, so expect him to be there too.


The main event of this weeks SSTV will be a "Dream Partner Tag Match". Kris Landis will choose his partner to take on Rival Paul London and a partner of his choice. We'll keep you updated with any info.


Final Battle 2004 is out on DVD. Buy this can't miss show right now! NOW!


More updates soon.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Out of Character update: (Yes, I have a character... Booker... and I created myself. So my names out on the net now... great...)


Basically with the writing style I'm trying to make the big matches seem... uh... big. So more in depth stuff for hte main event type matches.


I'm using Styles as the Play by Play, and Prazak more of a David Spade to Styles's Chris Farley. So he's deadpaning most of the time... Yea... Okay... I'm explaining my commentating team... I'm so confused.


And I want to know if there is anything I haven't explained storyline wise... Cause I had this game going for a while, and decided to put it up here at the start of 05...

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Guest The Last Free Voice

ROHWrestling.com Update for 1/12


The Card as it stands now for Night of Champions II:


Part I of a Double Main Event: RoH WORLD Title Match: Samoa Joe © vs. Steve Corino.


Part II of the Double Main Event: RoH Pure Championship Match: The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels © vs. AJ Styles


RoH Tag Team Championship Match: The Briscoe Brothers © vs. Two of the Rottwielers (TBA)


Kris Landis vs. Paul London


With more TBA


Card for Do Or Die TV Number 1


Delirious and Excalibur (The Mystery Men) vs. Special K vs. Dunn and Marcos vs. Gen Next in a tag team Scramble


Nigel McGuiness vs. Chris Sabin


And in the MAIN EVENT Jimmy Rave vs. Amazing Red vs. Jay Leathal vs. TBA in a four corner's Survival match.


Check back soon for more updates, and don't forget to tune into Strong Style TV (check your local listinings)

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Guest The Last Free Voice

(Okay guys, sorry for the delay, but school and stuff... But I'm almost done, I SWEAR. LFV)

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