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What are some good classical songs?

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I dont know if anyone else is like this, but I recognize and love alot of classical music, but half the time I don't know the names of the famous stuff!

You know, all the stuff thats in commercials,etc..


Here's some great classical stuff I have, if anyone else can help me find more, I'd appreciate it.


Dvorak - Track 4 of his 9th Symphony (Dont know the name for sure, but it is an awesome powerful track)

Wagner - Ride Of The Valkyries

Grieg - In The Hall Of The Mountain King

Tchiavosky - 1812 Overture Finale

George Gerschwin - Rhapsody in Blue


Anyone got any recomendations??

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Guest Anteater

Seems like you are into the "heavier" classical music, which is oddly appropriate considering this board. Others in this vein you should check out:

Copland: "Fanfare for the Common Man" and "Rodeo"

Orff: "O Fortuna"; and by extension, the whole of Carmina Burana

Elgar: "Nimrod Variations - Enigma"

"The Ruins of Athens" - I'm not sure who wrote this, however

Verdi: "Requim Mass"


And some others, which I tend to prefer more than others:

Pachabel: "Canon in D"

Chopin: too many to list, "Funeral March" the "Nocturnes," the "Preludes"

Bach: "Air," "Brandenburg Concerto No.3, Allegro"

Beethoven: waaaay to much to list, "Moonlight Sonota"

Handel: "Messiah" "Largo"

Mozart: "Ave Maria"

Strauss: "Blue Danube"

Tchiakovsky: "Nocturne"


Some fairly recent stuff would include:

Philip Glass: "Einstein on the Beach," any of his recent operas


Sarah Brightman

Lisa Gerrard: Her solo stuff, as well as some of the Dead can Dance Material. Her best may be "Sanvean"


And while some would argue with movie scores being considered "classical music," I would definitely put them together. Many scores and composers have their roots in the orchestra pit, and many are well-known, including:

Lisa Gerrard: "Insider," "Gladiator"

Hans Zimmer: "Gladiator" "Crimson Tide" "Thin Red Line"

Howard Shore: "Lord of the Rings"

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Ah, thank you very much.

I do have O Fortuna, forgot to mention that one, thats an awesome song.


You seem to know quite a bit about this stuff, would you by chance remember the song that was in this one commercial? It was a commercial for I think a Mercedes SUV, and it was drivin threw mud and stuff, and there was an awesome 'heavy' classical song playing. It kind of reminded me of Led Zeppelin's Immigrant Song. :D I know thats a not very good analogy but it kind of had that type of rhythm to it.


Anyways, thanks again.

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Guest razazteca

Beethoven: 9th symthony




Conan the Barbarian and Destroyer

Clockwork Orange



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Guest areacode212

This is a good thread. I've always liked Beethoven's Pathetique sonata.


Also, can someone identify this one? I've always wanted to download it, but I never knew what it was. It's the piece that plays at the beginning of Slaughterhouse Five, as he's walking in the snow. I believe it's by Bach, but I'm not sure.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I don't know if you like metal, but I have taken a liking to symphonic metal, namely Metallica. You should look up Apocolyptica on Kazaa or Audiogalaxy.


Beethoven - Tempest, Marriage of Figaro, 5th Symphony, Violin Romance, Minuet in G


Bach - Sleepers Awake


Tchaikovsky - Nut Cracker Suite, Symphony No. 5


Mozart - Hungarian Rhapsody


Holst - the Planets


Brahms - Hugnarian Dance No. 5


I am starting to like some Yo Yo Ma stuff right now too because I'm trying to learn how to play the guitar.

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Guest muzanisa

I'm pretty sure that there are a range of classical albums from adverts out. On the back it had the composer and piece and then the advert it was taken from.

Really good idea if you ask me.

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Pinnacle, I have Apocalyptica doing In The Hall Of The Mountain King, its pretty sweet.


I'm gonna check on cdnow and see if I can find something about the advert cd, that sounds pretty cool.

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