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Guest Shoes Head

Vince Russo Responds to Jerry Jarrett's Book

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Russo was employed (briefly) with WWF when TNA started, and wasn't around until week 5...at the earliest. The Johnsons was 100% not him. the Dupp Cup...maybe, the Midget beating off, definitety.

Russo might have been with the WWE for about a day or so, but he was still supplying the Jarrett's with ideas from the beginning, and he was absolutely behind The Johnson's gimmick, and the midget ibeating off in a trashcan. Yeah, Russo said otherwise, but can you A) Believe him when he lies almost non-stop, and B ) Imagine someone as old-fashioned as Jerry Jarrett coming up with something like that.

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i dont think memphis style booking would work as whell nowadays. mainly because back in the day there was a strong focuse on the difference bettween a face and a heel. wheras nowadays its more about winners and losers and after the face fails to win the title over and over again the fans would probably turn on them.

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i dont think memphis style booking would work as whell nowadays. mainly because back in the day there was a strong focuse on the difference bettween a face and a heel. wheras nowadays its more about winners and losers and after the face fails to win the title over and over again the fans would probably turn on them.

I am against having the faces be angels and the heels be cowards. I say let the wrestlers have interesting gimmicks and then let the fans decide who they want to cheer or boo. The most important thing to a wrestler is using him for his strengths, and the second most important thing is listening to how the fans respond to him and adapting to that response.


Examples: If the fans aren't buying Siaki as a face no matter what heel you put him against, then maybe he shouldn't be a face. If Raven gets cheers for being an evil sonuvabitch, let him keep doing it and he can fued with heels and faces alike(unlike what WWE did with John Cena).

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Russo might have been with the WWE for about a day or so, but he was still supplying the Jarrett's with ideas from the beginning, and he was absolutely behind The Johnson's gimmick, and the midget ibeating off in a trashcan.

Evidence? The only thing I've ever heard with any sort of actual credit to it was Russo's interview, and I've never heard of Russo being a liar as to what was and wasn't his idea (remember, he took full credit for Arquette's WCW World title reign, and will justify any angle he's done in the WWF).

Yeah, Russo said otherwise, but can you A) Believe him when he lies almost non-stop, and B ) Imagine someone as old-fashioned as Jerry Jarrett coming up with something like that.

Jerry Jarrett is a Memphis booker, no? Memphis booking has had off-the-wall ideas before, and Jerry Jarrett COULD have been trying to get TNA across as "edgy" and "hip" to younger fans (many of who WWE lost in mid-to-late 2001) by doing these angles. I wouldn't put it beyond him, especially considering some of the decisions he's given the "OK" to (Bruce as Miss TNA, anyone).

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Guest Marty2Hotty

Jerry and Jeff said that Bruce and The Dupp Cup were Jerry jarrett's idea. While it was their ideas, from my observation, Russo may have had a hand in helping write the angles at the time.

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Guest MikeSC
^Straight from the horse's ass. If there was ever anybody more familiar with Russo than Marty, they're relatives of the man.

No --- they'd BE Vince Russo.


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