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Guest Staravenger

Favorite/Least Favorite Saturday Nights Main Event

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Guest Staravenger

My Favorite(s):


November 1986:

Features a really good heel vs. heel match between Randy Savage/Jake Roberts for the IC Title.

Hulk Hogan vs. Hercules was entertaining.

Roddy Piper vs. Bob Orton was quick but fun.

Koko B. Ware vs. Nikolai Volkoff wasn't too bad.

Don Muraco vs. Dick Slater seemed rushed, but it wasn't offensive.


The pre-match promo from the Hart Foundation still makes me laugh.


April 1991:

A good 20-Man Battle Royal that Mr. Perfect won.

Bret Hart/Ted Dibiase was very good, although it could've had a better finish.

Tito Santana/The Mountie was entertaining, and was thankfully onger than the WM Match. Plus the Mountie rules.

Undertaker no selling Warrior AND Hogan at the same time.


Least Favorite:


November 1988:

Probably one of the worst ever. Warrior/Super Ninja was a 2:00 squash, Andre/Savage was boring as hell and played second fiddle to the Andre is afraid of Roberts, who brings Damion to ringside. Hercules vs. Virgil was quick, but was all punchy/kicky.



Favorite Match(s):

Mr. Perfect (IC Champion) vs. Tito Santana from July 1990. The ReMatch to the IC Title Tournament Finals, and was really good, probably around ***1/2-****. Favorite match for match quality.


Hulk Hogan (World Champion) vs. Andre The Giant from the 2/88 Main Event is my favorite for storyline purposes. The greatest finish at the time, and still is amazing today.


Edit: Also, which was the better opening theme? I gotta go with the Obsession intro they used until it switched to a different theme in early '88. So damn catchy.

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Bulldogs/Dream Team 2/3 Falls

10 second Piper/Shiek squash

A great coked up Piper interview

All around goodness 8)



Warrior/Andre(big at the time)

Rockers/Busters 2/3 Falls(Tully & Arn's last match as a team)

Hogan/Genius(Hogan LOSES)


Hennig destroying the WWF title

More all around goodness 8)


March 88





3 good matches(1 great one) and nothing too bad.


Least Fav:


March 87

Only positive is the tribute video to Piper. Rest was garbage.

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Guest krazykat72

I don't remember exact episodes well enough but the best matches I can recall were


Hart/Savage 11/87


Michaels/DBS 10/92




Rockers/Hart Foundation 4/90


There was also a pretty good Bulldogs/ Dream Team from 2/86 or so.


-Paul Jacobi-

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I only got to see the final 2 SNME shows:



WWF @ Lubbock, TX - Municipal Coliseum - January 27, 1992

Saturday Night's Main Event #30 - 2/8/92 on FOX:

WWF IC Champion Roddy Piper pinned the Mountie (w/ Jimmy Hart) at 3:24 by using the challenger's own shock stick on him after the Mountie's attempt to use it failed since Piper was wearing a rubber vest on underneath his t-shirt; prematch stipulations stated Bret Hart would face the champion at WrestleMania VIII


Hulk Hogan (w/ Brutus Beefcake) & Sid Justice defeated WWF World Champion Ric Flair (w/ Mr. Perfect) & the Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) via disqualification at 11:09 when Flair pushed down the referee as Hogan was being double teamed, moments after Justice walked out on his partner; after the bout, Brutus Beefcake came into the ring and distracted the opposition long enough for Hogan to clear the ring


Sgt. Slaughter & Jim Duggan defeated the Beverly Brothers (w/ the Genius) when Duggan pinned Blake at 2:37 with the running clothesline after Slaughter hit Blake with the Genius' scroll


Randy Savage pinned Jake Roberts at 5:25 with the flying elbowsmash; after the bout, Savage hit a second elbow drop and prepared for a third before officials took Roberts backstage; the telecast ended with Miss Elizabeth coming to the ring and celebrating with Savage - however several weeks later during WWF Superstars it was revealed that Roberts prepared to hit Elizabeth with a steel chair as she stepped backstage only for the Undertaker to prevent the attack and hit Roberts with the chair


WWF @ Terre Haute, IN - Hullman Center - October 27, 1992

WWF Saturday Night's Main Event #31 - shown 11/14/92 on FOX:

Randy Savage & the Ultimate Warrior defeated WWF Tag Team Champions Ted Dibiase & IRS (w/ Jimmy Hart) via count-out when the champions left ringside; Ric Flair, Razor Ramon, and Mr. Perfect attacked Savage and Warrior after the match


Shawn Michaels pinned WWF IC Champion Davey Boy Smith to win the title when the champion failed a superplex, with Michaels landing on top for the pin


WWF World Champion Bret Hart defeated Papa Shango with the Sharpshooter



Favorite match:


WWF @ Toledo, OH - Sports Arena - September 18, 1990

Saturday Night's Main Event #28 - shown 10/13/90:

WWF World Champion the Ultimate Warrior & the Legion of Doom defeated Demolition Axe, Smash, & Crush at 8:20 when Warrior pinned Smash


^ Just so awesome.

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