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Guest TheLastBoyscout

The infamous Williams/Kobashi finish

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Guest TheLastBoyscout

Okay, so maybe INFAMOUS is a strong word, but do you guys feel that Kobashi reacting so quickly to a move that damn near killed him a week or so before was as large a breach of storytelling as some have made out. The finish does have it's defenders.


I personally think it took something away from when the move was used against Misawa in a Triple Crown match shortly afterwards, because the move wasn't capable of putting down Kobashi, so how could it be a reasonable nearfall against a guy like Misawa?

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Guest wildpegasus
Okay, so maybe INFAMOUS is a strong word, but do you guys feel that Kobashi reacting so quickly to a move that damn near killed him a week or so before was as large a breach of storytelling as some have made out. The finish does have it's defenders.


I personally think it took something away from when the move was used against Misawa in a Triple Crown match shortly afterwards, because the move wasn't capable of putting down Kobashi, so how could it be a reasonable nearfall against a guy like Misawa?

Yeah, it can be deemed bad in that it would make Misawa not look superhuman if he did kick out after say a backdrop driver but really I never expect Misawa to stay down after getting hit with anything anyway. He could get hit with two nuclear bombs, than still get up and laugh at the cockroaches bragging about how much tougher he is than them.

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Guest momoracci
but do you guys feel that Kobashi reacting so quickly to a move that damn near killed him a week or so before was as large a breach of storytelling as some have made out.


Yes. They *gave me a reason to care* when Doc used his 'killer' move on Kobashi in the 6-man a week earlier - Kobashi treated it as such.


The finish does have it's defenders.


Yeah, all its defenders ever do is pussyfoot around the inconsistencies of the selling and act like it was 'no big deal.' Not one of them have I felt to be worth listening to for very long.

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