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Guest Steve J. Rogers

Worst turns ever

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Guest Steve J. Rogers

1) Austin back to a face WHAT!?

All he does to flush 8 months of character development down the crapper is kick Angle's ass and rough up Vince?  Not to mention he really ought to have been the most hated man in the WWF locker room at that point.


2) The Rock kicked out of the Corporation

You know, The Rock never DID actually turn, he was just facing heels instead of faces


3) Hogan nostaglia runs, both in WCW and WWF

Why?  WHY!?  AND not to mention neither made any storyline sense.  I mean allready Hogan's first month back has been wiped off the memory banks


4) Heel announcers becoming tweeners (i.e. King and Tazz)

Since when do the color commentators start acting like they are friends with their PBP partners (did Gorilla and Jesse or Gorilla and Brain EVER act like they liked each other on the air?) or start praising faces (i.e. Lawler poping for THE MOST ELECRIFING MOVE IN SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT TODAY or the W-O-R-M)


5) Mankind as a loveable pyscho

Yeah it was this gimmick that got Mick over in the WWF but Mick was always better as the sick heel (see Jack, Catcus ECW) and it seemed the interview that turned him was more revolting than anything.



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Guest converge241

Sting turning heel on Hogan at Fall Brawl (and then being turned back the night after Havoc)


Flair turning on Sting with the little stingers against Arn/Pillman. Re-defining why Sting (the character) was so stupid.


One of Nash's last turns in WCW. "I keep turning so you fans can buy my merchandise..sometimes" (paraphrasing)


Austin after last Survivor Series. got killed by the tease turn during Invasion.


Beefcake becoming the Butcher. They ran the Hogan-buddy-turn into the ground in the WWF.


Stevie Ray turning on Booker. and then leading up to Ahmed as Big T....the rights to the letter T...GI Bro. The turn wasnt worse than some others, but the dominoes that fell in wave of it were awful.

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Guest razazteca

Rick Steiner in WCW went from the fun loving barking dog face gremlin to Heel of sheer bordom


Booker T went from 5 time WCW champ to become Rock's and Austin's whipping boy


DDP was a monster heel stalker to Mr Smiley Face

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Guest Singular

Goldburg's heel turn was pathetic.


Kurt Angle's face turn.  I realize the WWF needed a top face since Rock was out and Austin was heel, but Kurt?  This guy should never be a face.  He's just too good at being a heel.


Sting's turn wasn't ever really a turn was it?  I know I had no clue what happend.


Steve Austin's face turn.  No explanation at all.

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4) Heel announcers becoming tweeners (i.e. King and Tazz)

Since when do the color commentators start acting like they are friends with their PBP partners (did Gorilla and Jesse or Gorilla and Brain EVER act like they liked each other on the air?) or start praising faces (i.e. Lawler poping for THE MOST ELECRIFING MOVE IN SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT TODAY or the W-O-R-M)

I agree. I loved the chemistry between Heyman & Ross during the Invasion/Alliance storyline. Heyman made that team.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Jessie and Gorilla did like each other.  You're thinking of Jesse and Vince.

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Guest papacita

Austin's "What?!" face turn...seems like he's stuck in trying to re-live his old glory and still get the people to say What?!


Rikishi's face turn: I didn't see the Raw, but in one show they MURDERED that man's heat.


Pefect's heel turn in 96: Actually, it was a great swerve, but it went nowhere. It seemed to me like they were slowly building a Perfect/HBK World Title feud, then suddenly they did that dumb ass angle where Perfect had his license suspended, had him managing HHH for a few weeks then just leaving the fed a month later. If anybody knows the behind the scenes story on this, clue me in cuz that angle was just disappointing for what it could've been.


Any of Tazz' turns since his Thug Life turn in 2000.

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Guest Eric the Eagle

Steve Williams joining the York Foundation comes to mind...


Jesse would (very occasionally) praise the faces, and still stayed a heel. That was one of the best things about him. He'd been praising Macho Man for years as a heel, and still liked the guy after his turn.


Lawler really should have stayed a heel, though.

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Guest papacita
JR's semi-heel turn in early 1999. JR just can't do heel at all.

If they wanted to turn him heel, having him feud with Michael Cole isn't the way to do it.

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Guest bravesfan

I have to agree with the Rikishi heel turn. That was horrible...


The worse has to be the Sting heel turn, or the Mongo to 4 Horsemen heel turn...

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Guest Austin3164life

Steve Austin's nonsensical face turn after Survivor Series 2001.  I realize that with the advent of "what?!" starting to catch on (even though he was the top heel), the face turn was pretty rediculous.  It would've have been much more entertaining if he remained a #1 heel, and feuded with a face Booker T and face Chris Benoit (which was the plan)......

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Guest DerangedHermit

Rikishi's heel turn - "I did it for you!" Nuff said.

Any of the Big Slows' 34058432905830943 heel or face turns

JR in early 1999, also 1996-97

Undertaker heel turn a few months ago - "You think you're better than I am?"

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Hmmm...bad turns?


What about:


* Ahmed Johnson turns heel to go with the Nation?

* JR's heel turn in late 96?(Fake Razor/Fake Diesel garbage)

* Austin's post-Survivor Series 2001 face turn?

* Goldberg's horrible turn as a heel? (one of the worst ever)

* Vader turns face in WWF? (BAD move)

* Marc Mero turns into a wife-beater/asshole in 98?

* Godfather turns on the hoes and the fans? (recently)

* Matt Hardy's ill-fated attempt as a heel in late 2001?

* Rikishi revealed as an Austin conspirator?

* Mark Henry on Shamrock in 98? (Boourns)

* Bam Bam Bigelow's face turn in 95 (Diesel's sidekick, ouch)

* The Godwinns turn from hog-farmers to evil hog-farmers?

* Savio Vega turns on Razor in 96?

* Unexplained Bret Hart WCW turns? (Oh Bret...)



that's all I can think of for now..

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I don't know, I thought Matt Hardy as a heel could have worked. Just think--Matt gets mad at Lita, Jeff comforts her, Matt gets mad at Jeff, the Hardyz EXPLODE. Matt could quite possibly have made a good arrogant slimeball. The problem with that angle was that it was dropped like a scalded dog...

...And the Godfather turned heel? When did this happen? Should I actually be watching Heat? :0 But I guess with those "bankruptcy" hints the announcers kept dropping, it makes sense that it led up to something...

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JR in early 1999, also 1996-97

I wasn't able to watch too much at this time, and I've never heard of this until now.  Can you tell me about these 2 JR heel turns?

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Guest papacita
Hmmm...bad turns?


What about:


* Ahmed Johnson turns heel to go with the Nation?

* Vader turns face in WWF? (BAD move)

* Savio Vega turns on Razor in 96?

The Ahmed thing woulda worked if the man wasn't so damn injury prone. As for Vader...maybe I'm just saying this cuz I was there that night he turned, but it wasn't that bad. What he needed was a non-title win over somebody like Bret to get him established.


Also, when did Savio turn on Razor in 96???

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Well, in 96, JR had just been hired back for good in the WWF. When he first appeared on-air(I think, someone please correct me if I'm wrong), he promised some big surprise and at an IYH, he showed up, cut a bitter promo and introduced the fake Diesel and Razor Ramon.


And in 98/99, JR had just recovered from a bout with Bells Paulsy(sp?) and was bitter about Micheal Cole "stealing his job"(HA!). He brings in Dr. Death Steve Williams and pimps him as a "legitimate athlete" and has Williams constantly interfer in some matches, Steve is entered in the Brawl For All contest and gets knocked the fuck out by Bart Gunn and never comes back again. The entire JR heel turn is dropped and he makes a comeback at WM 15 and soon took up his old spot again.

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Guest papacita
JR in early 1999, also 1996-97

I wasn't able to watch too much at this time, and I've never heard of this until now.  Can you tell me about these 2 JR heel turns?

The first one was prior to IYH Mind Games in Sept 96, when JR promised that Razor and Diesel were coming back to the WWF. Of course, this caused a stir seeing as how Hall and Nash were not only apart of the WCW, but they played a major role in the red-hot nWo angle, which was the talk of the wrestling world in 96 (hell, even my friends who weren't wrestling fans loved the nWo). Anyway, at Mind Games, we see two guys that looked like Razor and Diesel attacking Savio backstage after his match with Bradshaw. The next night on Raw, Ross comes out, cuts this angry promo about how Vince stole all his ideas, flaunts his affairs in playboy, and buried his renegade Philadelphia-based promotion called EC...wait a minute, that's the wrong promo. **slaps self** Anyway. Ross bitches about Vince (face) firing him and causing him to have his original Bell Palsy lapse, then introduced Razor Ramon. But it wasn't Scott Hall...IT WAS A FAKE RAZOR!!!! A fake Diesel would follow a week later, and the two were pushed towards Owen and Bulldog's Tag Titles before the angle failed, and they were sent to the USWA to try and takeover before fake Diesel fell victim to a tragic "accident" in his family funeral parlor and was forced the wrestle under a mask. Meanwhile, JR's heel turn did more to turn people against Vince than against JR, as they actually supported his claim of being Best PBP man in the biz...


Which brings me to late-98. Ross' Mother died, and he had another lapse of Bell Palsey. Of course, they put Michael Cole in as his replacement. much to the delight of fans everywhere. Then, right around Wrestlemania XV, Ross started showing up again, this time blaming Bart Gunn for his lapse of Bell Palsey for knocking out "his boy" Dr. Death Steve Williams in the red-hot Brawl For All tournament in the Summer of 98. He then started this JR is Raw campaign, trying as hard as he could to get back to work, while using Dr. Death as his personal killing machine...or something like that. I really don't know, but I do know that the fans had sympathy for JR, and when Austin brought him out to call the ME for WMXV the angle pretty much died. And that was that.

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The worst turn for me was when the Disasters turned Face.  They refused to absolutely anilate anyone, but they were still good.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Well, I might as well chip in my thoughts on a few...


Sting's heel turn at Fall Brawl: I swear, NOBODY was booing him when he laid out the Orange Goblin and I was loving every single minute of it.


Lex Luger's heel turn after the Fingerpoke of Doom: They went through that entire farce just to get LUGER? BWHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!


Rick Steiner's heel turn: Yeah, a barely over sloppy moron turning heel REALLY makes me give a shit...


Kurt Angle's heel turn to the Alliance and face turn a month later: They never should have bothered turning him face in the first place, but the WWF was backed against the wall since Undertaker and Kane weren't credible enough for the main event and Jericho was being depushed as fast as humanly possible.


Edge's face turn after winning the KOTR: Man... Billy Gunn sure did help that one out, didn't he?


Billy Gunn's 99 heel turn: Speaking of which, how about his KOTR run? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!!!


X-Punk's face turn as a result of the Alliance angle: Man, they try to market him as a face and people STILL want him to die... just amazing I tell ya.

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Guest papacita

Oh, and I forgot Sting joining the Wolfpac. Sting was always one of my favs, but he doesn't work as a follower.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Thanks for clearing up the JR heel turn stuff, Papacita. I was doing it all from a VERY hazy memory, heh. Me need to do homework next time. :)

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Christian's turn on Edge this past summer was pretty bad in the long run. It's a shame because the turn had such good buildup to it.

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