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Guest Brian

Big Buffyverse Episode Tournament

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Guest Brian

Voting ends Sunday at midnight.


We’re down to the thirty-two episodes in this tourney. This is probably the last round I’m doing a bracketology for as we’re down to so few episodes, as Buffy Season One, Six, and Seven have kicked it. Here’s what’s left in terms of seasons:



Season 1: 0

Season 2: 4

Season 3: 5

Season 4: 2

Season 5: 2

Season 6: 0

Season 7: 0



Season 1: 2

Season 2: 1

Season 3: 4

Season 4: 6

Season 5: 6


Thirteen Buffy Episodes and nineteen Angel.


Last round, “To Shanshu in LA” and “The Body, both of whom were among favorites, were knocked off. This round is pretty much the meat and potatoes, as there are a lot of match-ups that will probably pull at people. In particular, “Apocalypse Nowish” vs. “A Hole in the World” was semifinal match in the Angel tournament, and now one will not make it into the sweet sixteen. Should be really interesting to see what makes it and what doesn’t.


Bracket A:


Loyalty* (3.15)

Graduation Day, Part 2 (3.22)


Sleep Tight* (3.16)

Spin the Bottle* (4.06)


Hush (4.10)

Earshot (3.18)


Lullaby* (3.09)

Becoming, Part 1 (2.21)


Bracket B:


Not Fade Away* (5.22)

There’s No Place Like Plrtz Glrb* (2.22)


Doppelgangland (3.16)

Shells* (5.16)


Forgiving* (3.17)

Becoming, Part 2 (2.22)


Amends (3.10)

Origin* (5.18)


Bracket C:


You’re Welcome* (5.12)

Five by Five* (1.18)


Innocence, Part 2 (2.14)

Awakening* (4.10)


A Hole in the World* (5.15)

Apocalypse Nowish* (4.07)


Fool For Love (5.07)

The Gift (5.22)


Bracket D:


Home* (4.22)

Orpheus* (4.15)


I Will Remember You* (1.08)

Passion (2.17)


The Wish (3.09)

Salvage* (4.13)


This Years Girl, Part 1 (4.15)

Smile Time* (5.14)

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Guest Brian

Loyalty* (3.15)

Spin the Bottle* (4.06)


Earshot (3.18)

Becoming, Part 1 (2.21)


Not Fade Away* (5.22)

Shells* (5.16)


Forgiving* (3.17)

Origin* (5.18)


You’re Welcome* (5.12)

Awakening* (4.10)


Apocalypse Nowish* (4.07)

The Gift (5.22)


Home* (4.22)

Passion (2.17)


Salvage* (4.13)

Smile Time* (5.14)


Write-up is forthcoming.

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Guest reek

Graduation Day, Part 2 (3.22)

Sleep Tight* (3.16)

Hush (4.10)

Becoming, Part 1 (2.21)


Not Fade Away* (5.22)

Doppelgangland (3.16)

Becoming, Part 2 (2.22)

Amends (3.10)


Five by Five* (1.18)

Innocence, Part 2 (2.14)

Apocalypse Nowish* (4.07)

Fool For Love (5.07)


Orpheus* (4.15)

Passion (2.17)

Salvage* (4.13)

This Years Girl, Part 1 (4.15)

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Bracket A:



Graduation Day, Part 2 (3.22)



Spin the Bottle* (4.06)


Hush (4.10)




Becoming, Part 1 (2.21)


Bracket B:


Not Fade Away* (5.22)




Shells* (5.16)



Becoming, Part 2 (2.22)


Amends (3.10)


Bracket C:



Five by Five* (1.18)



Awakening* (4.10)


A Hole in the World* (5.15)




The Gift (5.22)


Bracket D:



Orpheus* (4.15)



Passion (2.17)



Salvage* (4.13)



Smile Time* (5.14)

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Bracket A:


Loyalty* (3.15)

Spin the Bottle* (4.06)


Hush (4.10)

Becoming, Part 1 (2.21)


Bracket B:


Not Fade Away* (5.22)

Doppelgangland (3.16)


Becoming, Part 2 (2.22)

Amends (3.10)


Bracket C:


You’re Welcome* (5.12)

Innocence, Part 2 (2.14)


A Hole in the World* (5.15)

Fool For Love (5.07)


Bracket D:


Home* (4.22)

Passion (2.17)


The Wish (3.09)

Smile Time* (5.14)

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Graduation Day, Part 2 (3.22)

Spin the Bottle* (4.06)


Hush (4.10)

Becoming, Part 1 (2.21)


Bracket B:


Not Fade Away* (5.22)

Shells* (5.16)


Becoming, Part 2 (2.22)

Origin* (5.18)


Bracket C:


You’re Welcome* (5.12)

Innocence, Part 2 (2.14) - What are the chances that the two episodes that feature Angel loosing his soul would match up with eachother? Innocence gets the nod because we see the birth of Angelus.


Apocalypse Nowish* (4.07)

Fool For Love (5.07)


Bracket D:


Orpheus* (4.15)

Passion (2.17)


The Wish (3.09)

This Years Girl, Part 1 (4.15)

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Bracket A:


Graduation Day, Part 2 (3.22)


Spin the Bottle* (4.06)


Hush (4.10)


Becoming, Part 1 (2.21)


Bracket B:


Not Fade Away* (5.22)


Shells* (5.16)


Forgiving* (3.17)


Origin* (5.18)


Bracket C:


You’re Welcome* (5.12)


Innocence, Part 2 (2.14)


Apocalypse Nowish* (4.07)


The Gift (5.22)


Bracket D:


Orpheus* (4.15)


Passion (2.17)


Salvage* (4.13)


Smile Time* (5.14)

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Graduation Day, Part 2 (3.22)


Spin the Bottle* (4.06)


Hush (4.10)


Becoming, Part 1 (2.21)


Bracket B:


Not Fade Away* (5.22)


Shells* (5.16)


Becoming, Part 2 (2.22)


Amends (3.10)


Bracket C:


Five by Five* (1.18)


Innocence, Part 2 (2.14)


A Hole in the World* (5.15)


The Gift (5.22)


Bracket D:


Home* (4.22)


Passion (2.17)


The Wish (3.09)


This Years Girl, Part 1 (4.15)

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Bracket A:


Loyalty* (3.15)


Spin the Bottle* (4.06)


Hush (4.10)


Lullaby* (3.09)


Bracket B:


Not Fade Away* (5.22)


Shells* (5.16)


Forgiving* (3.17)


Origin* (5.18)


Bracket C:


You’re Welcome* (5.12)


Awakening* (4.10)


A Hole in the World* (5.15)


The Gift (5.22)


Bracket D:


Orpheus* (4.15)


I Will Remember You* (1.08)


Salvage* (4.13)


This Years Girl, Part 1 (4.15)

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Graduation Day, Part 2 (3.22)


Spin the Bottle* (4.06)


Hush (4.10)



Becoming, Part 1 (2.21)



Not Fade Away* (5.22)



Doppelgangland (3.16)



Becoming, Part 2 (2.22)


Amends (3.10)




You’re Welcome* (5.12)



Awakening* (4.10)


A Hole in the World* (5.15)



The Gift (5.22)



Home* (4.22)


Passion (2.17)


The Wish (3.09)


Smile Time* (5.14)







All the good Buffy eps have been voted out.

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Guest croweater

I Want The Body, Lies my Parents Told me and Once more with feeling back NOW!

Graduation Day, Part 2 (3.22)

It was great, though contextually it was only my 3rd favourite season ending, and looking back on it the speacial effects seem kinda crappy. But Snider finally got his and so did the mayor.... and Wes really showed what he was made of.


Sleep Tight* (3.16)

It's tough to choose, because although I watch angel I'm not the biggest fan and I don't get into it very much. That said, I liked the whole Conner angle (though pregnancy angles just were done too often on the show).


Hush (4.10)

While earshot was a good episode (and I mark for all Jonathon eps) , it's no where near the league of Hush, Once more with fealing and The Body. (HOW DID THOSE GET VOTED OUT!!!!) Hush pretty much had everything. The seeds of Willow and Tara began to blossom, Buffy and Riley found out eachother's dirty little secrets and Giles drew cartoons!!!!


Becoming, Part 1 (2.21)

I liked the self dusting, but come on, The Becoming double was just brilliant.


Bracket B:


Not Fade Away* (5.22)


Doppelgangland (3.16)


Becoming, Part 2 (2.22)


Amends (3.10)


Bracket C:


Five by Five* (1.18)


Innocence, Part 2 (2.14)


A Hole in the World* (5.15)


The Gift (5.22)


Bracket D:


Orpheus* (4.15)


Passion (2.17)


The Wish (3.09)


This Years Girl, Part 1 (4.15)

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This actually got a little easier, if only because I know most of the episodes by now.



Bracket A:

Loyalty* (3.15)

Sleep Tight* (3.16)

Hush (4.10)

Becoming, Part 1 (2.21)


Bracket B:

Not Fade Away* (5.22)

Shells* (5.16)

Becoming, Part 2 (2.22)

Amends (3.10)


Bracket C:

Five by Five* (1.18)

Innocence, Part 2 (2.14)

A Hole in the World* (5.15)

The Gift (5.22)


Bracket D:

Orpheus* (4.15)

Passion (2.17)

The Wish (3.09)

Smile Time* (5.14)

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Guest Brian

Hopefully some of my write-ups will sway some of those who have not voted. I'm pulling things at midnight, Sunday night for the next round.


Loyalty* (3.15)

Graduation Day, Part 2 (3.22)


Loyalty is awesome. At the start of this episode, you have Wesley’s dream, with Angel feeding off Connor. Angel even says that Wesley already knows the answer, he needs to find the question. Well, that same line appears again with the Loa. There’s smart humor in this episode, like when Wesley approaches the Loa. There’s moments where you see the happiness Angel gets from taking care of Connor, and you get that contrasted with Wesley’s ordeal, the fall of the hero. There’s also the stuff with Lilah and Shajahn, which I love. Wes is pretty badass in this ep, especially talking with Holtz. Awesome convo, ending with talk about the weight of a child’s coffin. And then the revelation at the end, as everything comes crashing down and Wes realizes exactly what he has to do.


Sleep Tight* (3.16)

Spin the Bottle* (4.06)


Hilarious episode. I love the reflection of Connor and Angel, how alike they are. I like how Angel as teen brings out the Angellus’ qualities when it comes to power. Wes is hilarious, and Gunn’s character is great, a lot better than the neutered version. Cordy is ditzy, and Fred’s always searching for weed.


Hush (4.10)

Earshot (3.18)


I like the Earshot concept better than the silent one. I think looking into everyone’s mind was incredibly funny, especially Cordy’s one-track mind. And Giles at the end. But I also liked the way they handled the Buffy/Angel relationship.


Lullaby* (3.09)

Becoming, Part 1 (2.21)


I like a lot of stuff about this ep, especially the look at Angel and Angellus. Angellus is great, the killing of Kendra is huge, and them taking Giles.


Not Fade Away* (5.22)

There’s No Place Like Plrtz Glrb* (2.22)


Still perfect. And the new thing I picked up on: Connor helped him kill Hamilton, just like the fantasy in Awakening of the two fighting together.


Doppelgangland (3.16)

Shells* (5.16)


Fuck, I’m a huge mark for Shells. Illyria is great from start to finish. Wes is awesome, from killing Knox and stabbing Gunn to jumping after IllyriA TO his talk with Illyria. I love the fall of Gunn. And SPIKE~!


Forgiving* (3.17)

Becoming, Part 2 (2.22)


Forgiving is an awesome episode, so loved that I gave it the nod over Becoming. First, there’s Wes and Angel. Then, there’s Lilah and Linwood have this great, almost heartless conversation, about choosing sides and preventing cancer drugs. And this episode is sad, like with Angel explaining how they shouldn’t bother Cordy. I’m wiping a tear away as I write. And torturing Linwood was awesome, especially how they lead into it (Lorne: …like finding a needle in haystack the size of China; Angel: Needles, I should have thought of that.). First appearance of the white room., with Angel so quick to kill Lilah. Corporeal Sahjahn. Fed and Gunn racing to save Wes, and find out his motivations. I love how they play Justine off Angel, and Angel’s comment about finding someone else to smack her around. “Read any good prophecies lately?” Awesome.


Amends (3.10)

Origin* (5.18)


I don’t know what the rest of you are smoking, but Origin rocks. I love Amends and all, but Origin is so great at turning Wesley onto Angel. The memories, Connor, Sahjahn, everything written in such a progressively great way. It’s top-tier. And Wes and Illyria dealing with Angel at Veil’s place.


You’re Welcome* (5.12)

Five by Five* (1.18)


You’re Welcome is really the turning point in Season Five, looking back. I love how Angel was thinking about getting out before one of the things he negotiated for turned out to work: Cordy. I love how Lindsay officially comes back into the mix. I like the Cordy/Spike interplay at the start. It was nice to see things almost normal, the way Angel wanted. This is a juggernaut.


Innocence, Part 2 (2.14)

Awakening* (4.10)


I like Awakening better. The perfect day, then the carpet gets yanked out from under. I liked Cordy and Angel talking about evil jacking up the IQ points. And we’re running low on Beast episodes.


A Hole in the World* (5.15)

Apocalypse Nowish* (4.07)


It has this great build to an epic fight scene, and an apocalyptic climax. This hits it’s stride and never stops, from the vision to the end.


Fool For Love (5.07)

The Gift (5.22)


The Gift is a juggernaut, no doubt.


Home* (4.22)

Orpheus* (4.15)


Home is a juggernaut on the level of The Gift. So many things come to a head in this episode, so much resolution for different stories, so many themes come together. Angel save what’s left of his family. The toast. The speech. I’ve said it all before, but I really believe that this episode is good enough that it could win the whole thing.


I Will Remember You* (1.08)

Passion (2.17)


Angellus is so awesome. BADASS GILES~! Jenny’s death.


The Wish (3.09)

Salvage* (4.13)


Salvage is so many shades of awesome. I didn’t favor it last round because it went up against one of my all-time favorites, Reprise. But the Faith stuff and Wes/Lilah is so good. The only real downfall is the death of the Beast, but you knew Angellus has no master.


This Years Girl, Part 1 (4.15)

Smile Time* (5.14)


Smile Time has a ton of things going on, and manages to be absolutely hilarious.

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Graduation Day, Part 2 (3.22)


Spin the Bottle* (4.06)


Hush (4.10)


Lullaby* (3.09)


Not Fade Away* (5.22)


Shells* (5.16)


Becoming, Part 2 (2.22)


Origin* (5.18)


Bracket C:


Five by Five* (1.18)


Innocence, Part 2 (2.14)


A Hole in the World* (5.15)


The Gift (5.22)


Home* (4.22)


Passion (2.17)


Salvage* (4.13)


Smile Time* (5.14)

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Guest croweater

The love of Shells surprises me.

I just rewatched it and while it is a good episode, it's not THAT good. NO real climax in the episode, Wes now deciding to help the parasitic worm who killed the love of his life "because she looks like her" is one of the biggest cop outs ever. Maybe if he had have known that she still had little parts of Fred in her and for her to have brought these out over a couple of more episodes. It all just seemed too rushed.

Especially Illyria's sudden turn from Ultra awsome killing machine to Wes's little bitch. It's not like she's powerless or anything, she could still wipe out a fair wack of humanity. It's not like a millenia year old big bad to give up so quickly.

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Guest Brian


(stands beside Wes, looks out the window to the lab below where her sarcophagus lies)

We cling to what is gone. Is there anything in this life but grief?



(looks out at the lab)

There's love. There's hope...for some. There's hope that you'll find something worthy... that your life will lead you to some joy... that after everything... you can still be surprised.



Is that enough?

(looks at Wes)

Is that enough to live on?


Wes' life is so full of disappointment and such that it makes perfect sense. Here was he, a moment from finally getting a break and he loses it. So he'd always want to keep that moment by him. And it suits both of them, because they had both lost their place in the world and there was nothing there for them. Wes wasn't even really holding out hope, as that speech came off essentially hollow, as beautiful as it was. He knew that Fred was gone, even though he hoped not, and Illyria was the closest he could get to this moment of happiness in his otherwise dead life. See, the thing is it isn't just about Fred/Illyria as the shell, but really Wesley. What does he have left, that he's willing to take something in that closely resembles what he can never have? What does Illyria have left?


See, the thing about Illyria is she wanted it all. She wanted to rule, her armies to overstretch and run wild, and her at the helm. And she couldn't have that.


Wes had nothing, and he needed something.



It can't be.

(panting, crushed)

It's gone.

(falls to her knees, runs her hands through the sand)

My world is gone.



(walks up behind her; cocks his handgun as he points it at her head)

Now you know how I feel.


Now the others never saw it that way, but for Wes that was as close as he could get to something. They'd rather have Illyria out of the picture.

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Guest croweater

Yes, but there is no actual reason for Illyria to stay with Wes. She went from supreme ruler to Wes little monkey far too quickly. I just can't imagine her being too happy about being ruled by a human, because in reality she is under him. With her distaste for humanity it makes no sense for her to shack up with Wes, the most useless human of them all.

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Guest Brian

She never saw herself as that. She always saw herself as being above human, but she was herself not sure where she belonged in the world. She was trying to attach herself to her shell, especially to Wesley who was suffering from problems similar to her; lost. She was using Wesley to find her place. Wes not only wanted to stay near this remembrance of Fred, he also didn't want Illyria to unleash her powers again, and I think in small part because he still is a watcher in his nature.

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The love of Shells surprises me.

I just rewatched it and while it is a good episode, it's not THAT good. NO real climax in the episode, Wes now deciding to help the parasitic worm who killed the love of his life "because she looks like her" is one of the biggest cop outs ever. Maybe if he had have known that she still had little parts of Fred in her and for her to have brought these out over a couple of more episodes. It all just seemed too rushed.

Especially Illyria's sudden turn from Ultra awsome killing machine to Wes's little bitch. It's not like she's powerless or anything, she could still wipe out a fair wack of humanity. It's not like a millenia year old big bad to give up so quickly.



Nuff said.

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Think of why Anya decided to hang out in Sunnydale and would listen to Xander boss her around. The sex. Probably the same thing for Illyria and Wes.

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Guest Brian

They were both shells without purpose, so they both found comfort in each other.

illyria had no where else to go, Wes had nothing left.

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Guest Brian

And what makes Apocalypse Nowish truly great, I now realize, is that when everything seems like it should be clicking for Angel (they have business, Cordy has her memory back, Wes is back with the group) it all falls apart right in front of his face. Not only does he get beat up, but he loses the woman he loves. It's not just the great build to an amazing fight scene, it's the chaos amidst trhe moment of cdlarity Angel had been searching for.

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I just rewatched it and while it is a good episode, it's not THAT good. NO real climax in the episode, Wes now deciding to help the parasitic worm who killed the love of his life "because she looks like her" is one of the biggest cop outs ever.


No fucking Way. I love what Wes became after Fred died. He was pathetic, and him staying with Illyria showed that he'd rather have a lil piece of Fred, even if that piece killed her, than none at all. Watching Season 3 and 4 again really shows how much he wanted this girl and how much he went through until he finally "got" her. It's like working your whole life to become a major league pitcher, finding out that you're cut, but accepting the bat boy position so you could at least say you're a part of the team. It's sad and it's pathetic and it makes sense. Wes really died when Fred did, it just took awhile for him to physically catch up.


Especially Illyria's sudden turn from Ultra awsome killing machine to Wes's little bitch. It's not like she's powerless or anything, she could still wipe out a fair wack of humanity. It's not like a millenia year old big bad to give up so quickly.


That's the thing, she IS powerless. Maybe not in the one-on-one way, but in the "I could conquor this in a single thought" kinda way, yeah she is. Relatively speaking, it's like if a Human became quadriplegic - you're not "powerless" because you can still eat and speak and see and think, but you can't do 95% of the stuff you could before because you're bound in a chair.

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And what makes Apocalypse Nowish truly great, I now realize, is that when everything seems like it should be clicking for Angel (they have business, Cordy has her memory back, Wes is back with the group) it all falls apart right in front of his face. Not only does he get beat up, but he loses the woman he loves. It's not just the great build to an amazing fight scene, it's the chaos amidst trhe moment of cdlarity Angel had been searching for.

Not only that, but they give us the idea that THE BEAST is only here because of Connor. And since Angel made Connor, it would be his fault.


Where's the next round at?

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Loyalty* (3.15)

Graduation Day, Part 2 (3.22)


Sleep Tight* (3.16)

Spin the Bottle* (4.06)


Hush (4.10)

Earshot (3.18)


Lullaby* (3.09)

Becoming, Part 1 (2.21)


Bracket B:


Not Fade Away* (5.22)

There’s No Place Like Plrtz Glrb* (2.22)


Doppelgangland (3.16)

Shells* (5.16)


Forgiving* (3.17)

Becoming, Part 2 (2.22)


Amends (3.10)

Origin* (5.18)


Bracket C:


You’re Welcome* (5.12)

Five by Five* (1.18)


Innocence, Part 2 (2.14)

Awakening* (4.10)


A Hole in the World* (5.15)

Apocalypse Nowish* (4.07)


Fool For Love (5.07)

The Gift (5.22)


Bracket D:


Home* (4.22)

Orpheus* (4.15)


I Will Remember You* (1.08)

Passion (2.17)


The Wish (3.09)

Salvage* (4.13)


This Years Girl, Part 1 (4.15)

Smile Time* (5.14)

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