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Steve J. Rogers

Saw Todd Pettengill last week

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Todd Pettengill does MC work for the NYPD Emerald Society Pipes And Drums memorial concert held every September since 9/11


Well I was there last weekend and somehow resisted the urge to shout "HEY TOAD PEDOPHILLE" or any other creative name recappers have called him over the years


Sadly I'm sure I would have been the only one who knew of his WWF days!


He did some rather poor MC humor about getting a parking ticket despite being surrounding by cops. Also Ronan Tynan (The Irish Tenor) was delayed so he had to do some more "comic stylings)




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He did some rather poor MC humor about getting a parking ticket despite being surrounding by cops. Also Ronan Tynan (The Irish Tenor) was delayed so he had to do some more "comic stylings)

This redefines the term "torture". Glad to see he isn't dead at least, since he always seemed to be high on something.

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